Adenoid Hipertropi
Adenoid Hipertropi
Adenoid Hipertropi
Franco Ameli, M.D.,1 Fabio Brocchetti, M.D.,1 Maria Angela Tosca, M.D.,2 Alessio Signori, M.Sc.,3 and Giorgio Ciprandi, M.D.4
Background: Nasal obstruction is a very common symptom in children. The main causes are allergic rhinitis (AR) and adenoidal hypertrophy (AH); the possible correlation between AR and AH has been investigated by few studies, mainly conducted using radiographic craniometry. This study aimed at investigating this topic by nasal endoscopy. Methods: There were 205 children (134 boys; mean age, 6.7 years age range, 4 12 years) studied. Clinical visit, nasal endoscopy, and skin-prick test were performed in all patients. Anterior nasal obstruction was graded using the Friedmanns classification. Adenoid size was graded using the Parikhs classification. Perception of symptoms by children was also assessed using the visual analog scale. Results: Ninety-two children (44.9%) had complete nasal obstruction and 28 children (13.7%) had choanae invasion. There was a negative significant correlation (r 0.41; p 0.001) between nose obstruction severity and volume of adenoids. Decreased probability of greater adenoid volume was associated with increased severity of nose obstruction (odds ratio [OR] 0.13) and in patients with allergy compared with nonallergic patients (OR 0.31). Conclusion: This real-life study shows that large adenoids may be associated with absence of allergy, whereas large turbinates may be associated with small adenoids. (Am J Rhinol Allergy 27, e5e10, 2013; doi: 10.2500/ajra.2013.27.3854) he adenoids are a conglomerate of peripheral lymphatic tissue, mainly constituted by B-cell lymphocytes (5065% of all adenoidal lymphocytes) and T cells (40% of adenoidal lymphocytes). Adenoid tissue is situated in the roof of the rhinopharynx. The adenoids are part of the lymphoid tissue that circle the pharynx, collectively defined as the Waldeyers ring. This ring includes the lingual tonsil (on the base of the tongue), the two palatine tonsils, the lymphoid tissue placed on the posterior wall of the pharynx, and the adenoids. The Waldeyers ring physiologically serves as a defense against respiratory antigens (microbes, allergens, etc.). Therefore, the adenoid tissue may play a significant role in the adaptive immune response because of its peculiar position at the entry of the upper aerodigestive tract. As a consequence of chronic stimulation, the adenoids may enlarge so that they may almost fill the space between the choana and rhinopharynx, interfering with the passage of the nasal airflow, obstructing the Eustachian tube, and blocking the clearance of the nasal mucus. Adenoidal hypertrophy (AH) is detected in 13 of the general pediatric population and constitutes the most frequent otorhinolaryngological indication for surgical intervention.1,2 AH has been associated with nasal obstruction, snoring, sleep apnea, recurrent otitis media, recurrent rhinosinusitis infections, and craniofacial anomalies.3 On the other hand, nasal obstruction is a frequently encountered problem in the pediatric age and it is a nonspecific symptom associated with a variety of disorders, but a proper assessment is mandatory before starting any treatment. In this regard, because of the localization in the posterior wall of the rhinopharynx, the measurement of both the adenoid pad and the airflow obstruction represents a challenging issue. Several modalities to quantify adenoids and the relationships with the upper airways have been proposed: acoustic rhinomanometry, rhinomanometry, endoscopy, intraoperative mirror
rhinopharyngoscopy, and radiographic assessments.4 However, the most commonly used preoperative modalities in the clinical practice are lateral neck films and nasal endoscopy.5 Several studies compared these two methods to evaluate adenoid size.411 Nevertheless, the method for evaluating adenoid size involving the direct visualization of the rhinopharynx should be considered the favorite. Thus, nasal endoscopy is believed to be the most accurate method because it provides a direct view of the adenoid pad.4 Pathological enlargement of adenoids has been assumed to be the result of prolonged antigenic stimulation associated with chronic inflammation. Therefore, inflammatory changes within the nasal and sinus mucosa could affect the adenoids because they are the most closely situated cluster of organized lymphatic tissue.12 The physical consequence of adenoidal enlargement is the limitation of airflow. The child may be able to perceive the nasal obstruction symptom with a good reliability, and the subjective perception is constant and frequently worsening, but the child can not obviously recognize the cause of the airflow impairment.13 The two most relevant inflammatory conditions in children with nasal obstruction are respiratory infections and allergy. The first mainly mediated by a Th1 immune response, the last by a Th2-polarized response. However, it is well known that children with allergic rhinitis (AR) usually have lymphoid hypertrophy of the upper airways, mainly concerning the adenoids.14 The possible correlation between allergy and AH has been investigated by few studies.12,1522 Nevertheless, most of these studies were performed using the radiographic craniometry to measure adenoid volume. Therefore, the present study aimed at investigating the possible relationship between adenoid size and allergy in a group of children complaining of nasal obstruction using the nasal endoscopy.
From the 1Ear, Nose, and Throat Unit, Villa Montallegro Private Clinic, Genoa, Italy, 2 Pneumologic and Allergological Paediatric Unit, Istituto G. Gaslini, Genoa, Italy, 3 Department of Health Sciences, Section of Biostatistics, Genoa University, Genoa, Italy, and 4Allergy and Respiratory Diseases Clinic, Istituto Di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere ScientificoUniversity Hospital San Martino, Genoa, Italy The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare pertaining to this article Address correspondence and reprint requests to Giorgio Ciprandi, M.D., Viale Benedetto XV 6, 16132 Genoa, Italy E-mail address: Copyright 2013, OceanSide Publications, Inc., U.S.A.
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(iv) a concomitant acute rhinosinusitis, and (v) current use of antiinflammatory and antiallergic drugs. The local Review Board approved the study design, and the parents of the children gave their informed consent.
Study Design
All children were evaluated by clinical visit, nasal endoscopy, and skin-prick test. The parameters considered were duration of the symptom, perception of nasal obstruction, sensitization, and endoscopic findings (including severity of nose obstruction and adenoid volume).
grading is based on the relationship between the adenoids and the adjacent structures when the patient is at rest (i.e., when the soft palate is not elevated). Specifically, grade 1 adenoids are nonobstructive and are not in contact with any of the previously mentioned anatomic subsites; subsequently, grades 2, 3, and 4 adenoids touch the torus tubarius, vomer, and soft plate (at rest), respectively.
Skin-Prick Test
Allergy was assessed by the presence of sensitization to the most common classes of aeroallergens using a skin-prick test. It was performed as stated by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.27 The allergen panel consisted of the following: housedust mites (Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus), cats, dogs, grasses mix, Compositae mix, Parietaria judaica, birch, hazel trees, olive trees, cypress, Alternaria tenuis, Cladosporium, and Aspergilli mix. The concentration of allergen extracts was 100 immune reactivity/mL (Stallergenes, Milan, Italy). A histamine solution in distilled water (10 mg/mL) was used as positive control and the glycerolbuffer diluent of the allergen preparations was used as negative control. Each patient was skin tested on the volar surface of the forearm using 1-mm prick lancets (Stallergenes). The skin reaction was recorded after 15 minutes by evaluating the skin response in comparison with the wheal given by the positive and the negative control. A wheal diameter of at least 3 mm was considered as a positive reaction. The AR diagnosis was made if nasal symptom history was concordant with sensitization.
Endoscopy was performed with a pediatric rigid endoscope diameter of 2.7 mm with a 30 angle of vision (Karl Storz cod. 7207 ba; Karl Storz, Milan, Italy) with a 300-W cold light source (Storz Xenon Nova cod. 20134001; Karl Storz) and a light cable of 1.8-mm length. Endoscopy was video recorded by a micro camera connected to a digital recorder set (Karl Storz Tele Pack, cod. 20043002-020; Karl Storz). A flexible endoscope (3-mm diameter) was used in restless children and in those with narrow nasal fossa due to anatomic abnormalities. The children laid supine with their heads bent by 45. Some cotton wool soaked with anesthetic solution (ossibuprocaine 1%) was placed into the nose for 5 minutes. The complete description of the procedure was previously described in detail.23 Briefly, the nasal fossa was evaluated in three steps that allowed investigation of the following anatomic structures according to Langs description24: (i) the inferior turbinate and its relationship with the inferior meatus, the inferior part of the septum, the aspect of the mucosa and the presence of secretion, and the rhinopharynx; (ii) the maxillary line that begins superiorly at the middle turbinate attachment corresponding at the agger nasi area), the olfactory tract when possible, the middle turbinate, and its contacts with septum or uncinate process; (iii) the uncinate process, the middle meatus and the half posterior of the nasal septum the ethmoidalis bulla and its mucosal contacts, and the sphenoethmoidal recess (this step was possible only when the space inside the nasal fossa was adequate, otherwise, sometimes after local decongestion).
Statistical Analysis
Mean and SD or median and interquartile range for continuous variables and counts and percentages for categorical ones were reported. The Spearmans rank correlation coefficient () was used to assess correlation between ordinal clinical variables, such as adenoids volume and nose obstruction on Friedman scale. The association between adenoids volume and allergy or nose obstruction was assessed by 2-test. Finally, ordinal logistic regression model (adenoid volume was the dependent variable) was used to assess the relation with nose obstruction and allergy, considering the possible confounding effect of age and disease duration. Odds ratios (OR) of higher levels on scales of categorical variables compared with lower level (reference) were reported together with 95% CI. These ORs represent increase or decrease of probability to obtain higher values of the dependent variable, such as the adenoids volume. A value of p 0.05 was considered statistically significant. SPSS Version 19 (IBM Corp., New York, NY) was used for computation.
The demographic and clinical characteristics of patients are reported in Table 1. Children had a mean age of 6.7 years (SD, 2.6 years), symptom duration of 12 months (interquartile range, 620 months), and most of them were allergic (156 patients; 76.1%). In particular, 13 of allergic children were polysensitized. The assessment of nasal obstruction using the Friedmann scale revealed that 92 children (44.9%) had complete nasal obstruction at endoscopic evaluation and 76 (37.1%) had a partial obstruction. Twenty-eight children (13.7%) had choanae invasion (grade 4 of adenoid volume), and 45 (22%) had grade III. The assessment of nasal obstruction by VAS showed that 16 children (7.8%) reported the value of 4, and 104 (50.7%) reported the value of 3; using FRS, 13 children (6.3%) reported the value of 5, 49 children (23.9%) reported 4, and 94 (45.9%) reported 3. In addition, 57 children had volume 1 of tonsils; 82 had volume 2; 60 had volume 3; and 6 had volume 4. The distribution of children according to the volume of adenoids and the presence of allergy, including the number of sensitizations, is shown in Fig. 1. Among the patients with a grade 1 (the lowest) or 2 of volume of adenoids, respectively, 60.8 and 63.8% were monosen-
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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients Mean (SD)/Median (IQR)/n (%) Age (yr) Symptom duration (mo) Nose obstruction (Friedmann) 1 2 3 Allergy No Monosensitization Polysensitization Adenoid volume 1 2 3 4 VAS 1 2 3 4 FRS 01 2 3 4 5 6.7 (2.6) 12 (620) 37 (18) 76 (37.1) 92 (44.9) 49 (23.9) 103 (50.2) 53 (25.9) 74 (36.1) 58 (28.3) 45 (22) 28 (13.7) 11 (5.4) 74 (36.1) 104 (50.7) 16 (7.8) 7 (3.5) 42 (20.5) 94 (45.9) 49 (23.9) 13 (6.3)
Furthermore, among patients with a grade 1 (the lowest) or 2 of volume of adenoids, respectively, 58.1 and 53.4% of patients had grade 3 (the highest) of obstruction on Friedman scale (Fig. 2), and regarding patients with grade 4, 75% showed the lowest grade on the scale of nasal obstruction (p 0.001). Regarding patients with nose obstruction of grade 3, 46.7% had grade 1 of volume of adenoids and for patients with nose obstruction of grade 1, 56.8% had grade 4 of volume of adenoids. This result is also confirmed by a negative significant correlation ( 0.41; p 0.001; Table 2) between nose obstruction and volume of adenoids. A positive correlation (Table 2) was also found between volume of adenoids and FRS ( 0.19; p 0.006). The results from multivariate ordinal regression are shown in Table 3. Age and duration of disease were not significant and were not included in the model. A decrease of probability of higher values on adenoid volume scale was associated with an increase in nose obstruction on Friedman scale (OR [2 versus 1] 0.13 [95% CI, 0.05 0.31]; OR [3 versus 1] 0.08 [95% CI, 0.030.20; p 0.001] and in patients with allergy compared with patients without allergy OR [yes versus no] 0.31 [95% CI, 0.150.65); p 0.002]). On the contrary, an increase of probability of higher values on adenoidal volume scale was associated with an increase in values on FRS scale (OR 1.51; p 0.005).
IQR interquartile range; FRS faces rating scale; VAS visual analog scale.
The nasal symptoms are very common in the pediatric population. Nasal obstruction during childhood is usually attributed to enlarged adenoids, but other causes must be considered. AR is frequent in children, affecting up to 30% of the general population, and may also cause the open-mouth posture and the so-called adenoidal facies commonly attributed to AH.28 A clinically significant septal deviation has been reported in 18% of children reporting nasal obstruction.3 Rare causes of nasal obstruction include choanal atresia, polyps, and tumors, any of which may be missed if a thorough examination is not performed.6 Children with AH may usually have AR as well as, vice versa, children with AR may commonly have AH. Although this topic is
Figure 1. Frequencies of sensitizations in children with adenoidal hypertrophy, according to adenoidal volume. sitized, and on totality of patients with a grade 4 (the highest) of volume of adenoids 60.7% of children had no allergy (for association between allergy status and volume of adenoids, p 0.001).
Figure 2. Frequencies of nasal obstruction severity in patients with adenoidal hypertrophy, according to adenoidal volume.
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Table 2 Spearmans rank correlation coefficients between ordinal clinical characteristics Nasal Obstruction (Friedmann) Nasal obstruction (Friedmann) VAS FRS Adenoids volume VAS
p p p p
0.24 0.001 0.12 0.09 0.41 0.001 0.47 0.001 0.009 0.90
Table 3 Results from multivariate ordinal regression Clinical Characteristics Nose obstruction (Friedman) 1 2 3 Allergy No Yes OR 1.00 (Ref.) 0.13 0.08 1.00 (Ref.) 0.31 95% CI 0.050.31 0.030.20 0.002 0.150.65 p Value 0.001
A value of p 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Ref. reference category for each variable; OR odds-ratio.
clinically relevant, few studies investigated the relationships between these two disorders, mainly concerning the possible influence of AR on adenoid enlargement,1522 and a recent review considered the possible relationships between AR and pathogenic factors inducing AH.29 One study from an ENT department found an association between tonsillar hypertrophy and AR.15 Only 8% of children in 6th grade with tonsillar hypertrophy had AR, whereas AR was apparent in 29.7% of children with tonsillar hypertrophy. One study by McColley and colleagues evaluated 39 children, aged 17 years, with habitual snoring: 36% of them were sensitized, a percentage higher than expected for the normal population.16 These authors suggest an association between snoring and allergy. Huang and Giannoni studied 315 children (aged 118 years) with AH and AR and compared them with 315 age-matched controls suffering from AR alone.17 AH was measured by lateral x-ray craniometry. These authors concluded that sensitivity to mold allergens was recognized to be an important risk factor for AH in children with AR, but the OR was not calculated. Modrzynski and Zawisza conducted a study comparing two separate groups: the study group consisted of 436 children (49 years) with AR and/or asthma and/or atopic dermatitis and sensitization to housedust mites, and the control group consisted of 229 nonatopic coetaneous children.18 AH was diagnosed by clinical picture and additional diagnostic tests, including at least two of the following methods: posterior rhinoscopy, acoustic rhinometry, lateral radiograph of the rhinopharynx, and fiberoptic examination. The probability of AH was statistically more significant only in children from the study group with AR. Two other studies conducted by Gerber et al.19 and Raphael et al.20 reported that allergy was more frequent in children with AH, but the differences observed were fairly insignificant. Sadeghi-Shabestari and colleagues compared 117 children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy, assessed by lateral neck radiography, with 100 children without it.21 In children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy, 70.3% of them were sensitized, whereas in the control group only 10% were sensitized. Thus, these authors concluded that allergy
is an important risk factor for adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Nuhoglu and colleagues compared the size of adenoids in 52 children with AR and in 56 children with nonallergic idiopathic rhinitis, calculating the adenoid/rhinopharynx ratio measured on the lateral radiographs.12 The adenoid/rhinopharynx ratio was very significantly high in the nonallergic patients. These authors suggested that could be a cellular immune defect in allergic children, which causes the enlargement of adenoids. This might be explained with the hypothesis that allergic patients have a Th2 polarization and, consequently, a deficiency in T-helper 1 cell activity and interferon production. This issue might be relevant and it will be discussed later. These studies were performed using radiographic craniometry and nasal endoscopy is considered the most accurate tool to assess the rhinopharynx; therefore, it is the gold standard to evaluate adenoids. The present study was designed to evaluate the relationship between AH and AR in children with nasal obstruction. This study provided some interesting findings. First, about 34 of children were allergic, whereas relevant AH, such as grades 3 and 4, was detectable only in 13 of them. There was a significant relationship between the subjective perception of nasal obstruction (by VAS and FCR) and the macroscopic evaluation of anterior nasal obstruction, whereas perception by VAS was not related to adenoid volume. These data might mean that the perception of anterior obstruction is more reliable than the posterior one. Furthermore, the volume of adenoids was inversely related with the grade of the anterior nasal obstruction so it could seem that if the nose is closed the adenoids do not enlarge. The same consideration could be hypothesized for allergy: children with AH of grade 4 rarely are allergic. In fact, the multivariate ordinal regression underlines these concepts: severe anterior obstruction and allergy may protect (OR 0.08 and 0.31, respectively) from severe AH. Therefore, the present study confirms Nohoglus report that showed higher adenoid volumes in nonallergic children.12 The pathological AH could depend on exaggerate antigenic stimulation, mainly mediated by Th1 response.12 However, the studies concerning the relationship between allergy and AH are conflicting and, rarely, the adenoid volume was accurately measured. We have to note that the Waldeyers ring represents the first barrier toward the antigens entering the body.30 Adenoid tissue being deputed to immune response is characterized by the presence of active constitutive immune response, e.g., the number of Toll-like receptors is overexpressed.31 concerning the adaptive immune response, T cells resident in adenoids are able to produce Th1dependent cytokines, mainly interferon .32 When an increased function is required to the lymphatic tissue in filtering infectious antigens, AH may occur. Also, adenoids may be reservoirs of pathogenic organisms.33 In this way, a vicious circle persists because main factors are involved in maintaining chronic hyperstimulation of the immune response, including the overexpression of chitinases able to induce and amplify local inflammation by activating pattern recognition receptors and pathways such as nuclear factor kB.34 Thus, recurrent respiratory infections could cause an increased function of pharyngeal lymphatic tissue, thus inducing AH. On the other hand, airborne allergens may overstimulate the immune system at the adenoidal level. In fact, it was shown that adenoids are involved in IgE-mediated sensitization with local differentiation of IgEproducing plasma cells constituting a probable source of mucosal B cells for the upper airways.35 Moreover, allergic subjects have a different distribution of mast cells, the main effective cell in allergic inflammation, into tonsillar tissue in comparison with normal subjects so mast cells in the interfollicular area might be promptly activated by direct contact with CD4 T cells.36 Children with AH are characterized by impaired immunologic parameters, persisting also after adenoidectomy for a long time.37 However, the correlations among allergy, recurrent infections, and AH remain obscure. Actually, adenoidal tissue represents a fundamental site for the adaptive immune response, both inducing secretory
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immunity and regulating the production of antibodies. As two new subsets of T-helper cells have been discovered, such as Th17 (involved in protecting the host against extracellular pathogens) and Treg (fundamental for inducing and maintaining the immunologic tolerance to foreign and self-antigens), they were evaluated both in allergic and in infectious disorders. In this regard, Sade et al. investigated the Th17 and Treg expression in hypertrophied adenoids.38 These authors found a significant negative linear correlation between Th17/Treg ratio and the clinical severity in 20 children undergoing adenoidectomy. This result might have great pathophysiological relevance, because allergic inflammation is characterized by Th17 overexpression39 and defective Treg function.40 Therefore, the AH severity could be inversely related to impaired Th17 and/or Treg functioning. In this complex pathway, our findings could add an interesting contribution to better understanding the relationship between allergy and AH. The present study was based on a real-life setting, such as the studied cohort was constituted of children complaining nasal obstruction. They were visited at an ENT office undergoing nasal endoscopy and further evaluated at an allergy office. Thus, starting from nasal obstruction symptoms, a diagnosis was performed: AR, AH, or both. The results would seem to show that large turbinates rarely are associated with large adenoids as well as large adenoids rarely are associated with allergy. A possible interpretation might be that severe anterior nasal obstruction, mainly caused by allergy, affects the passage of allergens able to stimulate adenoid tissue to enlarge. Also, infections may play a more important role in the absence of allergy. The main limitation of the present study is the absence of immunologic parameters useful to better understand the meaning of the data. Therefore, further immunologic studies should be performed to address this issue. Another issue to be considered could be the evaluation of tonsil hypertrophy and the possible impact of AH on tonsil volume. In this regard, we are conducting a study investigating the possible relationship among tonsil volume, allergy, turbinate hypertrophy, and adenoids. Furthermore, mouth breathing (because of anterior nasal obstruction caused by turbinate hypertrophy or AH) may induce a preferential exposure of the mouth and/or tonsils to allergens and infectious agents. This issue deserves further adequate investigation for better understanding the effects of upper airway obstruction on tonsils. In conclusion, this real-life study shows that large adenoids may be associated with absence of allergy, whereas large turbinates may be associated with small adenoids. This finding may be helpful in the clinical management of a child with nasal obstruction because it shows that a detailed evaluation of the nose and the rhinopharynx is mandatory in each child with this complaint and it should be performed by nasal endoscopy. Consequently, the treatment should be geared toward the specific findings in that individual. The present study may have an impact on clinical decision making and care as the ENT specialist should always consider nasal endoscopy in children with nasal obstruction. In addition, the specialist should not be surprised to find a discrepancy between large adenoids and small turbinates or vice versa. Another important issue is that nasal obstruction is frequently considered caused by AH in the toddler, even if allergic. This aspect is clinically relevant because the allergic child does not need antibiotic treatment and adenoidectomy is obviously useless. Therefore, this study may suggest that nasal obstruction could not depend on adenoidal obstruction, as believed by some physicians, mainly concerning pediatricians, who do not have the possibility of investigating the nasal cavity.
6. 7.
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