Experiment 1: Speed Measurement of a DC motor
1.) To measure the speed of a DC Motor by using an Encoder.
2.)To design a low pass filter for noise reduction.
Ans.- Following are the MATLAB plots obtained after running the QUARC simulations:-
Q.3) Show the filtered encoder-based speed response and the motor voltage. Has it
Ans.- Following are the plots of the filtered encoder-based speed response and the motor
voltage respectively:-
Yes the response has improved,the response with filter is smoother than the encoder speed
response without filter.
Q.4) What is the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter 50/(s+50)? Give your answer in both
rad/s and Hz.
Ans.- Cut off frequency for the given transfer function of the low-pass filter is ꙍ0 =50 rad/s.
Now 2𝜋f=ꙍ0 =50 rad/s gives the value of f as 7.95Hz.
Q.5) Vary the cutoff frequency, between 10 to 200rad/s (or 1.6 to 32 Hz).What effect does it
have on the filtered response? Consider the benefit and trade-off of lowering and increasing
this parameter.
Ans.- A low-pass filter allows frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency to pass through
it.If we are decreasing the cutoff frequency to much larger extent then it may hinder the
medium range message signal as well along with filtering of high frequency noise.Similarly if
we increase the cutoff frequency to much larger extent then some of the high frequency
noises will still pass through the filter making it less effective.In this way cutoff frequency of
the filter effects the filtered response.
Experiment 2: Stability Analysis of a DC Servo System
1.) To obtain a step response of a DC motor.
2.) To analyze the stability of the DC Motor from the obtained step responses.
2.) Determine the stability of the voltage-to-position servo system from its poles.
𝜃 (𝑠) 𝐾
Ans.- The voltage-to-position transfer function is P(s)= 𝑉𝑚(𝑠) = (𝑠)(𝜏𝑠+1) .Since the transfer
function has poles at s=0 and s= 𝜏 .Hence due to presence of pole at s=0 system is
marginally stable or say unstable.Hence the system is unstable for the voltage-to-position
servo system.
3.) Apply a unit step voltage to the servo by running the QUARC model shown in
Figure.Show the position and speed step response graph.
Ans.- Following are the graphs for the input step voltage,Position step response and speed
step response respectively:
4.) Based on the speed response and the BIBO principle, what is the stability of the system?
How does this compare with your results from the pole analysis?Similarly, assess the
stability of the system using the position response using BIBO and pole analysis.
Ans.- From the BIBO principle we know that when we provide bounded input to a system
then that system must give bounded output in order to be a stable system.Also from the
pole analysis we saw in Q1. and Q2. that when pole lies on the jꙍ axis or right to it for any
transfer function then for that particular response system becomes unstable.This point
clearly seems to be valid when we compare the graphs in Fig.7 and Fig.8 above as the
position step response comes out to be unbounded whereas the speed step response is
Experiment 3: To obtain the steady state gain and Time constant from the
Step response of the DC Servo Motor
1.) To obtain step response of DC Servo motor.
2.) To obtain the steady state gain and fine constant of the servo system module from the
3.) Find the time constant from the obtained response and show the calculation.
Ans.- From the obtained response it can be seen that final speed value is 46.11 rad/s from
the initial zero speed.Hence the speed reached by the servo in 1 time constant 𝜏 =
0.632*46.11 rad/s which equals 29.32 rad/s as 63.2% of final value is achieved by the
system in one time constant.Now from the obtained response graph of Fig.9 it can be found
that 29.32 is reached by the system in 𝑡1 =1.177s when step is applied at 𝑡0 =1s.Now we
know that
𝑡1 = 𝑡0 + 𝜏
1.) Obtaining the equations of motion of a DC motor-based rotary servo.
2.) Creating and validating a system model.
3.) Model Validation
𝜔𝑚 =𝑘𝑚 𝜔𝑚 (t)
Since the value of inductance L is very small hence it can be neglected and hence the KVL
equation reduces to
𝑉𝑚 (t)−𝑅𝑚 𝑖𝑚 (t)−𝑘𝑚 𝜔𝑚 (t)=0
𝑚𝑟 2
And moment of inertia, J= .
1.) To analyze the time response of a second order under-damped system.
2.) To determine damping ratio and natural frequency.
3.) To obtain time domain parameters.
1.) Given the QUBE-Servo 2 closed loop equations under unity feedback in Equation and the
model parameters above, find the natural frequency and damping ratio of the system.
Ans.- G(𝒔)=
𝒔𝟐 +𝟐𝜻𝝎𝒏 𝒔+𝝎𝟐𝒏
The transfer function G(s) represents the general second order system with 𝜁 as the
2 𝐾
damping ratio and 𝜔𝑛 represents undamped natural frequency. Now 𝜔𝑛 = √ 𝜏 where K is the
model steady state gain and 𝜏 is time constant.From experiment-3 we know the values of
2 𝐾
K=23.05 rad/(V-s) and 𝜏=0.177 s.Putting these values in the equation of 𝜔𝑛 = √ 𝜏 we get
𝜔𝑛 =11.411 rad/s as natural frequency.
Now 2ζωn = 𝜏.Putting the value of natural frequency and time constant and solving this
equation we get damping ratio ζ=0.247.
2.) Based on your obtained natural frequency and damping ratio, what are the expected
peak time and percent overshoot?
Ans.- Expected peak time and percent overshoot calculations are as follows:-
Peak time = 𝜔
Where 𝜔𝑑 = 𝜔𝑛 √1 − ζ2 .Putiing these values from previous question we get 𝜔𝑑 = 11.057
rad/s and hence expected peak time = 0.284s.
Theoretical overshoot value is given by (𝑒 )x100% .Putting the value of 𝜁=0.247 in the
equation we get expected peak overshoot value 44.89%.
3.) Attach the closed loop response of DC motor which is obtained in the Lab experiment.
Ans.- The input applied and closed loop response of DC motor obtained in the lab
experiment is as follows:-
4.) Measure the peak time and percent overshoot from the response and compare that with
your expected results.
Ans.- From cursor measurement of the response we get Peak value of response = 1.393 rad
and Peak time as 0.256 s.Steady state value of response = 0.948 rad.Hence the Overshoot
will be given by
Peak Overshoot = x100=46.9%
There is slight deviation in the experimental and theoretical value of the peak time and the
percentage overshoot but such small deviations can be neglected.
DC servo motor is a rotary actuator which allows a precise control of angular or linear
position and velocity.The servo motor used in this experiment contains 2048 counts. With
the help of DC servo motor we are trying to analyse the BIBO stability of the system as well
as the verification of stability of system w.r.t. transfer function poles.Also several
parameters such as undamped natural frequency, damping ratio and other time domain
parameters can be calculated as well as analysed using QUARC controller in the MATLAB to
control the servo motor.From the step responses obtained the stability of DC motor can be
verified as well.