Blood Type Diet

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EUIS FITRIANA DEWI (220110110019) CLASS : A, 2011

Blood Type Diet

There are many types of diets that people use to go on a diet. One of which is the blood type diet. What is blood type diet? have you ever heard of the blood type diet?. Okay, the blood type diet is a nutritional diet for each blood type (ABO). Many scientists are researching this diet, there are four previous diet-typing systems based on ABO blood types. (1) The first studies were conducted by two anthropologists, Kelso and Armelagos (1963), who statistically correlated ABO blood types to macronutrients for 31 cultural groups worldwide, and found that type As ate higher fat diets, while type Bs ate higher carbohydrate diets. (2) Weissberg and Christiano published a popular book entitled The Answer Is In Your Blood Type (1999), which makes diet recommendations based on macronutrient levels and blood type. (3) James dAdamo published One Mans Food (1980), a popular book making specific food recommendations based solely on observation. (4) His son, Peter dAdamo published a similar popular book: Eat Right For Your Type (1996), which also incorporated lectins, many of which do not match those lectins reported in the scientific literature. None of the diet-typing systems above is supported by original scientific studies, except that of Kelso & Armelagos. This program is fairly well known by many people because each individual has substantial differences in digestive capabilities, food intolerances, food allergies and hypersensitivities. Hence not all people can eat the same foods, and no diet system can suit all people equally well. Here will be discussed blood type diet by Peter D'Adamo. In his book Eat Right For Your Type (1996), he claims that ABO blood type is the most important factor in determining a healthy diet and recommends distinct diets for each blood type. There are 4 primary blood groups in the ABO system ; types A, B, AB, O. for each type, a different diet is recommended for healthy living. Blood group O is described by D'Adamo as the hunter. He recommends that those of this blood group eat a higher protein diet. Blood group AB is described by D'Adamo as the enigma. he treats this group as an intermediate between blood types A and B.

Blood group A is called the agrarian or cultivator by D'Adamo. He recommends that individuals of blood group A eat a diet that emphasizes vegetables and is free of red meat, a diet more closely vegetarian.

Blood group B is called the nomad by D'Adamo. He recommends that individuals of blood group B eat a varied diet consisting of meat, vegetables, grains and dairy products. The blood type diet has it advantages and disadvantages. It offers motivation through a

seemingly in-depth scientific explanation as to why consuming a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity is so important. Success happens to blood type dieters seem to have most of the foods that should be avoided is the cause of intolerance and food allergies, such as fish, beans, eggs, fruit, milk and flour. When foods are avoided in people with allergies or food intolerance will improve various complaints. But this will not happen to people who do not suffer from allergies or food intolerance. But unfortunately the theory and various studies conducted by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, not according to the rules of medical science, and not including research that meets the scientific feasibility. Until now, research blood type diet has not been found in group online media publications or scholarly research publications online internationally recognized medical world.

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