Qtquick Module 002

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QtQuick Training Course

Module Two

Module Two


1 Positioning elements
Absolute positioning
Relative positioning Anchors

2 Making things move

How to create States Set Transitions and Animations

All kinds of easings and animations

Module Two


3 QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Declarative and imperative together Creating javascript functions in a QtQuick file Importing a javascript file Component Oriented Programming in QtQuick

Module Two


1 Positioning elements
2 Making things move 3 QtQuick and Javascript are good friends 4 Questions 5 Lab

Positioning elements

Absolute positioning
Define the item's position and size relative to its parent

x, y, width and height

Item { width: 400 height: 400 Image { source: "images/background.png" } Spaceship { id: spaceship x: 50 y: 60 } }

See video: addon/module-002/videos/basic-positioners.mov

See example: addon/module-002/examples/basic-positioners.qml

Positioning elements

Relative positioning
Anchors provide a way to position an item by specifying its relationship with other items
Item { width: 400; height: 400 Image { anchors.fill: parent source: "images/background.png } Spaceship { id: spaceship anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } }
See video: addon/module-002/videos/anchors-positioners.mov

See example: addon/module-002/examples/anchors-positioners.qml

Positioning elements

More about anchors

There are many ways to specify how an item is related to another

anchors.right, anchors.rightMargin ...

Item { width: 400 height: 400 ... Spaceship { id: spaceship anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } Spaceship { anchors.top: spaceship.bottom anchors.right: spaceship.right anchors.rightMargin: 100 } }
See video: addon/module-002/videos/more-anchors.mov

See example: addon/module-002/examples/more-anchors-positioners.qml

Module Two


1 Positioning elements
2 Making things move 3 QtQuick and Javascript are good friends 4 Questions 5 Lab

Making things move

How to create States

The State element defines configurations of objects and properties.
Item { id: myItem width: 400 height: 400 Image { id: spaceship source: "images/spaceship.png" x: 10 y: 50 } states: [ State { name: "leftXMove" PropertyChanges { target: spaceship x: 200 } } ] }

Making things move

How to create States

You can create as many states as you need for an object
... states: [ State { name: "leftXMove" PropertyChanges { target: "spaceship" x: 200 } }, State { name: "downYMove" PropertyChanges { target: "spaceship" y: 90 } } ] } ...

All properties not expressed will be the same as the base state

Making things move

The purpose of creating States

It is easy to change from one state to another
Image { id: button; source: "images/button.png" y: 50; x: 10 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: myItem.state = 'leftXMove' } }

Executing a function to set a different state string name

Image { id: button; source: "images/button.png" y: 50; x: 10 MouseArea { id:mouseArea; anchors.fill: parent } } states: State { name: "leftXMove"; when: mouseArea.clicked PropertyChanges { target: myItem; x: 200 } }

Using when method. It will change the property but inside the state element

Making things move

The purpose of creating States

This is the result ...

See video: addon/module-002/videos/spaceship-no-motion.mov

Making things move

The purpose of creating States

... but this one is much more interesting

See video: addon/module-002/videos/spaceship-motion.mov

Making things move

Animating from one State to another

You just need to add a transition element to animate between states
... transitions: [ Transition { from: ""; to: "leftXMove" NumberAnimation { properties: "x, y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; } } ] ...

Helper: Qt Quick Toolbar

The first state is an empty string by default

See example: addon/module-002/examples/animation-example.qml

Making things move

Main transition and animation elements

from and to
the elements initial and final state string

the animated elements id

the property that you want to change during the animation. This can be an array of properties

choose an easing curve to add a specific effect to your animation

To know more about different animation elements: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeelements.html

Making things move

Animation types
There are many ways to achieve your needs


SequentialAnimation PauseAnimation RotationAnimation

To know more about different animation types: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeelements.html

Making things move

This allows you to animate changes in a real number type property
... NumberAnimation { properties: "x, y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; } ...

This is the basic animation element. Most animations are about changing numbers.

Making things move

Parallel and Sequential

You can animate specific properties in a specific order

ParallelAnimation { NumberAnimation { target : myRect properties: "x"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; } NumberAnimation { target : myRect properties: "y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; } }

SequentialAnimation { NumberAnimation { target : myRect properties: "x"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; } NumberAnimation { target : myRect properties: "y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; } }

Making things move

Parallel and Sequential

You can animate specific properties in a specific order



See video: addon/module-002/videos/parallel.mov

See video: addon/module-002/videos/sequential.mov

Making things move

Other animation elements

The RotationAnimation allows you to add specific rotation properties to your animation
states: { State { name: "180"; PropertyChanges { target: myItem; rotation: 180 } } State { name: "-90"; PropertyChanges { target: myItem; rotation: -90 } } } transition: Transition { RotationAnimation { direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest } }

Making things move

Other animation elements

The PauseAnimation allows you to add delays in your animation

PauseAnimation { target : myRect duration: 100 }

Animating with behavior

Rectangle { width: 20; height: 20; color: "#00ff00" y: 200 Behavior on y { NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.OutBounce duration: 200 } } }

Module Two


1 Positioning elements
2 Making things move 3 QtQuick and Javascript are good friends 4 Questions 5 Lab

QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Declarative and Imperative together

Qt Quick lists elements with properties, and JavaScript allows you to express more complex behavior than static values
Item { id: label1 x: 80 width: 100 height: 100 Image { source: { if(pressed) { return "img2.png"; } else { return "img1.png"; } } } }

QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Javascript function inside QtQuick

You can add a javascript function anywhere in your QtQuick file

function randomState() { var statesArray = ["topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight"]; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*statesArray.length); return statesArray[randomNumber]; }

This is a simple function that picks a number and references it in an array of states

See example: addon/module-002/examples/javascript-example.qml

QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Javascript function inside QtQuick

This is the result after adding this function to the previous example

See video: addon/module-002/videos/javascript.mov

See file reference: addon/module-002/examples/javascript-example.qml

QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Importing a javascript file

If you want to organize your code, you can import a js file to QtQuick

import QtQuick 1.0 import "random.js" as RandomFunction Item { id: myItem width: 400 ... MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { myItem.state = RandomFunction.randomState(); } } }

See example: addon/module-002/examples/importing-javascript.qml

QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Component Programming in QtQuick

Its a good idea to recycle your code and create components for elements that can be reused. An example? A button!
Image { id: button source: "images/button.png" property string labelText Text { id: label text: labelText color: "white" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 6 } }


See example: addon/module-002/examples/reusing-button.qml

QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Component Programming in QtQuick

Now there is a reusable button layout, but some improvements are needed. The onClicked mouse event needs to be inside Button.qml
reusing-button.qml ... Button { id: button labelText: "PRESS" anchors.horizontalCenter: myItem.horizontalCenter anchors.bottom: myItem.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 20
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: {myItem.state = RandomFunction.randomState();} } } ...

See example: addon/module-002/examples/reusing-button.qml

QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Component Programming in QtQuick

There are default properties in QtQuick that allows you to have communication between classes
Image { id: button source: "images/button.png" property string labelText signal buttonClicked Text { id: label text: labelText color: "white" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 6 } }


These properties are declared in the beginning of the file

QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Component Programming in QtQuick

When the button is clicked a signal is emitted. Now, all you need to do is interpret it
Image { id: button source: "images/button.png" property string labelText signal buttonClicked ... MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { button.buttonClicked(); } } }


QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

Component Programming in QtQuick

The MouseArea control is now inside the Button class and a function is executed when the signal is emitted
reusing-button.qml ... Button { id: button labelText: "PRESS" anchors.horizontalCenter: myItem.horizontalCenter anchors.bottom: myItem.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 20
onButtonClicked: { myItem.state = RandomFunction.randomState(); } } ...

See example: addon/module-002/examples/reusing-button.qml

Module Two


1 Positioning elements
2 Making things move 3 QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

4 Questions
5 Lab


How do you create animations between states? What is the difference between Sequential and Parallel Animations? What happens if I dont declare the from and to transition properties? How do I create a javascript function inside a QtQuick file?

How do I execute a function in QtQuick from an imported js file?

Is it possible to reuse code in QtQuick? What is a signal?

Module Two


1 Positioning elements
2 Making things move 3 QtQuick and Javascript are good friends

4 Questions
5 Lab


Spaceship attack! Reproduce the movement below

See video: addon/module-002/videos/spaceship-attack.mov

Optional: The spaceships must be a component file

See lab: addon/module-002/labs/lab-animation/labTwo.qmlproject

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