Notes in Genetics
Notes in Genetics
Notes in Genetics
Genetics by R. P. Levine
Published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. : USA, 1962
Gene- genetic material can undergo some sort of change so that its action results in
the production of altered phenoytpe.
An event that gives rise to a heritable alteration in the genotype.
Lethal mutations cause the death of the organism and many represent the loss or
alteration of a function essential during embryonic development of the organisms.
--Usually chromosomal mutations.
Recessive or Dominant
• In the F1 of a cross between the mutant strain and almost any other
stock which is wild type for that particular mutation
o If F1 shows mutant phenotypeDominant
o If NoneRecessive
Sex Linked Recessive or Dominant
• If the cross between mutant females and males of a different stock
produces an F1 where only the males are mutant, SEX-LINKED
o F1 females are consequently carrying 2 different parental X
chromosomes which are free to cross over between the three
different loci
If females permitted to mate with their brothers (cv and
f) the F2 males will show the recombinant classes and
provide linkage distances
• SEX-LINKED Dominant
o Can be determined by crossing the males carrying the dominant
to females of a different stock
Will only appear in females of this cross
F2 females will also show the recombinant classes