Food Chain

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Subject Class Time Date

: : : :

Science 5R 11.30 am-12.30pm / / : Investigating Living Things

Learning Area

Learing Objective : People should be able to understand food chains. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to :

1. Identify animals and the food they eat 2.Classify animals into herbivore, carnivore omnivore. 3. Construct food chains. 4. Identify producer and consumer. Concept Introduced


: 1. The food that animals eat 2. Classifying animals into herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. 3. Constructing food chains. 4. Identifying the producer and consumer in a food chain.

Scientific Skills

: Classifying People categorize animals based on the type of they eat Attributing Pupil list down the food that a particular animal eats.

Sequencing Pupils arrange the animals and plants in a linear manner. According to the food they eat. Relating Pupil relate the characteristics of food and the categories of animals. Scientific Noble Values : * Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment - Pupils become aware of the roles of the each animal and the place in maintaining the balance of the nature. * Being responsible about the safety of the environment. - Pupils list way of taking care of animals and plans in the environment * Being kind hearted and caring - Pupils show kindness towards animals and not to intentionally kill them. Teaching and Learning Resources: Pictures of various animals and plants, videos, glue, scissors

Phase/ Time


Teaching-learning Activities


Orientation (5 minutes)

1. Greetings and good wishes to the pupils. 2. Teachers shows a video clip that two sisters will be watching a video that a deer hunts by a tiger 3. And, her question will be :
Why the tiger hunts the deer?

Materials: LCD, Lap Top, Speakers Scientific and Thinking Skills Observing Students observe the video clip carefully. Analyzing Students communicate in group.

4. Teacher asks the students to answer the question. 5. Pupils discuss the answer among themselves in groups. 6. Teacher accept all the answers. 7. Teacher begin the lesson with the answers of the students.

Phase/ Time


Teaching-learning Activities


Elicitation of Ideas (20 minutes)

1. Teacher continues play the Teaching Courseware components . Pause the lesson from the time to time to allow the pupils. 2. Encourage the pupils to answer what are the food of some animals. 3. Accept all the answers from the pupils. 4. Meanwhile teacher also prompt the meaning of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
Contents Teaching-learning Activities

Materials: LCD, Lap Top, Speakers Scientific and Thinking Skills Generating Ideas-Students construct their ideas to answer the questions. Relating students relate what they learn to answer the questions.

Phase/ Time


Restructuri ng of Ideas (20 minutes)

1. Students carried out an activity. 2. Teacher gives a paper that has coloums on herbivore, carnivore and omnivore with some pictures of animals. 3. Pupils in groups will discuss and paste the picture according their groups. 4. Teacher helps the poor pupils.

Materials: Paper with coloums, pictures of animals, glue scissors Scientific and Thinking Skills Communicating the student communicate in their group.

5. And finally, they will Values paste the papers on Cooperative the board. Respectful 6. Teacher will discuss the answers in class. 7. Give point those groups that did well.

Application of idea (15 minutes)

1. Teacher will carry out a quiz section. 2. Those who answer the question correctly the group will be getting points. 3. Give some claps for the winners. 4. An acitivity sheet will be given to students. 5. Teacher will give the students some time to answer the questions. 6. Teacher discuss the answers in clsass.

Material: -Lap top, LCD, Activity sheet Scientific and thinking skill: Generating ideas- Students generate their idea to complete the task. Relating students relate what they learn to answer the questions. Values : Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data , being cooperative.

Phase/ Time


Teaching-learning Activities


Reflection (5 minutes)

Teacher summarizes Scientific and thinking skill: todays lesson. Communicatin Teacher concludes g the lesson by stating the different animals Related eat different foods, animals can be Value: classified into Having critical herbivore, carnivore, and analytical and omnivore how a thinking food chain rationally. constructed and how to identify producer and consumer in a food chain.


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