S.R.M. Institute of Science & Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering
S.R.M. Institute of Science & Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering
S.R.M. Institute of Science & Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering
PART B 10marks
1. Explain any two guided transmission media?
2. Explain any two unguided transmission media?
3. How fiber optics can be used for LAN? Explain
4. Explain ADSL with example?
5. Explain AMPS and its call management?
6. Explain CDMA?
7. Discuss in detail the transmission media coaxial cable with respect to physical
Description, transmission characteristic and use?
8.If the frame is 1101011011 and generator is x4+x+1 what would be the transmitted frame.
9.Write a protocol if there is only one buffer available at the sender and receiver.
10.W.R.T to sliding window protocol explain
1.selective repeat
2.goback n
11.Discuss how petri net models used for protocol verification.
12.Discuss finite state Machine model for protocol specification.
13.write a stop and wait protocol.
14.If the frame is 1101011011 and generator is x4+x+1 what would be the transmitted frame. Suppose the
third bit from left is inverted during transmission show that this error is detected at the recievers end.
15.16 bit messages are transmitted using a hamming code .How many check bits are needed to ensure that
the reciever can detect and correct single bit errors.
Show the bit pattern transmitted for the message 10101111 using an even parity hamming code.
16. A 12-bit Hamming code whose hexadecimal 0x E4F arrives at the reciever. What was the original value in
hexadecimal . Assume that there is only one errror.
1. What are Multi access channels / random access channels?
Unit iv
Part A
1. List any two services provided by transport layer to its layer above.
2. Represent the logical relationship of transport layer and its neighboring layers using a diagram.
3. Explain the state diagram for simple connection management.
4. What is a socket?
5. Compare the environment of DL layer with transport layer.
6. How will you restrict packet life time
7. What is upward Multiplexing?
8. What is downward Multiplexing?
9. What do you mean by crash Recovery?
10. What are the advantages in representing the protocol states as a finite state machine?
11. Explain UDP header.
12. What is called Marshalling?
13. Write short notes on the little sibling protocol of RTP
14. What are the purposes of TCP?
15. What is MTU?
16. Define Port.
17. Explain silly window syndrome
18. Explain the three way handshake.
19. What are the parameters required to measure the network performance.
20. Give some examples of applicaation where UDP is prefered over TCP.
Part B
1. Explain addressing in transport layer
2. Briefly explain the connection Establishment in transport layer
3. Briefly explain the connection Release in transport layer
4. Explain the flow control and buffering in Transport layer
5. Explain Remote Procedure Call in detail.
6. Explain TCP service model
7. Explain TCP protocol giving its header
8. How congestion is controlled in TCP? Explain.
9. Explain the rules of system desing for better performance
Unit V
Part A
1. Define Cryptography
2. What is a Cipher?