Since : =
Seoul National University, Spring 2013
conduits is made by defining the following parameters:
of input and output junctions
rcular, rectangular, ovoid .....
Pipe length in meters.
coefficient of the pipe. Generally n = 0.015 for concrete pipes
and 0.012 for polyethylene.
coefficient along the conduit.
Different approaches can be used in order to perform the water flow computations:
Solves the complete equations of Saint Venant unsteady flow unidimensinal.
Representation of backwater effects, load flow, storage in the stretch and flow
Applicable to any network
steps are required (1 or 60 seconds)
= u
+g A
+g A I
+ g A b
National University, Spring 2013
by defining the following parameters:
coefficient of the pipe. Generally n = 0.015 for concrete pipes
Different approaches can be used in order to perform the water flow computations:
Solves the complete equations of Saint Venant unsteady flow unidimensinal.
Representation of backwater effects, load flow, storage in the stretch and flow
= u
Hydraulics and Lab. Seoul National University, Spring 2013
3.2 Kynematic Wave:
Balance between gravity and friction is done.
Applicable only arborescent networks with steep slopes.
Continuity equation :
= 0
Momentum equation:
4. Study case
This example models runoff quantity in a small hypothetical drainage area. The study
domain consists of 8 subcatchments connected to a system of 1 to 2 m diameter conduits.
Rainfall data for both a short-term 36-hour period is provided.
1. Set up the model to run in single event mode for a period of 36 hours using Kinematic
Wave routing. Run the simulation.
2. View the Status Report for the run, noting the Continuity error.
3. Select some different output variables (e.g. subcatchment runoff, node flooding, link flow)
for viewing on the study area map. Use the Day/Time controls on the Map Browser to move
back and forth through time.
4. Animate the map by using the Animator Toolbar (make the toolbar visible by selecting
View | Toolbars | Animator from the Main Menu).
5. Generate some other types of reports, such as a time series plot and a profile plot.
6. Change the Simulation Options to use Dynamic Wave routing and re-run the analysis. Is
there any significance difference?
Hydraulics and Lab. Seoul National University, Spring 2013
7. Modify the model to run a continuous simulation as follows:
a) Edit the rain gage and change its Data Source to File, click on the File Name field
and specify the rain data file named sta310301.dat, and enter 310301 for the
Station Number.
b) Edit the Simulation Options as follows:
i. change the Routing Method back to Kinematic Wave
ii. make the End Date 01-02-2000 (for a 2-year simulation)
iii. change the Routing Time Step to 5 minutes.
8. Run the simulation (it may take several minutes). Try generating a Statistics Report to
see how the magnitude of various kinds of events (rainfall, runoff, , etc.) are distributed
over time.
Geometry and elements of the study area
Hydraulics and Lab. Seoul National University, Spring 2013
Name Raingage Outlet Area Imperv Width Slope
S1 RG1 J1 10 50 500 0.01
S2 RG1 J2 10 50 500 0.01
S3 RG1 J13 5 50 500 0.01
S4 RG1 J6 5 50 500 0.01
S5 RG1 J11 15 50 500 0.01
S6 RG1 J10 12 10 500 0.01
S7 RG1 J5 4 10 500 0.01
S8 RG1 O1 10 10 500 0.01
Name N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-perv PctZero RouteTo
S1 0.001 0.10 0.05 0.05 25 OUTLET
S2 0.001 0.10 0.05 0.05 25 OUTLET
S3 0.001 0.10 0.05 0.05 25 OUTLET
S4 0.001 0.10 0.05 0.05 25 OUTLET
S5 0.001 0.10 0.05 0.05 25 OUTLET
S6 0.001 0.10 0.05 0.05 25 OUTLET
S7 0.001 0.10 0.05 0.05 25 OUTLET
S8 0.001 0.10 0.05 0.05 25 OUTLET
Name MaxRate MinRate Decay DryTime
S1 0.35 0.25 4.14 0.5
S2 0.7 0.3 4.14 0.5
S3 0.7 0.3 4.14 0.5
S4 0.7 0.3 4.14 0.5
S5 0.7 0.3 4.14 0.5
S6 0.7 0.3 4.14 0.5
S7 0.7 0.3 4.14 0.5
S8 0.7 0.3 4.14 0.5
Hydraulics and Lab. Seoul National University, Spring 2013
Name Elevation Depth Name Elevation Depth
J1 1000 3 J8 984 3
J2 995 3 J9 980 3
J3 990 3 J10 990 3
J4 1005 3 J11 987 3
J5 1010 3 J12 990 3
J6 987 3 J13 995 3
J7 985 3
Name Elevation Type
O1 975 FREE
Name Inlet node Outlet
Length Manning n Type Diameter
C1 J1 J2 400 0.01 CIRCULAR 1.5
C2 J2 J3 400 0.01 CIRCULAR 1
C3 J4 J3 200 0.01 CIRCULAR 1
C4 J5 J4 200 0.01 CIRCULAR 1
C5 J3 J6 300 0.01 CIRCULAR 2
C6 J6 J7 300 0.01 CIRCULAR 2
C7 J13 J12 400 0.01 CIRCULAR 1.5
C8 J12 J11 400 0.01 CIRCULAR 1.5
C9 J11 J7 400 0.01 CIRCULAR 1.5
C10 J7 J8 100 0.01 CIRCULAR 2
C11 J10 J8 400 0.01 CIRCULAR 1
C12 J8 J9 400 0.01 CIRCULAR 2
C13 J9 O1 400 0.01 CIRCULAR 2
Hydraulics and Lab. Seoul National University, Spring 2013
Time Value
0:00 0
1:00 0.25
2:00 0.5
3:00 0.8
4:00 0.4
5:00 0.1
6:00 0.2
27:00 0.1
28:00 0.4
29:00 0.2
30:00 0.0