cylinder --------------------------------------------------
Solver Statistics (solvestat)
Number of dependent variables
3.1 Numerical Details --------------------------------------------------
u : 3183
v : 3183
3.1.1 Computational Domain p : 3183
Simulation timings
The computational region we have taken for flow --------------------------------------------------
t_asm(A) : 2.9s \ 39%
simulation is the following diagram: t_asm(f) :
t_sparse :
0.0s \
0.6s \
a rectangular tunnel with a cylinder is being t_bdr
t_lc/mv :
: 2.0s \ 26%
0.0s \ 0%
taken for simulation. Dimension of rectangle is t_solve :
t_tot :
1.3s \ 17%
2.2 × 0.5. Circle of center (0.25, 0.25) and radius 0.1 --------------------------------------------------
Where umax = Maximum velocity at the center From the simulation of flow field we can conclude
line and h is the width of the channel/region. that a recirculation zone has been formed behind
Here h = 0.5 and umax = 0.35. the cylinder and the flow gradually becomes steady
laminar downstream.
• At outlet boundary 2 the pressure outflow is
taken to be zero.
• At cylinder surface and top - bottom bound-
3.3.1 Pressure difference
aries 1 and 3, we are assuming No-slip condi-
Using FEATool we can calculate the pressure differ-
ence between any two points (preferably front and
rear of cylinder) which would help us to validate the
3.2 Simulation simulation.
Simulation is being done in FEAtool Multi-
physics, a matlab software:
• Pressure at the point (0.15, 0.4) = 0.20525
Grid Statistics:
Grid Generation Done.
number of grid points: 3183
number of grid cells: 6064
grid cell min area:
grid cell mean area:
1.7625e-04 • Pressure at the point (0.4, 0.2) = 0.02383
grid cell max area: 3.5934e-04
grid cell min quality: 0.7769
grid cell mean quality: 0.9932
number of boundaries: 8
number of subdomains: 1 Hence pressure difference = 0.20525 − 0.02383 =
time for grid generation: 0.9591
ρUmean D
Re =
where D represents the pipe diameter. For the
previous case Re = 100. Let us now increase the
Reynolds number and try to see how it affects the
fluid flow.
We assume D = 1, Umean = 0.5 so that
Umax ≈ 0.75, µ = 0.001 and ρ = 1. Then
Re = 500 and simulation in FEATool gives us
the following result. Clearly the wake region has
been increased behind the 1st cylinder because of
increment in Reynolds number, pipe diameter and
decrement in viscosity.