Home Theatre Acoustical Design
Home Theatre Acoustical Design
Home Theatre Acoustical Design
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CinemaSource Technical Bulletin
ore and more home theater rooms are being Room Dimensions - Audio Performance
When a speaker PRESSURE
drives a column of
air in an enclosed
space, standing
waves occur at
specific frequencies
+ =
Back to school
our decision is finally made. After weeks of reading
large room with hard surfaces, such as a gothic stone residential structures.
church, the reverberatory echoes bouncing off the stone
walls are the components that give you that sonically The other technique used to control sound is diffusion.
cavernous feeling. The principal here is to take the sound waves directed at
the diffusive surface and break them into many small
Listening Room Physics components. This resultant sound field is then scattered
around the room at greatly reduced magnitude. This
So how do these sound components effect your listening technique can also be augmented in a listening room via
room? When you fired up your new home theater speaker natural room components like bookcases, furniture or with
system, all the sounds bouncing around the room specially engineered diffusion panels.
combined to form a unique acoustical room signature. This
acoustical signature effectively becomes superimposed on How to do it
the primary recording and modifies it. It is almost as if
there are two separate sound systems in the room playing There are dozens of methods and hundreds of products
at the same time. available to whip your listening room into shape. Rather
than catalog all the products and techniques available, we
Acousticans agree that the best way to design a listening will take a more pragmatic approach. We will consider
environment is to strive for sonic balance of these each room surface individually and suggest appropriate
“systems”. For example, you do not want an treatments.
overemphasis on reverberatory energy components or it
sounds like you are listening in a tiled bathroom. On the First, lets look at the floor and ceiling surfaces. These can
other hand, you do not want a room void of reflections or be the worst offenders in a listening room because they
the room sounds dead and lifeless. The ideal listening are often constructed of extremely reflective materials.
room allows some of the first reflections and some of the The absorption coefficient, for example, of your standard
reverberatory components to appear at the listeners ears. plaster/gypsum board ceiling is approximately .05 (at
Just enough of each to balance the resultant sound and 1kHz). In other words, sounds bounce right off this stuff.
make it sound natural. And hardwood and tile floors aren't much better with
absorption coefficients of .01 and .07 (at 1kHz),
There are two ways to control the first reflections and respectively. Fortunately, though, there is a standard
room reverberations to achieve sonic balance; absorption household building material that does a wonderful job of
and diffusion. Absorptive surfaces consist of materials that soaking up sound waves; carpeting. Both wall to wall
dampen sound energy so that only a fraction of the energy carpeting and area rugs do a wonderful job of absorbing
is reflected. The portion that isn't reflected is actually incident sound energy. And fortunately carpeting goes
converted into a tiny amount of thermal energy which quite well with most listening room decors.
dissipates into the air. Acousticans use "Absorption
Coefficients" to indicate how well a material absorbs Ceilings, however, can be more problematic. One could
sound. The scale ranges in value from 1 to 0. A material glue carpeting to the ceiling but we doubt your interior
with a absorption coefficient of “1” means it absorbs sound decorator (read: spouse! ) would approve. The next best
energy completely. A material with a “0” coefficient reflects thing is to install acoustic ceiling tiles. The least expensive
it entirely. As you might imagine, real world materials lie option is to use the standard 1' x 1', fiber-based, tongue
somewhere in between. The chart on this page shows the and groove tiles sold by building supply stores. Typically,
different absorption coefficients of typical surfaces found in these are installed 12" on-center, on 1"x 3" strapping that
CinemaSource Technical Bulletin