Paper MS-P
Paper MS-P
Paper MS-P
1, 2009
1. Introduction
The formula of alkali titanates crystallizing in a monoclinic phase is generalized
by A2O×nTiO2 (3 ≤ n ≤ 8, A is an alkali metal) [1]. Titanate nanotubes and nanowires
have many important applications as photocatalysts, gas sensors, high-energy cells and
in the field of environmental purification [2, 3]. Layered titanates are usually com-
posed of slipped or corrugated host layers of edge-shared TiO6 octahedra and inter-
layer alkali metal cations (Na+, K+ or H+/H3O+ in protonic form) which are exchange-
able with a variety of inorganic and organic cations [4]. Alkali metal titanates have
been synthesized at nanoscale and studied on account of their robust applicability in
biophysics [5]. Papp et al. [6] reported that the tendency of titanates to self-assemble
makes them suitable candidates for utilization as efficient photocatalysts. Due to their
TiO2 derived structural origin, the nanotubes offer a potential in photocatalysis, solar
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194 S. V. VIKRAM et al.
2. Experimental
The ceramic sample of K1.85Na 0.15Ti4O9 has been prepared via conventional solid-
state reaction route as reported earlier [13]. To prepare copper doped derivatives of
K1.85Na0.15Ti4O9 ceramics, the desired molar percentages (x = 0.0, 0.02, 0.2, 0.8; here-
after referred to as PT, CPT-1, CPT-2, CPT-3) of CuO powder (99.9% pure, AR
grade) were added to the mixture of alkali carbonates and titanium oxide. The mass so
obtained was then calcined at 1200 K for 10 h. After grinding, the powder was com-
pressed using a hydraulic press at 16 MPa to yield pellets, which were covered under
the powder of the same composition and then sintered at 1200 K for 1 h, followed by
furnace cooling to room temperature (RT).
RT XRD for K1.85Na0.15Ti4O9 and for all its copper doped derivatives have been ob-
tained on an X-ray powder diffractometer ISO-Debyeflex 2002, Richseifert and Co.
(Germany) using CuKα radiation with the sweep of 3.0 deg/min, range (CPM) = 5 K, time
constant = 10.0 s, current = 20 mA, and voltage across the cathode and target 30 kV.
The conventional first derivative of X-band (9.447 GHz) EPR absorption spectra
were recorded on a Brucker EMX X-band EPR spectrometer with 100 KHz and
10.0 G modulations. The maximum calibrated power available was 0.201 mW. The
high frequency modulation field amplitude ranged typically from 5×10–3 mT to
0.50 mT with rectangular TE102 cavity (unloaded Q ≈ 7000) at 100 kHz field modula-
tion. The samples for recording the EPR spectra were kept in a quartz tube (outer di-
ameter ca. 5 mm) which was then placed at the centre of the resonant cavity. An inci-
dent microwave power level of 10 mW was used for most of the cases to give levels of
105. The magnetic field was calibrated using a central field at 3400 G.
The dielectric-spectroscopic measurements have been performed on an HP 4194A
impedance analyzer in the frequency range 100–1000 kHz at RT with an ac bias of
0.5 V superposed. To avoid the effect of moisture, the samples were heated up to
150 °C before experiments. For this, the pellets were mounted on a sample holder kept
in an evacuated (10–3 mbar) chamber.
K1.85Na0.15Ti4O9 layered ceramics 195
The first derivative of X-band EPR absorption spectra recorded at RT, shown in
Figs. 2a–c has a peak (with g ≈ 2.0) at ca. 3300 G (quartets) along with intensive
asymmetric lines. Therefore the data represents a superposition of two spectra corre-
sponding to different surroundings of the copper ions. The characteristic spectrum may be
explained by an isotropic spin-Hamiltonian, given by ℋ = gβ (B.S.) + A (I.S.), where
notations have their usual meaning. For the fine structure spectrum, the g║ (gz, quartet
lines or hyperfine structures) and g⊥ ((gx + gy)/2, intensive asymmetric lines) compo-
nents of the g tensor correspond to the quartet lines and intensive asymmetric lines
pertaining to this peak. The hyperfine spectra have not been resolved in these materi-
als. Also on heavy doping, the characteristic peak in the higher field side gets broad-
ened due to increased exchange interaction (dipole–dipole). As anticipated, analysis of
the calculated g values (g║ and g⊥) listed in Table 1 indicates that the splitting occurs
in the octahedral symmetry, and the copper site attains Cu2+ (3d9, S = 1/2, and I = 3/2)
state at the host site of Ti4+ ion [15, 16]. Furthermore, Cu2+ inclusion at the Ti4+ site
modifies the crystal field around it into an orthorhombic one, which eventually attains
axial symmetry on heavy doping [17]. Moreover, this acceptor doping activates a
196 S. V. VIKRAM et al.
Sample g║ g┴
CPT-1 2.3151 2.0278
CPT-2 2.3072 2.0165
CPT-3 2.3472 2.0929
The loss tangent (tanδ) and parallel capacitance (Cp) have been measured directly
from the impedance analyzer. However, the relative permittivity (εr) has been calcu-
lated using relation εr = Cp/(ε0(a/t)), where t is the thickness and a is the area of cross-
section of the pellet. In Figure 3, room temperature tanδ(ω) plots are shown in the
frequency range of 100–1000 kHz. These plots reveal that on copper doping (x = 0.02,
0.2), dielectric losses decrease primarily due to inhibition of domain wall motion [18]
and then slightly increase for heavy doping (x = 0.8) of copper, due to a higher leakage
current. Moreover, it can be seen from these plots that the loss tangents have very low
frequency dispersion. The low value of dielectric loss at high frequency is the outcome
of the low reactance offered by ceramic samples [19]. The trend of variation of dielec-
K1.85Na0.15Ti4O9 layered ceramics 197
tric losses with frequency is a feature of dielectric losses due to dipole orientation and
space charge polarization [20–22].
Figure 4 shows ε(ω) plots at room temperature for various pure and copper doped
derivatives. These plots show almost frequency-independent behaviour of the electric
permittivity. On copper doping, relative permittivity first increases for x = 0.02 but
decreases for heavy doping (x = 0.2 and 0.8).
Thus, for slight copper doping (x = 0.02), the increase in the values of the electric
permittivity is accompanied by a simultaneous rapid decrease in tanδ values, which
may be ascribed to the pinning of domain wall motion due to oxygen vacancies. The
198 S. V. VIKRAM et al.
acceptor doping activates a charge compensation mechanism dependent upon the evo-
lution of oxygen vacancies in the lattice, producing electric dipoles constituted by
a Cu2+ ion (effectively negative charge) and an oxygen vacancy site (effectively posi-
tive charge). However, heavy doping increases leakage current due to the orientation
of dipoles created by the acceptor doping.
4. Conclusions
Polycrystalline layered ceramics (K1.85Na0.15)Ti4O9:xCu (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8) have been
synthesized via solid state reaction and characterized using electron paramagnetic
resonance and dielectric spectroscopy. The EPR spectra show the characteristics of
Cu2+ and confirm the occupancy of the Ti4+ sites by Cu2+. Moreover, these peaks
broaden due to increased exchange interaction for increased dopant densities. Copper
doping is found to increase the electric permittivity along with a decrease in loss tan-
gent in lightly doped compositions.
The authors acknowledge financial aid provided by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
India, New Delhi.
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