Easy to Use
Assures Assembly
Thread Form
Thread Nomenclature
Pitch Diameter - located equidistantly between the sharp
major & minor cylinders. Major Diameter - is an imaginary cylinder that would bound the crests of an external thread or the roots of an internal thread. Minor Diameter - is an imaginary cylinder that would bound the roots of an external straight thread or the crests an internal thread.
Major Diameter - is the largest diameter of a thread. Minor Diameter - is the smallest diameter of a thread.
General Classifications
Thread Product Class of Fits
Inch Series
External Internal
M etric Series
External Internal
1A 2A 3A
1B 2B 3B
8g 6g 4h
7H 6H 5H
Range: Inch = 0-80 UNF to 3/4 - 16 UNF (Steel & Chrome) Metric= M1.6 x .35 to M18 x 1.5 (Steel & Chrome) Materials: Tool Steel 60/62 RC Chrome (Plated Tool Steel) 70/72 RC Features: Go : Min Product Pitch Dia. Gage Tolerance: Plus Tolerances: Class X
Custom Gages
Built to Your Specifications Developed from Your Part Drawings Designed to Meet Your Specific Needs Drawings May Be Supplied, if Required. (All Created Drawings Require Your Approval!)
Set Plug Gages are Only Intended to Inspect Ring Gages. They are Not Used to Inspect Product Threads! Set Plug Gages Have the Same Pitch Diameters as the Rings They Set, (Go PD Larger than NG PD).
Never force a Gage into or on a Part Being Check Handle gages as you would any precision tool, misuse or mishandling can result in nicks or other deformities which can destroy the integrity of the gage. Store gages in a secure location, preferably in individual compartments or containers. Gages should be dipped in an oilwax based seal or coated with a rust preventive prior to storing Ship gages packed separately, coated with rust preventive, with sufficient packing material to avoid damage.