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Lubys class
Please send in the Lowell Mills permission slip if you havent already done so. We will be choosing and conacting interested chaperones early this week. At this time we have several parents who are interested. Thanks so much! Before School Math Club begins this Wednesday 8-8:30 AM. Topic: Please have your child here on time if at all possible.
* Parent Conferences No school, Tuesday, November 6 (on-line sign-ups presented at Curriculum Night) * Veterans Day Mon.., Nov. 12 No School *Thanksgiving Break Wed. 11/21-23
Homework Date Assigned Due Date Nightly Reading approx. 20 min/each day Multiplication fact practice! Kidblog-Fictional Book Project Choice was due Friday 9/28 some children have not recorded their fictional texts yet. Nouns/Adjectives 10/1 10/2 MB 2.10 10/1 10/2 Dont forget sneakers for PE on Tuesdays! Adjectives-Online 10/2 (see LA) SL 3.1 10/2 10/3 Adjectives 10/3 10/4 Student Council Persuasive Writing 10/3 10/11 SL 3.2 10/2 10/3
On Friday, Mrs. Stewart, our ELL teacher, worked with the children on consonants, blends, short vowel sounds, and using strong words in our writing. Hint: she suggested the children find a few short vowel sounds in their home reading book. Calling all Volunteers! Thanks so much for signing up to volunteer in our classroom! I will be going through the list this week and seeing how we can all work together!
* Professional Development Day Fri., 10/5 *Columbus Day Monday, October 8 *Spruce Up Spring Street-Sat., 10/15 8:3 10:30 AM-bring gloves/garden tools *Lowell Mills Field Study Mon., Oct. 29
Language Arts Daily 3 continues with readings about important parts of the cactus and about Samuel Goldwyn. Each guided reading group has met and will be working on a variety of comprehension strategies in their first book together. Grammar conventions include nouns and adjectives.
Wed. Homework TeamLuby Blog; TeamLuby Resources/Language Arts Parts of Speech click on PickItAdjectivespractice! If your child has not begun reading their fictional book, please make sure they do as part of their daily reading. An organizer will be coming home so they may record important information about characters, setting, and events. Writing
newsletters at: http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/parents/4th- grade/family-letters/ If you cannot access them, please let me know.
Social Studies What is a region? The East region will introduce us to the physical features, natural resources, climate, and economy/people of this part of the country! The fall is a great time to visit! Science - from the desk of Mrs. Liporto This week we will learn how to look for the property of hardness in minerals using scratch testing. We will also begin to look at the special property of the mineral Calcite when it comes into contact with an acid.
Last week the children worked in small groups creating settings and actions together using strong voice to introduce narrative pieces! This week we will highlight persuasive writing to focus on how each student can help make SSS a better place to be as well as topics such as homework and staying up late! Can they convince you? Math EDM Unit 2 assessment early in the week, then on to Unit 3 with multiplication and division number sentences and basic Algebraic equations.
*Check out TeamLuby Resources Math Sites! There are many fact sites to choose from especially for fact practice. You may want to look at the one titled Multiplication Practice.
*Specials* Art: Monday, 9:15-9:55 AM Physical Education: Tues., 10:45 11:25 AM Music, Wed, 12:55 1:35 PM Health: Thursday, 10:00 - 10:40 AM Chorus: Friday 10:00-10:40 AM Media: Every other Wed. 9:10-9:30 AM As always, your comments are welcome. Please drop me an e-mail at school or at home. Barbara Luby
EVERYDAY MATH FAMILY LETTERS can be found on-line this year! As in past years, they contain unit vocabulary, activities, and selected homework answers. You can find these