What You Can Do To LOWER Your Triglycerides: 3 A Normal Triglyceride Level Is Defined As Less Than 200 MG/DL of Blood

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What you can do to LOWER your TRIGLYCERIDES

Triglycerides are an important part of the cholesterol profile that is often measured by your doctor. Our bodies store dietary fats as triglycerides by attaching fats to a sugar molecule. Triglycerides are used daily by our bodies in many important ways, so triglycerides are normally found circulating in the blood with other fatty molecules such as cholesterol. However, when levels of triglyceride in the blood become too high, this can be a risk for heart disease.

3 A normal triglyceride level is defined as less than 200 mg/dl of blood

Triglycerides have a close relationship with HDL (the "good") cholesterol, and many of the factors that effect lowering HDL also effect the elevation of triglycerides. It is not uncommon to see elevated triglycerides (greater than 200) and low HDL (less than 40 for men, or less than 45 for women) occur together. The combination of elevated triglycerides and low HDL may increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Triglycerides may also be indicative of diabetes, or may be an indicator of sensitivity to simple carbohydrates and alcohol.

3 The Top Ten Ways to Decrease Elevated Triglycerides

It doesn't take long to lower triglycerides by eating the right foods. We can often see changes in triglycerides in just a few days. However, it takes longer to change lifestyles! 1. Decrease or eliminate sweets: The sugar in sweets will quickly raise triglycerides in many people. Examples: soda, candy, cookies, pies, pastries, sweet desserts, and concentrated fruit juices. 2. Decrease or eliminate alcohol: Drinking alcohol is a strong contributor to high triglyceride levels. For people who are sensitive, even a small amount of alcohol can trigger elevated triglycerides. And the type of alcohol doesnt seem to matter, beer, wine, or mixed drinks all have the same effect. 3. Decrease refined carbohydrate-containing foods White rice and bread and pasta made from white flour or semolina can have an impact on triglycerides in sensitive individuals. However, diets which greatly restrict or eliminate high carbohydrate foods such as breads, pasta, cereal, and grains are very unhealthy and can actually contribute to heart disease. Instead, choose moderate amounts of whole grains such as 7 -grain breads, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice and other grains such as quinoa, barley, oats, and millet. 4. Choose foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, the "good" fats! Include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. To accomplish this, The American Heart Association recommends eating 2 servings of fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, trout) weekly. Other sources of omega-3 fats include: ground flax seed, flaxseed oil, soy products, legumes, walnuts, and dark leafy green vegetables. Include these foods daily! 5) Maintain a healthy weight: Ask your physician or dietitian what a healthy weight would be for you. You may be surprised to discover that only a modest weight loss (10-15 lbs.) can greatly reduce your triglycerides, cholesterol, and your risk for heart disease. Ask for a referral to a dietitian to help you lose weight healthfully. A healthy diet does not have to involve food deprivation and hunger, and should not involve the exclusion of any one group of foods over any other (such as high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diets).

6) Adopt an eating plan low in saturated fats and fried foods Use olive oil, canola oil, rice bran, walnut oil, and flaxseed oil instead of more saturated fats like butter, shortening, lard, or margarine. Avoid high fat meats, skin on poultry, sauces an d spreads. Many restaurants serve foods high in the bad fats, and you may benefit from providing specific instructions to your server (ask for dressings on the side, avoid bread coatings on fish, ask for lowfat preparation of all foods). 7) Avoid trans fatty acids and hidden fats Avoid trans fats by avoiding any food with hydrogenated vegetable oil listed in the ingredient list. Avoid such high fat foods such as regular fat meats, lunchmeats, hot dogs, and fatty snack foods. Be careful not to substitute foods high in sugar for these high fat foods. 8) Choose high fiber foods Foods high in fiber will help to control your triglycerides and LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Examples include: beans, whole grains, ground flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, rice bran, oat bran, fruits and vegetables. Be sure to drink more water when you begin to increase your fiber intake. It is also wise to increase dietary fiber slowly to prevent any intestinal discomfort. 9) Eat more plant foods! Replace red meat with lower fat sources of protein Vegetable proteins such as dried beans, peas, and soy products are excellent ways to improve your health, and will have a direct effect upon lowering your cholesterol. White po ultry, prepared without the skin, is also a good source of protein without a lot of fat content. 10) Exercise regularly Exercise will increase HDL cholesterol and burn off excess triglycerides, the body's storage of energy.

Hearty Vegetarian Chili

3 tbs. olive oil 2-3 large zucchinis or summer squashes 2 medium onions, diced 2 sweet red peppers, cubed 2 large carrots, grated 4 garlic cloves, minced 1 (28 oz.) can Italian tomatoes (low-sodium), drained and cut up 1 can kidney beans 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper 1. 2. 1 pkg Morning Star Vegetable Crumbles 1 cup Healthy Choice tomato sauce 1 tsp. sugar 2 tbs. chili powder 1 tsp. cumin 1 tsp oregano 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper 3 cups cooked brown rice

In large saucepan saut squash and onions olive oil until tender. Add peppers, carrots, and garlic and continue to saut 5 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes, kidney beans, vegetable crumbles, tomato sauce, sugar, and spices. Simmer until cooked thoroughly, about 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Serve over brown rice Makes approximately 6 (1 cup) servings To further reduce fat and calories use less olive oil
Calories 390 Total Fat 10 g Saturated fat 1 g Total fiber 18 g Sodium 200 mg


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