May 20

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Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Fr. Ryan Holly, Associate Pastor Deacon Don Smith 331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396 Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6 Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663
Web Site: E mail:

St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.




M AY 2 0 , 2 0 1 2
PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED : We pray for our loved ones who have died especially Catherine Visinski and Rena Thomas. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN: Let us raise up in prayer those who seek Gods healing love, those at the hospital, hospice and at home especially Fr. Ken OBrien, Garry Latendresse, Ed Boose, John Albert and Joan Prince. May your struggle be consoled by Christs love.

THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: We are about to begin our preparation program with families who choose to celebrate Confirmation. Registration packages are available through the Parish office and through the classes at St. Thomas the Apostle School and St. Josephs High School. You must register now as we are beginning our Alive in the Spirit program on Sunday, June 17 th. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH SUPPERSUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2012

Our parish is so fortunate to have such wonderful people who help out with their time and baking talents so that we may continue to make our parish supper a great community event. If you have never donated food or volunteered to work before we would love to have you on board!! And, of course, we welcome back all those who have assisted on a regular basis. We sincerely thank Linda Cybulski for taking on leadership of the worker area of the planning. Please feel free to contact Linda (613-432-7018; with regards to working at the supper. REMINDER: Food donation sheets are to be returned to the office ASAP and volunteer sheets are to be returned to the Parish by this weekend or ASAP . The more sheets the convenors receive, the less phone calls they will have to make! If you did not get these sheets there are extras at the church entrances.
S T. F R A N C I S X AV I E R PA R I S H L O T T E RY 2 0 1 2 SFX Parish Lottery Update: Approximately 883 of the 1780 books of tickets distributed have been sold and the monies returned. If you still have tickets please return, sold or unsold, by putting in the collection baskets or to the Parish office by May 31 st. If you have any questions or require information please call...... ~ Ken Harris 432-3961 or Diane Dillon 432-3443 ~
CALLED TO BE A PRIEST LIKE CHRIST: Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 5 p.m., Bishop Mulhall will meet with young adults and men who are open to hearing about the possibility of a call to the priesthood. The gathering will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, the Bishop will speak to them before having supper together. If you are interested please call the parish office 613-432-5825. COUMBUS HOUSE YOUNG PARENT PROGRAM BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER:
There are still some baby bottles at the church entrances. We encourage you to take a bottle and please fill this with any spare change you may have. The money collected in these bottles will be used to support many programs offered through Young Parent Support Program offered throughout Renfrew County supporting young families ages 15 - 24 and their children 0 - 6 years. The bottles are to be returned on Father`s Day, June17. Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated.

MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 21 22 9:30 a.m. 23 4:15 p.m. 24 10:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. May 25 8:00 a.m. May 26 5:00 p.m. May 27 10:30 a.m. May May May May NO PARISH LITURGY Deceased Relatives of Marilyn Gillespie - S.F.X. Choir Marcel Gaudreau - Gene & Teresa Cadotte BONNECHERE MANOR: Theresa Lynch - Rita Lafrance Patricia Preen - Bob Kusluski & Tim Brazeau Gail Wasyliw - Husband, Nick & Sons, Robert & Christian Deceased Members of the Chapeski Family - Dorothy Roach Bella Sotnyk & Annie Recoskie - Mary Visutskie & Family Intentions of the Parishioners - Father Holly


Penetecost Sunday

May 27, 2012

THIS WEEK AT S.F.X.: *Mon. Bereavement Grp. (Sm. Hall)

7:30 p.m.

SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD C. Walters; S. McCanna MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY D. & C. Sulpher; T. Lemenchick; J. Skebo MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST J. & R. Brydges; D. Mooney; D. Mantil SERVERS K. & C. & D. Dowdall CANTOR - C. Slight SUNDAY MORNING MASS - 10:30 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD J. Rowat; R.Russell MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY L. & S. Hall; D. & S. Letts EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS D. Lennox; M.L. Rowat; D. Yantha; D. Yemen; M. Charbonneau SERVERS N. Wright; S. Brown; S. Lafont; N. Lesk CANTOR - J. Slight

The St. Francis Xavier CWL News:

C.W.L. DINNER: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at Four Continents Restaurant (Best Western Hotel). Buffet Dinner: $25 (includes taxes & gratuity). Reservations: Call Joan 432-9161 before June 8.
SUNDAY OFFERING: May 13th: $4,048.00

The schedule will cover the period of June 3 to Sept. 30. If you will be away at any time during that period please contact Martha Sco at the parish oce 613-432-5825 x2 or A.S.A.P. With summer holidays we may be short people in the various ministries. We ask members of the ministries to please come forward if you notice there are not the number of people required for the necessary roles.
BONNECHERE MANOR ARTISTS GROUP: Meet the artists Thursday, May 31st from 6 - 9 p.m. in the Bonnechere Manor Rotary Hall. Reception Gala Exhibition & Silent Auction of select local artists. Light refreshments. All proceeds to the Art Group and the Bonnechere Manor Foundation.

RENFREW & AREA SENIORS HOME SUPPORT: currently needs Friendly Visitors who visit one on one with clients to help reduce the BBQ CHICKEN SUPPER: OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP PARISH, BRAESIDE effects of isolation and loneliness. Volunteers S U NDAY, MAY 2 7 t h fr o m 2 : 0 06 : 0 0 p.m .; and clients are paired based on similar interests ADULTS: $13 CHILDREN (12 & under): $5 to facilitate the match. Please contact the office CHI L DR E N ( u n de r 5 ): F r ee for more info 613-432-7691.

NEW DIOCESAN PERU WORK EXPERIENCE: Grade 11 to 30 years of age; Feb. 4 - 15, 2013. Deadline to register: September 30, 2012. Cost: $2,000. Contact Yvette Bourque at or (613) 732-7933 x208.

FATHER PAT BLAKES 50 ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION Saturday, May 26, 2012. Mass: 11:00 a.m. at Most Precious Blood Church, Calabogie concelebrated by His Excellency Bishop Michael Mulhall. Reception: 122 p.m. at St. Josephs School Hall, Calabogie. All welcome.

S. F. X. PARISH BURSARY: The annual recipient of a bursary presented to a

high school student who is going on to further the Pastoral Council at their June meeting. school in Renfrew may apply by picking up the parish office. Applications must be returned to their education is chosen by A student from either high necessary paperwork from the the office by June 7th.

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