Fact Sheet Batons and Handcuffs
Fact Sheet Batons and Handcuffs
Fact Sheet Batons and Handcuffs
What kind of prohibited weapons are authorised by this permit? An extendable or telescopic baton under Schedule 1 clause 2(17A) and handcuffs under Schedule 1 clause 4(2) of the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998. What is the term of the permit? The permit will be issued for a maximum term of up to 5 years. How much will the permit cost? The prescribed fee for this permit is $127. Your payment must accompany the application. What level of safe storage applies to this permit? Level 1 safe storage. See 'Safe Storage Prohibited Weapons Levels 1, 2 & 3' available on the Safe Storage page on the Firearms Registry Internet site. What do I need to send with the application? * You must provide as part of this application a passport style colour photo of yourself endorsed on the back with 'This is a true photo of (name)' and signed by a JP or police officer. * In addition, you must provide as part of this application documentation totalling 100 points for proof of identity (see 100 point identification fact sheet). * Applicants must provide evidence to support the issue of the permit to purchase batons and handcuffs (such as high risk business/employment activities). * Security guards must provide evidence of completion of batons and handcuff training certification and confirmation from their employer of the need to purchase their own batons and handcuffs. How do I complete the application form? The P638 'Application for a Prohibited Weapon Permit' form applies to this permit. This form is used for a new application or to re-apply for a Prohibited Weapon Permit. Do not send a photocopy of the form, print within the boxes, do not mark boxes that do not apply, use CAPITAL LETTERS and BLACK INK; DO NOT USE STAPLES. Section A - Applicant Details The 'Last Name' & 'Given names' box should show your full legal name. This should be the name on your birth certificate, marriage certificate, change of name certificate or passport. Complete your DOB, drivers licence, contact details including mobile phone number and email address. List any other names by which you have been known and supply details.
Vers 1.1
October 2010
Section B - Residential Address Insert your full residential address here. Section C - Postal Address If your postal address is the same as your residential address mark the box with an 'X', otherwise, insert your postal address here. Section D - Business, Club, Government Agency Details Complete business or organisation name, trading name, business address, phone numbers and postal address. Section E - Permit Type Place an 'X' in the box 'Batons and Handcuffs'. Section F - Safekeeping Address of Weapons This section should be completed providing the address at which the prohibited weapons will be stored and details of the arrangements for the safekeeping and storage. Attach a separate sheet if there is insufficient space. Section G - Personal History Please answer all questions by marking the appropriate 'Yes' or 'No' box. If you responded 'Yes' to any of the questions, please provide an attachment with details. Section H - Declaration The application form must be signed and dated by the applicant in the presence of a witness. The witness must be 18 years of age or over.
By signing the declaration you are confirming that: All the information provided on the application is true and correct; You understand it is an offence to supply false or misleading information; AND You agree to the NSW Police Force making enquiries to establish that the information you have supplied in relation to the application is true and correct. Section I - Credit Card Authority If you wish to pay by credit card, indicate whether Mastercard or Visa, fill out cardholder details in full, sign and date. Related Information See Fact Sheets: '100 point identification', 'Safe Storage Prohibited Weapons Level 1, 2 & 3', 'Recommended Safe Storage for Schedule 1 Prohibited Weapons'. Check List
Completed P638 form Passport sized colour photo Proof of ID Evidence of genuine reason Proof of baton and handcuff training qualifications, if applicable Proof of employment Safe storage location, facilities and security of prohibited weapon Payment with application = $127
Firearms Registry
Address Locked Bag 1 Murwillumbah NSW 2484 Telephone 1300362562 Interstate 02 66708590 Fax 02 66708558 Email permits@police.nsw.gov.au OR firearmsenq@police.nsw.gov.au
Website www.police.nsw.gov.au/firearms
Where can I find more information? The information provided in the FACT Sheet is for general guidance only. Applicants and licensees should familiarise themselves with the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 and the Weapons Prohibition Regulation 2009, which are available on the NSW Legislation website - www.legislation.nsw.gov.au.