Mar 22
Mar 22
Mar 22
Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Sr. Sheila Whelan GSIC Deacon Don Smith
331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396
Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6
Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663
E mail: Web Site:
“St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.”
MARCH 22ND, 2009
CONFIRMATION: We are beginning our preparations for the celebration of the sacrament of confirma-
tion. Parents and candidates should now be registered for our annual time of catachesis. I express gratitude
to our parish catechists
catechists and to the parents who have committed themselves to this invitation from God to
open themselves to the graces of His spirit.
spirit. Let us keep all these parishioners in prayer. A reminder to all
involved that we are meeting in the Parish Hall next Sunday, April 5th at 9:00 a.m.
R.C.I.A & ADULT LEARNING OPPORTUNITY: These weekly sessions on the sacra-
ments – their origins in scripture, our history in developing our faith through them and a
better understanding of how we celebrate them today, continues this Monday at which time
we will continue exploring the Sacraments of Commitment, with a look at Holy
Orders. Everyone is most welcome to join us in the church at 7:30 p.m.
S T. F R A N C I S X AV I E R PA R I S H L O T T E RY 2 0 0 9
It’s that time of year again! Next week sees the launch of the 2009 St. Francis Xavier
Lottery. The 2008 Lottery was once again a success, and netted $8,173.94 for the
Parish. We thank every one who helped in any way, those who sold tickets, those
who bought tickets, and those who are always ready and willing to respond to our
requests for assistance. Your past participation and support is greatly appreciated.
We’d also like to welcome Richard Laxton to the Lottery Committee. His assistance will
definitely be an asset. ~ Ken Harris 432-3961 Diane Dillon 432-3443 ~
SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE SOUP KITCHEN: Want to get out of the kitchen, have
a great meal, do a little socializing and support a worthy cause all at the same time?
Then come to our Soup Kitchen meal after either Mass next weekend. You can sample a vari-
ety of delicious soups, breads and squares, including Fr. Proulx’s always interesting contribu-
tion. This year all free will donations go to Share Lent. If you want to attend and missed the sign
up sheets after Mass you can still register by calling the office 432-5825 or Jane Donnelly at 432-
2241, by Thursday, March 26th. All visitors are welcome and all contributions gratefully accepted.
“REFLECTIONS FOR LENT“: Monday, April 6th and Tuesday, April 7th at 9 p.m. and repeated
at 11 p.m. on VISIONTV “Reflections for Lent” Parts 1 & 2; the National Catholic Mission for 2009.
The host of “Reflections for Lent” is the Most Reverend Paul-André Durocher, the much loved
Bishop who launched the first National Catholic Mission in the year 2000.