MSSB No. 31
MSSB No. 31
MSSB No. 31
Volume 1, Issue # 31
April 13 to 17, 2009
Student Bulletin
April 13 to 17, 2009
GREEN PATCH Monday, April 13 Regular Schedule
Dear Students:
An increasing number of students are pushing the limits with the uniform and we need to get this back under control. We’d like
to remind everyone that: PE shorts are only to be worn during PE class, sweatshirts are to be ISM issue, and skirts/shorts are
to be fingertip length for girls. If you are out of uniform, you will be expected to address the matter immediately. You may be
sent to the office by a teacher to call home for the proper uniform. Please be responsible and make the right choice. Come to
school dressed appropriately.
Looking ahead… Friday, April 24th marks the mid quarter. Remember to check PowerSchool to monitor your assignments
and achievement in each class. Please stay on top of your studies, talk to your teachers and attend tutorials if you need any
help in your classes. Progress reports will be distributed starting Monday, April 27th.
MS ACADEMIC BOWL Please bring your own plastic bags, we’ll provide the rest ☺