Format of EFC/SFC Memorandum (For Revised Cost Estimate (RCE) Proposal)
Format of EFC/SFC Memorandum (For Revised Cost Estimate (RCE) Proposal)
Format of EFC/SFC Memorandum (For Revised Cost Estimate (RCE) Proposal)
Statement of proposal a) Whether Central Scheme or Centrally Sponsored? In the case of new CSS or CSS with changed parameters, funding pattern etc. whether approval of full Planning Commission has been obtained. b) Whether there are schemes with overlapping objectives and coverage in other Ministries and States? If so, the details of such schemes and the scope for integration.
c) New Proposal/Modified/Revised Cost Estimate. d) Reasons and justification for proposal, indicating historical background, circumstances in which the need have arisen, whether other alternatives have been considered and what detailed studies have been made in regard to the proposal for establishing its need, its economics and other relevant aspects. e) If it is location specific, basis for selection of location. f) Has the proposal been included in the Five Year Plan and what are the provisions in the Five Year Plan and in the current annual plan? Is any modification proposed? g) What is the estimated yield from the Project and what are the economic implications? h) In case of ongoing scheme/project, present status and benefits already accrued to the beneficiaries may also be furnished. i) Have other concerned Ministries and Planning Commission been consulted and if so, with what results?
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j) Whether any evaluation had been done? If so, broad findings of such evaluation studies may be given. k) Has the proposal or its variant been gone into by any Committee, Departmental or Parliamentary, if so, with what result and what decisions have been taken? 2 (1) What are the development outcomes and outputs of the scheme/project? The development outcomes and outputs should be specified in measurable and monitorable terms along with baseline data against which the impact of the scheme will be assessed. (An illustration of the distinction between outcomes and outputs is available under the National River Conservation Programme setting up of an STP/Laboratory is an output while improvement of river water quality to a prescribed standard is a development outcome) Programme Schedule A. Has the project/scheme been worked out and scrutinised in all its details? B. What is the schedule for construction, indicating the position separately relating to plant and machinery and civil works, raw materials, manpower etc. together with year-wise phasing. C. Whether physical and financial targets match with each other. D. What is the target date for completion and when will the expected benefits commence? E. If the project involves dislocation of human settlements, the resettlement costs should be included fully in the project cost. The resettlement Plan should also be indicated in the project implementation schedule. The resettlement cost may be worked out on the following basis: i. The cost of land required to resettlement would be as indicated by the District/State Authorities; ii. The compensation to be paid to the displaced persons. This compensation cost is dependent on the rates indicated by District/State Authorities. Thus the total compensation cost may be worked out on the basis of these rates. F. Does the project involve any creation/modification of structural/engineering assets including land reclamation or changes to existing land use plans? If yes, then the costs involved in prevention and mitigation of disaster(s) (natural and man-made) would need to be included fully in the project cost.
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a. What is the location of the project area? Reason for selecting the site. Have possible alternative sites been considered? Is the type of activity envisaged in the area compatible with the provisions of relevant NDMA Guidelines? b. Identify the possible risks and analyse the likelihood and impact from earthquakes, floods, cyclones and landslides due to the location of the project sites as well as through secondary evidence. c. What are the land use directives, regulations applicable? List preventive measures enshrined in regulations which are to be complied with and confirm compliance.
d. Based on the prioritization of risks, the mitigation measures being contemplated, both structural and non-structural. Confirmation that the implementation of the selected mitigation measures will not create new risks. e. Confirmation that the design and engineering of the structure has taken into consideration the National Building Code 2005, the appropriate BIS Codes and the NDMA guidelines. Other sources such as Indian Road Congress Manual, Ministry of Road Transport, Highways and Shipping manual, Railway Board manual, Central Public Health Engineering Organisation (Min. of Urban Development) manual, Central Electricity Authority manual and Central Water Commission manual etc may also be consulted where applicable.
f. Has the cost of disaster treatment/mitigation measures been included in the overall project cost? g. Also indicate that the whole process of risk assessment has been done based on available information and secondary evidence and the mitigation measure(s) are in conformity with the statutory and other regulatory requirements and are the most viable ones in the present circumstances. 4) Expenditure involved: a) What is the total expenditure (non-recurring and recurring): Indicate the position year-wise and also whether any budget provision has been made and if not, how it is proposed to be arranged? Has any expenditure been incurred already? b) Details of the scheme of financing clearly bringing out the financial obligations undertaken by the PSU/Ministry with or without the proposal under consideration.
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In other words, details of commitment on account of on-going projects to be funded from internal resources of the PSU may be given in the EFC Note along with the requirement and availability of funds for the project under consideration. In case of schemes / programmes, Five Year Plan Outlay for the Ministry/Department and commitments on on-going schemes/programmes along with the requirement and availability of funds for the scheme/programme may be furnished. c) What is the foreign exchange component (separately for non-recurring and recurring expenditure)? What are the items of expenditure involving foreign exchange and expenditure on foreign experts? Has clearance of E.A.D. been obtained and has availability of credit facilities been explored and if so, with what result? d) Phasing of expenditure (non-recurring and recurring) : i. On constant prices; ii. On completion cost. e) Reference date and basis of cost estimates of various components. 5) Reliability of Cost Estimates and other parameters: a. Has pre-project investigations been arrived at in detail and details of area where changes in project parameters could be anticipated? b. To what extent cost estimates are firmed up?
Operational Capabilities: a. Operational capability of PSU/Department/Implementing Agency/Ministry to undertake the tasks required for the implementation of the proposal under consideration. For this purpose, track record of the PSU in respect of the projects already implemented/under implementation may be highlighted and also steps proposed for ensuring timely execution of the project under consideration. b. In case of RCE proposals, variance analysis of cost increase due to price escalation, variation in exchange rates/custom and other statutory duties and levies, change in scope, under estimation, addition/alteration, etc. is to be given.
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i. Estimate of committed liabilities at the end of previous plan; ii. Whether this been transferred to States/non-plan head.
Add statements showing: a) The number of posts required and the pay scales, together with basis adopted for staffing, both in current year and future years; (A separate proposal for creation of posts may be sent to JS (Pers), Department of Expenditure at least two weeks before the circulation of EFC Note). b) Expenditure on buildings and other works and its basis and phasing; and, c) Expenditure on stores and equipment.
Viability: Information is to be given if benefits accruable from the projects/schemes are quantifiable and can be translated in monetary term. a. Financial IRR i. ii. At constant prices; On completion cost basis.
b. Economic IRR i. At constant prices; ii. On completion cost basis. 9) Whether Nodal Officer (Chief Executive for the project) has been appointed. If yes, give details about his status, past experience in implementing such projects, number of years left for superannuation etc.
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10) 11)
Date of approval of original cost or firmed up cost. Original or firmed up approved cost together with FE component. a. Fixed cost; b. Completion cost.
Present cost (completion cost) together with FE component. Earlier project completion schedule. Revised project completion schedule. Brief reasons for time overrun in clear terms. Variance analysis of increase in completion cost under the following heads: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Escalation. Exchange rate variation. Change in scope. Statutory levies. Addition/deletion. Under estimation. Other (Specify).
Quantification of increase in cost on account of time overrun. Present status of physical progress of the project. Expenditure incurred and commitments made so far.
20) Effect of revision in capital cost estimates on cost of production and profitability with reference to earlier approved capital cost of the project. 21) Whether, at the stage when funds to the extent of 50% of the approved cost were released, the mandatory review of the cost estimates was done by the project authorities and the administrative ministry? If so
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a. The date when, as a result of mandatory review, project authorities and the administrative Ministry became aware that the cost of the project is likely to be exceeded by more than 5% of the originally approved cost due to reasons other than price escalation, exchange rate variations statutory levies etc. and the date when RCE was drawn up and brought before EFC. b. A statement showing commitments made by the project authorities/Administrative Ministries in the EFC/PIB Memorandum regarding reliability of cost estimates, pre-project investigations, land acquisition, completion schedule etc. and during the PIB meeting with regard to the project at the time of seeking project approval and the status regarding their fulfillment.
c. Have the reasons for the time and cost overrun been gone into thoroughly and responsibility fixed? If so, details in this regard may be indicated.
22) Whether the issue of cost and time over run was brought before EC/QPR? If so, details of decision taken in EC/QPR & further follow up action. 23) For RCE proposals requiring CCEA approval, report/ recommendations of the Standing Committee and Action Taken Report may be appended.
24) Whether Financial Advisers concurrence/comments on EFC Memo have been obtained? If so, details thereof 25) 26) Supplementary Information. Points on which decisions/sanctions are required.
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