Teamluby Update - Week of April 29, 2013 Spring Street School Mrs. Luby'S Class

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TeamLuby Update Week of April 29, 2013 Spring Street School Mrs.

Lubys class

Reminders: SELCO field study permission slips are going hone in Monday folders. Please return ASAP. We will have 4 chaperones, so if you are interested please state so on form. Wax Museum drafts are due on Wed., 5/1; please feel free to assist your child with typing. We will glue the final copies on 4x6 index cards. Remember to stop by the Shrewsbury Elementary Art Show on Saturday, May 4 (10 AM-12 PM) at the Senior Center. Dont forget sneakers on Tuesday and recorders on Wednesday. Math Club meets on Tuesday (probability in Travers room)) and Wednesday (graphing in either Liporto or Luby rooms) 8-8:30 AM this week. Everyone is invited to attend! ************************************* *Pedometers 5/6-5/10 *Grade 4 Wax Museum Mon., 5/6 9:15-10:00 AM *MCAS Dates Math Tues & /Wed., 5/14 & 5/15 *SHS Chemistry Club visit 5/16 *SELCO Field Trip Fri., 5/17 *Grade 4 Concert at OMS Tues, 5/21 *Field Day Fri., 6/7; rain date 6/10

*Grade 4 Celebration Fri., 6/14 9:45 11:00; rain date Mon., 6/17 *Last day of school Thurs., 6/20 (12:15)
Homework Date Assigned Due Date Math Packet (patterns) 4-29 5-2 Read 20 minutes each nightwrite the books youve read on your Genre Bingo form! Math Journal p. 288 4-29 4-30 Math TBA Wax Museum draft due 5-1 Wax Museum final index cards due 5-3 MultDiv fact practice ongoing through 12s! Prepare for Wax Museum May 6! Language Arts Daily 3 this week includes main ideas, analyze poetry, and look at important parts of non-fiction text. Writing

Should children wear uniforms to school? Hmmmmthis is a much-debated topic. Our class will take on this debate this week!

Math We will complete Unit 10 and take the assessments, as well as work on some small group open response questions.
EVERYDAY MATH FAMILY LETTERS can be found on-line this year! As in past years, they contain unit vocabulary, activities, and selected homework answers. You can find these newsletters at: grade/family-letters/ If you cannot access them, please let me know.

Media: Every other Wed. 9:10-9:30 AM As always, your comments are welcome. Please drop me an e-mail at school or at home. Barbara Luby

Social Studies This week we will use laptops to learn more about the geography and economy of the West Region as well as decide what is special about each subregion. Science - from the desk of Mrs. Liporto In science we will be taking our circuit investigations one step further. Well be learning about two different types of circuits, series and parallel. These circuits allow you to use multiple electricity receivers with just one electricity source. Class Tidbits Happy Birthday Nike Joe 5-10 Mrs. Ballou 5-16 Connor Smith 5-24 Ryan Meyer 5-27

*Specials* Art: Monday, 9:15-9:55 AM Physical Education: Tues., 10:45 11:25 AM Music, Wed, 12:55 1:35 PM Health: Thursday, 10:00 - 10:40 AM Chorus: Friday 10:00-10:40 AM

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