Lesson Plan: Learning Objectives Differentiated Learning Outcomes
Lesson Plan: Learning Objectives Differentiated Learning Outcomes
Lesson Plan: Learning Objectives Differentiated Learning Outcomes
Lesson Plan
Student teachers Name: Lesson Number: 1 Annie Hawkins of 15 Date/Time: 15.04.13 Curriculum Area / Activity: Lesson Duration: Bird Feeder 1 hour KMA Number of Pupils: 20 Class: 7RM SEN Pupils Number in lesson: (refer to departmental register / IEPs) Names of other adults present:
Learning Objectives
What do I intend the pupils to learn? (Knowledge, understanding, values, attitudes and skills) LO1 Students will learn about the bird feeder project and learn how to evaluate Characteristics of natural timber Growth rings create wood grain and branch stumps turn in knots Understand what specification and briefs are Working towards... Students will understand the project by looking at the last groups work Students will know about the properties of pine Students will know what a specification and brief is
Front covers and level ladders x 22 Design Brief and specification Evaluation sheet Youtube video Pens pencils rulers Bird feeder box
Students line up outside the door, students come in quietly and stand in a line at the window, students will be given a number 1-6 number ones sit on table one twos sit on table two ect. Students must stay in the same places for the rest of their lessons. Explain table points to students: table points are awarded for good tidying up, staying in your place, being quiet when asked. Top table at the end of unit gets a prize. Students must say yes miss to the register.
Students must stand in a straight line before coming into the classroom. (sheets and folders on tables)
2min Students write in their names and fill in their targets and target grade Students will learn about the characteristics of natural timber Growth rings create wood grain and branch stumps turn in knots
Give out target grades and assign individual students a number Introduce Bird Feeder project. Explain that soft woods come from coniferous trees and hard woods come from deciduous trees. Explain how grain and knots are made Youtube video of timber being cut Power point map where woods come from
Targets on Go4Schools for students to copy down (help from KMA) Students seated at tables
3min 5min
Explain that when I say freeze I want everyone to switch machines off/put pencils down/ put tools down SAFELY and look at
Interactive white board- each student is assigned a number- pick a number out of the bag to pick a student to come up to the board to pick a location and read the answer 2 Bird feeders on each table
me. Explain evaluative task- show students bird feeders from the last group, how do we know they are finished? Do the pieces fit together well? Are the saw cuts accurate? Explain that the bird houses are made up of components, pine is softwood so we need to check is the edges are smooth as it dents easily. Go through evaluation sheet with students highlight common misconceptions and how they could have been overcome. E.g. roof not straight, roof not 90* angle could have been overcome by checking against a try square
Students will evaluate two bird feeders using the tick box list (power point)
Assess students on their analytical skills, ensure that all students know what caused the inacuracys of the past group work by first asking what they think caused it- give out tools and ask how they could use that tool to ensure accuracy
Introduce design brief and specification to students relate to other d&t disciplines. Why do we need a design brief? What would happen if we didnt have a design brief? Students will copy down design brief into their sheets. Spare pens/pencils/sharpeners/rulers (printed out sheets one per table)
Students copy down the specification, brief and situation Pack up and tidy away
Lesson Evaluation
To what extent have the learning outcomes been achieved in relation to the learning objectives.
Students will learn about the bird feeder project and learn how to evaluate The students briefly evaluated past classes bird feeders. I was pleased with their communication within their tables, I was particularly impressed with the checks the students were doing, running their finger along the wood to check if it had been sanded, checking that the roof matched up and was on straight. To develop their knowledge, it would have been beneficial for them to have had some of the keywords up on the board. I did not use the term quality control, which is a shame because that is what they were doing. All students understood that they were assessing the bird feeder against the design specification. Characteristics of natural timber Growth rings create wood grain and branch stumps turn in knots All students understood about grain and knots. I think that we will re visit this next lesson to confirm their knowledge.
Understand what specification and briefs are The students understood what a design brief and specification is. I think it could have been explained more logically, I will re visit this next lesson. Ensure the lesson flows in a logical order. Complete one section of learning before moving on to the next. Be careful with pronunciation of coniferous and deciduous Keep teacher talking to a minimum Context and brief needs to be written be accountable for pupils attainment, progress and outcomesFrom the first lesson with this group I am able to tell which students have previous knowledge and which dont. This will inform my future lessons, my next focus is differentiation in the lesson and to encourage participation from all students. The lesson started off well, the students settled quickly and were attentive throughout. During my explanation of woods I couldnt get the you tube video working, this made me panic and as a result I didnt finish what I had started talking about. The students then filled in their specificati on which was quite tme consuming as I didnt go through the points one by one but instead put them all up on the board to copy down which result ed in some students finishing quicker than others. I then revisited the explanation about natural timber. This meant the les son didnt flow very well and we did not complete as much as I had hoped. The students are all aware of their end of year, end of key stage and current level, I mentioned the level ladder to the students but I did not read through it. I think that I will introduce this in a series of lessons, ensuring that stuents know exactly how they can access the higher grades.
Targets for the next lesson based upon evaluation of pupil learning. Reflection of teaching / management / organisation strategies.