CHAP 5. Finite Element Analysis Using I-DEAS

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Finite Element Analysis Using I-DEAS

Finite element analysis is a process which can predict deflection and stress on a structure Finite element modeling divides the structure into a grid of elements Each of the elements is a simple shape (line, triangle, or square) and is connected by nodes The unknowns for each element are the displacements at the node points The finite element program assembles the stiffness matrices for elements together to form the global stiffness matrix for the entire model The global matrix equation is solved for the unknown displacements, given the known forces and boundary conditions From the displacements at the nodes, the stress in each element can then be calculated

5.1. Finite Element Analysis Procedure

1. Preliminary analysis 2. Preparation of the finite element model (Pre-processing) a. b. c. d. Model the problem into finite elements Prescribe the geometric and material information of the system Prescribe how the system is supported (Boundary conditions) Prescribe how the loads are applied to the system



Finite Element Analysis and Design

3. Perform calculations (Simulation) a. Generate a stiffness matrix of each element b. Assemble the individual stiffness matrices to obtain the global stiffness matrix c. Solve the global equations and compute displacements, strains, and stresses 4. Post-processing the results a. Viewing the stress contours and the deformed shape b. Checking any discrepancy between the preliminary analysis results and the FEA results

5.2. Preliminary Analysis

Before launching analysis program, use your engineering knowledge to analyze the problem. Estimate the level of displacements and stresses using an elementary theory of mechanics Expect the location of maximum displacement and maximum stress Make a plan how are you going to prove the finite element analysis results (analytical solution, convergence study, etc).

5.3. Pre-processing
Element Types
Selection of element type is one of the most important steps. The same part can be modeled using different types of elements. For example, the rectangular structure in Figure 5.1 can be modeled using beam, plane stress, shell, or solid elements. Beam element: Good for predicting the overall deflection and bending moments. Limited to predict the local stress concentrations at the point of applied load or at junction Shell element: Good for thin wall where bending and in-plane forces are important. Limited to predict stress changes through the thickness due to local loading effects Solid element: Need more elements to get the same accuracy for bending applications where a thin shell could have been used.

Chap. 5 I-DEAS Finite Element Analysis Code


Figure 5.1 Finite Element types Element order (linear, parabolic, or cubic): The order of the equations used to interpolate the strain between nodes. Linear element has two nodes along each edge, parabolic has three, etc. Element topology: triangular or quadrilateral Elements contain different number of degrees-of-freedom at each node.

Part Geometry for Finite Element Modeling

Finite element models can be automatically created on parts from the Modeler task. Nodes and elements can be automatically created on the edges, surfaces, or volumes of parts in the Meshing task. Beam elements can be generated on edges, thin-shelled elements on surfaces, or solid elements on volumes. The first step is to define the mesh parameters that define the size and type of elements and other attributes. Global element size, local element size, curvature based element size, element bias. The second step is to generate the mesh on this geometry. Part model abstraction: The finite element model is not a replication of the solid model, but a mathematical representation of the solid model. Suppress or delete design details that you are not concerned with in finite element model.


Finite Element Analysis and Design

Figure 5.2 Part model abstraction

Manual creation of nodes and elements can be done for a simple geometry. Avoid distorted elements and quick transitions from small elements to large elements next to each other. Large aspect ratio elements should be avoided. They are worse when the angles are other than ninety degrees. Use smaller element where higher stress gradients are expected Dont be fooled into thinking that mapped mesh is better than free mesh because the grid looks more regular. The distortion is often actually higher.

Figure 5.3 Mapped and free meshes Dont make the model more detailed than necessary. It would be better to gain insight from several simple models than to spend all your time making one complex model.

Chap. 5 I-DEAS Finite Element Analysis Code


Boundary Condition
The Boundary Conditions task is used to build analysis cases containing loads and restraint boundary conditions to apply to the model. Boundary conditions can be applied to the part geometry before meshing or to the resulting nodes and elements. Structural loads can be nodal forces (forces directly at a node) or pressures on the face or edge of an element (which are converted to nodal forces internally). Restraints are used to restrain the model to the ground. The values given for restraints apply to the displacement coordinate system for the nodes, not the global coordinate system. A model should normally be held in space by restraints so that it is not free to move in any direction even if there are no applied forces in that direction, or the problem may not solve. Forces and restraints are graphically illustrated using arrows on the model.



Force and moment



Disp and rotation

Force applied to part

Figure 5.4 Force symbol in I-DEAS Constraints are different from restraints and are used to constrain nodes to other nodes, not to ground. Special case of symmetric boundary condition, or special relationships between nodes Boundary condition errors will not converge out no matter how much you refine the model. Use engineering knowledge to decide appropriate boundary conditions. Any unexplained high stress may be due to a wrong boundary condition.


Finite Element Analysis and Design

5.4. Simulation (Model Solution)

Finite element model is solved in this task. Solution types are static, buckling, heat transfer, potential flow, dynamics, and nonlinear analysis. Model solution can run either interactively or in batch mode. You cant access the model file until the solver is complete.

Create a Solution Set which describe solution type, output, etc

Set some solution options and launch analysis After the solution is complete, review the error and warnings The global stiffness matrix is stored in the Hyper-matrix file, which is automatically deleted after the solution. If restart is planned, then this matrix can be kept. If there is not enough space on the disk for the Hyper-matrix file, the solution will abort. Common solution problems: not properly constrained model, coincident nodes causing cracks in the model, invalid physical or material properties, not enough disk space.

5.5. Post-processing
Provides tools to display and interpret the results after the solution is finished Results can also be brought in from external finite element analysis program Most important task of post-processing is to interpret results. Does the analysis result confirm the preliminary study result?

Select result type to display.

Display template controls the display format and display type. Deformed plot, contour plot, element criterion plot, and arrow plot

Chap. 5 I-DEAS Finite Element Analysis Code


Calculation domain. Default is whole set of elements. Display results Visualizer: More advanced post-processing task which takes advantage of hardware graphics to display output results Element criterion plot can be used to identify elements with stress over the yield stress Arrow plots display magnitude and direction as arrow on nodes. Stress flow Deformed geometry can be displayed with or without element borders. Calculation domain: controls averaging across elements and which elements to use for calculation. Contour-plotting algorithms perform averaging on calculated values to produce a contour plot. Thus, be careful about reading exact answers off a contour plot. For exact numbers, make a report of raw element values.

5.6. Stress Concentration around a Hole

Figure 5.5 shows a plate with a hole under the uni-axial tension load. Because of a hole, a stress concentration occurs near the circle. The objective is to calculate the stress concentration factor using the finite element analysis.
h=.25 in

300 lb 2.0 in

300 lb

.75 in

Figure 5.5 Plate model with a hole


Finite Element Analysis and Design

Preliminary Analysis
The first step of analysis is to estimate the stress concentration factor using the analytical method. Far from the applied load area, stress is evenly distributed throughout the cross-section, which is called the nominal stress. From the definition of stress, this nominal stress can be calculated by ignoring the hole, as

nominal =

300 P = = 960 psi A (2 0.75) .25

- Geometric factor = .75/2 = 0.375 - Stress concentration factor K is obtained from the graph, K = 2.27

MAX = K nominal = 2.27 960 = 2,180 psi

Start I-DEAS: Modeler task, filename PlaneStress, unit inch (pound f) Create a coordinate system named PlaneStress.

Change the workplane size to (-1, -1) to (5, 5), change the view to isometric view, select sketch in place.

Draw a rectangle (0, 0) (4, 2) and create a circle at center (2, 1) with radius = .75/2. Use option to specify coordinates. Add location dimensions to link the center of the circle to the rectangle.

Chap. 5 I-DEAS Finite Element Analysis Code


Figure 5.6 I-DEAS part model Extrude both the rectangle and circle in negative Z-direction by 0.25 in.

Apply boundary conditions to the solid model: go to boundary condition task. Create FE model. FE model name PlaneStress. Select Geometry Based Analysis Only (This option is useful when you have to change FE model several times.)

Create displacement boundary condition on the left edge. Create in-plane force -300 lb on the right edge. Use total force option. Choose Boundary Condition Set and activate the restraint set and load set 1.


Finite Element Analysis and Design

Figure 5.7 Applied boundary conditions on the part Go to Meshing task. Choose Define Shell Mesh in select front surface of the part. In the window, choose Plane Stress element family and element length = 0.2.

Choose Create Shell Mesh and select the front surface of the part.

Figure 5.8 Finite element model Define the thickness of elements. Modify the thickness to 0.25 in.

Model Solution (Go to Model solution, Create, Solve).

Chap. 5 I-DEAS Finite Element Analysis Code


Go to Post-Processing task. Choose maximum principal stress results. Maximum stress is 1,810 psi at the top and bottom of the circle. Remember preliminary study estimates 2,180 psi.

Figure 5.9 Finite element analysis result (maximum principal stress)

Refine Model 1
Delete the solution set (Model Solution task) and mesh (Meshing task)

Choose Define Shell Mesh in select front surface of the part. In the free options, choose percent deviation = 3. Create new mesh


Finite Element Analysis and Design

Figure 5.10 Finite Refined finite element model Solve the problem again with new mesh. Display the maximum stress contour plot. Maximum stress level is 2,080 psi, which is closer to the preliminary study.

Figure 5.11 Finite element analysis result (refined model 1)

Refine Model 2
Delete the solution set (Model Solution task) and mesh (Meshing task)

Chap. 5 I-DEAS Finite Element Analysis Code


Choose Define Free Local icon. Select the circle and provide number of elements = 40.

Create mesh and solve the problem. Display the maximum principal stress contour plot. The maximum principal stress now become 2,170 psi, which is very close to the preliminary study

Figure 5.12 Finite element model (refine model 2)

Figure 5.13 Finite element analysis result (refine model 2)


Finite Element Analysis and Design

5.7. Project #2
Figure 5.14 shows a rough design of a bracket that carries a load at the circular hole whose diameter is 40 mm and is attached to the wall at the other end. Optimize its design to minimize weight subject to constraints that it should not deform plastically. The final design must fit within the 400200 mm2 box shown in Figure 5.14. The part is cast and then machined. Therefore, it is preferred that it is not less than 10 mm wide anywhere. The bracket is made of Aluminum 6061, which has Youngs modulus E = 69 GPa, Poissons ratio = 0.3 and yield strength Y = 378 MPa. Assume that the bracket has a uniform thickness of 10 mm. Use the safety factor of 2. The bracket has to support a resultant maximum load F = 15,000 N. Write a project report describing the objective, preliminary analysis, finite element analysis results and conclusion of your project. Carry out the analysis using both triangular and quadrilateral elements and turn in plots (mesh showing boundary conditions, deformed shape, stress plots) to justify the validity of your design.

350 mm

200 mm

400 mm

Figure 5.14 Design domain and boundary condition for the bracket

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