BCZT Impedance
BCZT Impedance
BCZT Impedance
Ceramics International 41 (2015) 11436–11444
Dielectric properties of perovskite structured (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3; [BCZT], ferroelectric ceramics prepared by the conventional solid-
state reaction method were investigated by AC impedance spectroscopy. To obtain high density samples, the pressed pellets were sintered at
1450 1C and 1500 1C for 4 h. Polarization–Electric field (P–E) measurements of the ceramic samples sintered at 1500 1C showed higher remnant
polarization (Pr ¼12.20 mC/cm2) and coercive field (Ec ¼ 4.50 kV/cm) values when compared to Pr ¼8.02 mC/cm2 and Ec ¼3.80 kV/cm
respectively for the samples sintered at 1450 1C. In addition, BCZT sintered at 1500 1C showed higher dielectric constant as compared to the one
sintered at 1450 1C. However, the dielectric constant measured as a function of frequency for both the sintered samples showed single maximum
value at 105 1C, which is attributed to the structural phase transition (Curie temperature, TC) from ferroelectric, tetragonal phase to paraelectric,
cubic phase. AC impedance analysis over the frequency range of 100 Hz to 1 MHz for the ceramic sintered at 1500 1C, showed mainly bulk
contribution up to 250 1C while bulk and grain-boundary contributions were present above 250 1C. Activation energies for conductivity were
found to be strongly frequency dependent. The activation energy values are attributed to the conduction of oxygen vacancies via hopping
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Keywords: C. Dielectric properties; C. Impedance; D. Perovskite; Grain boundary; Activation energy; Hopping mechanism
0272-8842/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
M.A. Rafiq et al. / Ceramics International 41 (2015) 11436–11444 11437
based materials [10–12]. Isovalent dopants are commonly used boundary, and interface/polarization in a polycrystalline mate-
to alter TC, however it affects the lower temperature phase rial. On these bases, it is easy to separate the contribution of
transition temperatures as well. This process sometimes leads to various components in the material from overall electrical
diffuse phase transition-type behavior. In BaTiO3, Ca þ 2 - properties.
doping has shown a very little effect on TC up to 10 at%, Systematic study of high temperature dielectric properties
(Ba0.90Ca0.10TiO3) but causes a dramatic decrease in both O/T and use of complex impedance spectroscopy is still scarce for
and R/O phase transition (TO/T and TR/O) temperatures [10]. BCZT ceramics. In this work, we have prepared BCZT by
Morphotropic phase boundary between rhombohedral and conventional ceramic oxide method and used different calcina-
tetragonal phase has been reported for (Ba1 xCax) (Ti0.9Zr0.1) tion temperatures to obtain mono-phasic material. Sintering
O3, where xZ0.10. Significant increase in ε0 max was observed temperature of 1450 1C and 1500 1C were used to prepare the
by the introduction of isovalent cations on B site. B-site dopant samples. XRD analysis, polarization hysteresis loop and
such as Zr þ 4 causes a linear decrease in Tc, whereas both TR/O dielectric properties as a function of frequency and temperature
and TO/T increase. The lowering in TC is accompanied by an were done and data was analyzed. Impedance studies of the
initial increase in εʹmax, but with higher amounts εʹmax decreases samples with better properties were conducted i.e. samples
and permittivity peak becomes increasingly broad. This beha- sintered at 1500 1C. A set of material constants and properties,
vior is termed as “pinching” and is attributed to the coalescence which is important for both practical device design and
of the three phase transition temperatures, which means that fundamental study, is reported.
overlap of the three permittivity maxima associated with the
individual phase transitions and was observed at a dopant level 2. Experimental procedure
of around 15 at% of Zr [10,12–14]. Liu et al. reported that
morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) originated from this Polycrystalline ceramic samples of (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3
tricritical triple point of cubic paraelectric phase (C), ferro- were prepared by the conventional solid state reaction technique.
electric rhombohedral (R), and tetragonal (T) phases in BCZT Stoichiometric amount of BaCO3, (Merck, 99%) and TiO2
system, where permittivity maxima occurs, and also shows extra (Merck, 99%), CaCO3 (Aldrich, 99%), ZrO2 (Aldrich, 99%)
ordinary electromechanical properties [11]. After the report of were thoroughly mixed in a planetary mill in alcohol medium for
extra ordinary properties in the composition BaTi0.8Zr0.2O3– 5 h using teflon jars and yttria stabilized zirconia balls. The
50Ba0.7Ca0.3TiO3 (BCZT), effect of dopant like Pr2O3 [15], milled powders were dried, and then calcined at 1200–1300 1C
CuO [16], CeO2 [18], solid solution of BCZT with BiFeO3 [17] for 4 h in an alumina crucible. The calcined powders were re-
and their effect on the sintering and properties has been reported milled for 5 h. The pellets were prepared by uniaxially pressing
[18,19]. Elastic, piezoelectric, dielectric properties, dependence the powders in a 10 mm diameter die at 170 MPa and then
of the piezoelectric coefficient, ferroelectric properties on isostatically pressed at 200 MPa. The pressed pellets were
temperature and piezo-response force microscopic studies of sintered in air at 1450–1500 1C for 4 h. The samples were
BCZT ceramic has been reported [20,21]. characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, Philips X’Pert, Cu Kα-
Complex impedance spectroscopy (CIS) is a powerful non- radiation) for phase identification, to determine phase purity and
destructive method, widely used to characterize electrical crystal structure. The diffraction data were refined by the
materials [22,23]. There are four possible ways of analyzing Rietveld method using FullPROF software. To measure electrical
the data, the impedance Zn, the Modulus Mn, the Admittance properties, the sintered ceramics were polished and silver paste
An or Yn and permittivity εn. They are interrelated and can be was applied on both sides of the pellets as electrodes and fired at
expressed as, 500 1C for 30 min. The polarization vs. electric field (P–E)
relation was measured at room temperature using Aixact TF
M n ¼ jωC0 Z n ð1Þ
analyzer 1000 ferroelectric tester at 40 Hz. The high temperature
dielectric response was assessed as a function of frequency (from
ϵn ¼ ðM n Þ 1 ð2Þ
100 Hz to 1 MHz), using a HP 4284A precision LCR Meter. The
bulk AC conductivity of the material was evaluated from the
Z n ¼ ðAn Þ 1 ð3Þ
complex impedance spectra measured at different temperatures
from 30 to 400 1C.
An ¼ jω0 C0 εn ð4Þ
where ω is the angular frequency 2πf, Co is the vacuum 3. Results and discussion
capacitance of the measuring cell and electrodes with an air
gap in place of the sample, Co=εo/k, where εo is the The XRD patterns of the BCZT calcined powders and
permittivity of free space (8.854 10 14 F/cm), and k=l/A, ceramics sintered at different temperatures are shown in
the cell constant where I is the thickness and A is the area. Fig. 1a. As clearly seen from the XRD patterns, the powders
This analysis displays impedance data in different formalism calcined at 1350 1C and higher for 2 h yielded a pure, single
and provides us the maximum possible information. The phase material whereas the powders calcined at 1200 1C for 2 h
display of impedance data in complex plane plot appears in show traces of secondary phases. However, the secondary
the form of a succession of semicircles due to relaxation phases diffused into the perovskite lattice during the sintering
phenomena with different time constants of grain (bulk), grain process, thus yielding a single perovskite phase. Similar results
11438 M.A. Rafiq et al. / Ceramics International 41 (2015) 11436–11444
9.0 mC/cm2 of [25], 11.69 mC/cm2 [26] and 11.05 mC/cm2 for
Pr2O3 doped BCZT [15], and slightly lower Ec ¼ 4.50 kV/cm
than 5.0 kV/cm [25], but higher than 200 V/mm (2 kV/cm)
[20], 1.9 kV/cm [24], 2.2 kV/cm of Pr2O3 doped BCZT [15].
Fig. 4a shows the variation of relative dielectric constant (εr)
with temperature (30–400 1C) of BCZT ceramics sintered at
1450–1500 1C, measured at 1 kHz. It is clear from the figure
that the value of εr at room temperature is similar for both the
samples, irrespective to the sintering temperature. However, a
huge difference in the εr value can be observed at the phase
transition temperature (TC) of samples sintered at 1450 1C
(εr ¼ 7712) and 1500 1C (εr ¼ 12,100). This massive increase/
difference in εr with increase in sintering temperature can be
attributed to increase in grain size [26].The increase in grain
size with increase in sintering temperature facilitates easier
domain wall motion [27] leading to an increase in εr. More-
over, high temperature sintering in air leads to the formation of
a strong insulating layer around the grains. These highly
insulating grain boundaries have a larger value of resistance
and capacitance when compared to that of the grain [28]. The
difference in the conductivity of the grain (bulk) and grain
boundary results in an increase in the accumulation of surface
charge resulting in the increase of interfacial polarization
which in turn results in the increase in εr.
Fig. 4b and c shows the temperature dependence of dielectric
constant and loss tangent (tan δ) measured at 100 Hz, 1 kHz,
10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz for BCZT ceramics sintered at
1500 1C. The Curie temperature (TC) was observed 105 1C,
which is higher than 95 1C [11], and 85 1C [24]. It is know
that grain size has a strong effect on Tc [29], and cell distortion Fig. 4. Dielectric constant of (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1)O3 ceramics (a) at a frequency
also plays a vital role on phase transitions as reported in BaTiO3 of 1 kHz sintered at 1450 1C, (b) at various frequencies from 100 Hz to 1 MHz
[29] and BCZT [24]ceramics. Hence, the change in Tc may be sintered at 1500 1C, and dielectric loss tan δ at various frequencies from 100 Hz to
1 MHz sintered at 1500 1C and (c) dielectric loss for the ceramic sintered at 1500 1C
attributed to the different processing conditions and cell volume and at various frequencies from 100 Hz to 1 MHz. The ceramic sintered at 1500 1C
effect, as slightly different lattice parameters of present samples showed higher dielectric constant and loss value started to increase at high
were calculated than the literature. In addition, the values of εr temperature of almost 170 1C.
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