Heart Sounds - Practical
Heart Sounds - Practical
Heart Sounds - Practical
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After end of this practical you must be able to: 1. Define precordium 2. Locate the different auscultatory areas on the precordium 3. Auscultate the heart sounds. 4. Describe the 1st & the 2nd heart sounds. 5. Describe the mechanism and causes of split of first and second heart sounds.
The PRECORDIUM is defined as the anterior aspect of the chest wall that overlies the heart.
With the help of the stethoscope, auscultate the different areas in the following sequence: mitral area, pulmonary area, aortic area and tricuspid area. Use the diaphragm of the stethoscope to hear the heart sounds. In each area, the following points should be noted during auscultation.
The second heart sound is primarily caused by the closure of semilunar valves. Rushing of blood into the ventricles due to opening of the AV valves also contributes.
Second heart sound signifies the end of clinical systole and closure of semilunar valves &beginning of ventricular diastole. Splitting : Splitting of the second sound is due to the gap between the aortic and pulmonary components. It is easy to detect because aortic and pulmonary valve closure sounds are high pitched and can be separated. Aortic valve closure is audible in all areas whereas pulmonary valve closure is audible only in the pulmonary area. Splitting is most easily heard in children and may not be audible in elderly subjects. Mechanism of splitting : The splitting of the second heart sound is due to the separation between the closure of aortic and pulmonary valves. The closure of the pulmonary valve always follows the closure of aortic valve (aortic valve closes first). The spilitting is distinctly heard during inspiration. During inspiration more blood is drawn into the thorax. Therefore, venous return to right atrium increases. Therefore, left ventricular systole is shortened and A2 comes earlier. Therefore, during inspiration A2 occurs earlier and P2 occurs later. Hence, splitting of the second sound widens during inspiration. Exactly the opposite happens during expiration and splitting narrows.
Third heart sound is usually not heard in many healthy individuals. Sometimes it may be heard in children and in young adults. It is usually heard in conditions in which the circulation becomes hyperkinetic. The third sound can arise from either side of the heart, but, usually, it arises in the left ventricle. Causes: It is caused by the vibration setup in the ventricle during the early period of rapid ventricular filling. Significance : This is attributed to rapid ventricular filling. It is found in relatively hyperkinetic (hyper dynamic) circulation, in young persons, and where the mitral diastolic flow is increased as in mitral regurgitation.
MURMURS: Murmurs are abnormal sounds heard during the auscultation of the heart.
Murmurs occur due to turbulence in the blood flow at or near a valve, or an abnormal communication within the heart. When a murmur is present, the following points are carefully noted. 1) Timing and duration 2) Site of origin 3) Character 4) Radiation (Conduction) 5) Relation with respiration
HEART MURMURS VALVE Aortic or pulmonary Incompetence/regurgitati diastolic Mitral or tricuspid Incompetence/regurgitati systolic on on stenosis diastolic ABNORMALITY stenosis TIMING OF MURMUR systolic