Artificial Light Tracking System
Artificial Light Tracking System
Artificial Light Tracking System
When equal light intensities are detected by the two photodiodes, the electrical bridge is balanced, and zero voltage is applied to the drive motor. When one photodiodes receives more light then the other, the bridge is unbalanced, and a nonzero voltage is amplified and applied to the drive motor, which then moves the photodiodes toward the equal-light intensity position. Similar systems are used for precision machine tool alignment, where the light is reflected from calibrated scale or transmitted through a tiny hole in the tool or the work. Variations of this system are used to track the sun or another star in navigation systems, to follow aircraft in collision avoidance systems, and to track the recording path on optical videodisks as shown below
BLOCK DIAGRAM: Summing junction L(s) + Photodiode circuit Dc motor and gears And amplifier motor voltage K 0.1 s+2 Position velocity relation R(s) 1 S
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So our transfer function will be T.F = 0.1 S^2+2S+0.1K Characteristics equation will be For checking the stability of the system we will apply the ROUTHS HURWITZ TECHNIQUE
1 2
0.1k 0
The system transfer function is ,in terms of the gain constant K, which is stable for all K>0
k>0 Here we can see that there is no sign change in the system during R.H.T. This means system is stable. We will take the values of K>0 10-ME-117,120,132 Page 2
%lab project Artificial Light Tracking System a=[0.1] b=[1 2 0.1] t=tf(a,b) step(t) stepinfo(t)
Transfer function: 0.1 --------------s^2 + 2 s + 0.1 SYSTEMS PARAMETRES: RiseTime: 42.8218 SettlingTime: 76.7539 SettlingMin: 0.9015 SettlingMax: 0.9983 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.9983 Peak Time: 124.5266 RESPONSE OF THE SYSTEM:
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Hence this system having maximum setting time so it is not suitable for our system.
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SYSTEMS PARAMETERS: Rise Time: 0.1650 Settling Time: 3.7008 Settling Min: 0.5933 Settling Max: 1.6381 Overshoot: 63.8069 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 1.6381 Peak Time: 0.4443 This value of K having overshoot >20% hence it is not suitable.
%lab project Artificial Light Tracking System k=20 a=[0.1*k] b=[1 2 0.1*k] t=tf(a,b) step(t)
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SYSTEMS PARAMETER AT K=20: Rise Time: 1.5225 Settling Time: 4.2166 Settling Min: 0.9089 Settling Max: 1.0432 Overshoot: 4.3155 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 1.0432 Peak Time: 3.1790 Hence this system having the overshoot and its settling time is relatively long so it is not suitable. MATLAB CODING AT K=5:
%lab project Artificial Light Tracking System k=5 a=[0.1*k] b=[1 2 0.1*k] t=tf(a,b) step(t) stepinfo(t)
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SYSTEMS PARAMETERS AT K=5: Rise Time: 7.7014 Settling Time: 14.0032 Settling Min: 0.9051 Settling Max: 1.0000 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 1.0000 Peak Time: 35.8174 By checking the different responses of values of K we see that it give the settling time relatively long in consequence of the small degree of relative stability. BY THE ADDITION OF TACHOMETER (sensor or velocity feed back): The performance of this system can be improved substantially by the addition of velocity feedback as well as the position feedback. A tachometer coupled to the drive motor shaft will produce a voltage nearly proportional to the motor speed, which in turn is proportional to the photodiode velocity. Adding a fraction of this voltage to the bridge voltage (which is amplified to drive the motor) results in the block diagram of fig as shown below.
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Velocity-position relation
Gain Adjustment K
Using the Masons gain rule on the systems signal flow graph in fig below, we can write
L(s) 1
1 P(s)
(-4K) (-1)
By the Masons rule the following equation we can write as shown below
( )
( ( ) (
) )( ( ))( )
Now from the above equation the characteristics equation will be ( (s+2)^2= = ( )
Is achieved with K=250, K=0.08 With these values of K and K, the system response is critically damped and has a relative stability of 5 units. This step response is shown below. 10-ME-117,120,132 Page 8
>> k=250 c=0.08 a=[0.1*k] b=[1 2+0.4*k*c 0.1*k] t=tf(a,b) step(t) stepinfo(t) k= 250
c= 0.0800
a= 25
b= 1 10 25
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Hence system response at K=250 AND K=0.08 is critically damped. SYSTEMS PARAMETERS:
Rise Time: 0.6718 Settling Time: 1.1668 Settling Min: 0.9024 Settling Max: 1.0000 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 1.0000 Peak Time: 2.7339 Hence now this system is acquired at our desired value where, 1. Settling time<5s 2. Overshoot is =0 Therefore our system is stable. 10-ME-117,120,132 Page 10
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