MSB Power Dac Review (Translated From French)
MSB Power Dac Review (Translated From French)
MSB Power Dac Review (Translated From French)
Born a little over 20 years in 1986, the firm MSB Technology is dedicated to the design and the
implementation of CD players and analog-digital converters "unusual" while doing research and
product development as "firm" for
many other manufacturers. MSB Technology is the source of many products and technologies
original (digital filter DSP with 80-bit DAC III of platinum, for example). Converter Power DAC is no
exception. With its battery power, the converter N / A "house" and its filter suréchantillonneur 16
times the original design, it does converter as a "part", original, extremely powerful and superbly
We used the Power DAC in conjunction with ( "1" and "0") is a source of errors at
the release "Drive" of our readers' point of conversion (with a flow of information more
reference. " We than 4.3 Megabits per second in the case of
used a digital coaxial cable quality, because CD, a gap time may have minimal adverse
converter is very sensitive to the quality of consequences). The system errors are then
the connection approached and more or less important
which connects the carriage. Indeed, the information "Calculated" by the system
pairing is more serious ", the greater the risk replaces the information actually recorded on
of occurrence of jitter are eliminated. We the CD (it is easy that this can not be
recall in this connection that the jitter, beneficial to the quality of restitution sound).
creating small time lags between the digital Before proceeding with our hearing, we
information Power left the DAC connected to its power to
ensure a good load for the battery (switch on noted at the expense of batteries. Autonomy
the diode witness "full load"). During use, we is
connected and disconnected without finding large, very well, and it seems difficult, if
food for major changes in the listening. It can impossible, to discharge the battery in use
therefore leave the connection established "Normal" (obviously, if we listen to music all
between two devices without no ulterior day and all night without stopping, it may
motive. We listened to the Power DAC for come to after this autonomy).
several hours without the slightest weakness
The output should not hesitate to use a cable of good quality to connect to the MSB a
preamplifier. This converter transparency exceptional merit to be associated with a preamplifier
of the same ilk, "which means to treat all especially the connection between two devices. At this
level of quality, less defects are very much and may quickly become intolerable. For connection
to a preamplifier, the manufacturer a choice between a balanced XLR connection or cinch
unbalanced pairing. The choice of one or the other opportunities depends on the preamplifier we
use. If the latter is based on a scheme real symmetric, it is recommended to use this type of
connection. As against, if the entries of the symmetric preamp are "désymétrisées by an
operational amplifier before attacking the input stage, it is preferable to use an asymmetrical link
with the RCA converter (the signal follows a more direct route, without crossing operational
amplifier désymétrisation).
Rear View:
1 - balanced XLR outputs and (2) unbalanced RCA.
3 - Digital inputs: AES / EBU XLR, "MSB" Network
(for a liaison with other brand products),
Coaxial RCA S / PDIF, Optical Toslink and specific connector
input an external clock.
4 - connecting to external power for
charging batteries.