Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam - Teaching Posts

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(Womens University) TIRUPATI 517 502, A.P.

PROSPECTUS AND INSTRUCTIOINS TO THE CANDIDATES APPLYING FOR THE TEACHING POST WITH REFERENCE TO THE ADVERTISEMENT NO:Estt/A1/2013 DATED:09-04-2013 Applications are invited from the Women Candidates in the prescribed form for the following Teaching Vacancies of Associate professor in the pay band of Rs. 37400-67000+AGP 8000 in the University on or before 27-04-2013 (5 P.M) Associate Professor S.No. Subject 1 2 3 Special Education (Hearing Impairment) Music & Fine Arts Computer Science Category ST SC ST ST Schedule Tribe No. of Posts 1 1 1

SC Schedule Caste

The minimum qualifications required for appointment in the University as laid down by the UGC ( approved
by the Government in G.O.Ms.No.14 Higher Education (UE.II) Dept. dated 20-2-2010 and contained in the UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2010 vide letter No. F. 3-1/2009 dated 30.06.2010) for the posts of Associate Professors are given below. The candidates shall satisfy these

requirements, in addition to the other requirements and desirable qualifications mentioned below, for consideration of their applications. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR

i. Good academic record with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned/allied/relevant disciplines. ii. A Masters Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed).
iii. A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College

or Accredited Research Institution/industry excluding the period of Ph.D. research with evidence of published work and a minimum of 5 publications as books and/or research/policy papers. iv. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology mediated teaching learning process with evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and research students. v. A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), set out in UGC Regulation.
In addition to the above General Qualifications, the following are the specializations, qualifications, and specific requirements for the posts.


Associate Professor Essential Qualifications: 1. Masters Degree in any discipline with not less than 50% of Marks. 2. M.Ed., Degree in specific disability (Hearing Impairment) area with not less than 55% of marks or an equivalent grade of B in 7-point scale (OR) an equivalent degree from a foreign university recognized by RCI 3. Ph.D. in Education with Research Emphasis on Special Education. 4. Should have completed at least 8 years of experience as Lecturer in specific disability area. Desirable Additional Qualifications: 1. Publications pertaining to special Education in Indexed Journals and Research Experience


Associate Professor Specialization : Dance - Bharathanatyam 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Good Academic Record with Doctoral Degree, with performing ability of high Professional standards. Eight years of experience of Teaching at the University, College level and / or Research in University / National Level Institutions excluding the period spend for obtaining the Research Degree. Has made significant contributions to the knowledge in the subject concerned as evidenced by quality of publications. Contribution to educational innovation such as designing of new courses, curricula and / or outstanding performing achievement in the field of specialization (OR) A traditional and a professional artist with highly commendable professional achievement in the concerned subject, who should be or have : a) A Grade Artist of AIR/ TV b) 8 years of outstanding performing achievements in the field of specialization. c) Experience in designing of new courses and / or curricula ; d) Participation in Seminars / Conferences in reputed institutions ; and e) Ability to explain the logical reasoning of the subject concerned and adequate knowledge to teach Theory with illustration in that discipline.

COMPUTER SCIENCE Associate Professor Ph.D Degree in the subject concerned with First / High Second Class Masters Degree level in Computer Science / Computer Application / Computer Technology / Computer Engineering / Information Technology

NOTE: A A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the graduate and master's level for the SC / ST categories for the purpose of eligibility and for assessing good academic record

for direct recruitment to teaching positions. B An equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with letter grade O, A, B, C, D, E & F in the relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a foreign University, shall be regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed.

Instructions to Candidates
1. Only women Candidates are eligible to apply for the advertised Associate and Assistant Professor Posts. 2. UGC Scales of Pay 2006 Associate Professor: Rs. 37400 67000 + AGP 8000 3. A copy of the Advertisement is displayed on the website 4. Separate application shall be submitted for each post along with registration fee prescribed as per the Application/ Prospectus. Registration fees once paid will not be refunded. 5. If the space provided in any column of the application is not sufficient to furnish full details relating to that column, a separate sheet may be attached mentioning the head of the column at the top of sheet. 6. Attested True Copies of all the testimonials, details of educational qualifications, Date of Birth Certificate, Caste Certificate, Experience Certificate, etc., shall be enclosed to the application. All the Original certificates shall be compulsorily produced at the time of the interview for verification and also at the time of joining, if selected.

7. Money Orders/Postal Orders are not acceptable. 8. Candidates belonging to SC / ST categories shall enclose attested true copies of Integrated / Permanent Caste Certificate issued by the M.R.O. / Tahsildar in the prescribed proforma. 9. Applicants who are employed shall send their applications through the proper channel accompanied by a letter of consent obtained from the employer concerned. i ii Teachers in the employment of the Universities, etc., shall apply through the proper channel. If the applicant is selected for the post, she will be appointed to the post on the minimum pay of the time scale attached to the post and no protection of last pay drawn in the previous employment will be given unless the Selection Committee which selects her specifically recommends such protection and the appointing authority accepts it.

10. Canvassing in any form will be construed as a disqualification. 11. Applications received after the due date or incomplete or not conforming to the prescribed format in any respect will not be considered and no communication will be entertained in this regard. Any postal delay will not be considered. The candidates shall attend the interview at the venue and time & date fixed as specified at her own expense.


13. A candidate who is found to have furnished false particulars or to have suppressed material information or to have been found involved in unlawful activities shall be disqualified, and if appointed, will be liable to be dismissed without any notice. 14. If any candidate was found convicted by a Court of Law involving illegal activities at a later date and such appointment shall be cancelled automatically without any notice.


The Selected candidates will be governed by Contributory Pension Scheme as per G.O.Ms. No.653, 654 & 655, Finance (Pen) Dept., dated 22-09-2004. However Revised Pension Rules for the University Teachers, 1992 as per G.O.Ms.No.276, Education (UE.I) Department dated 2-12-1993 and G.O.Ms.No.227, Education (UE.I) Department dated 212-1993 shall be made applicable for those who are in service and governed by Revised Pension Rules for the University Teachers, 1992 with amendments made thereof. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all of the posts advertised. Filled in applications in all respects should be sent to the REGISTRAR, SRI PADMAVATI MAHILA VISVAVIDYALAYAM, TIRUPATI 517 502 (A.P.), INDIA , by Registered Post / Speed Post with Acknowledgement due so as to reach this office on or before 27-04-2013 super scribed on the cover as Application for the Post of _____________________. The Prospectus and Instructions to the candidates is also available on the website REGISTRAR

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