Riemann's Existence Problem For A P-Adic Field
Riemann's Existence Problem For A P-Adic Field
Riemann's Existence Problem For A P-Adic Field
Riemann posed the problem if any finite 6tale morphism from a Riemann surface to
an affine algebraic curve over C is induced by an algebraic morphism. Nowadays it
is well-known that this question has an affirmative answer. In the classical paper
[ G R 1] Grauert and Remmert settled this problem in higher dimension. It could be
solved due to Serre's GAGA-principle by an extension theorem for finite analytic
6tale coverings. A crucial point in their proof is the elementary fact that any 6tale
covering of a pointed disc extends to a finite covering of the whole disc. The proof
of Grauert and Remmert mainly consists in showing that a similar result holds for
finite analytic 6tale coverings of the complement o f a subvariety in a complex space.
Some years later Grothendieck gave a new proof by using Hironaka's resolution of
singularities; so he could avoid the technicalities of [GR1] by reducing the
extension problem to the case where the varieties are smooth.
In this article we treat a similar question for rigid-analytic coverings in the sense
of Tate I T ] . We will show that this problem has an affirmative answer without
further restrictions on the covering in the case where the base field has character-
istic zero and residue characteristic p. Following Grothendieck's proof we can
reduce the problem to the following theorem (ifp is zero one has to replace [p[ by 1)
which was announced by Gabber in 1982:
Let (o : X --+ A(r, R) = {z 6 K*, r < ]zl < R} be a finite Otale covering of degree
d. Then there exists a number b = b(d, p) ~ N depending only on the degree d of q~ and
on the residue characteristic p such that ~p is o f Kummer type over A(r', R') where
r' = r/[pl b and where R' = ]p[bR.
From this result it follows immediately that any finite 6tale covering of
a pointed disc extends to a finite (ramified) covering of the whole disc. In complex
analysis this problem is solved by a topological argument; in the p-adic case one
uses a number-theoretical argument.
As we will point out in 2.10, in positive characteristic there exist examples of
non-extendable finite 6tale coverings of a pointed disc. But we will show Riemann's
existence problem has an affirmative answer in positive characteristic if one sticks
to Galois coverings whose order is prime to the characteristic. Such a result is of
310 w. Lfitkebohmert
interest for Drinfeld's work, since it implies a comparison theorem between the
rigid 6tale cohomology and the algebraic ~tale cohomology of an algebraic variety
over a p-adic field. Since the resolution of singularities is not known in positive
characteristic, we will solve the extension problem in codimension /> 3 by an
extension theorem for coherent sheaves.
Let K be a field equipped with a non-archimedean absolute value I" 1.We denote by
(gK its valuation ring and by/~ its residue field. Recall that K is called stable if any
finite extension L/K equipped with its spectral norm is K-cartesian; cf. [BGR,
3.6.1/1]. The latter means that there exists an orthogonal basis of L over K; cf.
[BGR, 2.4.1/1]. Due to [BGR, 3.6.2/5] the latter is equivalent to the condition
F/ = Ei elf/where n = I-L:K ] is the degree of L over K, where e i IlL ri:f K r] is the
index of the valuation groups and wheref~ = [/~i : K ] is the degree of the residue
extension for the different values 1. li extending the given valuation of K to L for
i= l , . . . , t .
Stability of a complete field K can be checked by looking at finite separable
extensions L/K; cf. [BGR, 3.6.2/2]. For example a complete field K is stable if it is
discretely valued [BGR, 3.6.2/1] or spherically complete [BGR, 3.6.6/15] or
algebraically closed (just by definition). Any finite extension of a complete stable
field is again (complete) stable; cf. [BGR, 3.6.2/7]. The completion/~ of a stable
field K is stable too; cf. [BGR, 3.6.2/3]. In particular, if K is stable and ifL/K is
a finite field extension of K provided with its spectral norm, the completion L is the
norm-direct product
/2=i,• •
of finite extensions s of/~. Each s is K-cartesian. Moreover we have
do/. | (9s = 0 s = 0 s x ... x (f~s
As in Serre's b o o k [S, chap. I I I ] , one verifies the following rules for the different
and the discriminant:
L e m m a 1.1 Let K be a stable field and let L/K be a finite separable extension of L.
(3) Let K be complete, in addition. Let M / L and L/K be finite separable field
extensions. Then
(4) Let L = K(~) be a finite separable field extension with (-QL = (~K[ ~] and let
f ( C ) ~ K [ ~ ] be the minimal polynomial of ~. Then
~L/K = ( f ' ( ~ ) ) and bL/K = NL/K(f'(cO)
where f'(~) is the derivative off(C).
L e m m a 1.2 Let d ~ N be an integer. Then there exists for any prime p an integer
b = b(d, p) e N with the following property:
Let K be a stable field of characteristic 0 and residue characteristic p. Let L / K be
a finite separable extension of degree < d; i.e., L is a reduced finite K-algebra of
degree < d. Then the absolute value of the discriminant bL/r is bounded below by IP ]b.
Proof Due to 1.1(2) we m a y assume that K is complete. After replacing d by d! we
m a y assume that L / K is a galois field extension. By the usual techniques of
algebraic n u m b e r theory it suffices to treat the following cases by using the rules of
(1) L/K is totally ramified with separable residue exstension.
(2) L / K is of degree p with radical residue extension of degree p.
The first case was already done by Hensel; cf. Serre IS, p. 58]. F o r the second
case we have an integral basis of the type
since 4 ~ 4 i . . . . . 4 p-1 induces a basis over the residue field. Thus we see
If'(4)[ => IP[ and the claim follows from 1.1(4). []
In the next section we will use these considerations in a geometric situation.
Definition 1.3 Let K be a p-adic field; i.e., a complete field with respect to
a non-archimedean absolute value 1.1. Assume that K is algebraically closed; in
particular K is stable. Let m be the maximal ideal of (9K. Let X be a smooth rigid
space and let
~ : x - - , D(R) := {z ~A~; Izl _-< R}
be a finite flat morphism of degree d which is generically 6tale. For p e l K * [ set
X ( p ) = ~0-1(D(p)) and
The integer d = ord(~p) is called the order of ~o. The coefficients of h satisfy the
[hi[p i < l for all ie77 and for all p with ~i < P < e2.
If there is given a finite btale covering of degree d
(p:A(gl, g2)--+A(g~, l/ca), q~(~) = ~a(1 + h) with Ihl < 1
Riemann's existence problem for a p-adic field 313
its derivative
~o' = Y. i~o,~ ~-1 = d U - l ( 1 + h) + U h '
Theorem 2.1 Let d E N be an integer. Then there exists for any prime p an integer
b = b(d, p) ~ N with the following property: Let K be an algebraically closed p-adic
field of characteristic zero and of residue characteristic p. Then any btale finite
~ o : X --* l D ( e ) = { z e A l ; Izl =< R}
of degree d is split over D ( R ' ) where R' = Ip[bR.
Theorem 2.2 Let d ~ N be an integer. Then there exists for any prime p an integer
b = b(d, p) e N with the following property: Let K be an algebraically closed p-adic
field of characteristic zero and of residue characteristic p. Then any btale finite
qo : X--* A ( r , e ) = { z ~ A 1 ; r=< lzl _-<e }
of degree d is of Kummer type over A(r', R') where r' = r/[p[ b and where R' = Ip[bR;
i.e., it is isomorphic to a sum of morphisms of type
P r o o f This follows easily from the stable reduction theorem. Namely, due to
[-GR2] the affinoid space X admits a formal model :T over the formal spectrum
Spf(R) of the valuation ring R with geometrically reduced special fibre ,T | k. Let
~" | k be a compactification of,T | k which is normal at infinity. Since the residue
field k of R is perfect, the special fibre is smooth at infinity. After increasing the ideal
of definition of R, we may assume that ~ | k is induced by a projective Ro-scheme
~ o . Let ~'o be an affine open subscheme of,To which is smooth over Ro and which
contains infinity. There exists a smooth affine formal scheme ~ over Spf(R) which
lifts ~'o. N o w we may view f o as a result of a gluing procedure between ~ o and
~ o . Since the intersection of .To amd ok'o is affine, due to the lifting property of
smoothness the gluing m a p lifts to a formal gluing datum between ,T and ~ . Thus
we obtain a proper flat curve ,T over Spf(R) which contains Y" as a dense open
subscheme and which has s m o o t h rigid fibre, since X is smooth over K. N o w Y" is
algebraic, so the generic fibre .T @ K is a smooth projective curve over K. Due to
[ D M ] or [BL, 7.1] there exists a semi-stable model over Spf(R) which we call
again such that ~ is a dense open subscheme of S . Let Y~o~. . . . . . T~ be the
irreducible components of .To and let c p be the supnorm of ~0 with respect to
a dense open subscheme o f ~ for p = 1. . . . . r; see [BL, Sect. 3]. Thus we see that
the set of rigid points x e X with Icp(x)l =~ c o for p = 1. . . . . r is contained in
formal fibres of ~ . Due to [BL, 2.2 and 2.3] these formal fibres are isomorphic to
open discs or to annuli. Since r has no zeros, q~ is of the type as asserted after
arranging the numbers c ~. . . . , c ~ in increasing order. Since there are only finitely
m a n y points where (p is not 6tale, the claim follows by adding to the critical values
the absolute values which (p attains at these points. []
Remark. The numbers a~,j do not depend on the chosen coordinate ~,j respecting
the orientation of the target A(r, R). Also it does not depend on the coordinate of
A(r, R ) if one respects the orientation.
If one chooses the opposite orientation, the numbers a~,j have to be trans-
formed into ( d i , j - 1 - vi, j).
316 W. L/itkebohmert
L e m m a 2.4 Keep the situation of 2.3. I f the canonical divisor on X is trivial and if ~o is
btale over the boundaries Ai and Ai+ l, the following formula holds for i = 1. . . . . n
a,- at+l = 2. [g(Xt) + (6(i + 1) - x(i))] - deg(dqglXt)
where 9 ( X i ) is the genus of Xt (see below) and where
x(i) = number of connected components of Xi,
6(i) = number o f connected components o f At.
Proof. We need a compactification Xt of Xt which is obtained in the following way.
X~ = qg-l( A(ci -- ~.,C i "Jv e ) ) .
( p : X ~ ID(R) = A(0, R)
Let b(p) be the absolute value of the discriminant of q~l~{p) as in 1.3. Then the absolute
value of the discriminant is proportional to
Due to 1.7 we k n o w that b(p) is proportional to pV, in the asserted range; say
where Do are open discs. Furthermore we can estimate the ratio (c~+ x/R) by using
the universal b o u n d provided by 1.5 and the estimate for the discriminant given by
2.6. Since v~ <=ai < 0 for i => (f + 2) we get
318 W. Lfitkebohmert
Next we want to show T h e o r e m 2.2. Let us start with a simple lemma which is
q~ : X ~ A(r, l/r)
be &ale finite of degree d. Due to 1.3, by adding some values, we may assume that
the critical values are of the following type
c - ( n + l~ = r < c _ . < .... <Co= 1 < cl < ... < cn < c . + l = 1/r
c-l.c~ = 1 for i -- 1. . . . , (n + 1).
We are interested in the critical values of ~ which are > 1. Obviously they are
given by Co,. 9 9 c, + 1. Next we want to calculate the norm-orders of the derivat-
ives ~' Id, which we want to relate to the orders of (o'14, and of ~p(~_. F o r doing this
we have to transform the orientation of the coordinates on the annuli above A - i -
F o r example consider a map
~ ( 4 ) = 4~.(1 + h).
O n the b o u n d a r y A + we have to choose the coordinate ~ and we have to compute
the norm-order of
Since we are interested in the case l~l > 1, the dominating term is given by (p'(~)
because I(P(~)I > 1 on this part. Therefore we obtain
It is given by
~'_ (q) = [ ~ p ' ( 1 / q ) - ~p'(1/q). ~p(1)/)-2] 9( - - q-z).
= (d - b(i) + vi) - (d - b( - i) + v _ i ) + 2 d - 2 6 ( - i)
= d - 6(0 + ~
320 W. Lfitkebohmert
d = 2d, 6(i) = 6(0 + 6( - i), vi = vi - v - i .
Due to 1.7 the absolute value of the discriminant is proportional to
b(~3, p ) ~ p ~ forpwithci_l<p<cl for i=l ..... n+l.
By the following lemma we will see
~<0 for i=l,...,n+l.
O" (_ 1 ~ O'f+ 1 .
and, hence,
0 = 171 = V2 . . . . . Vt'+I 9 []
Continuation of the proof of 2.2 N o w let { > 1 be the largest n u m b e r such that
i ; / = 0. In particular we have due to 2.8
0=vl=v2= ... =v/=0>Vi+l for all i>(.
As before in the proof of 2.1 we can estimate the increase of b(qS, p). Since 0 > vi+l
for i > (, we get from 2.6
b(q3, 1/r)= b(qb, ce+l). 1-[ (b((P,c,)/13(O, ci-1))
i > (,~+2)
By shrinking by the factor (I PI" ~ ) ' we conclude from 2.7 that the d-th root of
(1 + h) exists. Thus we can write
(1 + h ) = ( 1 +g)n.
322 W. Lfitkebohmert
e_p, : 8 i.
[e~§ = I~i+zl .
Thus we can conclude for large i e N
(3) I < + j l = 1811p' for all j~N.
The latter condition implies that the Lauerent series of e is not converging on
ID*. []
We want to mention that any finite 6tale map X ~ (D 2 - {0}) extends to
a finite &ale m a p X ~ ID2. But the method of its proof is different from the one
given in the case X --* ID*. Finally let us discuss the case of tame Galois coverings in
positive characteristic.
Theorem 2.11 Let K be an alyebraically closed p-adic field of residue characteristic
p and let G be a finite 9roup which is of order prime to p if p is positive.
(a) Any finite &ale 9alois coverin9 ~o 9X --* 1D(R) with yroup G is split.
(b) Any finite &ale 9alois coverin9 go" X ~ A(r, R) with 9roup G is of Kummer type.
Proof. Consider the situation of 2.3, Since ~o is galois of order prime to p, any d~,~ is
prime to p and, hence, all vi, j are zero. In particular, we obtain cri,j > 0 for all i,j
and, hence, cri > 0 for all i. So we obtain in case (a) by 2.5
0=cr~ >a2 >
~ 9 . . >
~_ Gn+l >0
and, hence, at = 0 for all i = 1. . . . , n + l.This means dl..i = 1 for all i,j. So
x(i) = 6(i) = 6(n + 1) = d
and, hence,
go-~(D~ = D o u ... ta D O
In case (b) we can proceed as above; but we get only the result over the open
annulus A~ R). N a m e l y we obtain as above
- 5(i) + a(i + 1) = ai - ai+ ~ = 2 [ g ( X i ) + 6(i + 1) - x(i)]
and, hence,
-- 6 ( i ) -- (5(i + 1) = 2[0(x3 - x(i)].
Since x(i) < Min {6(i), 5(i + 1)}, we get g(XO = 0 and x(i) = cS(i) = 5(i + 1) for all
i. Therefore ~ p - l ( A ~ ,, c,+ 1)) is an annulus and, since the degree of (p is prime
to p, the m a p ~0]ao(. . . . . . . . . . ) is of K u m m e r type. N o w consider the map on the
X + = (p-I(A(R,R))-+A+ = A(R,R)
X- =~o-l(A(r,r)) --+ A - = A(r,r).
By using formal models Y" -+ --+ .~49 as above one sees by using assertion (a) that
s + __+aj • is &ale and, hence, of K u m m e r type. This implies by combining it with
the result over the open annulus that ~o-l(A(r, R)) is an annulus and, since the
degree of ~o is prime to p, the m a p (P[a(,, R) is of K u m m e r type. []
In the following let K be a p-adic field (i.e., a complete field with respect to
a non-archimedean absolute value I" l) of characteristic zero. The aim of this section
is to show the following result:
Theorem 3.1 Let K be a p-adic field of characteristic zero. Let X be a K-scheme
which is locally of finite type over K, and denote by X the rigid-analytic space
associated to X via the GAGA-functor.
Then the GAGA-functor from the category of finite &ale coverings of X to the
category of finite rigid-analytic ~tale coverings of X is an equivalence of categories.
F o r the p r o o f we follow mainly the notes of Grothendieck in [ S G A 1, Exp. XII,
Sect. 5 (pp. 332-343)] which uses Hironaka's result on resolution of singularities.
So we describe only the part which has to be changed. As in the notes of
Grothendieck it suffices to consider the case where X is affine and smooth and
where X is an open subscheme of a smooth projective scheme X ' such that the
A = (X' - X)
is a divisor with n o r m a l crossings. Due to G A G A it suffices to show that any finite
rigid-analytic &ale covering
Y--+ X
extends to a finite (ramified) covering Y' --, X ' . For the p r o o f we start with the
following generalization of the main result 2.2 of the last section. In the following
let K be a p-adic field of characteristic zero and of residue characteristic p.
Lemma 3.2 Let S be a smooth connected affinoid space over K. Let
~o: Y ~ S x A ( r , R )
Riemann's existence problem for a p-adic field 325
be a finite btale covering of degree d. Let 0.i: S ---, Y be sections for i = 1. . . . . d which
describe the inverse image of the unit section
Then ~o is of Kummer type over S x A(r', R') where r' = r/lp] h and where R' = Iplb R
with the number b = b(d, p) e N of 2.2.
I f Y' = (o-1 (S x A (r', R')) is connected, there is a unique choice of the coordinate
q on Y' such that qd is the coordinate ~ of A(r, R) and such that 0.'?q = 1.
Proof In the absolute case where S is a field, the assertion follows from 2.2 by using
Galois descent. N o w consider a continuous valuation v on S of height 1 which
extends the valuation of the base field K; cf._ [ B ] p. 12. Let V = Sp(K(v)) be the
spectrum of the valuation field K(v) of v, let K(v) be the completion of K(v), and let
P = Sp(/s be its spectrum. Let r be the coordinate of A(r, R). Due to the
absolute case there exists a function on l? x s Y' which gives rise to a coordinate on
the connected component of V x s Y ' containing 0-1 such that f/~(")= ~ with
0.* f / = 1. A priori the order d(v) of the K u m m e r type covering depends on v. Then
there exists a neighborhood U of v and an approximation ~ on U x s Y such that
where d(v) = p~(~)d' with (p, d'(v)) = 1. Due to 2.7 there exists a function r/ on
U x s Y' such that r/dw) = ~. It is clear that 0.*r/= 1. Since we can construct an open
affinoid neighborhood for any continuous valuation of height 1, we obtain a finite
covering of S; cf. [B, 1.2.1]. Thus we see that, due to the connectedness of S, the
order d(v) depends only on 0.~. Since the choice of the coordinate is unique, the
claim follows by repeating the construction with the other connected components
of ~p-l(S x A(r', R')) and suitable sections 0.i. []
L e m m a 3.3 Let S be as in 3.2. Let r > 1 be an integer. Let Dr be the unit ball with
coordinates zl . . . . . z , Set A = V(Zl . . . z~) and set ID~ = D r - {0}. Let
qo " Y--+ X = S x Dr
Proof Set ~ = pb where b e n is the number of 2.2. For r = 1 the claim follows from
the last statement. First use the finite &ale base change S ' - , S by the universal
splitting space of the fibred product of Y over S x D ~ and the section
(id, e ) ' S ~ S x D ~. So the inverse image of (id, e) splits into sections over S'. The
canonical descent datum on q~ extends to a descent d a t u m on 0 ' because Y' is the
normalization of X ' in Y. Since finite 6tale descent is effective, 0 ' descends to
a morphism 0 defined over the given base. N o w assume r > 2. Set
In this section we will solve Riemann's existence problem for finite 6tale galois
coverings of order prime to the characteristic of the base field. The main result is
the following theorem.
Theorem 4.1 Let K be a p-adic field of positive characteristic p and let G be a finite
group with order prime to p. Let X be a K-scheme which is locally of finite type over
K, and denote by X__the rigid-analytic space associated to X via the GAGA-functor.
Then the GAGA-functor from the category of finite btale galois coverings of
X with group G to the category offinite rigid-analytic btale galois coverings of X with
group G is an equivalence of categories.
For some parts we follow the method described in the last section. We may
assume that the base field is algebraically closed. As before it suffices to consider the
case where X is affine and smooth and where X is an open subset of a normal (not
necessarily smooth) projective scheme X'. Let
d' = (X' - X)
Riemann's existence problem for a p-adic field 327
Because the base field is algebraically closed, X" is smooth above X ' - T' and
A" is a normal crossing of smooth divisors above X ' - T'. So we can apply the
same reasoning as in the last section to show that the given finite rigid-analytic
covering (p " Y ~ X extends to a finite covering
(p" 9Y'.~'-+ (X" - T"]
where T" = ~ - 1 T'. Since the m a p n : ( X " - T") ~ ( X ' - T') is projective, the
direct image n,~o" (fir,, is coherent on ( X ' - T'). This shows that ~o, (fly extends to
a coherent sheaf on ( X ' - T'). Since we m a y assume that Y'__[is normal, we know
that the closed subscheme where the depth of ~,+, ,,+n ~v,, is less than d i m ( X ' ) is of
codimension 3. N o w the claim follows from the following extension theorem for
coherent sheaves; cf. [ L u l , w Satz 1].
Theorem 4.2 Let X be an affinoid space o f pure dimension n + 3 and let S be a closed
subvariety o f X o f dimension < n. Let ~ be a coherent (fix - module on (X - S)
which has depth > (n + 3) at all points. Then the direct image t , ~ is a coherent
(fix - module on X where l : (X - S) + X is the inclusion.
Proof. There exists a finite m o r p h i s m
rc : X --~ ID n+3
such that
7 ~ - l ( I O n x (ID 3 -- IO3(~)) ~ ( X - S)
where ID3(e) is t.he open 3-dimensional ball a r o u n d the origin of a suitable radius
with e < 1. Then consider the sheaf
~r = ~ * ( ~ l ~ - ' ~ " • (~3_~3~)
which is a coherent sheaf on (ID" x (ID 3 - D3(e)). The depth condition implies that
ff has depth (n + 3) at each point and so that ff is a vector bundle on
(ID" x (D 3 - ID3 (e)). By the usual techniques of sheaf extension one shows that, for
any 6 with g < 6 < 1, the restriction map
Hq((ID n x (ID3 -- ]D3(~)), .C~) -~ Hq((ID" • (ID 3 - ID3(6)), ~ )
such that the cokernel has support of dimension < (n + 2). So the problem of
extending ~ and, hence, of ~ becomes a problem of extending coherent subsheaves
3V on (X - S) of a coherent sheaf ~ on X. The latter is related to extension
problems for m e r o m o r p h i c functions and for subvarieties. Of course it requires
some effort, but this has been done in [ L u 2 ] by studying a rigid analytic version of
the p r o g r a m of Siu. []
Actually we do not need the full assertion of 4.2; it is enough to know that there
exists a coherent subsheaf of ~ of rank equal to the rank of ff which is generated by
its global sections. This is precisely the part we have shown in the p r o o f of 4.2.
Following an idea of Bingener, we will briefly indicate how to finish the p r o o f of 4. !
by that partial result.
Riemann's existence problem for a p-adic field 329
is an isomorphism. So we o b t a i n the i s o m o r p h i s m
Acknowledgements. I'd like to thank the I.H.E.S. for its hospitality and especially I'm indebted to
O. Gabber for many interesting discussions. Moreover I'm grateful to the referee for suggestions
how to improve the original version of Sect. 1.
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