BHU Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 1
BHU Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 1
BHU Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 1
Advertisement No. IIT(BHU)/FA/Rolling Advt/2024
To apply: click here
IIT (BHU), Varanasi invites online applications from well qualified and meritorious Indian Nationals and
Oversees Citizens of India (OCIs) for faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor in the various
Science and Engineering Departments and interdisciplinary Schools. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) and
Foreign Nationals can also apply for faculty positions for contractual appointments up to five years,
which can be renewed further.
Departments: Architecture, Planning & Design#, Ceramic Engineering, Chemical Engineering &
Technology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering and
Mathematical Sciences, Biochemical Engineering and Chemistry.
Preferred areas of specialization for the post of Assistant Professor in the above-mentioned
Departments/Schools are attached as Annexure-A.
This is a ROLLING ADVERTISEMENT. There is no last date and application can be submitted
throughout the year. However, the processing of applications will be done by the
Departments/Schools as per the cut off date fixed the Institute.
Pay Structure:
Assistant Professor Grade-I: Academic Pay Level-12 (Rs.101500-167400). For direct recruits minimum
pay in Academic Pay Level-12 is to be fixed at Cell No.1 Rs.101500/-. On completion of 3 years service
as Assistant Professor Grade-I, the incumbent shall move to Academic Pay Level 13A1 (Rs.131400-
204700) as per the Institute norms.
Assistant Professor Grade-II: Academic Pay Level-10 (Rs.57700-98200). The minimum starting pay is
to be fixed in Academic Pay Level-10 at Cell No.8 Rs. 70900/-. On completion of one year experience
from the date of award of PhD (excluding the experience gained while pursuing PhD), the incumbent
shall move to Academic Pay Level-11 and after three years to Academic Pay Level-12 as Assistant
Professor Grade-I as per the Institute norms.
The salary carries all other allowances as admissible to a Central Government employee stationed at
Varanasi. The fringe benefits, such as HRA, LTC, medical re-imbursement, education allowance for
children, contribution towards New Pension Scheme (NPS), reimbursement of telephone bills, book
grants, research initiation grant (up to Rs. 10 lakhs), financial support towards national and
international conferences etc. shall be permitted as per the Institute norms. Relocation charges
towards transportation of personal effects are also provided as per the Institute norms.
Application Procedure: Candidates willing to apply for the post of Assistant Professor may fill up
only online form available at the link ( and upload the
necessary enclosures. They need not send any hard copy of the application form. The Institute will
contact them after fixing a cut off date, as per its selection criteria. Any other mode of submission of
application will not be entertained or accepted.
(i) Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for interview.
(ii) Interviews will be scheduled based on the need of the Departments/Schools/Institute.
(iii) Applicants for the post of Assistant Professor, who do not fulfill the minimum experience
requirements, may be offered an appointment on contract.
(iv) The requirements of minimum qualification and/or experience may be relaxed in the case
of candidates with outstanding credentials.
(v) Reservation as per GoI norms.
(vi) The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the post(s) advertised without
assigning any reason.
(vii) Applicants not found suitable for higher positions may be considered for lower positions
in the same area.
(viii) All correspondence should be addressed to the Office of the Faculty Affairs, Indian
Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi-221005, India. Email: For any clarification, candidates may contact the
Office of the Faculty Affairs on the above address.
(ix) Contact details of Heads/Coordinators of the Departments/Schools are available at the
Institute website The candidates may also approach them for
any specific clarification.
1. Candidates applying for a position in more than one Department/School are required to fill
separate application forms through online mode.
2. All enclosures and the application form must bear full name and signature of the candidate
on each page at the bottom.
3. The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the online
application form. If it is found at a later stage that any information given in the online
application is incorrect/false the candidature/appointment is liable to be
4. Depending upon the exceptional qualification and experience, higher initial pay may be
offered to deserving candidates as decided by the Selection Committee.
5. Candidates called for presentation as well as the interview will be paid second AC railway fare
from the nearest Railway station of the place of duty or residence to Varanasi for an overnight
journey. Economic Airfare by Air India only will be paid for a long distance journey within
India from the local airport of place duty/residence. In addition, candidates will be paid Taxi
fare from residence/place of duty to local Railway Station/Airport and back as well as Varanasi
Railway Station/Airport to the Institute & Back. Free boarding & lodging at the Institute Guest
House would also be provided.
6. Applicants, who are employed in Government, Semi-Government Organizations or
Institutions, should send their application THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL else they will be
required to produce a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from their employer at the time of
7. The Institute reserve the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to a
reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum
prescribed in the advertisement and other academic achievements.
8. No information will be sent to those candidates who are not short-listed for interview. No
correspondence, whatsoever, will be entertained from the candidates regarding conduct and
result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview or selection.
9. For availing reservation, the candidates must enclose desired certificates in the prescribed
format with the application form.
10. Foreign Nationals who are Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), if selected, permission will be sought
from Govt. of India before he/she can join the Institute. Other Foreign Nationals, if selected,
appointment will be on a contract basis for up to five years subject to permission from Govt.
of India before he/she can join the Institute.
11. Political and security clearance from Ministries of External Affairs and Home Affairs is
necessary in every case for individuals with foreign passports.
Area of Specialization for the post of Assistant Professor
Annexure- A