Misc (Hold, Eps ) : HLIB Research
Misc (Hold, Eps ) : HLIB Research
Misc (Hold, Eps ) : HLIB Research
PP 9484/12/2012 (031413)
4 February 2013 Price Target: RM5.30 () Share price: RM4.45 Daniel Wong kkwong@hlib.hongleong.com.my (603) 2168 1077 KLCI Expected share price return Expected dividend return Expected total return Share price
(RM) 6.0
Major shareholder (62.67%) Petronas has offered to privatize MISC at RM5.30/share (+19.1% premium to last traded price of RM4.45 on 31 Jan 2013). Petronas is expected to fork out RM8.83bn for the remaining shares it does not own. MISC other substantial shareholders are EPF at 9.66% and SASB (Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputra) at 6.35%. However, Petronas clarified that it does not intend to privatize MMHE, a 66.5% owned subsidiary of MISC. None. MISC plays an integral role in supporting Petronass integrated oil & gas business activities (LNG shipping, offshore supports and etc). MISC had undergone various restructuring exercises since its listing back in 1983, and currently facing setbacks (on global economy uncertainty). MISC share price had been punished severely from high of RM8.50 (Aug 2010) to RM4.00 before rebounded back to RM4.50 level, as investors continued to see uncertainties surrounding MISC, especially on its Petroleum, Chemical and Container (disposed in 2012) shipping divisions. We believe that Petronas will have better control in restructuring the shipping conglomerate (post privatization), and expect potential re-listing of a leaner structure shipping conglomerate in the future (fetch better valuation). We advise shareholders to take the offer of RM5.30/share (share price had been staying below this level since midApril 2012), as we do not expect share price to recover back to RM5.30 level in the near term, given continued oversupply concern on Petroleum and Chemical shipping industries, while USA is exploring the development of shale oil and gas (reducing the demand for petroleum shipping). Continued oversupply of petroleum and chemical ships, depressing charter rates further. Increased in bunker cost. Slow recovery of global economy. Unchanged. Hold Positives Potential synergy from VTTI. Stronger earnings post disposal of container division. Negatives Slow down global economy growth. Continued oversupply of tankers, pressuring freight rates. Maintained hold with higher target price of RM5.30, based on offered price.
(KLCI) 1700 1680 1660 1640 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1520 1500
5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 Feb-12 Apr-12 Jun-12 Aug-12 Oct-12 Dec-12
Information Bloomberg Ticker Bursa Code Issued Shares (m) Market cap (RM m) 3-mth avg. volume (000) Price Performance Absolute Relative Major shareholders Petronas EPF SASB 1M 8.5 12.6
MISC MK 3816 4,464 19,864 1,292 3M 12M 2.8 -26.4 5.8 -31.2
Forecasts Rating
Summary Earnings Table FYE Mar (RM m) 9M11A* 2012E 2013E 2014E Turnover 11,341 9,381 9,571 10,252 EBITDA 2,007 2,256 2,893 3,067 Pre-tax Profit -1,629 805 1,479 1,733 Rpt. net profit -1,975 534 1,058 1,248 Norm. net profit 363 534 1,058 1,248 Rpt. EPS (sen) -44.3 12.0 23.7 28.0 Norm. EPS (sen) 8.1 12.0 23.7 28.0 P/E (x) 54.7 37.2 18.8 15.9 Book Value (RM) 4.71 4.73 4.86 5.04 P/B (x) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 Net Dvd Yield (%) 0.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 Net Gearing (%) 51.4 56.3 69.6 62.6 ROE (%) 1.69 2.55 4.94 5.64 ROA (%) 0.9 1.3 2.6 3.1 HLIB * Annualized 9MFY12/11E for comparison
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Financial Projections
Income statement FYE 31 Dec (RMm) FY03/11A 9M2011A FY12/12E FY12/13E FY12/14E Revenue 12,326 8,506 9,381 9,571 10,252 Operating cost -9,335 -7,000 -7,125 -6,677 -7,185 EBITDA 2,991 1,506 2,256 2,893 3,067 Depreciation -1,261 -961 -1,283 -1,312 -1,276 EBIT 1,730 544 973 1,581 1,791 Interest income 150 86 23 26 29 Interest expense -347 -280 -441 -408 -378 Associates 160 181 250 279 291 Exceptionals -3,050 -4,154 0 0 0 Pretax profit 2,244 -1,222 805 1,479 1,733 Taxation -17 -88 -89 -148 -173 Minorities -357 -171 -183 -273 -312 Reported net profit 1,871 -1,481 534 1,058 1,248 Normalized net profit 1,319 273 534 1,058 1,248 Basic shares (m) 4,464 4,464 4,464 4,464 4,464 Reported EPS (sen) 41.2 -33.2 12.0 23.7 28.0 Normalized EPS (sen) 29.0 6.1 12.0 23.7 28.0 Balance sheet FYE 31 Dec (RMm) Fixed assets Other long-term assets Other short-term assets Working capital Receivables Payables Inventory Net cash Cash ST debt LT debt Shareholders' funds Share capital Reserves Minorities Other liabilities Cashflow FYE 31 Dec (RMm) EBITDA Net interest received Working cap changes Taxation Others Operating cashflow Capex & acquisitions Free cashflow Other inv cashflow New borrowings Share issuance Dividends paid Other fin cashflow Forex Translation Net cashflow Beginning Cash Ending Cash Valuation ratios FYE 31 Dec (RMm) Rep. basic EPS (sen) Norm. basic EPS (sen) Norm. FD EPS (sen) PER (x) FD PER (x) Net DPS (sen) Net DY (%) BV/ share (sen) P/BPS (x) FCF/ share (sen) FCF yield (%) Market capitalization Net cash Enterprise value EV/ EBITDA (x) ROE (%) Other Ratios FYE 31 Dec (%) Growth (%) Sales Growth EBITDA Growth EBIT Growth PBT Growth Net Profit Growth Margins (%) EBITDA Margin EBIT Margin PBT Margin Net Profit Margin Net Debt/Equity (%)
FY03/11A 9M2011A FY12/12E FY12/13E FY12/14E
2,991 -197 -301 -17 -241 2,235 -4,646 -2,411 640 -701 0 -1,543 0 -97 -4,113 7,849 3,353
1,506 -193 1,008 -88 -1,189 2,235 0 -2,411 0 875 0 0 0 65 -4,113 3,353 4,155
2,256 -418 -998 -89 0 752 -2,208 -1,456 0 -602 0 -546 0 0 -2,604 1,856 345
2,893 -381 -239 -148 0 2,125 -500 1,625 0 -2,077 0 -546 0 0 -999 345 330
3,067 -349 92 -173 0 2,637 -500 2,137 0 -492 0 -546 0 0 1,099 330 937
26,819 4,755 436 -1,320 2,016 -3,739 404 -7,903 3,353 -1,247 -10,008 21,912 4,464 17,448 1,155 1,495
28,013 6,060 520 -2,328 1,886 -4,648 435 -10,037 4,155 -5,860 -8,333 21,009 4,464 16,545 1,289 6,148
28,938 6,310 520 -1,330 1,876 -3,562 356 -12,039 2,645 -5,860 -8,824 21,096 4,464 16,632 1,371 6,148
28,125 6,589 520 -1,091 1,914 -3,339 334 -10,961 2,630 -5,860 -7,731 21,708 4,464 17,244 1,544 6,148
27,349 6,880 520 -1,183 2,050 -3,593 359 -9,370 3,237 -5,860 -6,747 22,509 4,464 18,045 1,756 6,148
41.2 29.0 15.3 25 5.6 4.9 0.9 -0.5 -0.1 19,864 -7,903 27,766 9.3 5.8
-33.2 6.1 72.9 0 0.0 4.7 0.9 -0.5 -0.1 19,864 -10,037 29,901 19.9 1.3
12.0 12.0 37.2 10 2.2 4.7 0.9 -0.3 -0.1 19,864 -12,039 31,903 14.1 2.6
23.7 23.7 18.8 10 2.2 4.9 0.9 0.4 0.1 19,864 -10,961 30,824 10.7 4.9
28.0 28.0 15.9 10 2.2 5.0 0.9 0.5 0.1 19,864 -9,370 29,234 9.5 5.6
Assumption Metrics FYE 31 Dec (RMm) FY03/11A 9M2011A FY12/12E FY12/13E FY12/14E Revenue LNG 2,501 1,824 2,488 2,631 2,684 Petroleum Tankers 2,953 2,171 2,716 2,909 3,096 Chemicals 770 724 948 1,020 1,122 Offshores 681 610 771 810 850 Heavy Engineering 3,063 1,654 2,150 2,200 2,500 Liner 2,359 1,524 308 0 0 PBT LNG 1,453 1,034 1,443 1,526 1,557 Petroleum Tankers -147 -482 -542 -579 -520 Chemicals -177 -186 -253 -217 -128 Offshores 335 275 370 389 408 Heavy Engineering 424 251 323 330 375 Liner -578 -577 -536 0 0 Terminal 52 65 100 129 141
-10.5 16.6 35.5 70.3 72.6 18.6 9.3 7.2 5.0 54.0
-31.0 -49.7 -68.5 -68.6 -79.3 24.3 14.0 13.7 15.2 51.4
-17.3 12.4 34.1 13.5 46.8 18.0 7.2 6.4 -12.0 56.3
2.0 28.2 62.4 83.8 98.3 24.0 10.4 8.6 5.7 69.6
7.1 6.0 13.3 17.2 17.9 30.2 16.5 15.5 11.1 62.6
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