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GPS - User Manual

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Quik Starter Guide

Step1 Open the package, which contains the following items (Refer Fig. I). Top tray contains: GPS Users Guide Bottom tray contains: GPS Active antenna with SMB connector at one end RS 232 cable with 9 pin D-type connectors Cigarette lighter cable Step 2 Apart from the above, the user will also need the following to set up the receiver: IBM compatible Notebook PC Power supply 12 V DC, 2 A Step 3 Connect the GPS Receiver to the Notebook PC through the RS 232 cable. Step 4 Fix the antenna (supplied) on a metallic surface which is horizontal and smooth. If you are placing the antenna on the top of your car, you may use a small piece of paper underneath the antenna. This will prevent any possible scratches on your car due to the magnetic antenna mount. The location of the antenna should be so chosen that it has a clear view of the sky. Step 5 Connect the antenna cable with the SMB connector to GPS Receiver front panel. Route the cable in such a way that it does not get jammed through the doors or window panes . Ensure the SMB connector is properly connected at the receiver end. Step 6 Power the GPS receiver from the 3.3V ( + 0.3 ) DC Power Supply using power sorce. Step 7 Power and boot your Notebook PC. Step 8 Ensure that the receiver is connected to the COM port of the Notebook

PC or you will have to configure the com port as described in Step 9. Step 9 Now make the following settings: Select COM port to which the GPS receiver is connected. Baud rate 9600, Stop bits 2, Data bits 8, Parity None Status bar indicates Connected if Power supply and RS232 connections are correct.

For the Status Bar to show Connected, at least one message should be enabled.

Only NMEA mode supported Step 11 Position Trace can be done using the front end software.

Product Highlights of GPS Receiver 12 Correlator channels

Cold start TTFF of 42s Warm start TTFF of 30s Very fast Hot Start TTFF of 4 sec Very good Reacquisition sensitivity Very good Tracking sensitivity Very fast reacquisition of signals Excellent Urban Canyon performance Raw measurement data output Standard interfaces viz., RS 232

Features of this Revision

Industry leading sensitivity figures among stand- alone GPS receivers Excellent Foliage and Urban Canyon tracking performance with repeatable retrace Multipath mitigation algorithms in software Very fast Hot start Custom messages to test Time to first fix (TTFF)

DSP Digital Signal Processor AGC Automatic Gain Control BITE Built in Test C/A Coarse/Acquisition DOP Dilution of Precision DSP Digital Signal Processor ECEF Earth Centered Earth Fixed EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility ESD Electro Static Discharge GDOP Geometric Dilution of Precision GMT Greenwich Mean Time GPS Global Positioning System GPSR Global Positioning System Receiver HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision IF Intermediate Frequency IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System LED Light Emitting Diode

LNA Low Noise Amplifier OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PDOP Position Dilution of Precision PLL Phase Locked Loop PRN Pseudo Random Number PTTI Precise Time and Timing Interval RF Radio Frequency RTC Real Time Clock SA Selective Availability SAW Surface Acoustic Wave SNR Signal to Noise Ratio SPS Standard Positioning Service SV Satellite Vehicle TDOP Time Dilution of Precision UERE User Equivalent Range Error URA User Range Accuracy URE User Range Error VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator VDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision VLSI Very Large Scale Integration WGS 84 World Geodetic System (1984)

Almanac This is a part of the navigation message transmitted by each satellite, which includes orbit information of all satellites, clock correction and atmospheric delay parameters. GPS receivers need almanac to compute the visibility information about the satellites. The angular distance between the true North and the object in


consideration in the horizontal plane. C/A Code This is Coarse/Acquisition code, which is a pseudo random noise sequence modulated on the GPS L1 signal and transmitted by all the GPS satellites for ranging. C/A code is a Gold code of 1 millisecond in length and is transmitted at a chipping rate of 1.023 MHz. Chip The length of time required to transmit either a 1 or 0 in a pseudo random code. Chip rate Number of chips per second. Control Segment The ground based segment of the GPS, consisting of Monitor stations, a Master Control Station and Ground antennas. Dilution of DOP is a measure of the contribution of the relative geometry Precision (DOP) of the user and the GPS satellites to the error in the position fix. Elevation Angle made by the line joining the user and the satellite with the horizontal plane. Ephemeris Part of the Navigation data transmitted from each satellite containing precise orbit information and clock corrections for that satellite. Ephemeris is used by the receiver to compute the precise position coordinates of the satellites used for ranging. Geometric GDOP describes the DOP in position as well as the time Dilution of computed using the GPS satellites. Precision GDOP2 = PDOP2 + TDOP2 (GDOP) GPS The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space based radio positioning, navigation and time transfer system which operates at all times of the day, under all weather conditions and any where on or near the surface of the Earth. GPS L1 signal Transmitted by all GPS satellites at a carrier frequency of 1575.42 MHz. This signal is modulated by the C/A code and navigation data. Horizontal Contribution of the relative geometry of the satellite Dilution of constellation and the users position, DOP, to the error in the Precision horizontal dimension of the position. (HDOP) Monitor station Group of stations located around the world as a part of the GPS

Control Segment to monitor satellite clock and orbital parameters. Navigation Data Data modulated on the C/A code, which contains ephemeris, almanac and other information. The data is transmitted at 50 bits/sec. NAVSTAR The name given to the group of satellites, which are built by Rockwell International. Position Dilution PDOP is the DOP in the position fix. PDOP includes the of Precision contribution in all the three dimensions of the position fix. (PDOP) PDOP2 = HDOP2 + VDOP2 Pseudo range Measure of apparent transit time from the satellite to the receiver antenna expressed as distance. The pseudo range is obtained by multiplying the apparent transit time by the speed of light. Pseudorange differs from true range due to the fact that the clocks in the receiver and the satellites are not synchronized. RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services set up to define data link standards for Differential GPS. Selective An U.S. Department of Defense program to control the Availability (SA) accuracy of pseudo range measurements, whereby the user gets erroneous pseudo range measurements by certain controlled amount. Space Segment GPS Space Segment consisting of 28 satellites in six orbital planes. Standard This is a civil positioning and timing service which will be Positioning available to all GPS users on a worldwide basis at an accuracy Service (SPS) level set by the United States Department of Defense. SV Satellite Vehicle or Space Vehicle. Time Dilution of Contribution of the relative geometry of the satellite Precision constellation and the users position, DOP, to the error in the (TDOP) time fix. User Equivalent The component of the system accuracy which is independent of Range Error location and time, that represents the receiver ranging error (UERE) based on the satellites in view.

User Range A statistical indicator of the ranging accuracys achieved with a Accuracy (URA) specific satellite based on historical data. User Range Error The error component along the line of sight between the user (URE) and the satellite being used for measurement. User Segment The GPS Segment consisting of the receivers. Vertical Dilution Contribution of the relative geometry of the satellite of Precision constellation and the users position, DOP, to the error in the (VDOP) vertical dimension of the position fix. WGS 84 World Geodetic System (1984), the mathematical ellipsoid used by GPS since January 1984.

GPS Principles
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space based radio positioning, navigation and time transfer system which operates at all times of the day, under all weather conditions and everywhere on or near Earth. GPS consists of three segments viz., Space, Control and User. The Space Segment is the set of 24 satellites (plus 3 spare satellites) orbiting the earth once in 12 hours in six orbital planes with four satellites in each orbital plane. Control Segment based at four locations on the earth monitors and controls the satellites. User Segment is the Global Positioning System Receivers (GPSR) used by a large number of users all over the world. GPSR provides accurate and absolute position, velocity and time. GPS Receiver finds diverse range of uses such as: Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS) Personal navigation by Land, Sea and Air Fleet Management Land and construction Surveying Mapping to create highly precise maps Animal tracking Synchronization of time Vehicle security systems Communication sets with GPS for Police Integrated navigation solutions

Chapter 1 GPS Principles

The decisive advantages of GPS over other navigation systems are: 24 hour worldwide coverage All weather conditions Accurate 3 dimensional position and time information Resistance to jamming Easy integration/adaptability with other systems Can be used on Land, Sea or Air

Theory of Operation of GPS

The GPS system consists of three segments (Refer Fig. 1.1) viz., Space Segment Control Segment User Segment

Chapter 1 GPS Principles

Space Space Segment consists of a set of 24 satellites (plus 3 spare Segment satellites) orbiting with the period of 12 hours sidereal time. The satellites are placed at an altitude of approximately 10,898 nautical miles above the surface of the earth and these satellites are arranged in six orbital planes inclined at 55 with four satellites in each orbit. Each satellite continually transmits the following signals: L1 signal at 1575.42 MHz L2 signal at 1227.60 MHz The above frequencies are phase modulated by two ranging signals viz., P-code for military users and C/A code for civilian users. In addition, navigation messages are modulated and transmitted along with the ranging signals. Satellites use precise atomic clocks for synchronization with GPS time. Control Control Segment consists of a master control station, four Segment monitor stations located strategically around the earth to maximize satellite coverage and ground antennas. The monitor stations receive satellite data and communicate to the master control station. The master control station updates navigation messages to all satellites through the ground antennas. User Segment User Segment consists of a large number of GPS receivers (GPSRs) used all over the world. The GPS receiver, which is of current interest, receives and processes satellite signals to compute users position, velocity and time. The principle of computation of the users position using the GPS satellite signals in a receiver can be described briefly as follows. The GPS constellation of satellites is so designed that sufficient number of satellites are visible at any point on the surface of the earth at all times. Each of the GPS satellites transmits a unique pseudo-random code continuously. GPS receiver uses correlation techniques to acquire satellite signals, extract navigation messages and perform ranging measurements. GPS receiver measures transit time of the signal and hence range from satellites to the receiver. Range measurements from at least four satellites are needed to locate precisely the users position in the three dimensional space.

Chapter 1 GPS Principles

Ranging measurements from three satellites are necessary to compute users position in 2 dimensions.

Fig 1.1 Three Segments of GPS

Chapter 1 GPS Principles

Functional Components of a GPS Receiver

A typical GPS receiver used in civilian applications would have the functional components shown in Fig 1.2

RF Front End

Digitized low IF Signal


Navigation Processor

User Interface

Fig 1.2 Functional components of a GPS Receiver

Antenna The Antenna operates at 1575.42 MHz to receive the GPS L1 signals from all the visible satellites. RF Down The RF Down Converter amplifies, filters and down-converts Converter the L1 signal to give a low IF digital signal suitable for processing by the Correlator. Correlator The Correlator acquires the satellite signals, extracts the data bits and performs range and doppler measurements. Navigation The Navigation Processor extracts the navigation messages, Processor computes the users position, velocity and time from the measurements generated by the Correlator. User Interface This may typically include a keyboard and a display to enable the user to program and monitor the outputs from the GPS receiver.

Functional Description of the GPS Receiver

GPS is a Global Positioning System Receiver chipset solution (Refer Fig. 2.1) designed around a programmable platform ADSST2188 processor. ADSST2188 is a 16 bit fixed point DSP with on-chip SRAM and integrated I/O peripheral support.

Active Antenna




Accelerator ASIC


Keyboard & Display

Correlator & Navigation Processor

Fig 2.1 GPS -HS receiver block diagram

Chapter 2 Functional Description of GPS Receiver

GPS is designed to simultaneously acquire and track 12 GPS satellite signals and compute users accurate position, velocity and time. GVision software provides a Graphical User Interface for the GPS -HS based GPS receiver on an IBM-PC, which can be connected to the GPS receiver through an RS 232 link.

Functional Description
The GPS receiver consists of (Refer Fig. 2.2): RF Front End with Antenna Correlator Navigation Module User Interface

RF Front End

Digitized low IF Signal


Navigation Processor Satellite Selection Range Computation Satellite Database Management Real-time Executive Computation of Position, Velocity & Time

User Interface Communication Interface

Down conversion to a Low IF Noise figure 1.5 dB

Code Generation Carrier Generation Code Correlation Signal Integration Interface to Navigation Module and Real Time Clock

Fig 2.2 Four Sections of the GPS Receiver

Chapter 2 Functional Description of GPS Receiver

The L1 GPS signal, received through an active antenna, gets down-converted to a low IF in the RF front end - designed around a VLSI down converter. This IF signal is sampled at a predefined rate and then quantized in an A/D converter inside the RF front end. The quantized samples of the IF signal are received serially by the Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and stored in an internal buffer. The down conversion of this stored IF signal to base band, correlation of the signal with the local code, carrier & code tracking loops and computation of users position, velocity and time as well as the communication interface to a host are all implemented in software running on the DSP. Antenna Antenna Section consists of: Section An antenna operating at 1575.42 MHz (L1 signal) A built-in low noise amplifier (LNA) The antenna receives L1 signal from all visible satellites with almost equal gain through its hemispherical radiation pattern (Refer Fig. 3.3). The satellite signal at the antenna is very weak (-130 dBm) with an SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of less than -16 dB. The built in low noise amplifier compensates for the loss of signal in the RF cable.

Chapter 2 Functional Description of GPS Receiver

Fig 3.3 Radiation Patterns - GPS Antenna

Chapter 2 Functional Description of GPS Receiver

The main functions of the GPS antenna are: Reception of the GPS L1 signal at 1575.42 MHz Amplification of the received satellite signals RF Front End RF Front End is designed around a commercially available VLSI RF down converter with a set of RF passive components. It receives the input signal from the antenna section and provides down converted digitized IF signal to the Correlator. RF front end consists of the following major components: Band Pass Filter VLSI Down Converter LC filter SAW filter Reference clock The L1 GPS satellite signal is first passed through a band pass filter and then down converted to a low IF in the VLSI down converter. The down conversion of L1 frequency is performed in three mixer stages to generate IF frequencies. The local oscillator frequencies required for mixing operations are generated in a frequency synthesizer that gets input from the reference clock. A band pass filter and an amplifier follow each stage of the mixer. The final output from the RF front end is a digitized low IF signal which is processed in the next section - Correlator.

Chapter 2 Functional Description of GPS Receiver

The main functions of the RF Front End are: Reception of L-band GPS signal from the antenna RF signal filtering Down conversion of RF signal to a low IF Digitization of the low IF output signal Correlator Correlator receives digitized low IF output from the RF Front End and performs measurements on the satellite signal. The measurement outputs are sent to the navigation module, which computes the users position, velocity and time. The Correlator consists of: Buffers to store sampled low IF signal Carrier generator Code generator The main functions of the Correlator are: Reception and storage of digitized low IF signal in buffers Down-conversion of low IF signal to baseband Parallel processing of 12 channels Generation of the local carrier Generation of local C/A codes for 32 satellites Correlation of received signal with the local code Interface to Navigation Module .

Chapter 2 Functional Description of GPS Receiver

Navigation Navigation Module receives measurements performed on the Module satellite signal by the Correlator. The pseudo range and delta range measurements for the satellites being tracked by the Correlator are used by the Navigation Module to estimate the users position and other parameters. The Navigation module consists of the following modules: Satellite database management Satellite selection Channel management Position, Velocity and Time solution Interface to Correlator and User interface Real time multitasking executive Measurement data processor Interface to Real Time Clock and Non volatile memory Precise Time Generator Datum support RS 232 interface The position computation algorithm is such that when the position is determined with 3 satellites, the VDOP is 1.0.

User Interface User Interface software supplied along with the GPS receiver runs on an IBM-PC connected to the receiver on an RS 232 link. Using the software, you can Monitor satellites being searched and tracked Display users position, velocity and time Log various NMEA messages Alter Elevation Mask settings Factory Reset the receiver Cold start the receiver Configure the receiver to power down mode Alter various port settings

Hardware Installation of GPS Receiver

To monitor and control GPS receiver operation, Front- End java or similar software should be installed on the computer and initialized. The power input either from a car battery or a standalone external power supply can be provided.



Electrostatic The GPS boards contain assemblies sensitive to damage by Considerations ESD (Electrostatic discharge). Use ESD precautionary measures while handling the board. Electromagnetic The EMC is not ensured since the OEM applications may Considerations vary. However, it is necessary to use GPS receiver in a place, which is free from any strong radiation, to avoid degradation of performance. Typically, this receiver may malfunction if placed very close to transmitting stations. Special precautions may be required to shield the receiver in case of strong radiation. The board is enclosed inside a metallic container to reduce any electromagnetic interference. Thermal Operating temperature of the GPS receiver is from 0C to Considerations 70C for the commercial grade version and -40C to 85C for the Industrial grade version. Before installation, it must be ensured that the temperature of the environment is not too high. The air circulation should not be poor. Grounding The receiver is grounded through pin 5 of RS 232 connector Considerations and negative terminal of the 12 volts power supply input. The mounting holes of the board are connected to the case. Packaging After opening the package, check for any damage to the connectors, switches, LEDs, cables. Using any damaged part does not guarantee proper working of the GPS receiver.

Time output The Precise Time from the receiver is output from the receiver via a BNC. The Timing pulse is at TTL level for easy interface to other applications. Pin No. 1 2 Signal name Time Ground Description Center pin Outer metallic casing

The time output is buffered to 5V TTL at the BNC. ANT connector This is a SMB (male) panel mounting type connector for connecting antenna to GPS receiver with the antenna cable. Pin No. 1 2
25.4 mm

Signal name RF signal Ground

Description Center pin Outer case


LC Filter I RF Down Converter

Top View

LC FilterII

37.85 mm



Fig 4.3 GPS receiver board layout

Interface Connector

The interconnection between the GPS -HS GPS receiver board and the motherboard is accomplished via a 20-pin connector. The connector details and description are given below.

Antenna cable The antenna comes with a built in cable with SMB end. This cable connects the antenna to the receiver. The length of the cable is 3m, which is considered adequate for usage in a car. RS 232 cable This is a 2m long cable with 9-pin D type connectors. This cable connects the GPS receiver to the PC.

Mechanical Details
GPS Receiver The mounting of components inside the GPS receiver along with the dimensions is shown in Fig 4.5. The box contains GPS GPS receiver board and motherboard fixed at four places. The mountings on front panel include ANT connector, PWR indicator, Power connector, PTTI connector, Switch and D type RS 232 connector. The top cover is enclosed on the housing with four screws as shown in the Fig 4.5.

Top C over

NAV2400 - HS GPS Receiver Board

Mother board

37.85 mm

25.4 mm



R S 232





35 mm
G ND +12V D C

96 mm

143 mm
Fig 4.5 Mounting of components - GPS

Antenna The antenna enclosed in the evaluation kit is from EMTAC (part no. GPA-18A). The antenna is an active antenna with inbuilt cable. It has a magnetic mount, which is useful when testing in vehicles

GPS -HS Board Dimensions

All dimensions are in mm. All mounting holes are of diameter 2mm.
Fig 4.6 - GPS Board Dimensions

Appendix - A

Standard NMEA Message Formats

NMEA 0183 interface protocol defines the communication interface and the data format for the navigation equipment. This chapter provides an overview of the NMEA messages supported in GPS receiver.

General Information
The NMEA message structure is defined below. $MSGID,dl,d2,d3,..................dn*CS[CR]{LF} MSGID : 5 character mnemonic identifying the message .e.g., GPGGA dn: data field. , delimiters for the data fields * Check sum delimiter

Check sum calculation

Check sum (CS) of all NMEA messages are calculated for all other fields excluding $ * [LF] [CR].


GPS NMEA Messages

Setting Factory Default Factory Default Factory Default Factory Default Factory Default Factory Default Factory Default Message GGA GLL GSA GSV RMC VTG ZDA Description GPS Fix Data Geographic Position GPS DOP and active satellites GPS Satellites in view Recommended Minimum specific GPS/Transit data Track made good and ground speed Time and date

UTC time will be transmitted only if almanac is available in the receiver. If almanac is not present in the receiver, GPS time will be transmitted. GPS time is ahead of UTC time by about 13 seconds as on June 2001. Once almanac is collected, UTC time is transmitted. Therefore there can be a jump of 13 seconds in time field of NMEA messages when the receiver switches from no almanac state to almanac available state.


NMEA message formats

GPZDA message
ZDA message contains UTC time, day, month, year and the local time zone. $GPZDA , hhmmss . s ,dd , mm , yyyy ,aa, bb *CS<CR><LF> Field hhmmss.s Details UTC time hh -> 2 digits of hour. mm -> 2 digits of minutes ss.s -> 2 decimal digits and one fractional digit of second 2 digits of day 2 digits of month 4 digits of year Zonal Time offset in hours with respect to GMT. If the time offset is negative a - sign is padded before the hours field. This field is not updated. Zonal Time offset in minutes with respect to GMT. Sign is same as that of the hour field. This field is not updated. Check sum delimiter Check sum

dd mm yyyy aa


* CS

GPGGA message
The GGA message includes time, position fix and other position related information of GPS receiver. $GPGGA , hhmmss . s , llll . llll , a , yyyyy . yyyy , b , q , nn , hh .h ,aaaaa . a , M , sss .s , M , aa , aaaa *CS<CR><LF> Field hhmmss.s Details UTC time of position fix hh -> 2 digits of hour. mm -> 2 digits of minutes ss.s -> 2 decimal digits and one fractional digit of second Latitude in <degree degree minutes minutes . minutes minutes minutes minutes > format N for North, S for South Longitude in < degree degree degree minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes > format E for East, W for west Quality indicator 0 -> No GPS, 1-> GPS, 2>DGPS Number of satellites in use HDOP Altitude in meters, If altitude is negative - is padded before aaaaa.a Units of altitude M -> meters. Geoidal separation in meters. If negative, - is padded before sss.s Units of geoidal separation in meters Age of DGPS data. Field valid only when the quality indicator is 2 (DGPS) Station ID: 0-9999. Valid only in DGPS fix mode. Check sum delimiter Check sum

llll.llll a yyyyy.yyyy b

nn hh.h aaaaa.a M sss.s M Aa aaaa * CS

GPGLL message
This message includes latitude, longitude, time of position fix and the status information $GPGLL , llll . llll , a , yyyyy . yyyy , b , hhmmss . s , c *CS<CR><LF> Field llll.llll a yyyyy.yyyy Details Latitude in <degree degree minutes minutes. minutes minutes minutes minutes> format N for North, S for South longitude in < degree degree degree minutes minutes . minutes minutes minutes minutes > format E for East, W for west UTC time of position fix. hh -> 2 digits of hour. mm -> 2 digits of minutes ss.s -> 2 decimal digits and one fractional digit of second A -> position is available. V -> position is not available Check sum delimiter Check sum

b hhmmss.s

c * CS

GPRMC message
This message includes time, date, position and speed information from the GPS receiver $GPRMC , hhmmss . s , A , llll . llll , a , yyyyy . yyyy , b , ssss . ss , hhh . hh , ddmmyy , mm . m , d *CS<CR><LF> Field hhmmss.s Details UTC time of position fix hh -> 2 digits of hour. mm -> 2 digits of minutes ss.s -> 2 decimal digits and one fractional digit of second A -> position is available. V ->position is not available. Latitude in <degree degree minutes minutes. Minutes minutes minutes minutes > format N for North, S for South Longitude in < degree degree degree minutes minutes . minutes minutes minutes minutes> format E for East, W for west Speed over ground in Knots Heading in degree with respect to true north <day day month month year year> Magnetic variation in degree This field is not valid Direction of magnetic variation, This field is not valid Check sum delimiter Check sum

A llll.llll a yyyyy.yyyy

b ssss.ss hhh.hh ddmmyy mm.m d * CS

GPGSA message
This message indicates the satellite used for navigation, DOP values of the position fix $GPGSA , a , m , s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 , s5 , s6 , s7 , s8 , s9 , s10 , s11 , sl2 , pp . p , hh . h , vv .v *CS<CR><LF> Field a Details Mode could be manual or automatic A ->Automatic mode. In this mode the receiver automatically switches between 2D and 3D mode depending on the PDOP and satellite masks. M ->Manual mode. In this mode the receiver is forced to operate in either 2D or 3D mode. Mode 1 -> Fix not available, 2 -> 2D position fix, 3-> 3D position fix. PRN number of the satellites used for position fix. If less than 12 satellites are used, null in unused fields PDOP HDOP VDOP Check sum delimiter Check sum

m sl....sl2

pp.p hh.h vv.v * CS

GPGSV message
This message sends the information of all the visible satellites. The C/No is updated for all tracking satellites. $GPGSV , t , n , xx , aa , ee , zzz , cc , aa , ee , zzz , cc , aa , ee , zzz , cc , aa , ee , zzz , cc *CS<CR><LF> Field t n xx aa ee zzz cc * CS Details Total number of messages which is 3 always Message number (1 to 3) Total number of satellites in view Satellite PRN number Elevation angle in degree. 00 to 90 Azimuth in degree with respect to true north. 000 to 359 SNR of tracking satellites in dB. Null if not tracking Check sum delimiter Check sum

GPVTG message
This message indicates the heading and speed relative to ground $GPVTG , ddd . dd , T , ddd . dd , M , ssss . ss , N , ssss . ss , K *CS<CR><LF> Field ddd.dd T ddd.dd M ssss.ss N ssss.ss K * CS Details Track degree 0-360 True North Magnetic track. This field is not valid Magnetic Speed in Knots Knots Speed in Km/hr Km/hr Check sum delimiter Check sum

Appendix - B

Factory Default settings

This chapter lists the factory default settings in the receiver. Whenever factory reset message is received, the following parameters of the receiver are initialized according to the table below.

Parameter HCOM UART settings Mask angle Start mode ON messages Message update rate Datum Fix update rate Hdop limit Position filter Velocity filter Extrapolation

Value 9600 baud, 1 start, 1 stop, No parity, 8 of 8 format 5 degrees Cold start All NMEA messages Once a second WGS84 1 Hz 10 ON ON ON

Appendix - C

ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ELLIPSOID WGS 84 Default Adindan MEAN FOR Ethiopia, Sudan Adindan Burkina Faso Adindan Cameroon Adindan Ethiopia Adindan Mali Adindan Senegal Adindan Sudan Afgooye Somalia Ain el Abd 1970 Bahrain Ain el Abd 1970 Saudi Arabia Anna 1 Astro 1965 Cocos Islands Antigua Island Astro 1943 Antigua (Leeward Islands) Arc 1950 MEAN FOR Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe Arc 1950 Botswana Arc 1950 Burundi Arc 1950 Lesotho Arc 1950 Malawi Arc 1950 Swaziland Arc 1950 Zaire Arc 1950 Zambia Arc1950 Zimbabwe Arc 1960 MEAN FOR Kenya, Tanzania Ascension Island 1958 Ascension Island Astro Beacon E 1945 Iwo Jima Astro DOS 71/4 St Helena Island Astro Tern Island ( FRIG ) 1961 Tern Island Astronomical Station 1952 Marcus Island Australian Geodetic 1966 Australia and Tasmania Australian Geodetic 1984 Australia and Tasmania Ayabelle Lighthouse Djibouti Bellevue (IGN) Efate and Erromango Islands


Appendix - C Datums

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Bermuda 1957 Bermuda Bissau Guinea Bissau Bogota observatory Colombia Bukit Rimpah Indonesia Camp Area Astro Antartica (McMurdo camp area) Campo Inchauspe- Argentina Canton Astro 1966 Phoenix Islands Cape South Africa Cape canaveral Bahamas, Florida Carthage Tunisia Chataham island Astro 1971 New Zealand Chua Astro Paraguay Corrrego Alegre Brazil Dabola Guinea Djakarta (Batavia) Indonesia (Sumatra) DOS 1968 New Georgia Islands (Gizo Island) Easter Island 1967 Easter Island European 1950 MEAN FOR Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, West Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland European 1950 MEAN FOR Austria, Denmark, France, West Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland European 1950 MEAN FOR Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria European 1950 Cyprus European 1950 Egypt European 1950 England, Channel Islands, Ireland, Scotland, Shetland Islands European 1950 Finland, Norway European 1950 Greece European 1950 Iran European 1950 Italy(Sardinia) European 1950 Italy (Sicily) European 1950 Malta European 1950 Portugal, Spain European 1979 MEAN FOR Austria, Finland,


Appendix - C Datums

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland Fort Thomas 1955 Navis, St. Kitts (Leeward Islands) Gan 1970 Republic of Maldives Geodetic 1949 New Zealand Graciosa Base SW 1948 Azores Guam 1963 Guam Gunung Segara Indonesia, Kalimantan GUX 1 Astro Guadal Canal Island Herat North Afghanistan Hjorsey 1955 Iceland Honk Kong 1963 Hong Kong Hu-Tzu-Shan Taiwan Indian Bangladesh Indian India, Nepal Indian 1954 Thailand, Vietnam Indian 1975 Thailand Ireland 1965 Ireland ISTS 061 Astro 1968 South Georgia Islands ISTS 073 Astro 1969 Diego Garcia Johnston Island 1961 Johnston Island Kandawala Sri Lanka Kerguelen Island 1949 Kerguelen Island Kertau 1948 West Malaysia and Singapore Kusaie Astro 1951 Caroline Islands L.C.5 Astro 1961 Cayman Brac Island Leigon Ghana Liberia 1964 Liberia Luzon Philippines Excluding Mindanao Luzon Philippines Mindanao Mahe 1971 Mahe Island Massawa Ethiopia (Eritrea) Merchich Morocco Midway Astro 1961 Midway Islands Minna Cameroon Minna Nigeria Montserrat Island Astro 1958 Montserrat (Leeward Islands) M'Poraloko Gabon


Appendix - C Datums

99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128

Nahrwan Oman Nahrwan Saudi Arabia Nahrwan UAE Naparima BWI Trinidad and Tobago North American 1927 MEAN FOR Antigua, Barbados, Berbuda, Caicos Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Turks Islands North American 1927 MEAN FOR Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua North American 1927 MEAN FOR Canada North American 1927 MEAN FOR CONUS North American 1927 MEAN FOR CONUS, including Louisiana, Missouri, Minnesota North American 1927 MEAN FOR CONUS (West of Mississippi river) North American 1927 Alaska North American 1927 Bahamas (Except San Salvador Islands) North American 1927 Bahamas (San Salvador Islands) North American 1927- Canada (Alberta, British Colombia) North American 1927 Canada (Manitowa, Ontario) North American 1927 Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec) North American 1927 Canada (North west territories, Saskatchewan) North American 1927 Canada (Yukon) North American 1927 Canal Zone North American 1927 Cuba North American 1927 Greenland (Hayes Peninsula) North American 1927 Mexico North American 1983 Alaska, Canada, CONUS North American 1983 Centrla America, Mexico Observatorio Metereo 1939 Azores (Corvo and Flores Islands) Old Egyptian 1907 Egypt Old Hawaiian MEAN FOR Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Oahu Old Hawaiian Hawaii Old Hawaiian Kauai Old Hawaiian Maui


Appendix - C Datums

129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162

Old Hawaiian Oahu Oman Oman Ord. survey G. Britain 1936 MEAN FOR England, Isle of Man, Scotland, Shetland Islands, Wales Ord. Survey G.Britain 1936 England Ord. Survey G.Britain 1936 England, Isle of Man, Wales Ord. Survey G.Britain 1936 Scotland, Shetland Islands Ord. Survey G.Britain 1936 Wales Pico de las Nieves Canary Islands Pitcairn Astro 1967 Pitcairn Island Point 58 MEAN FOR Burkina Faso & Niger Pointe Noire 1948 Congo Porto Santo 1936 Porto Santo, Madeira Islands Provisional S.American 1956 MEAN FOR Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela Provisional S.American 1956 Bolivia Provisional S.American 1956 Chile (Northern, Near 900 south) Provisional S.American 1956 Chile (Southern, near 430 south) Provisional S.American 1956 Colombia Provisional S.American 1956 Ecuador Provisional S.American 1956 Guyana Provisional S.American 1956 Peru Provisional S.American 1956 Venezuela Provisional S.Chilean 1963 Chile(South, near 530 south) Puerto Rico Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Qatar National Qatar Qornoq Greenland (South) Reunion Mascarene Islands Rome 1940 Italy (Sardinia) Santo (DOS) 1965 Espirito Santo Island Sao Braz Azores Sapper Hill 1943 East Falkland Island Sehwarzeck Namibia Selvagem Grande Salvage Islands SGS 85 Soviet Geodetic System 1985 South American 1969 MEAN FOR Argentina, Bolivia,


Appendix - C Datums

163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188

Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela South American 1969 Argentina South American 1969 Bolivia South American 1969 Brazil South American 1969 Chile South American 1969 Colombia South American 1969 Ecuador South American 1969 Ecuador (Baltra, Galapagos) South American 1969 Guyana South American 1969 Paraguay South American 1969 Peru South American 1969 Trinidad & Tobago South American 1969 Venezuela South Asia Singapore Tananarive Observatory 1925 Madagascar Timbalai 1948 Brunei, East Malaysia Tokyo MEAN FOR Japan, Korea, Okinawa Tokyo Japan Tokyo Korea Tokyo Okinawa Tristan Astro 1968 Tristan da Cunha Viti Levu 1916 Fiji Wake-Eniwetok 1960 Marshall Islands Wake Island Astro 1952 Wake Atoll WGS 1972 Yacare Uruguay Zanderij Suriname


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