Under Also Sec 1 of RA 8294
Under Also Sec 1 of RA 8294
Under Also Sec 1 of RA 8294
It states that: that those who would unlawfully manufacture, deal in, acquire, dispose, or possess
any firearm, part of firearm, ammunition or machinery, tool or instrument used or intended to be
used then in the manufacture of any firearm or ammunition (high-powered FA) shall have an
imposable penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period and a fine, not less than 30,000.
Committed unlawful acts (regarding a firearm, stated in sec 1) in connection with rebellion,
insurrection, sedition, or coup d'etat shall be absorbed then- as an element of the latter-mentioned
Carrying a licensed firearm outside the residence without authorization to do so; then the
imposable penalty is an arresto mayor.
Section 3 of RA 8294 amends section 5 of the PD 1866: Whereas; it states that if an individual
would tamper, change, deface or erase the serial number of any firearm- be imposed then: the
penalty of prision correccional.
Section 6 of RA 8294 states that the coverage of the term unlicensed firearm is those expired
licensed firearms and the utilization of an unlicensed firearm during the commission of a crime.
Article 2, Section 4 of RA 10591 states the Standards and Requisites for Issuance of and
Obtaining a License to Own and Possess Firearms:
-must be a Filipino citizen
-at least 21 years old
-gainful work/occupation/business
-filed Income Tax return (ITR) for the prior year as proof of work/occupation/business
-issued certification by authorized personnel attesting that the applicant then is not convicted-
involving moral turpitude
-passed the psychiatric test by PNP-accredited medical professionals
-passed the drug test by PNP's accredited laboratory
-passed a gun safety seminar by PNP
-filed in writing to possess the firearm, in it are the personal circumstances of the individual
-present a police clearance
-not convicted or currently accused, punishable by a penalty of more than two years
Article 2, Section 6 of RA 10591 states the Ownership of Firearms by the National Government:
-registered with the FEO (Firearm and Explosives Office)of PNP in the name of the Republic of
the Philippines
-registration is exempted from duties and taxes
Article 2, Section 7 of RA 10591 states the Carrying of Firearms Outside of Residence or Place
of Business:
-issued by the Chief of PNP or duly authorized representative
- a person whose life is at threat because of the danger brought to them by their
-threat assessment certificate-burden of the applicant to prove
Article 3, Section 8 states that the authorized personnel who can issue licensed firearms is the
Chief of PNP through the FEO of PNP.
3.Under our current laws, the possession of firearms by foreigners shall be in accordance with
pertinent rules and regulations.