SLANY ChapterNews Newsletter Spring 2004
SLANY ChapterNews Newsletter Spring 2004
SLANY ChapterNews Newsletter Spring 2004
In Memoriam: From the Heart:
Charles Heller.............................5 But the big news is our very own Pam Rollo won the SLA election and
will become the 2004-05 President-elect and will be President of our
In Memoriam: Open Letters:
association in 2005-06. I want to thank all the members of the Chapter
Charles Heller.............................6
who responded to my messages and voted in the election. I would like to think
Chapter Announcements: we made the big difference. So, congratulations to Pam and to the other successful
Manion Promotion ...................10 candidates: Division Cabinet Chair Elect, Trudy Katz; Chapter Cabinet Chair
Insurance Information Institute..10 Elect, Patricia Cia; Directors, Susan Klopper and Dan Trefethen. You have big
20 Years of Library Consulting ..10
jobs ahead of you and we wish you much success.
Welcome New Members .........10
Other big news for the Chapter is Ellen Miller will be awarded the Hall of Fame
Global Outreach Awards .............12
Award at this year’s annual conference in Nashville. The award “is granted to
Queens College News ................12 SLA members at or near the end of an active professional career in recognition
Chapter Archives Updated .........13 of an extended and sustained period of distinguished service to the Association in
SLA-NY Career Day.....................14 all spheres.” Ellen “was selected for her longtime guidance, leadership roles, and
Championing the Profession ......15 exceptional service and commitment to SLA.” Ellen served twice as President
of the NY Chapter and served on the Association–level Tellers Committee,
Finance Committee and Conference Program Committee. Ellen was actually
Backlash Big Enough?.............16
the first professional colleague I met through SLA. But I would need Professor
Knowledge Services: Peabody and his “Way Back Machine” to tell that story so it will have to wait for
Fix Knowledge Management?...18
another day. Ellen recently served as the Chair of the Local Arrangements com-
Librarians – Get Out There!..........20 mittee for last year’s annual conference in New York. She currently serves as the
About Metro.................................21 chair of the Archives committee and she will hold that position until the archives
Metro & NYLC Classes ................21 are updated, re-indexed and moved out of my office. Ellen truly is a treasure to
Intelligence Course ......................22
the Chapter and I hope we can count on her wisdom, generosity and enthusiasm
for many years to come. A special thanks to Awards Chair Andrew Berner for
Small Group Learning ..................23
spearheading the effort to nominate Ellen for this award.
Balancing on the Tightrope .........23
President-Elect Tom Pellizzi and I attended the Leadership Summit (formerly
SLA 2004 Award Winners............24 the Winter meeting) in Albuquerque this past January. We were kept busy for 2
Career Day 2004..........................26 days with presentations intended to hone our leadership skills and learn of new
issues facing the association. We watched the Board of Directors in action at
ADVERTISERS their meetings and represented you at the Chapter Cabinet Meetings. The Cabinet
Dialog ..........................................11 meetings (for Chapters and Divisions) are held in January and June and our
attendance is required. January’s session was relatively tame. We gave final
Donna Conti Career Resources ...13
approval to the new governing documents that each Chapter will follow. These
EBSCO ........................................14
governing documents replace all unit Bylaws. Each unit will supplement the
EOS International........................16 Governing Documents with documents detailing the recommended practices for
Gatta Design & Co. .....................18 each Chapter (or Division). The Governing Document is the skeleton of what
Global Securities Information, Inc...4 we must do and recommended practices detail how each unit conducts the business
Pro Libra......................................19 of providing service to its members. It may sound confusing and cumbersome
Wontawk .....................................17 (Continues on page 2)
The cost of library resources is rising at an alarming rate.
had the opportunity to be associated with many
Here at the NY Chapter, we are pleased that one of our
SLA members on both a local and national level.
own, Pam Rollo, has won the election as President-elect
My involvement all those years has been in not only the
of the organization. It is important for us to recognize
corporate world, but also the academic world. I can
that our efforts collectively will help solve the challenges
categorically state that I have been very lucky to have
facing us all. When we work together, most everything
been associated with such professional and social groups.
can be solved or at the very least, becomes manageable.
My first job was selling subscriptions to SEC documents When you congratulate Pam in person, by phone or
delivered within ten days of their filing on microfiche to e-mail tell her that you want to volunteer some time so
the libraries. On one of my first calls to a Wall Street that you can help SLA. It will be worth it for everyone
client, the librarian was quite upset and told me that she and most of all, for you.
would have to cancel the service. Clearly, this was not a
pleasant first visit. Upon further investigation, it was
determined that there was no problem with our service
Mike Gruenberg
and that the problem was in the ability to make paper
Michael Gruenberg is the Strategic Accounts Manager
copies from the fiche. At that time, the technology in
at OneSource Information Services. He can be reached at
paper reproduction had not caught up with the technology or 212-836-4161
of the fiche. Apparently, copies made from the fiche were
made on a paper that came out of the printer in a wet
format. It was so wet that when the person making the
copy had to retrieve and read it, their clothing would be
damaged by the liquid from the paper. The stopgap Stop the Presses!
method to eliminate this problem was to have a raincoat (President’s Message continued from page 2)
on a hook by the copy machine so that when the wet
copy came out, the person’s clothing would not be damaged The INFO-EXPO will be open Sunday 11:00 – 6:00;
thanks to the raincoat. I was impressed with the librarian’s Monday 8:00 – 4:00 and Tuesday 10:00 – 5:00. The
ability to cope with a difficult situation, but questioned preliminary conference program was in the February
my future in an industry that could not solve what issue of Information Outlook, it’s on your desk some-
seemed to be a simple technology issue. where. You can also use the personal conference pro-
Many years have passed since that fateful day early in my grammer on the web site. Thank you to Brian Weisman
career and the profession is still coping with technology from HQ for making improvements to the planner
and the ability to adapt to forces beyond their control. each year. It is very easy to use, simply click the events
But what can you really control? Recently, I learned that you wish to attend and print. The planner is updated
a number of Wall Street librarians had gotten together constantly so make sure you print a copy right before
and formed an ad hoc group to meet with their largest you leave for Nashville and you will have the most cur-
data providers so as to make it clear that as a group they rent information. Now I have to admit I don’t really like
will not look kindly on large price increases and expect to country music or line dancing but I am looking forward
be consulted on changes in product offerings. Margaret to networking with my long time conference buddies
Landsman, writing in the January 2004 issue of The and meeting new colleagues. I hope to see you there!
Charleston Advisor speaks about the rising costs of
journals and how academic libraries are trying to cope. In
England, Crispin Davies, CEO of Reed Elsevier, Robert Agnes Mattis
Campbell, President of Blackwell, Richard Charkin of Agnes K. Mattis is head of the Corporate Library at Skadden,
Nature Publishing and Dr. John Jarvis, SVP of Wiley, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLC. She can be reached at
Europe had to defend themselves in front of MP’s in light
of “open access” and perceived huge profits based on price
increases they are charging for their publications.
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Charlie for just this reason. Even when Charlie knew a
parent organization’s policy of no placement fees, he
he truth is there is beauty in every experience,
would link me up with superb professionals. One such
no matter how tragic IF you open your heart
person has contributed an open letter below.
and mind to it. Charlie Heller was a beautiful
person inside and out. A mensch who always looked as When I was asked to write this article, I knew I could not
though he’d just stepped off the cover of GQ. write a piece worthy of such a great and influential man
on my own. So with the help of Lisa Rini, I contacted
When I heard the terrible news of Charlie’s sudden and
colleagues whom we believed had a lot to say about
unexpected death in January, I was stunned and shattered.
Charlie’s contribution to their own lives and careers.
Only two weeks before, Charlie and I had been talking
My sincere apologies to anyone who might feel left out
about a special project he wanted me to collaborate with
of this tribute to Charlie. However, if you feel compelled
him on. Knowing I shared his position on a particular
-- and many should! -- to write something and believe it
topic, Charlie had asked me to co-write an article. I was
warrants publication, suggest it to Mike Gruenberg, the
thinking ChapterNews. Charlie had the magical gift of
Director of Publication for ChapterNews. Quite honestly,
always thinking BIG! He saw the piece as warranting
Charlie Heller deserves more than a mere article from
exposure in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times
his friends. Our profession, hence our professional
or perhaps Time magazine! Needless to say, this work
association, should acknowledge Charlie’s many years
never had the chance to get off the ground. Quite honestly,
of service to the field of Library & Information Science.
without Charlie as my co-author, I doubt I will pursue
the initiative. Why? Because it’s highly controversial! Far beyond being respected, Charlie was loved and he
But Charlie never flinched when he believed in something will be sorely missed. The heartfelt memorials which
or someone. Charlie was fiercely passionate about, and follow attest to his goodness, his honesty and his vision.
protective of, everything and everyone he considered his Read on, and after you’re done, do not hesitate to share
own... his family, his business, his friends and colleagues. your thoughts and condolences with Mrs. Charlie Heller,
his family and Lisa Rini, by sending an email to,
Life has a funny way of playing itself out. I was asked to, and realize that Charlie’s legacy
write this piece for ChapterNews as a tribute to Charlie.
continues. Mrs. Heller, a highly regarded Executive
I only hope I do justice honoring the memory of someone
Recruiter in her own right, has taken up where Charlie
to whom I owe so very much; the wonderful achievements
left off.
and deeds that were, are and always will be the hallmark
of Charlie Heller’s life. Rest in peace, dear friend…
I know and have worked with Charlie for so long, I don’t
even remember when I first spoke with, nor met him. Madeline J. Kiely-Eng, M.S., M.L.I.S.
Charlie’s faith in me never wavered, even in the darkest Director, The Palmer School of Library & Information Science
hours of my professional life. His attitude could be Long Island University’s Westchester Graduate Campus
summed up as, “… it’s their loss or problem, not yours;
get over it, move on!!!” A Sifu, or Master Teacher, from
the School of Tough Love. And his actions supported his
words. In the same conversation, he’d ask if he could
send my resume on to a client, counseling me on what I
had to offer that was uniquely my own in that particular
placement. And while I was on one interview, he’d have
A few years ago I relocated to Long Island and was leaving Jim Holderman, Vice President
my position in Manhattan. I talked to Charlie and asked Lehman Brothers
him to keep me in mind if he heard of any openings in
the area. A short while later he did connect me with the
manager of a library that was looking to fill a spot. Charlie
knew the company could not pay a placement fee, yet he I would like to express my deepest sympathy to Charlie’s
still recommended me for the position. wife, Gail Heller, and Charlie’s five children, for their
I am grateful to Charlie for the help and advice he gave sudden and tragic loss of such a wonderful husband &
to me over the last fifteen years. father. I pray that the family will find comfort in knowing
that Mr. Heller lived a full and exciting life. His contri-
David Cassidy, M.L.I.S., Research Librarian Editorial Library, butions to the professional development of many individual
Newsday careers over the years helped to enhance library services
in the New York tri-state area. His untimely death will
be felt for some time within the Greater New York
library community.
I met Charlie Heller shortly after taking my first manage-
ment job in 1987, and worked with him over the course I had the pleasure of meeting Charlie Heller during
of the following 15+ years. Charlie was a professional in the winter of 1989, when I visited his office in Midtown
every sense of the word - he always put his client first, Manhattan for a listed position. He was professional,
whether it was me as a candidate, or me as a hiring manager. quick-talking, humorous and always multi-tasking. Charlie
If he knew of a candidate or a position that he wasn’t was a very good judge of character and he could ascertain
going to benefit from, he would always let me know anyway. a candidate’s skill set for a particular position after talking
He understood that if he was forthright and honest today, and meeting with them even just once! If the candidate
that if he trusted me as a fellow professional, he would was not chosen, and he believed that a placement would
benefit down the line. Along the way, he not only guided have been a “good fit,” he would express his opinion on
me through the process of several hires and job changes, the one hand, and then, on the other, prepare the candidate
but became a career mentor as well. He looked at our for another client, without missing a beat.
relationship in the long-term. His role as a recruiter was Over the years, he and I worked together on many
necessarily political, but he played the game above board assignments and we established a close friendship.
and beyond reproach. He will be missed. Charlie was my sounding board while I pursued my
undergraduate, and then graduate, degrees. Three
Mark Biles, M.L.S., Director - News & Information Services, AIRS degrees later, we continued our friendship.
Since hearing the shocking and terrible news, I’ve often
had to stop myself from calling his office, just to talk.
I sincerely miss my friend, mentor and life coach.
Special Note:
The preceding sections Open Letters were presented in
the order received.
Insurance Information Institute The New York Chapter of the Special Libraries Association
Free Offer will connect you with a spectrum of resources and keep
you abreast of the local, national, and international issues
The Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) has recently
related to the world of special libraries. The benefits
published four new books: the 2004 editions of the
include the chapter meetings, a chapter newsletter,
I.I.I. (Property/Casualty) Fact Book and the Financial Services
Career Day, professional development programs, job
Fact Book and a greatly expanded fourth edition of
hotline, internet discussion groups, special membership
Reinsurance: Fundamentals and New Challenges.
in the Midtown Executive and Chemist Club, and more.
The I.I.I. is offering single copies free of charge of to We look forward to meeting you at upcoming events.
members of SLA-NY. If you would like a copy please
send an email to Single copies of the Laurence Abraham Philip Papas
2003 edition of the Institute’s International Insurance Doris Burke Sejal Patel
Facts are also being offered free of charge. Kris Burton Britton Perry
Information on the publications is posted on the Web at Maria Capucciati Tammy Raum Diane Chernin Marguerita Rowland
Marisa Chicarelli Erin Senig
Alexandra Crosier Donna Severino
Library Consulting Services Michelle Dollinger Anna Shifton
Celebrates 20th Anniversary. Kristin Smith
Miguel Figueroa
Amy Smyth
Shirlee Schwarz, President of Library Consulting Sarah Funke
Services, a full service library consulting and placement Brenda To
Olga Ganitch
company located in Westport, CT, announced that 2004 Melanie Torres
Elisheva Hadar
marks the 20th anniversary of her company. LCS initiated Lisa Vizzotti
temporary and full-time placements for Fairfield County Edmund Jessup
Jennifer Walter
libraries in 1984 after recognizing that no agency existed Nora Johnson
Johnny Woo
in Connecticut to handle the need for librarians to fill Susan Kumar
Jing Xu
specialized assignments in local corporate libraries. Diana Lawsky
Shirlee Schwarz holds a Masters Degree in Library Science Luc Yeh
Michelle Leonard
from Wayne State University, and has consulted with Barbara Young
Judith Lieberman
corporate libraries nationwide on salary surveys, strategic
Tamilla Mavlanova
planning, management, outsourcing, and process evalua-
Terra McLeod
tions. Shirlee is a former Chairperson of the Consultant
Jill Milhorat
Section, SLA, former President of the Fairfield County
William Molinelli
Chapter and recipient of the Karen J. Switt Leadership
Corrina Moss
Award from the Library Management Division of Special
Jean Myers
Libraries Association.
Patricia Neil
ecently, the Worker Education Program and the
certificates of $150 to two libraries to use for
ordering supplies from Brodart.
The first recipient is Michael Kasusse of The Mildmay
R Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
at Queens College-City University of New York
formed a partnership that allows MLS courses to be
Centre in Uganda. The Mildmay Centre is an outpatient taken at the Manhattan Extension Center of Queens
facility providing information and care to patients with College at 25 West 43rd Street, 19th Floor.
HIV/AIDS. The Information Resources Centre offers The Worker Education Program <>
health-related information to doctors and medical staff, has a twenty-year history of offering degree opportunities
as well as patients and support groups. In his application, to union members, and for building union leadership with
Mr. Kasusse notes that the library budget is very small innovative programs like Labor and Civic Participation
and that the award will be used for supplies that will benefit for union activists interested in electoral politics, Union
all patrons. Semester for full-time students interested in working in
The second recipient is Imo Akpan, who is the librarian NYC labor unions, Labor Breakfasts for those interested
at the Federal School of Radiography Library in Nigeria. in interactive monthly forums to discuss the future of
The library supports the academic program and serves labor, New Labor Forum, a contemporary journal of labor
the school’s academic staff and students as well as other issues, and more.
healthcare professionals. The library is heavily dependent The Queens College MLS program <>
on donations and the Global Outreach award will help in is one of the most rigorous and affordable in the city, and
enhancing and improving the library’s offerings. had previously only been offered in the outer borough of
The Global Outreach Committee was started in 2001 by Queens. Recently, the three local library guilds, the three
Lilleth Newby and Lois Weinstein as a way for SLA-NY metropolitan library systems, and the Graduate School of
to help colleagues in special libraries in developing countries Library and Information Studies have partnered to make
provide for their patrons. The committee holds raffles use of the Manhattan Extension Center at 25 West 43rd
throughout the year to be able to award the gift certificates. Street, an extremely accessible location with classrooms
Members can help support the committee’s goals by outfitted with the latest technology. The goal is
purchasing raffle tickets and by letting the committee to increase opportunities for library employees to attain
chairs know of potential candidates for the award. undergraduate and graduate degrees.
The chairs can be reached at In addition to the MLS program, we also offer a MA
or in Urban Affairs, and a BA in either Urban Studies or
Labor Studies, as well as a BS in Applied Social Science.
We serve union members working in a wide range of
occupations throughout the city.
As Fatherley noted in his article on business librarians,
to combat offshoring librarians “must strategically
embed themselves” in the mission of their institution.
Creating high visibility through “strategic partnerships”
with those at the helm is one of the keys to success. Not
(Continued from page 16) only is it necessary to be first-rate information providers,
but information professionals must also be committed to
Nor has the backlash stopped all state governments.
efficiency and financial viability in the same way as those
After New Jersey welfare recipients phoned Human
at the top echelon of our institutions. (ChapterNews #4,
Services and got a call center in India, state legislators
Winter 2003-4, 7)
introduced a bill to regulate call center communications.
It died in the House. Along with New Jersey, Florida, Information professionals have to demonstrate that their
Connecticut, Maryland, New York, Michigan, North onshore proximity to and intimate knowledge of the
Carolina, and Indiana all introduced anti-outsourcing workings and objectives of their institutions make them
bills in 2003, and all of them died. irreplaceable.
It is not just telephone calls that are being offshored.
The trend affects all information providers. In his report Kathryn Harkavy does research and content delivery in the
on the outsourcing and offshoring of information services, documentary film industry and is a member of SLA-NY.
Christopher Fatherley noted that almost three-out-of-
four major financial institutions will go offshore within
two years. Moreover, an estimated $356 billion in costs
for the financial-services industry will go offshore within
the next five years. The bottom line: approximately 200
million financial service jobs will move out of the country.
White- collar professionals — from IT experts to tax
preparers — are now at risk. (ChapterNews #4,
Winter 2003-4, 6-9)
Outsell found that the average respondent devoted 5.6 To plan professional development programs for an SLA
days per year to professional training and education chapter, or oneself, I find it necessary to take a close look
programs. Among the survey’s respondents, web-based at the opportunities available outside SLA, as well as
training was regarded as the most important form of those offered through our organization. In the second
distance education. However, in terms of formats actually part of this column I will describe formal opportunities
used in the previous twelve months, only 43% used web- for professional development offered by the New York
based distance education, compared with 84% who used Library Council, better known as Metro.
instructor-led workshops, 72% who used informal self-study,
and 71% who participated in professional conferences. Disclosure:
The Outsell study found that 59% of those who plan For the past several years, I have served as a member of Metro’s
continuing education for their institutions say that they Professional Development Advisory Council. This Advisory
will use web-based distance education in the next year. Council meets once or twice per year to give advice to Metro
on development of programs.
Just 28% of individual consumers of continuing education
expect to use web-based training.
Just 47% of consumers believe that continuing education
is available at the right time. Forty-one per cent believe
that adequate financial support is available for continuing
any of us miss the smaller meetings organized by hen my friend asked me to write an article on