Key Points: This Is Just What Ive Done As A Summary If You Don'T Want All The Details Below in Ya Notes

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Week 1 Key Readings Chant and Mcllwaine (2009): Defining, conceptualising and measuring development Key points: THIS

IS JUST WHAT IVE DONE AS A SUMMARY IF YOU DONT WANT ALL THE DETAILS BELOW IN YA NOTES BUT IVE KEPT BOTH FOR NOW FOR WHEN YOU READ THEN YOU CAN DECIDE WHAT U WANA KEEP OR NOT Development means different things to different people -different terms used imply different distinctions between the developing and the developed world, many using economic indicators (LEDC) others focus on the culture of regions (Western/Non-western). Ultimately majority of the terms used take on a euro-centric view implying that western nations should be taken as the reference point and thus all countries should aspire to their level of development. Narrow, ignores income inequalities within as well as between regions grouped under headings (e.g. India classed as Global South, but huge income divide within India itself), creating a singular rich/poor binary. Rich/poor distinction is increasingly becoming blurred as richer regions of the global south (China, India) begin to challenge UK/US Power. Little consensus over what development actually is Little d (immanent development spontaneous), Big D (international development imposed by organisations like World Bank) Can be argued that Development has negative effects on global south e.g. Escobar discusses the inability of western projects to reduce poverty Measuring development mainly economic indicators are used (GDP/GNI) but blunt for assessing development, size of economy says little about distribution of income among population, or about levels of healthcare/education, undervalues non-economic activities (e.g. household work, environmental degradation, subsistence farming, informal markets), also implies development can be achieved in straightforward measurable way Must include indicator taking into account social and political aspects e.g. HDI/HPI But these still reflect big D development Often produces different results when compared with GDP per cpaita e.g. oil countries have high GDP per capita, but low HDI values due to limited redistribution of wealth Measures including gender = GDI (Gender development index)/GEM (Gender empowerment index) MDGs goals to meet by 2015 again big D development, failed to deliver with 42/47 African countries off track quality and accuracy of data from each region is questionable, tends to focus more on quantitatively measured goals neglecting social relations, but has succeeded in campaigns such as Make Poverty History where G8 countries were encouraged to cancel debt with developing world What are the underdeveloped world the third world and the global south? Underdeveloped - Term used by President Truman in 1949 - in his 4 point plan Point 4 assist underdeveloped areas with western capital and technology, encourage democracy - They should conform to patterns of development directed by the USA and Europe - imposition of northern ideals on the rest of the world, implying being underdeveloped was undignified - He made a clear distinction between the underdeveloped and prosperous areas of the world - People in underdeveloped lived in conditions approaching misery poverty, disease, primitive economic life - Assumed that lack of development was the fault of the countries themselves and that Western knowledge was superior to local knowledge of people in the south (Illich 1997) - Creates a rich/poor binary, glossing over inequalities within the North and South - Same criticism for terms developing world/developing countries/less-developed/under developed/undeveloped Third world - First coined in France by Sauvry, used in France to refer to the disadvantaged position of the peasantry - USA attempted to steer countries towards capitalist regimes (USSR tried to steer them towards communist regimes) - Some members of the Third World instead created the NAM (Non-aligned movement) aiming to promote alternative forms of development in an internal voting block of countries which were not aligned to capitalism or communism - Mainly a political term, but by 1960s commonly used to divide regions economically and politically First World of wealthy capitalist industrialised western nations (e.g. USA), Second World (communist world e.g. USSR), Third World (poorer, politically independent e.g. former colonies Africa, Latin America, Asia) - Criticisms of the 3rd world o Word is too singular to encapsulate the diversity of found in the third world e.g. impoverished regions of Africa as well as oil rich nations of Middle East, and Newly Industrialised Countries (Hong Kong, Singapore) are all included under one heading - Term focuses on places rather than people spatial term term glosses over huge differences within countries and between countries classed as third world o As second world collapsed after the cold war the term third world is meaningless Global South alternative to the third world - First coined in UN Brandt Commission - Distinguished between industrialised nations of the rich North and poor developing dependent South - But looks over inequalities within countries again, also many countries in the north have southern characteristics e.g. China and many in the south have northern characteristics e.g. Australia and New Zealand - Use of the world global in front of north and south shows its not a geographical categorisation of the world instead based on economic inequalities with some spatial relevance

Poor Nations/MEDCS/LEDCS - Based on economic distinctions income levels in nations fails to include other characteristics beyond income relevant to the global south - Terms suggest economic factors are more important than social cultural and political issues (Willis 2005) Majority /Minority World - Majority = poorest, minority = richest - Shows despite being home to most of the world population, the majority world has limited power shows scale of third world, but lack of importance in global affairs - Global south accounts for 80% of world population, increasingly large share of economic output yet wealth and power concentrated in North 40% of world population in global south on less than $2 a day account for 5% of world income, in contrast richest 10% most of whom are in the global north account for 54% of world income Western/Non-Western World - similar to north south distinction, reflects significance of culture criticism in that the west is taken as the cultural reference point for the world euro-centric view LACAAP Latin America, Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Pacific rarely used Beginning to see rich regions of the global south group together against western world G20 talks in Mexico 2003 Brazil, China India and Nigeria challenged power of USA and EU - shows global groupings are shifting Knowledge flows tend to flow from north to south rooted in patterns of colonisation where northern countries were more powerful in studying development one must look at how global inequalities originate, are sustained and deepen over time What is development? Little consensus Popular definitions - sufficient food, access to shelter, health care and education but more complex than this Lawson 2007 development itself is a complex contradictory and powerful term that take son particular meanings in the context of specific intellectual institutional and political moments Issue of value judgements diverging opinions on goals and objectives of development Thomas 2000 outlines 4 key characteristics of development: - All encompassing change not just improvement in on element - Continuous and cumulative process of change - Change at both social and individual levels - Developmental change not always positive Immanent development = spontaneous, unconscious International development = deliberate policies and actions of the state and progress which is about improvement over time Development = vision of the sate of being of a desirable society, as a historical process, and/or comprising deliberate improvement policies on behalf of various agencies a nd governments as well as changes that just happen (Potter) Always assumed development is for the best, but can have a negative outcome too depending on the implementation e.g. Escobar argues western development projects have made life worse for many in the south Easterly white mans burden critiques inability to development aid to reduce poverty Links to ethnocentrisms and racism within development thinking due to colonialism - people in south viewed as inferior and stereotyped as ignorant, helpless, reflecting widespread racism in much discourse today 1980s development used as synonym for economic growth challenged on social and cultural grounds need to include adequate provision of health, nutrition, freedom of choice Measuring development Big D = Intentional policies used by large organisations like the wrld bank Little d = immanent development socio-economic, political and cultural processes produce improvements depending on place and actors involved Often argued impossible to measure development, but some form of measurement needed for policy makers E.g. GDP or GNP (measure of economic growth) but blunt for assessing development, size of economy says little about distribution of income among population, or about levels of healthcare/education, undervalues non-economic activities (e.g. household work, environmental degradation, subsistence farming, informal markets), also implies development can be achieved in straightforward measurable way Alternative Measures of Development Many alternatives to the economic measures have been developed to include social and political dimensions, but still reflecting Big D development (Goulet) 3 components: - Life sustenance in terms of basic needs - Self-esteem, self-respect and independence - Ability to exercise freedom of choice over their own destiny (Sen) Capabilities approach - looks at opportunities and rights to assess development HDI: Human Development Index a) GDP per capita shows living standards b) Adult literacy and enrolment rates showing attainment of knowledge c) Life expectancy at birth health and longevity - Often produces different results when compared with GDP per cpaita e.g. oil countries have high GDP per capita, but low HDI values due to limited redistribution of wealth

BUT still based on development as economic growth, assumes development can be measured quantitatively when in fact development is multidimensional, ignores inequalities within and between countries, ignores gender, ecology and sustainability, still takes development from point of view of development professional than poor people HPI: Human Poverty Index includes access to safe water, health services and malnutrition GDI: Gender related development index HDI adjusted for gender inequalities GEM: Gender Empowerment measure gender inequality in relation to economic and political participation

MDGs Again reflect development with a big D, have come to dominate development policy since 2000 Seen as a summary of key issues affecting global development since the development project emerged 60 years ago Criticisms = can these goals really be met by 2015 (No, 42/47 african countries off track) Why have they failed to deliver? some say because north havent provided sufficient Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) target being 0.7% of national income, G8 countries were meant to have doubled aid to Africa by 2010 ODA seems to be falling rather than increasing Questions over how each of the goals are actually measured Tend to be monetarily rather than movement driven focusing on cost and quantitatively measuring goals neglecting social relations Quality and accuracy of data questioned especially in developing countries Goals dominated by western views again and can argue MDGs continue to be view development as interventionst and uncontested rather than complex and discursive Positives Make poverty history campaign which has mobilised around the MDGs pressuring G8 countries to reduce debt Provide a benchmark to negotiate with governments and agencies

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