SKEE 2742 Basic Electronics Lab: Experiment 2 BJT Amplifier
SKEE 2742 Basic Electronics Lab: Experiment 2 BJT Amplifier
SKEE 2742 Basic Electronics Lab: Experiment 2 BJT Amplifier
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1. To apply the basic laws, theorem and methods of analysis to design an amplifier circuit. 2. To verify the design parameters experimentally.
Pre-Lab Figure P1 is a voltage divider circuit. Referring to Figure P1, produce the design equations for each resistor (R1, R2, RC and RE) based on the following information:
VCE = VCC VBE(ON) = 0.65 V VE = 0.1 VCC IR2 =10 IBQ ICQ = 2 mA VCC = 12 V
R1 IBQ VB IR2 R2 +
Figure P1
Construct the circuit shown in Figure E1 to determine the value of DC at the given Q-point.
VCC = 12 V
1MW mA 10 kW
1 kW
Figure E1
Part B: Design of biasing circuit. (i) (ii) Based on the calculated value of DC from Part A, calculate the values of R1, R2, RC and RE using your derived design equation in the pre-lab. Construct the circuit (Figure P1) and measure the Q-point (VCEQ, ICQ). Compare your answers to the calculated values and discuss.
1. To design a BJT amplifier and its frequency response 2. To compare between the designed and the experimental result of the frequency response.
Pre-Lab (a) Design a common emitter amplifier with ICQ = 2 mA using the voltage divider biasing circuit that you have designed in previous week to fulfill the following cut-off frequencies: fL = 30 Hz and fH = 30 kHz (b) Simulate the circuit to get the frequency response and determine the cut-off values. Note: You can add external capacitors to produce the desired f L and fH.
Request for Components (a) Submit the request form to the lab technician no later than 2 working days before your lab session. (b) The request form can be downloaded from the labs website.
Experiment Construct the designed amplifier circuit in part (a) of your pre-lab. Connect input source to the designed amplifier circuit. Note the value of the source resistance. (a) Vary the input signal frequency from 10 Hz to 50 kHz. Measure and record the input voltage, vi and output voltage, VO. Calculate the voltage gain, Av = Vo/vi. It is advisable to maintain the amplitude of the input signal, vi, to about 1 V(p-p) for all frequencies. However, please make sure that the output is not clipped or distorted throughout the measurement. (b) You are required to create a frequency response table to tabulate your readings with frequency, input voltage, output voltage and voltage gain (in linear and dB), as the table entries. (c) Plot the frequency response of voltage gain in dB versus frequency on a semi-log graph paper. Mark your cut-off frequencies. (d) Explain and discuss your observation upon the simulated and the measured results.
Fun to try: Connect the provided speaker to the output of your amplifier. By varying the input frequency, briefly describe your observation in terms of its pitch.
Points to ponder: 1. Effects of bypass capacitors 2. Suitable selection of frequencies in order to plot the frequency response.