Martin Armstrong Article
Martin Armstrong Article
Martin Armstrong Article
By Nick Paumgarten
October 5, 2009
Some see mysterious links between pi and the dates of turning points in the markets.
Illustration by Jonathon Rosen
The education of Martin Armstrong, according to Martin Armstrong, commenced in 1964
fourteen. He got a weekend job working for a bullion dealer, in Pennsauken, New Jersey,
into the idiosyncrasies of the trade in coins and gold. The next year, he bought several ba
pennies, which turned out to be even rarer than he thought. Within a year, they shot up i
was worth a thousand American dollars. Since he had roughly a thousand rolls, he becam
teen-age millionaire. Expecting, as people do, that the pennies’ price would keep rising, h
but the high price precipitated the discovery of a greater supply, their value plunged, and
regular South Jersey kid working weekends in a coin shop.
Armstrong’s father, a lawyer and polymath whose grandfather had lost a fortune in the 19
disapproved of speculation, and he persuaded his son to put his diminished fortune in a f
conservative investment vehicle called a mutual fund. Not long afterward, mutual funds,
broader stock market, abruptly crashed.
Armstrong began to observe that many things worked like this—that occasionally a conta
indeterminate origin, passed through the system, hitting one asset class after another. On
father took him to Europe, and the web of foreign currencies gave him a tactile sense of i
the oscillations that might come of it. The following year, Armstrong’s high-school histor
class the 1937 film “The Toast of New York,” about the Black Friday panic of 1869 and th
and con man Jim Fisk, with a young Cary Grant as Fisk’s accomplice. At one point in the
gold at a hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents an ounce. Armstrong, aware that t
was just thirty-five dollars, assumed that the line was Hollywood nonsense. Prices could
fallen so far over the span of a century. He went to the library, however, and found, on m
contemporaneous reference in the Times to a gold price of a hundred and sixty-two dolla
demolished his youthful assumption that assets gradually appreciated over time—that m
One day, in a newspaper, he came across a list of financial panics that occurred between
lark, he divided the span (two hundred and twenty-four years) by the number of panics (
found that, on average, there had been a panic every 8.6 years. As he read more, he began
was a highly significant number. He discerned a recurrence of major turning points in th
world affairs that followed a distinct and unwavering 8.6-year rhythm. Six cycles of 8.6 y
long-wave cycle of 51.6 years, which separated such phenomena as Black Friday and the
1920, and the Second and Third Punic Wars.
Armstrong was, for the most part, self-taught. His father had him reading Aristotle at the
along with movies like “Cleopatra,” inspired him to delve deeply into ancient history: the
Mesopotamian commodities, the decline of the Roman denarius. After high school, Arms
RCA Institutes, now called the Technical Career Institutes, and he audited a few courses
never earned a college degree. School bored him.
Still, he adopted the habit of a learned man. In the early seventies, he became a trader an
began compiling forecasts about commodities and currencies, which he sent out, via Tele
the world. Over time, the forecasting became his business. Much of it was rooted in cycle
travelled to London to the British Museum Newspaper Library and put together historica
exchange rates, down to the day. He constructed what he called an Economic Confidence
relied on to predict an upturn in the price of commodities in the early days of 1977. It wo
He opened a forecasting firm called Princeton Economics International, based in Princet
model singled out, in advance, the day of the October, 1987, crash. “Never did I expect th
precise time level,” he wrote later, in an essay called “Understanding the Real Economy.”
personally assumed it was just a fluke. This took place on the minor halfway point up the
year cycle, at 2.15 years.” Afterward, he was messing around with numbers and realized t
exactly three thousand one hundred and forty-one days: 3,141, the number pi times a tho
mystery had deepened. If pi was essential to the physical world, perhaps it somehow gov
or the fluctuations in human behavior and mood that manifested themselves in the mark
the magic number associated with the swing of a pendulum, Heisenberg’s uncertainty pr
Great Pyramid at Giza. Why not the vast monuments of data known as the financial mark
saw it in my mind’s eye,” he wrote. “There was a Geometry of Time itself.”
Armstrong didn’t tell anyone about pi. He kept it a secret for twelve years, and he continu
services as a consultant at up to ten thousand dollars an hour. (The Wall Street Journal
think talk is cheap haven’t talked to Martin A. Armstrong.”) He had clients and offices ov
cultivated connections with central bankers, and with Margaret Thatcher. It was more se
that his models, among them one called a Panic Cycle Model, which spotted big reversal
certain fundamentals and complex computer calculations, rather than in a simple mystic
Pi suggested some future turning points, which Armstrong watched carefully as they app
them was December, 1989, which marked the Nikkei’s peak before it crashed. This call ea
magazine Equity’s award as the top North American economist, and a big following in Ja
of cycles, a tenet of Eastern belief, did not seem so far-fetched. He presided over conferen
of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and began investing billions of dollars on behalf of Japane
boasted that the Japanese called him Mr. Yen. Another big pi date was July 20, 1998, wh
mark the high point in the S. & P. just before a Russian default broke the giant hedge fun
Management and nearly wrecked the financial system. Armstrong by now was running a
funds, and the Magnum Hedge Fund Reporter named him Fund Manager of the Year.
Not long afterward, he claims, the C.I.A. telephoned his firm, eager to get a closer look at
had been watching him and were curious about how he had managed to call the collapse
asked if he would come to Washington, he said, and build his model for them. He decline
he published a report—his last at Princeton Economics—explaining the part that pi had p
The model wasn’t perfect. It failed, among other things, to foresee its developer’s demise
1999, Armstrong was charged with defrauding Japanese investors of nearly a billion dolla
and convoluted case, and his view of it, unsurprisingly, does not square with the governm
though, is that he has now spent more than nine years in jail—a pi cycle and then some.
He no longer talks to central bankers, or has access to his computer models—and, appare
does, either. (“The methodology has to remain a secret until I am free at last,” he wrote re
cycles spin on.
“Here’s the thing that gets me—what makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up,” a
Armstrong’s, who now manages a hedge fund, half-whispered to me over the phone not l
December ’89 is the high of the Nikkei, which he called. Go back 8.6 years. May 10, 1981.
milestones—Mitterrand, Volcker—and then went back another 8.6, and then another. “T
high-to-high rhythm here.” He said that he had counted forward from July 20, 1998, to th
“February 23, 2007. I thought, This could be important.”
“I had to talk to her about birth control—you talk to her about drugs.”
February 23, 2007, quietly came and went, and the Armstrong skeptics sneered. But it tu
day had seen some of the tightest credit spreads ever (that is, the easiest credit); home pr
had begun a sharp decline. It was the peak of the easy-money bubble—the edge of the pre
recession. That this became clear only in retrospect says as much about the perils of pred
about a propensity to see, as the past recedes, patterns and narratives that flatter our par
Still: “Something turned and you could feel it,” the hedge-fund manager said. “But you co
anything about it in the papers.”
There are two modes of financial-market analysis. The first is fundamental analysis—you
company or a security, and draw conclusions about its prospects, and assign it the value
think suit it best. Pants, Inc., looks good because it has great earnings and cash on hand,
charismatic C.E.O. in good health, or because Europeans love buying pants and the euro
what most civilians think that market professionals do; it’s what the pros talk about in th
The other is technical analysis. It ignores all this noise; it disregards earnings, and excha
to equity. In its strictest form, it doesn’t even care what product a company sells. Technic
that a stock has any intrinsic value. They focus instead on the market itself—on the action
behavior of a security or an index. They study the charts for patterns of past performance
results. There are hundreds of templates, ranging from the basic (“head and shoulders,”
two smaller peaks) to the runic (Bollinger bands, an elastic method of determining a trad
silly (the Alligator. From a trading Web site: “When the Jaw, the Teeth and the Lips are c
it means the Alligator is going to sleep or is asleep already. As it sleeps, it gets hungrier a
longer it will sleep, the hungrier it will wake up.” When the Alligator eats, you should, too
There are falling wedges, flags and pennants, scallops and saucers. One of the original te
Charles Dow, a co-founder of Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal. Adherents later el
views to create Dow Theory, which categorizes trends based on a variety of time periods.
professional investors and traders rely at least a little bit on the technicals. Some hardly l
fundamentals at all.
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Cycle theory is a kind of Gnostic offshoot of technical analysis. The notion that things, ge
cycles goes back thousands of years—Joseph’s seven-year fat-lean cycle—but in the West
into economic cyclicality took hold in the mid-nineteenth century. The British economist
Jevons correlated economic cycles to the sun, proposing that fluctuations in sunspot acti
crop outputs. Around the same time, a Frenchman named Clément Juglar identified an e
seven to eleven years. In the nineteen-twenties, Nikolai Kondratiev, a Soviet economist, c
capitalism was inclined to half-century cycles of boom and bust and boom again, rather t
believed, a single inexorable march toward collapse. Wrong answer. Stalin had him impr
It was the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter, he of “creative destruction,” who calle
Kondratiev waves and popularized them in the West. In the Kondratiev waves and other
cycles—the Kitchin (three to five years), the Kuznets (fifteen to twenty-five years)—the tim
They are suggestions, not rules. Hardcore cyclists, on the other hand, often seek and find
periodicity as rigid and fixed as the laws of physics, which is why hardcore cyclists are oft
mystics or freaks.
It is easy to scoff at cycle theory. Its whiff of predestination chafes the scientific mind. Ou
fundamental belief in causation and consequence, to say nothing of free will, does not ea
suggestion of helplessness, or of some kind of as yet unidentified exogenous force. God m
outcome of football games and debilitating illnesses, but he does not intervene in matters
And yet patterns exist, and we slowly discover them. Seasons, migrations, moons: the tem
Consciously or unconsciously, most people accept certain components of cycle theory. W
patterns in things. It is the way our minds work, presumably for the purpose of survival.
Few would deny that there is a business cycle, a fluctuation in the economic fortunes of a
political cycle, an ebb and flow between mass conservative and liberal sentiment that rev
markets. And it’s common for us to think that some things are overdue—a change in the
championship, a comeuppance, or a lucky break. But most of us balk at the notion that a
governed by some kind of deeper universal math.
Armstrong, in his essay “Understanding the Real Economy,” said, “I have spent a lot of ti
comprehend how such a model can even work on a specific level to a precise day, years a
advance. The only explanation is the subject matter is so intensely complex that there is i
order within what would appear to be random chaos.”
Bill Erman, a market-timing analyst in Nashville, and the proponent of a system called E
me, “We believe the market is perfect to the second.” (He concedes that we don’t have the
He noted that termites build their perfect mounds, and bees their perfect hives, and spid
webs, all around the world, without, presumably, being conscious of why or what they ar
unconsciously constructing a geometrically perfect market,” Erman said. We can’t help b
beehives in the air. The charts are our termite mounds.
I was told, time and again, that some of the biggest investors out there view even the wac
with respect, and factor cycles into their allocations. This may say less about the viability
it does about the chimerical folly of market divination—which may be why such investors
it. “You don’t talk to people about it, because they don’t understand it,” one trader told m
something you can share openly with colleagues. It’s not accepted.”
“I’ve studied cycles for years,” Dimitri Chalvatsiotis, a London-based trader at a global he
“It’s part of the methodology. It’s an overlay that defines the way I look at the world. The
planet. That’s where you start. Some people believe news drives markets. I don’t.”
“The way I think about cycles in general is that they provide a great approach to offsettin
Laeeth Isharc, a hedge-fund manager in London and previously a trader at the giant inve
Shaw and Citadel, said. “We tend to think that the future will be like the last few years, on
are a good way of reminding oneself that there is mean reversion.”
The big hitters who do keep an eye on cycles seem to do so out of a mixture of hard-won a
consideration that if enough other people are paying attention to this stuff then so should
wary eye on an array of cycles and waves, which achieve actionable significance when the
on each other, especially in concert with something more tangible, such as information o
“The idea that there may be celestial influences on the spontaneous desire to invest or no
it’s too embarrassing to explore in modern economics,” another trader said. “These topic
conversations in most circles.”
One day, I mentioned cycles to an acquaintance who used to work for Goldman Sachs, an
down from his stacks a book he had purloined years ago from the library of the J. Aron re
(J. Aron being a commodities-trading firm that Goldman bought in 1981, and that suppli
current C.E.O., Lloyd Blankfein). It was “Cycles: Selected Writings,” an anthology, publis
work of Edward R. Dewey, who was the chief economic analyst in the Department of Com
thirties, under Herbert Hoover. To investigate the causes of the Great Depression, Dewey
economist after another; each of them seemed to have a different explanation, which sug
no one had a clue. But he lingered over the work of one economist: Chapin Hoskins, who
the “behavioristic” approach. Hoskins, Dewey wrote, discovered “that there was a tenden
business behaviors to repeat at fairly regular intervals. The reasons for these regularities
the patterns were too regular to be easily the result of chance. They, therefore, had foreca
F.D.R. took over, Dewey left the Commerce Department and soon found that these cycles
—“in animal abundance, sunspot numbers, disease, weather, and many other things.”
The purloined Dewey book, nearly eight hundred pages long, contains one delightful data
“The 16 2/3-Year Cycle in Arizona Tree Rings, AD 900-1939,” “The 4-Year Cycle in the C
Cheese, 1867-1953.” Dewey produced sine waves depicting fluctuations in the price of ma
fittings and in postal receipts in Milwaukee. But it’s the ones that overlap that widen the
Starting in 1735, the Hudson’s Bay Company kept track of the number of lynx pelts collec
year. The number rose and fell, precipitously, in a distinct cycle of 9.6 years. As it happen
synchronous not only with the variable abundance of other indigenous fauna, such as sno
Atlantic salmon, but also with the cycles of seemingly unrelated phenomena, such as hea
New England and chinch-bug populations in Illinois. Dewey reasoned that all this had to
coincidence or the work, as he put it, of “Something Out There.” He favored the latter.
“Something Out There” was the title of a Profile of Dewey, by John Brooks, that ran in th
almost five lynx-pelt cycles ago. (This data set, meagre as it is, suggests that another stor
will appear in these pages in 2056.) In the forties, Dewey formed the Foundation for the
which endeavored, in a pre-computer era, to collect and process as much cycle data as po
frustration, most of the foundation’s members were more interested in figuring out how
outsmart the stock market, but he was mindful that their self-interest funded his efforts t
the Something might be. His tentative hypothesis was that it was astronomical—“not the
something beyond the earth—either inside or outside our solar system.” Much as his wor
summon intimations of the divine, it was squarely, and solely, statistical; if “Cycles” was
Levitical, banal. As Dewey stated in 1958, “I believe that the future is completely knowab
course, by human beings.” He told Brooks, “People try to make a religion of cycle study .
a crackpot fad. Actually, it’s neither one. If I’m right, it’s an emerging science.”
If it was emerging, it did so haltingly, and then retreated into its hole. They say that, like
women’s dresses and the release of new horror films, tolerance of cycle theory increases i
blossomed in the thirties, enjoyed a revival in the seventies, and is having a quiet renaiss
interval between each revival is about four pi cycles.) We tend to ascribe rising markets a
economy, as long as they last, to our own ingenuity—to progress, experience, rationality,
refinement in the ability of economists and central bankers to manage our affairs. Bull m
incarnations of human perfectibility. (Home prices would rise forever, because we had in
debt, one that didn’t ever have to be repaid.) When things go to pieces, we shirk responsi
explanations. Fatalism creeps in. It can’t be merely that we are, as ever, greedy, short-sig
prone to self-delusion, incapable of learning from the past. There must be something, or
work, beyond our understanding or control.
The array of cyclomaniacs (an old Dewey term), pattern seekers, and market timers are l
sects, prone to doctrinal disputes, petty jealousies, and exclusive claims on divine revelat
think that their patented system is best, and trumpet a dozen peerless predictions. They c
spectrum, from the omnivorous technicians to the market astrologists, who look to the st
a well-known forecaster, has made a series of startlingly accurate predictions over the ye
planetary and astrological alignments. He says that he was up a hundred and six per cent
summer of 2010 will be “devastating,” he told me. “We’ll have the worst stuff in the sky in
years we’ve checked.” (Indeed, at the end of July Mars and Saturn will be conjunct and in
Uranus, and all three will be squared to Pluto.) Crawford quoted a line that he attributed
—“Millionaires don’t have astrologers, but billionaires do”—and told me that at the Morg
still see, on the ceiling of Morgan’s old private library, a depiction of the zodiac; the entra
Morgan’s sign. The astrologers may be the fringe’s fringe, but their predictive powers see
than those of the secular fundamentalists who scoff at them. They have a following.
Then, there’s Fibonacci. It is widely believed, but variably disputed, that such natural phe
spirals in nautilus shells, hurricanes, and galaxies; the branching of tree limbs, leaf veins
circulatory systems; and the distribution of flower petals and brain waves conform to som
golden ratio, or phi—represented by the irrational number 1.618. In a golden spiral, for e
successive outer curve might be 1.618 times as far away from the one inside it as the last.
thirteenth century, as fans of “The Da Vinci Code” and the band Tool know, Leonardo Fib
mathematician, unearthed a series of numbers in which each successive number is the su
two—1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc. It has many elegant properties. One is that every fif
every fifth number, is divisible by five. Another is that the ratio between each number an
converges on phi.
October 12, 2009
The Godchildren
By Tessa Hadley
A Critic at Large
Not So Fast
By Jill Lepore
On The Radio
Moving Day
By Ben McGrath
Critic’s Notebook
Minogue Nation
By Sasha Frere-Jones
Interest in phi, and the Fibonacci sequence, as a financial cipher, goes back many decade
report on Fibonacci, “Non-Symmetrical Cycles,” in Cycles, the foundation’s magazine, in
that, say, the S. & P. 500, in an up market, will consist of a five-legged ascent, with three
peaks and two dips in between, followed by a three-legged descent, interrupted by one lo
down—you, too, can make billions.
Tom DeMark, a market-timing analyst, has worked with the hedge-fund titans Steven Co
and Paul Tudor Jones. He has, over forty years, devised a Fibonacci-based system to mon
exhaustion of trends—that is, to figure out at exactly what point a market, or anything, re
says, for the population of geese on Horicon Marsh, in Wisconsin), will reverse direction
DeMark’s initiation into the fellowship of Fibonacci was typically circuitous. The disciplin
kind. (After enduring a video called “History’s Hidden Engine,” which featured one pale
talking about fractals, my wife turned to me and said, “There aren’t a lot of women, are th
DeMark, then a gofer at a money-management firm in Milwaukee, was happily perusing
by Bank Credit Analyst that mentioned research on wave theory and Fibonacci conducte
forties, by an accountant named Ralph Nelson Elliott. (Elliott was the author of a book ca
The Secret of the Universe.”) Fascinated, DeMark called Bank Credit Analyst’s offices. T
DeMark said, suggested that he call a travelling tax judge in Canada named Jack Frost, w
that DeMark call two doctors in Florida, the first of whom agreed to come up to Wisconsi
data on Fibonacci and the markets to DeMark and his bosses on a Friday night. DeMark
Milwaukee airport to fetch him, and, after wandering around the terminal for a while, ca
with a long white beard, who pointed at DeMark and said, “You know how I know you’re
You’re walking in Fibonacci angles.” (The other doctor had told DeMark on the phone, “I
times, I have eight children, and I take a vacation every thirteen days.”) At the meeting, t
folder with graphs depicting the Dow Jones Industrial Average back to the inception of it
“It embarrassed me,” DeMark recalled recently. “I thought I was going to lose my job.” H
Fibonacci obsession spooked him, but it infected him all the same, because he began to s
everywhere, too. Over the next decade, DeMark spent thousands of hours poring over old
magnifying glass and a calculator, identifying patterns.
“I think it’s a shallow question,” Prechter said. “Think of the stars, the zodiac. The ancien
a bear. They needed the stars for the purposes of navigation and so came up with names
arrangements of them.”
In 1987, a documentary called “Trader,” about the then little-known fund manager Paul T
appeared on PBS. After it aired, Jones reportedly had it taken out of circulation, buying u
came across. Over the summer, sections of it turned up on YouTube, and you could see J
faced partner, Peter Borish, applying Elliott wave theory to their comparison of the move
with those of 1928. It helped them call the 1987 crash, and Jones became a billionaire.
Jones won’t talk about it now, but Borish, the chief executive these days of a firm called t
Trading Corporation, doesn’t disavow any of it. We met one weekday morning in Central
long enough to observe joggers and dog walkers on their way both in and out of the Park,
intervals; the amplitude suggested high unemployment. “If your goal is to do research an
money from the markets, you should look at all ideas,” he told me. “Whatever works.” He
these guys are freaks. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. They spend their entire lives se
Rosetta stone so at the end of their lives maybe they can make money.”
The Fibonacci work is not, in conception, anyway, pure numerology. The theory is that, i
distillations of herd psychology, mass confidence, or what Prechter calls “the social mood
fluctuate in discernible patterns, then the underlying moods must follow predictable patt
economists believe that we react, whether rationally or irrationally, to incidents and infor
Prechter’s formulation, which he has called “Socionomics,” the mood comes first, and it s
the wave principle. A universal math nudges us into wars, bubbles, and a passion for ABB
the key to it.
What’s not the key, Prechter believes, is pi. “It’s important to geometry but not to living s
declared. Prechter and Martin Armstrong were both on the board of the Foundation for t
Dewey’s old think tank, where Armstrong served for a number of years as chairman. Prec
Armstrong’s writings. If Prechter is Presbyterian, Armstrong is Pentecostal; he certainly
Yet there are glossolalians who profess to understand.
“Armstrong’s a massive talent, a misunderstood talent,” Chalvatsiotis said.
Isharc said, “I don’t know Marty, but I have no doubt that he’s rescued from darkness som
phenomena that may have been evident a hundred years ago. He’s clearly a genius, altho
flaws. He overstates his case a bit and understandably has a chip on his shoulder. After h
February, 2007, his stuff is everywhere now. Lots of people talk about it.”
Armstrong’s model is designed to apply to the most stretched markets, with the most exc
the path of money sloshing around the world. “Each market has its own cycle, but when c
conglomerates around one it will take on the characteristics of the 8.6,” he said. “The 8.6
global model.” This is his explanation for the way his pi highs and lows move, like the Oly
Tokyo to Moscow and then New York.
Pi dictated that Armstrong was an intermittent investor, rather than one who, like most q
managers, trades constantly in order to exploit tiny anomalies. The hedge-fund manager
for Armstrong remembers him coming out of his office in September, 1998, two months
in front of the ruble crisis. Monica Lewinsky was on TV. “My oscillators just turned,” Arm
He booked his profits, pulled out of the market, and went to his beach house, on the Jers
limits. “After my case began, it came out that the number of the street address I had grow
Armstrong wrote. “I still regard that one as a coincidence.”)
Armstrong, no question, is an imperfect conveyance for the science of cycles, and not jus
federal convict. His writing is what you might call nonlinear, unless the line in question i
stream of his consciousness. In the nineties, Armstrong wrote a heavily researched but q
volume account of the Great Depression called “The Greatest Bull Market in History.” Th
published, and apparently unedited (the book’s first sentence is missing a word), has not
from declaring it a seminal work. He says that he has a third volume at home. He is also w
book, to be called, naturally, “The Geometry of Time.”
In 2007, inspired by letters he was getting in prison and, he says now, foreseeing disaster
producing research reports again, under the banner of Armstrong Economics. He types t
library on a Brother typewriter (white-out is forbidden), and draws the graphs by hand, o
pastes in graphics from other sources. Disdainful of domestic news media, he relies main
In his essays and letters, he compares himself to Adam Smith, Abraham Lincoln, Galileo
Matrix.” (Armstrong has also said that the 1998 Darren Aronofsky film “Pi,” in which cor
a man who discovers that pi may be the secret to the stock market, may have been based
the film came out before he revealed his pi model. Aronofsky says that he’s never heard o
must have been reading the same source material,” he told me.) Armstrong tends to wan
a discussion of history and economics to the arcana of his own legal case, the common th
oppressiveness of government. The reports are not the same, but they often seem to say t
different order—a prison-epistle version of the old Twainism that history rhymes. They m
Many of the reports feature crude drawings on the front, sometimes of Armstrong himse
and tie before a field of ones and zeros embedded with equations derived from pi. He sen
to a small number of friends, who then post them on the Internet or pass them around. H
naming these friends, because he worries that they would be harassed if anyone found ou
Amid the global economic convulsion of the past year, his reports have achieved a wave o
popularity on financial blogs like Zero Hedge, which is produced by a former hedge-fund
adopted the alias Tyler Durden, after the hero of “Fight Club.” These blogs, and their read
cynical, even conspirational, view of the financial markets, the presumption being that pr
in power, in Washington and on Wall Street, is either incompetent or corrupt, and that o
bubble-abetting ways will lead to further doom. Armstrong’s recent musings on a purpor
conspiracy found a sympathetic audience. The discussion threads can veer from political
knowing, sophisticated commentary, and, in their assessments of the work and sanity of
can range far and wide. Some call him a genius, others a crank and a con man.
Getting to the bottom of Martin Armstrong’s criminal case is about as difficult as proving
that the Fibonacci sequence is God. It can be especially hard to achieve certainty in a com
case. Prosecutors can be financially unsophisticated, and defendants may lie and obfusca
masked man accused of robbing a bank who maintains, all along, that he was merely cash
In early September, 1999, the F.B.I. raided the offices of Princeton Economics and carted
of documents. Armstrong was arrested and posted bail. Later that month, the U.S. Attorn
criminal indictment, alleging that Armstrong had been running a Ponzi scheme, and the
Commodities and Futures Trading Commission filed civil suits charging that Armstrong
investors of nearly a billion dollars.
According to the government, Armstrong sold interest-bearing notes to Japanese investo
agreement, deposited the proceeds in managed accounts that his firm kept at Republic B
He then used the incoming money to cover payments due to other, earlier investors, and
out of their accounts and into accounts that he used to make speculative trades, which ge
losses. To conceal this, he and Republic issued phony account statements to the Japanes
The Japanese note holders were, for the most part, executives at Japanese corporations i
industries as electronics, machine tools, chemicals, and yogurt. Their companies’ investm
way below water after the 1989 collapse of the Nikkei, yet they weren’t required, by Japan
acknowledge this fact. (Americans jeered at this scenario; now they do their best to emul
issued them notes—which he called “the rescue product”—promising to pay them the orig
value of their investments, five or ten years hence, and in exchange he took over their wo
liquidated the portfolios, converted the yen into dollars, and put the money to work in th
Armstrong’s refutation of the allegations is relentless. He continues to maintain that it di
account statements said, because, really, he didn’t have to keep accounts for the investor
he paid investors on schedule, that prosecutors didn’t understand the fluctuating nature
exchange, and that it was Republic, and not him, who fiddled with the accounts.
He says a lot more. In dozens of court filings over the years, he has accused his captors o
contends that Republic, with the coöperation of the government, scapegoated him for its
and to derail his investigation into manipulations of the commodities markets. This cons
Armstrong’s telling, widened to include the soon-to-be-killed financier Edmond Safra an
Armstrong believes that he is in prison because he knows too much about the inner work
he calls the major banks and their enablers in government; he maintains that he is a poli
unlike Kondratiev.
In Armstrong’s civil trial, the judge, Richard Owen, demanded that, for potential restitut
about fifteen million dollars in gold bars and coins that it was believed he had, along with
antiquities, including a gold crown and a first-century bust of Julius Caesar. He produced
was asked for, but not much, claiming that he no longer owned the rest of it. The Judge r
was in contempt, and sent him to the Metropolitan Correctional Center, which is where,
Bernie Madoff was held earlier this year, before his sentencing.
Armstrong wound up spending seven years there, without his criminal case going to trial
contempt incarceration in the nation’s history. Each year, Judge Owen upheld the contem
Armstrong went through a series of court-appointed lawyers and, at times, represented h
Armstrong case file was lost when the September 11th terrorist attack obliterated its offic
Center. In 2001, Republic admitted that a number of its employees had committed fraud
investors were paid roughly six hundred million dollars. Nobody from Republic went to j
Armstrong’s contempt ruling held.
Prison was not kind to him. At one point, a fellow-inmate beat him in his cell. (Armstron
may have been an assassination attempt.) In 2006, he was put into solitary confinement,
damaging a vent. Soon afterward, he decided, in an agreement with the prosecutors, to p
in the indictment, conspiracy to commit fraud. The twenty-three other charges were dism
part, he says, because he believed that he might get credit for time served. The criminal-c
gave him the maximum sentence—five years.
Armstrong was still stuck in the M.C.C., for civil contempt. A U.S. Court of Appeals reject
appeal, although a concurring opinion, written by Sonia Sotomayor, noted that “the distr
that Armstrong is motivated solely by greed is not enough to justify disregard for due pro
was eventually replaced and the contempt order abandoned. In April, 2007, Armstrong w
security federal prison camp at Fort Dix, in southern New Jersey, to begin serving his sen
he was told by other inmates that he looked like a ghost.
The prison camp, situated on the Fort Dix military base, is a white windowless box that b
shipping container. It isn’t a country club, but it ain’t Alcatraz, either. The prisoners can
Armstrong sleeps in a vast dormitory hall that houses two hundred men in bunk beds. Se
lower bunk. He works as a clerk, making about eighty dollars a month. He spends severa
library. He gets visits from his mother and a grownup son and daughter, who live nearby
when their daughter was six months old.) He even has a license to drive a truck around th
I met with Armstrong at Fort Dix in late September, in a tidy visiting room decorated wit
tropical beach and a poster about swine flu. Armstrong was squatter than I’d expected, a
starchy paunch, pocked skin, and a slight underbite. And yet his eyes had an unnerving g
something like mirth, as though he’d surreptitiously shaken up a can of Pepsi and handed
bought him a cup of French Vanilla coffee out of the vending machine. We sat down acro
a red plastic table. A fly settled on the shoulder of his prison greens.
His Jersey intonations were Philly-tinged. “Prison is a microcosm of Adam Smith,” he sa
division of labor. There’s a guy who knows how to sew, a guy who makes the beds, a guy w
guy who’s a barber.” The coinage is mackerel, or macks; the inmates buy plastic pouches
commissary. The barber, the bedmaker, the tailor: they usually get paid in fish. Armstron
financial and legal advice, and he gave it out free.
In a newsletter I’d got from him in the mail the day before, he’d written, “Pi is not the act
activity. It is merely a proof that TIME is subject to geometry.” Did he think there was So
He sighed. “At its core, a cycle is the mechanism by which energy is transmitted,” he expl
standing in the water at the beach, as a wave washes in. You can feel the wave, but the wa
The energy passes through the water. Society is the same way.” Sometimes there’s a rogu
a major turn, a depression. It was his belief that the rogues were not random but, rather,
theoretically, preordained, like the concentric reverberations of a stone, or millions of sto
surface of a pond.
Fair enough. But what creates the energy? What dictates the geometry? “There are going
believe and those who don’t,” Armstrong said. “If it wasn’t that way, you wouldn’t have a
He said that he was working on a paper about Switzerland: the Habsburgs, William Tell,
The upshot was that capital, like water, goes where it encounters the least resistance. “Gi
circumstances, people do the same thing over and over again,” he said. “There aren’t man
guard indicated that our time was up—Armstrong was due back in the dorm for the four-
The next day, Armstrong called from Fort Dix to clarify his basic philosophy: it was the b
the energy waves, setting in motion the cycles that govern the universe. As for pi, he had
never shared with anyone, that its ubiquity had something to do with dark matter. ♦
Nick Paumgarten has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 2005.
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