All You Need To Know About Fasting
All You Need To Know About Fasting
All You Need To Know About Fasting
Through Fasting, we can improve our effectiveness in the things of the spirit. In simple terms, Fasting helps you to tame the flesh and lift the spirit. As Christians, we are required to walk in the spirit, always. This means to be spirit-controlled and not flesh-controlled. This is important because Rom 8:6 says to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace and also in John 6:63 our Lord Jesus said It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing..
So how does Fasting help you to tame the flesh and lift the spirit? One of the cravings of the body is food. It is a craving that is connected to the senses. When we fast, we deliberately abstain from food even though our body craves it. We resist the urge to eat thereby improving our mastery over the cravings of the body, and instead focus on activities that build the spirit. Of course, we could engage in activities that build our spirit without abstaining from food, but the abstinence from food adds a level of seriousness and disciplineto the exercise.
Fasting helps to sharpen our ability to receive or hear from God. It is like raising a spiritual antenna to pick the finer signals of the Spirits communication.
But how does this happen? When we Fast, abstinence from food is a key characteristic but that is not all. The Fasting exercise promotes focus and undivided attention to study and prayer. There should be a deliberate cessation of all unnecessary activity and a conscious increase in activities of that engage the spirit. This helps to unclutter the mind and remove the noise or interference that often prevents the hearing of Gods voice. During a period of Fasting, many have received clear direction and heard the voice of God in a more distinct way than before.
Fasting can be a vehicle to effect dramatic and urgent change in things that pertain to us or even in the circumstances of others around us. In James 5:17 (amp) the scriptures assure us that .the earnest (heartfelt)prayer of a righteous man makes power available (dynamic). which means power to effect changes, shift things, re-arrange things in the present or in the future can be produced by me when I pray a certain way. So how do I ensure my prayer is earnest and heartfelt.
When you declare a Fast, you are raising the stakes. It is a declaration of seriousness and urgency in addressing the matter at hand. It helps you to be earnest in your prayers and certainly it will be heartfelt. Your heart is in it to the point that you are giving up eating to focus on the matter at
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Fasting hand. And when you pray like this, the results are guaranteed! FASTING THE RIGHT WAY! MAKING IT EFFECTIVE.. It is important to note that Fasting is not an effort to change God. When we fast, we are the ones that change and we are the beneficiaries of the Fast. Our Fasting does not change God for the scriptures say in Mal 3:6 .I am the Lord, I change not So with this in focus, here are steps that can make our Fasting more effective; Have a clear objective in focus what are your expectations from this Fast? The period of Fasting must include regular intervals of prayer, study and meditation on the Word. Having a clear focus and expectation will help guide your prayer, study and meditation time. Minimize unnecessary activity or distractions during the Fasting period. Though solitude may not always be achievable, strive to be alone with the Spirit as much as possible. And while there is no single prescription for the length of a Fast, it should be sufficiently long to be effective. It ought to be long enough to span several normal eating periods . And you should be hungry at some point during the Fast. But this is not a reason to break it but rather to endure and continue! Remember, part of the training of the Fast is to curb the craving of the flesh and maintain focus on the spirit. WHO SHOULD FAST AND WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO FAST? It is quite common for people to Fast when they are in dire need or in trouble, but you dont need to be in trouble or in a messy situation to be compelled to Fast. We can Fast to improve our spiritual acumen, stay ahead of situations, make general improvements in our life and to prepare for a greater future. And while anyone can Fast at anytime, there are special times when the Spirit of God leads us to Fast. These are special Fasting sessions not to be missed because they bear an accuracy and grace that is unusual. For instance, Our Pastor by the Spirit has instructed that the first Sunday of every Month is a Fasting and Prayer Sunday. And when he announced it, he told us that the Spirit asked us to do this, because He wants to bless us and that these special times will bring to us untold blessings. And it has been exactly that way! Another special Fasting period is our end of year 3-day Prayer and Fasting program which holds on December 29th, 30th and 31st 2011. In the past years, these special Fasting programs have been pivotal in preparing us for the coming year, and helped to position us in perfect alignment with the plans and purpose of the Spirit of God for us. The advantages of Fasting are numerous, and every Christian should benefit from it. What Page 2/3 Christembassy Ministry
Fasting Fasting can do for you, may not be obtainable in any other way. And like many things in our Christian walk, the benefits come to you by doing. You may learn, read or even talk about Fasting but that wont bring the benefits. The benefits are realized when you do it. And thank God for our Pastor and Coach who has provided us with ample direction and opportunities to Fast regularly, and therefore partake of the numerous benefits of this divine and godly exercise! Thanks be unto God for this indescribable gift!
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