Unit 2 Real and Complex Numbers

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Unit No.

2 Real and Complex Numbers

1.Natural Number
The numbers 1, 2 , 3 .. which we use for counting certain objects are called natural numbers or positive integers. The set of natural numbers is denoted by N. i.e., N = { 1, 2, 3, .}

2. Whole Numbers
If we include 0 in the set of natural numbers, the resulting set is the set of whole numbers, denoted by W. i.e., W = { 0, 1, 2, 3, .}

The set of integers consist of positive integers, 0 and negative integers and is denoted by Z. i.e., Z = { ., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, .}

4.Rational Number
All numbers of the form p/q where p, q are integers and q is not zero are called rational numbers. The set of rational numbers is denoted by Q. i.e., Q=

5.Irrational Number
The numbers which cannot be expressed as quotient of integers are called irrational numbers. The set of irrational numbers is denoted by i.e., =

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6.Real Number
The union of set of rational numbers and irrational numbers is known as the set of real numbers. It is denoted by R. i.e., R=Q

7.Terminating Decimal Fractions

The decimal fraction in which there are finite number of digits in its decimal part is called a terminating decimal fraction. For example:

8.Recurring and Non-terminating Decimal Fraction

The decimal fraction (non-terminating) in which some digits are repeated again and again in the same order in its decimal part is called a recurring decimal fraction. For example:

9.Additive Identity
There exists a unique real number 0 called additive identity. such that a+0 =a=0 +a,

10.Additive Inverse
For every a R, there exists a unique real number a called the additive inverse of a. Such that a + (-a ) = 0 = (-a) + a

11.Multiplicative Identity
There exists a unique real number 1, called the multiplicative identity Such that a . 1 = a = 1 . a,

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12.Multiplicative Inverse
For every non zero real number , there exists a unique real number multiplicative inverse of a. Such that aa-1 = 1 = a-1a or a = a or , called

13.nth Root
If n is a positive integer greater than 1 and a is a real number, then any real number x such that x = a is called the nth root of a, and in symbols is written as



x = (a)1/n

In the exponential notation an ( read as a to the nth power) we call a as the base.

In the exponential notation an ( read as a to the nth power) we call n as the exponent or the power to which the base is raised.

16.Complex Number
A number of the form z = a + bi where a and b are real numbers and i = number and is represented by z . i . e., z = a + ib , is called a complex

17.Set of Complex Numbers

The set of all complex numbers is denoted by C and C=

18.Conjugate of a Complex Number

If we change i to i in z = a + bi , we obtain another complex number a bi called the complex conjugate of z and is denoted by ( read z bar) Thus , if z = -1 i , then Mudassar Nazar Notes = -1 + i Page 3

19.Complex Conjugate

The numbers a + bi and a bi are conjugates of each other.

20.Equality of Complex Numbers

For all a, b, c, d R, a + bi = c + di if and only if a = c and b = d

21.Addition on Complex Numbers

Let z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id be two complex numbers and a, b, c, d R. The sum of two complex numbers is given by
Z1 + z2 = ( a + bi) + ( c + di) = ( a+ c) + ( b + d)i

22.Multiplication on Complex Numbers

Let z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id be two complex numbers and a, b, c, d R. The products are found as:
i. Z1 z2 = ( a + bi)( c + di) = ( ac bd ) + (ad + bc)i

(Multiplication of two complex numbers)


If k R, kz1 = k(a +bi) = ka + kbi ( Multiplication of a complex number with a scalar)

23.Subtraction on Complex Numbers

Let z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id be two complex numbers and a, b, c, d R. The difference between two complex numbers is given by
Z1- z2 = ( a + bi) - ( c + di) = ( a - c ) + (b d )i

24.Division on Complex Numbers

Let z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id be two complex numbers and a, b, c, d R. The division of a + bi by c + di is given by + i

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Unit No. 3 Logarithms

1.Scientific Notation
A number written in the form a scientific notation. 10n , where 1 a < 10 and n is an integer . is called the

2.Logarithm of a Real Number

If ax = y the x is called the logarithm of y to the base a and is written as loga y =x, where a > 0 , 1 and y > 0

3.What is the base of Common Logarithms?

The base of common logarithm is 10.

4.What is the base of Natural Logarithms?

The base of the natural logarithm is e.

5.Common Logarithm
If the base of logarithms is taken as 10 then these logarithms are called common logarithms or Briggesian logarithms.

6.Who invented Common logarithms ?

Henry Brigges, an English mathematician and astronomer developed common logarithms.

7.Who invented Natural Logarithms?

John Napier invented the table of natural logarithms.

The integral part of the logarithm of any number is called characteristic. Mudassar Nazar Notes Page 5

9.Who invented Anti-logarithms?

In 1620 A.D, Prof. Jobst Burgi prepared the table of anti-logarithms.

The decimal part of the logarithm of any number is called mantissa. It is always positive.

The number whose logarithm is given is called antilogarithm. i.e., if logay = x , then y is the antilogarithm of x, or y = antilog x

12.Laws of Logarithm
Followings are the Laws of logarithm: i ii. iii. iv. loga(mn) = logam + logan loga = logam - logan

logamn = n logam logan= logbn logab

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