Project Proposal Template

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Annex 1: Project Proposal Template



This is a standard Small Grants Programme project template for the civil society and/or
community-based organizations to apply for grants. The template can be customized as
needed in accordance with country needs and context. Some sections of the template are
expected to be filled with support from the National Coordinator and National Steering

The Project Proposal should not exceed 10 pages of text (including charts or diagrams). The
Proposal should be submitted in typed form. The blue font texts in this template are guidance
and explanation and can be deleted once the proposal is prepared.

Additional attachments (not more than 10 pages) may be submitted, including documents
certifying the status of the organization, endorsements of the proposed project, funding
commitments or other indicators of participation and support from other institutions, and
evidence of community support and participation.

Please submit a copy of the Proposal to the National Coordinator, GEF Small Grants Programme
of the country.




Project No.
Project Title1:

The title must capture the essence of project and aligns to Indigenous Grant Thematic areas
Submission date


APPLICANT (Required)

Name of organization

Year established

Mailing Address:

Physical Address



Principal Officer (name and


Project contact/manager (name

and position)

C. PROJECT LOCATION (Required with NC/NSC support)

Please include a map and/or coordinates by entering latitude and longitude if possible.

Landscapes (name)
Coordinates (latitude/longitude) (optional)


Strategic Initiative (choose one) 2 Primary Focal Area (choose one)3

Enabling conditions to respect the rights Land Degradation/Sustainable Land
of IPs in the FOLU sector and Forest Management

Projects need to take an integrated approach and work on at least one of the strategic initiatives noted above. Focal area results
are achieved as a consequence of this integrated approach.
Each project should have one primary Focal Area which should be indicated. In addition projects may have secondary focal areas
which should be specified in the project rationale and approach. Appropriate indicators should be selected in line with the primary
and secondary focal areas of the project (refer to M&E guidelines
Piloting indigenous community-led Climate Change Mitigation/Climate
forest measures Change adaptation

Grant Maker Plus (optional)

Social Inclusion (Indigenous Peoples,
Youth, Women, and Persons with
Monitoring & evaluation and knowledge


Proposed Start Date

Project duration (in months)


Financial sources Local Currency

Total fund request from GEF SGP
Total fund from cofinancing/other sources
Total Project Cost

Please describe proposing organization’s experience, capacity, and commitment to

successfully implement the proposed project. The issues to be covered in this section
a) Type of organization
Indigenous Peoples Organization (IPO)
Community-based Organization (CBO)
Local Non-Governmental Organization (LNGO)

In addition, choose one or more of the following as appropriate:

☐Women’s group
☐Youth Group

b) Purpose and core activities of the proposing organization/group: include a mission/vision

statement if this exists

c) Length of existence and project management experience if any: XX years

d) Organizational structure, governance and administrative framework. Provide an indication of the

legal status. If none, provide an elaboration of its nature of existence. Provide any supporting
registration/legal documentation as an annex. Provide the recent audited financial statement if
e) Describe previous experience relevant to the proposed project, including activities
related to global environmental issues; or experience with projects that focus on
sustainable development at community level.

f) Please indicate if the organization has already been a GEF SGP grantee or involved in a
GEF SGP funded project. Yes/No: If yes, describe the involvement with SGP.


A. PROJECT FRAMEWORK (Required with NC/NSC support)

1. Project Summary
Please provide a brief summary of the project in one brief paragraph, including rationale and context,
project objective and key expected results, and the target site and community(ies) involved.

2. Project Rationale
Please describe the following:

 What challenges that the project intends to address in relation to global environmental and
development issues.
 How the project relates and will be contributing to the SGP Country Programme Strategy
 How the project relates to and will contribute to the national REDD+ program, the Forest and
Other Land Use (FOLU) sector outlined in the Nationally Determined Contribution.

3. Project Objectives, Results/Outputs, and Activities

Please describe the following (refer and use table 1 as relevant to describe):

a) Primary objective: Proposed project should include environmental objective, along with
development/livelihood objective as relevant.
b) Project results: Please describe measurable changes which will have occurred by the end
of the project as a result of the planned intervention (e.g. XX hectares of community
management conservation area established. XX community members is trained on
improved on waste management).
c) Project Outputs and Activities: Please briefly describe what will be produced as project
results and outputs. Please outline few activities for each output,
d) Project Implementation Plan and Time Frame: Please describe implementation plan.
Please include timing of the required reports, project reviews and monitoring activities.
Table 1: Project framework and Implementation Plan

Project Objective: XXXX Duration of Activity in Months (or Quarters)

Responsible Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Component/Output 1:

Activity 1.1: XXXXX

Activity 1.2: XXXXX

Activity 1.3: XXXXX

Component 2/Output

Activity 2.1: XXXXX

Activity 2.2: XXXXX

Identify those responsible for reporting and monitoring Number of monitoring and submitting reports:
and evaluation:

Monitoring and

Project Progress and

Financial reports
Project evaluation
Project completion
4. Community and Stakeholder Participation Plan
Please describe how the stakeholders and communities, including indigenous peoples where relevant,
were involved in: i) project planning and design: ii) Project implementation and iii) Project monitoring
and evaluation. Please attach documentation as relevant.

5. Knowledge Management
Please describe the plan to capture, share and disseminate the knowledge, lessons learned and good
practices gained through the implementation of the project.

6. Inclusion – Women, Youth, and Persons with Disabilities:

Please describe how the project takes into consideration the roles and needs of men and women
(with a focus on the needs of women), how the project reaches other social inclusion groups (youths
and persons with disabilities), and how this would be reflected in the budget, results and benefits of
the project.

1. Impacts on biodiversity and natural resources:

Please describe how the project takes into consideration potential changes to the use of lands or
resources that may have adverse impacts on ecosystems or livelihoods (e.g, use of native species in
reforestation projects, etc.)

2. If relevant, how many families would benefit from the project?

9. Impact – Sustainability, Scale-up and Replication:
Please describe sustainability of the project impact in a longer term, both environmentally and
socio-economically. Outline possible steps to be taken before, during, and at project completion
to ensure that the project impact will continue for many years after the project ends.

10. Innovation
Please describe innovative aspects of the project. This may include new way of thinking, new form
of organizing resources, new ways to connect within community, improvements of existing
product/service/delivery process, original product/service/model of delivery, and fueling local action
and organizing as groups.


with NC/NCS support)

1. Screening of Potential Project Risks and Impacts (Project, Contextual, Environmental,


Please identify and list the major risk factors that could result in the project not producing
the expected results. These should include social and environmental factors (e.g. gender
discrimination or unequal participation of women or other minorities, restrictions on access
to natural areas and/or resources, impacts on the use and/or commercialization of
traditional knowledge, changes to the use of lands or resources that may have adverse
impacts on ecosystems or livelihoods, etc.). These should include both internal factors (e.g.
technology involved fails to work as projected) and external factors (e.g. climate change
impacts, political and economical situation, etc). Please also propose risk mitigation
measures to address the potential risks.

Table 2: Risks and Mitigation Measures

# Internal and External Risks Possible mitigation measures


2. Monitoring & Evaluation Plan and Indicators

a. Project monitoring schedule (please seek support from the NC/NSC)
Please identify annual, mid-term, and final monitoring schedule. The project should be
monitored according to a planned schedule, in line with the milestones identified in the
Implementation Plan and Time Frame4

b. Project indicators (please seek support from the NC/NSC)

Please fill in Annex 1.a – this is a requirement for all projects.

SECTION C: PROJECT BUDGET (Required – please seek support from

NC/NSC as needed)

1. Project Budget

Please provide budget details following the below expenditure categories, and how the
funds will be spent over the project period. SGP projects generally should not exceed 2
years. Co-financing to the SGP grant amount is encouraged.

Table 3: Project Budget (in local currency)

Expenditure Category SGP Grant SGP Grant Total SGP Total
Year 1 Year 2 grant Cofinance
Among the key issues to be addressed as part of M&E are: a) performance of the project in terms of activities and
outputs; b) results of the project, in terms of achieving the outcomes and objective(s); c) mid-course correction
and adjustment of the project design and plans; and d) participation of community members in the project
monitoring and evaluation processes.
other donor,
1. Personnel / Labour
2. Equipment / Materials
3. Training / Seminars / Travel
4. Contracts
7. Other support requested5
Total Project Cost

2. Cofinancing
Please provide details on the cost-sharing contributions (cash and in-kind) and summarized in
table 3 below. This should include sources and nature of the contribution (e.g. Youth
Organization contributing labour, land, cash, etc). The GEF SGP applies the principle of co-
financing the target activities between the relevant partners in the project. It is therefore
important that proposing organizations make some contribution towards the operational and
programmatic costs of the project.

Table 3: Proposing organization and Community Contributions

Sources of Contribution Type (cash/in Committed or Amount (in local
kind6) Projected* currency)

Outline other forms of support requested from SGP which are not included in the budget. This support may be for both technical and

administrative matters (and not for additional funding). This may cover areas which you need to specify such as: Consultants;
Procurement; and Other (specify).

Refers to contributions made directly towards projects realization such as labour, materials, time and other quantifiable
resources that count towards the achievement of the project results. An approximate amount should be indicated in the table.
GEF SGP OP7 Project Indicators (please refer to M&E guidelines for details)

All SGP project will align with at least one or more of the below global environmental
indicators. The SGP priorities are aligned to that of the GEF-7 Programming Directions Paper
and its outcomes to meet the GEF-7 targets. To capture global environmental benefits, in
GEF-7 SGP is aligned with 6 of the 11 GEF-7 core indicators.


MANDATORY Global Environmental Indicators: at least one indicator, no more Type
than three (aligned with GEF 7 Core Indicators)
3.1 Area of degraded agricultural lands restored (hectares) A given project can be
linked to at a minimum
Area of landscapes under improved management to benefit biodiversity
(hectares) one indicator; and at
4.3 Area of landscapes under sustainable land management in production most three of these
systems (hectares) GEF-7 core and sub-
5 Area of marine habitat under improved practices to benefit biodiversity indicators
(hectares; excluding protected areas)
MANDATORY: Socio- Economic Benefit Indicators Type
1 Number of direct beneficiaries with improved livelihoods and well-being Mandatory
2 Number of direct beneficiaries benefitting from SGP intervention Mandatory
3 Breakdown number of beneficiaries reached by social inclusion groups
(using 0 in case a category not applicable):
 Number of Women; Mandatory
 Number of Indigenous Peoples; Mandatory
 Number of Youth; Mandatory
 Number of Persons with Disability As relevant
4 Is the project tagged (for expected contribution at project commitment As relevant
stage/ report on results in final report) to closing gender gaps in one or
more of the following categories (check all applicable)?
 contributing to equal access to and control of natural resources
of women and men
 improving the participation and decision-making of women in
natural resource governance
 targeting socio-economic benefits and services for women
4 Does the project include sex-disaggregated and gender sensitive As relevant
indicators (at commitment stage)


AS RELEVANT/OPTIONAL: Additional Indicators Type
(These include both Global Environmental Benefit and Socio-
Economic Benefit indicators)
SGP projects are multi- focal. Checkmark focal area strategy Due to multi-focal nature of SGP
used (biodiversity, climate change mitigation/ adaptation, interventions, projects can select from all
land degradation, sustainable forest management, indicators across all focal areas while
international waters, chemicals and waste) highlighting the focal area that will be their
primary strategy.
1 Names and Number of target BD
landscapes/seascapes under improved While primary focal areas for each indicator
community conservation and sustainable use area listed, please note irrespective of focal
area selected, a project can choose from any
2 Number of ICCAs; Hectares of ICCAs BD of these indicators to be linked to in case of
3 Number of community members with improved LD multifocal and integrated results. Please
actions and practices on agriculture, land and note these are optional in nature.
water management
4 Number of new or sustained farmer leaders LD
adopting and demonstrating improved
agriculture and agroecological practices.
5 Number of new or sustained farmer groups or LD
networks, advocating and disseminating
improved agriculture approaches and practices.
6 Number of projects working on: renewable CC
energy (biomass, hydro, solar photovoltaic, solar
thermal, other); energy efficiency, sustainable
transport; and conservation/ enhancement of
carbon stocks.
7 Number of low carbon typologies that are CC
community-oriented and locally adapted
8 Area of Forests and non-forest lands with
restoration and enhancement of carbon stocks
initiated through completed projects (hectares)
9 Names and Number of Seascapes/inland IW
freshwater Landscapes. These include local
names of marine parks, marine sanctuaries,
gulfs, bays, lakes, rivers, and underground
10 Hectares of river/lake basins applying IW
sustainable management practices through
projects’ intervention
11 Number of organizations with capacities built or All
developed (record for both): number of civil focal
society organizations (CSOs), number of areas
community-based organizations (CBOs)
12 Number of beneficiaries with improved All
capacities focal
Cross-cutting social inclusion project level indicators
13 Was the projects led by women and/or institutes GENDER
mechanisms for increased participation of
women in decision-making? (Yes/ No)
14 Number of indigenous leaders with higher IP
capacities (to deliver local solutions and have
strong policy advocacy representation)
15 Number of youth organizations engaged with as YOUTH
part of SGP intervention
16 Number of PWD (persons with disabilities) PWD
organizations engaged as part of SGP
Eligible applicants from the geographical areas below are invited to submit a project proposal. Please
refer to document attached separately titled: Annex 1B List of Targeted Provinces and Communes of IP
Residence Recognized by MRD in the link below:

As a reminder, eligible applicants as stated in Section 6.0 of the introductory guide to this call for
proposal must be:

1. IPOs or Local NGOs who have registered with the Ministry of Interior (MoI) and have proven
experience working directly with IPs and indigenous communities on activities related to forest
and other land use; OR
2. CBOs who have registered as a legal body where the majority of the communities are
indigenous. For example, Community Forestry (CF) and Community Fisheries (CFi) who have
registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and Community
Protected Area (CPA) and the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and Indigenous Community who
have registered with Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) and Ministry of Interior (MoI).
3. For IP Community and Organizations/Communities that have not gone through the legalization
process, a proposal could be submitted together with IP Organization/community who have

Special requirement: Applicants must provide either of the supporting documents listed below. Failure
to submit either of these documents will lead to instant disqualification from this call for proposal.
 An official document by MRD that has recognized the targeted communities for this proposal
are Indigenous.

Special target: At least 30% of the projects eligible for funding must be implemented by indigenous
women and youth.
Annex 2: Profile Sheet
Community-Based Organization/NGO profile Sheet

I. Background Information:
A. Name of organization: ___________________________________________________________
Contact person: ______________________________________________
Type of nature of Organization (Please check):
________ Cooperative _________________ Civil Orientation
________ Others (please specify): _________________ ______________
_________________ ______________

B. Mailing address: ________________________________________________

Telephone numbers: _________________________ Fax No: __________________
Email address: __________________________________________________

C. Date of registration/certificate with:

1. Ministry of Interior: __________________________________________
2. Ministry of Agriculture: _______________________________________
3. Others (please specify) : ______________________________________

D. Board of Organization (please indication officers, if more space is needed please use additional

Name Position/Designation Address

E. Staff/Secretariat (please indicate if full-time, part-time or volunteer, if more space is needed please
use additional sheets)
Name Position/Designation Address
F. Affiliation
Regional (Please indicate CBO or NGO formation at the regional level where you are affiliated)

G. Fund sources (During the last five (5) years. if more space is needed please use additional sheets)
Donor/Funder Address Programme Type of Duration Status
Assisted Assistance (Ongoing/Completed. If
(Loan/Grant) completed, indicate date of


Programme/ Location Duration Project Funding Status
Project/Activities Partners Source (Ongoing/Completed. If
completed, indicate date
of completion)

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