2006 File 15
2006 File 15
2006 File 15
SECONDARY PARAMETERS AND ENABLE CONDITIONS Battery voltage > 11 V No previous failure on the Oil Control solenoid actuator is present
The purpose of this diagnosis is to detect a difference in the camshaft position relative to the desired position (set point). To ignore temporary differences during the controller adjustment period, there is a calibratible cycle counter that has to expire before the diagnosis is activated. If the controller adjustment and the PWM adaptation cycles have expired and a steady position of the camshaft is the
Actual Cam position > desired cam position (set point) + allowed tolerance for deviation Actual camshaft position > desired position (set point) + 6 CKP Actual Cam position < desired cam position (set point) + allowed tolerance for deviation Actual camshaft position < desired position (set point) + 6 CKP The errors flag for intake camshaft is set after the failure counter max value is reached Failure counter > 16 (1.6s)
VCP State enable (the cam phasing function is active controller is active & set points are calculated) Min engine speed for steady deviation < engine speed < Max engine speed for steady deviation Table base on oil temp < N RPM < Table based on oil temp Min oil pressure for steady deviation < actual oil pressure < Max oil pressure for steady deviation 1 Bar < actual oil pressure < 7 bar
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If this error is set the following actions are taken: Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) Deactivation of Hardware Based Diagnosis with the CJ120 Deactivate Generator L & F Terminal Monitor Disable knock Control Knock control adaptation (Circuit 1) Maximum end of Pre-injection angle is used & a calibratable constant for start of injection Disable fuel quality adaptation at start (start injection time adaptation) Disable downstream lambda trim control Disable Plausibility check of WARF Sensors Disable WARF Sensors diagnosis Heater Coupling Disable Diagnosis of the WRAF Sensor Dynamic Disable Monitoring Upstream Sensor Signal Disable Monitoring Upstream Sensor Signal during pull full cutoff (FUEL CUT-OFF) Disable downstream oxygen sensor -
PWM adaptation cycle has expired VCP is not in Limp Home (no failure on VCP electrical or mechanical)
diagnosis Disable dynamic fuel trim diagnosis Disable catalyst efficiency diagnosis
Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) until the transition from engine run to engine stop is detected, even if the error is resolved Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Bank 1 P 2091 Short to Battery P 2090 Short to Ground P 0013 Open Circuit The purpose is to diagnose electrical errors detected by the PWM Driver internal to the ECU on the Oil Control Solenoid actuator circuit The drive self check the electrical condition to determine the source of electrical failure. If any of the electrical failure is detected an errors flag is set after the failure counter max value is reached Fail time > 16 (1.6s) If this error is set the following actions are taken: Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) Deactivation of Hardware Based Diagnosis with the CJ120 Battery voltage > 11 V No previous failure on the Oil Control solenoid actuator is present Recurrence Rate: 100 ms M/2
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Exhaust Camshaft Position System Performance. Bank 1 & 2 P0014 Bank 1 P0024 Bank 2 The goal of this diagnosis is to detect steady deviation of the camshaft position relative to the desired position (set point) by integrating the camshaft deviation at specific conditions. To ignore temporary deviations during the controller adjustment there is a tuneable cycle counter That has to expire before the diagnosis is activated. If the controller adjustment and the PWM adaptation cycles have expired and a steady position of the camshaft is the result of the actual engine state, this camshaft deviation is integrated. If the integrated deviation reaches a max calibrated value the debounce errors counter is incremented. And If the integrator reach the value of the diagnosis initialization value the errors counter is decrement.
Actual Cam position > desired cam position (set point) + allowed tolerance for deviation Actual camshaft position > desired position (set point) + 6 CKP Actual Cam position < desired cam position (set point) + allowed tolerance for deviation Actual camshaft position < desired position (set point) +6 CKP The errors flag for intake camshaft is set after the failure counter max value is reached Fail time> 16 1.6s) If this error is set the following actions are taken: Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) Deactivation of Hardware Based Diagnosis with the CJ120 Deactivate Generator L & F Terminal Monitor Disable knock Control Knock control adaptation (Circuit 1) Maximum end of Pre-injection angle is used & a calibratable constant for start of injection Disable fuel quality adaptation at start (start injection time adaptation) Disable downstream lambda trim control
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Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) until the transition from engine run to engine stop is detected, even if the error is resolved.
The goal of this diagnosis is to detect if the actual CAM edge change lies in the permissible expected range. A hysteresis range is set around the expected CKP position in which the errors free CAM edge change is expected. If a Cam edge change does not occur in this CKP range then an errors is detected. This diagnosis is done on two reference edges (180 CKP apart) which are defined in the SW, ( the edges are correlated to the max opening of the intake camshaft lift curve/design edge) The design reference Cam position is also defined in the SW.
VCP State Ready (cam phasing function is in a ready state after all activation condition are fulfilled) or Adaptation (in this state the mechanical edges are learned relative to design edges) Actual camshaft position > deign camshaft position + Mechanical tolerance Actual camshaft position > 133 CKP + 12 CKP Actual camshaft position < deign camshaft position - Mechanical tolerance Actual camshaft position < 133 CKP 12 CKP VCP State enable (the cam phasing function is active controller is active & setpoints are calculated) Actual camshaft position > Deign reference camshaft position Max adjustable phase range tolerance for desired camshaft position (set point) around home position Actual camshaft position > 133 CKP 40 CKP - 3 CKP Actual camshaft position < deign camshaft position + tolerance for desired camshaft position (set point) around home position Actual camshaft position > 133 CKP + 3 CKP The errors flag for Exhaust Cam /Crank Correlation is set after the Fail timeMax Value is reached
Battery voltage 11 V VCP is not in Limp Home (no failure on VCP electrical or mechanical) The EOL/Service Tool request for VCP Mechanical check is Passive
At ECM reset & transition from engine run to stop: The errors flag is cleared
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Fail time> 36 (3.6 sec) If this error is set the following actions are taken: Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) Deactivation of Hardware Based Diagnosis with the CJ120 Deactivate Generator L & F Terminal Monitor Disable knock Control Knock control adaptation (Circuit 1) Maximum end of Pre-injection angle is used & a calibratable constant for start of injection Disable fuel quality adaptation at start (start injection time adaptation) Disable downstream lambda trim control Disable Plausibility check of WARF Sensors Disable WARF Sensors diagnosis Heater Coupling Disable Diagnosis of the WRAF Sensor Dynamic Disable Monitoring Upstream Sensor Signal Disable Monitoring Upstream Sensor Signal during pull full cutoff (FUEL CUT-OFF) Disable downstream oxygen sensor
Disable dynamic fuel trim diagnosis Disable catalyst efficiency diagnosis Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) until the transition from engine run to engine stop is detected, even if the error is resolved VCP State Ready (cam phasing function is in a ready state after all activation condition are fulfilled) or Adaptation ((in this state the mechanical edges are learned relative to design edges) Actual camshaft position > deign camshaft position + Mechanical tolerance Actual camshaft position > -117 CKP + 12 CKP Actual camshaft position < deign camshaft position - Mechanical tolerance Actual camshaft position < -117 CKP 12 CKP
The goal of this diagnosis is to detect if the actual CAM edge change lies in the permissible expected range. A hysteresis range is set around the expected CKP position in which the errors free CAM edge change is expected. If a Cam edge change does not occur in this CKP range then an errors is detected. This diagnosis is done on two reference edges (180 CKP apart) which are defined in the SW, ( the edges are correlated
The following conditions are fulfilled: Battery voltage 11 V VCP is not in Limp Home (no failure on VCP electrical or mechanical) The EOL/Service Tool request for VCP Mechanical check is Passive
At ECM reset & transition from engine run to stop: The errors flag is cleared
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VCP State enable (the cam phasing function is active controller is active & setpoints are calculated) Actual camshaft position > Deign reference camshaft position + Max adjustable phase range + tolerance for desired camshaft position (set point) around home position Actual camshaft position > -117 CKP + 50 CKP + 3 CKP Actual camshaft position < deign camshaft position - tolerance for desired camshaft position (set point) around home position Actual camshaft position > -117 CKP 3 CKP The errors flag for Exhaust Cam /Crank Correlation is set after the Fail time Max Value is reached Fail time > 36 (3.6 sec) If this error is set the following actions are taken: Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) Deactivation of Hardware Based Diagnosis with the CJ120 Deactivate Generator L & F Terminal Monitor Disable knock Control Knock control adaptation (Circuit 1) Maximum end of Pre-injection angle is used & a calibratable constant for start of injection Disable fuel quality adaptation at start (start injection time adaptation) Disable downstream lambda trim control Disable Plausibility check of WARF Sensors Disable WARF Sensors diagnosis Heater Coupling Disable Diagnosis of the WRAF Sensor Dynamic Disable Monitoring Upstream Sensor Signal Disable Monitoring Upstream Sensor Signal during pull full cutoff (FUEL CUT-OFF) Disable downstream oxygen sensor
Disable dynamic fuel trim diagnosis Disable catalyst efficiency diagnosis Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp
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The purpose is to diagnose electrical errors detected by the hardware on the actuator Solenoid circuit
Battery voltage > 11 V No previous failure on the Oil Control solenoid actuator is present
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Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Performance P0101 When the LOAD/TPS error occurs (P1101). The intake manifold model switch from adapting the model under MAF sensor to the MAP sensor and the plausibility is checked by comparing the excitation of the controller (reduced area & pressure with the corresponding "basic" value (Throttle reduce area if area controlled, ambient pressure if pressure controlled). The MAF sensor is determined implausible by comparing the controller excitation when the model was adapted to MAF sensor and MAP sensor If the delta excitation of reduced area or Ambient controller under MAF & Map is greater than a threshold and the reduced area controller or Ambient pressure controller excitation under the Map control do not exceed a calibratbale threshold in
All three condition have to be meet for the MAF sensor to be implausibly: A. Plausibility check throttle reduced area controller excitation The delta of the reduced area excitation under MAF & MAP is greater than the calibrable threshold: delta of the reduced area excitation > 24 % the reduced area excitation under MAP sensor control does not exceed the max or min calibratable threshold: reduced area excitation under MAP < 25% reduced area excitation under MAP > -25%
B. Plausibility check ambient Pressure controller excitation The delta of the ambient pressure controller excitation under MAF & MAP is greater than the calibrable threshold: delta of the ambient pressure controller > 124 hpa
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the ambient pressure controller under MAP sensor control does not exceed the max or min calibratable threshold: reduced area excitation under MAP > -250 hpa reduced area excitation under MAP < 250 hpa
C. The lambda controller excitation under MAP controller does not exceed the calibratable threshold: bank 1 & 2 Lambda controller excitation under MAP control > -25% bank 1 & 2 Lambda controller excitation under MAP control < 25% The MAF sensor performance errors flag is set after the errors counter reaches max value Fail time> 16 (400ms) Low frequency MAF Frequency for Diagnoses < 50 Hz Frequency is lower than 200 Hz Low frequency flag = 1 after debounce Fail time> 16 (200ms) High Frequency MAF Frequency for Diagnoses > 12425 Hz Frequency is higher than 20000 kHz high frequency errors flag = 1 after debounce MAF Frequency for Diagnoses > 520 Kg/h MAF Frequency for Diagnoses < 1 Kg/h Sensor has exceed the diagnostic threshold the MAF DTCs are stored if any of the condition are fulfilled Fail time >16 (200ms) The load/TP plausibility check proofs the consistency between load and throttle position. The plausibility is checked by comparing the excitation of the controller (reduced area & pressure with the corresponding Drive cycle has started No errors currently exist on the throttle or load. Diagnoses in not disabled RPM > 544 < 6400 (MAP/ambient) > 0.2 < 0.53 Recurrence Rate: 25 ms M/2
The purpose of the diagnosis shall be to detect electrical faults in the frequency sensor HFM; The diagnosis will run only when the engine is running (HFM diagnosis).
Plausibility check throttle reduced area adaptation values (The additive and multiplicative adaptation values of the reduced area are checked separately. If one of them exceeds the corresponding threshold, a related errors flag
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Plausibility check throttle reduced area controller excitation (In the plausibility check only the steady state conditions are of interest. Therefore, the controller excitations of the reduced area controller is smoothed with a low pass filter. This controller output is only calculated as long as the corresponding controller is active. If the plausibility check is deactivated the calculation of the moving mean value from the reduced area controller output is stopped (but not reset). Depending on several input variables the threshold for the controller excitation is selected. If e.g. the ECT-sensor goes bad, the threshold for plausibility errors detection can be chosen higher, so that more controller excitation is allowed. If the filtered reduced area controller excitation reaches a certain thresholds the plausibility check errors is set to active). Filtered reduced area controller < 25% filtered reduced area controller > 24%
if a coolant or intake air temperature sensor failure occurs the threshold will become: Filtered reduced area controller < 27% Filtered reduced area controller > 26%
Plausibility check pressure controller excitation ((In the plausibility check only the steady state conditions are of interest. Therefore, the controller excitations of the reduced area controller is smoothed with a low pass filter. This controller output is only calculated as long as the corresponding controller is active. If the plausibility check is deactivated the
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if a coolant or intake air temperature sensor failure occurs the threshold will become: Filtered reduced area controller < 27% Filtered reduced area controller > 27%
When the LOAD/TPS error occurs (P1101). The intake manifold model switch from adapting the model under MAF sensor to the MAP sensor and the plausibility is checked by comparing the excitation of the controller (reduced area & pressure with the corresponding "basic" value (Throttle reduce area if area controlled, ambient pressure if pressure controlled). The TPS is determined implausible (Restriction or leak
if any of the above condition are fulfilled then the TP/Load plausibility errors flag is set after Fail time max value is reached Fail time> 100 (2.5s) If this diagnostic is present the following are disabled The intake model adaptive & excitation are rested and the model is calculating the load in pre-control (open loop no close feedback signal is used from the sensors). Only the throttle signal is used. All three condition have to be meet for the MAF sensor to be implausibly: A. Plausibility check throttle reduced area controller excitation The delta of the reduced area excitation under MAF & MAP is less than the calibrable threshold: delta of the reduced area excitation < 15 % the reduced area excitation under MAP sensor control do exceed the max or min calibratable threshold: reduced area excitation under MAP >
Drive cycle has started The load/TP rationality check was complete No pervious faulty exists on the MAF, MAP or TPS Plausibility performance pressure ration (MAP/ambient) < .99 The lambda sensors are active Settling time for the switching from MAF to MAP > 7250 ms
Recurrence Rate: 25 ms
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C. The lambda controller excitation under MAP controller do exceed the calibratable threshold: bank 1 & 2 Lambda controller excitation under MAP control < - 25% bank 1 & 2 Lambda controller excitation under MAP control > 25% The TPS is determined implausible (Restriction or leak in the air path) throttle performance errors flag is set after the errors counter reaches max value Fail time> 16 (400ms) All three condition have to be meet for the MAF sensor to be implausibly: A. Plausibility check throttle reduced area controller excitation The delta of the reduced area excitation under MAF & MAP is greater than the calibrable threshold: delta of the reduced area excitation > 15 % the reduced area excitation under MAP sensor control does not exceed the max or min calibratable threshold: reduced area excitation under MAP < 25% reduced area excitation under MAP > -25%
When the LOAD/TPS error occurs (P1101). The intake manifold model switch from adapting the model under MAF sensor to the MAP sensor and the plausibility is checked by comparing the excitation of the controller (reduced area & pressure with the corresponding "basic" value (Throttle reduce area if area controlled, ambient pressure if pressure controlled). The MAP sensor is determined implausible by comparing the controller excitation when the model was adapted to MAF sensor and MAP sensor
Drive cycle has started The load/TP rationality check was complete No pervious faulty exists on the MAF, MAP or TPS Plausibility performance pressure ration (MAP/ambient) < 0.99 The lambda sensors are active Settling time for the switching from MAF to MAP > 7250 ms
Recurrence Rate: 25 ms
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If the delta excitation of reduced area or Ambient controller under MAF & Map is greater than a threshold and the reduced area controller or Ambient pressure controller excitation under the Map control do exceed a calibratbale threshold in combination with the lambda excitation for both bank is greater than a calibratable limit then the MAP sensor is consider implausible
C. The lambda controller excitation under MAP controller do exceed the calibratable threshold: bank 1 & 2 Lambda controller excitation under MAP control > -25% bank 1 & 2 Lambda controller excitation under MAP control > 25% The MAP sensor performance errors flag is set after the errors counter reaches max value Fail time> 16 (400ms) The MAP sensor first reading is measured at key on, the engine is not running engine is not running First reading at key on = measured MAP value The MAP sensor second reading is measured after engine has being to run and a calibratable timer has expired engine is running time after start > 700 ms second reading at key on = measured MAP value
The purpose of this function is to detect a stuck (non-fluctuating MAP sensor) as quickly as possible after start. This is required for Load/TPS Plausibility robustness, since a stuck MAP sensor could cause Load/TPS Plausibility errors due to initialization of the Ambient pressure with the MAP sensor value during cranking. To detect a stuck MAP sensor: the MAP reading during engine off is determined and compared to a MAP reading after start. Typically a decrease in pressure should be seen. To protect against false readings if the driver has his
This function will only run once per trip No pervious faulty exists on the MAP electrical
all the following condition must be meet A. Delta between first MAP reading and second MAP reading is less than a calibratable threshold delta between two readings < 200 hpa B. absolute delta between measure and
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The purpose of this function is to detect a MAP sensor that has a shifted characteristic due to external influences that is not detected by electrical or stuck tests. This test is performed by comparing the measured MAP value to the modeled MAP value when MAF sensor is used to adapt the delta between modeled and actual airflow. To become implausible, the measured MAP value must be consistently either higher or lower than the modeled value in a range of speeds and loads.
No pervious faulty exists on the MAP performance MAF sensor is used to adapt the delta between modeled and actual airflow
The purpose is to diagnose the mean value of the analog input signal circuit or the MAP sensor to the micro-controller for SCG, SCVB, and OL.
High voltage Filtered MAP < .11v MAP Volts > 4.9V DTC = Active P0108 Low voltage/Open Line Filtered MAP < .11v
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The purpose of this diagnostic is to detect a SCG, SCVB, or OL in the intake air temperature sensor or its circuit.
Low Voltage Engine run time > 120s IAT Voltage < .04V DTC = Active P0112 High voltage / Open Line Engine run time > 120s IAT Voltage > 4.9V DTC = Active P0113 Fail time > 800ms High voltage / Open Line IAT Voltage > 4.9V DTC = Active P1111 Low Voltage IAT Voltage < .04V DTC = Active P1112 Fail time > 2s
IGN Key ON Eng ON Engine Metal Overtemp Protection (EMOP) = Not Active
The purpose is to diagnose an intermittent failure detected on IAT sensor, a specific Fail time is used in this case. Target is to avoid sudden calculation transition in any function based on IAT temperature
This Diagnostic Detects a Stuck ECT sensor signal. An ECT model is used to determine the expected rate of change in the ECT sensor. Once a calibratable delta between ECT model minimum value and ECT model maximum value is reached the decision portion of the diagnostic is entered. If the delta between ECT minimum value and ECT maximum value is less than a calibratable table value the sensor is considered stuck. Note- Completes before end of 18th cycle of 10 C FTP.
Enable conditions: Ignition Key ON Engine running Engine run time > 120s IAT fault not active EMOP not active Disable conditions: EMOP active Enable conditions: Ignition Key ON Engine running Disable conditions: ECT faults EMOP active
ECT ECT at Start < Table value (1.5 C) P0116 = Active If this error is detected then the ECT model temp is used. The error will latch for this drive cycle.
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Insufficient for Closed Loop Fuel Control
Detects if ECT has reached sufficient temperature to allow closed loop fuel using an ECT model vs. measured ECT. If this error is detected then the ECT model temp is used. The error will latch for this drive cycle
ECT < Table used for Lamda Sensor Closed Loop operation P0125 = Active
If forced closed loop occurs, one or more of the following DTC's will be stored. If the
Disable conditions: Inlet air temp < -8.25c Inlet air temp sensor fault ECT fault MAF sensor fault MAF/TP sensor plausibility fault Enable conditions: Engine running time Table based (120
Recurrence Rate: 1s Currently the normal time to closed loop is 15 seconds. Closed loop is forced after 120
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SECONDARY PARAMETERS AND ENABLE CONDITIONS seconds) idle time < 100% fuel cut off time < 100%
P 0128
Recurrence Rate: 500ms Run time varies with the ECT at start. Completes before th end of 18 cycle of 10 C FTP.)
Enable conditions: ECT model > 90 C idle time < 95% fuel cutoff time < 50%
Engine Coolant Sensor Signal Voltage P 1114 P 1115 This diagnostic will detect an intermittent short to ground or intermittent short to battery voltage / open Throttle Position Sensor # 1 Electrical Diagnosis (TP) (TP 1) Low Volts P 0122 (TP 2) High Volts This Diagnosis is to detect an Electrical malfunction, Short circuit to VB, SCG, OL. ECT Volts < .04V Fail Time. > 2s P 1114 = Active (INT SCG) ECT Volts > 4.9V Fail Time. > 2s P 1115 = Active TP Volts < .098 Fail Time. = 12 (300ms) P 0122 = Active ( SCG) TP Volts > 4.89 Fail Time. = 12 (300ms) P 0123 = Active ( SCVB / OL)
INT Short circuit to ground Diagnosis IGN = ON EMOP = Not Active INT Short circuit to VB or OL Diagnosis IGN = ON EMOP = Not Active
Disable Conditions: Ignition Key ON TP DTCs Limp home active Enable Conditions:
Recurrence Rate: 25 ms
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The potentiometer voltage for channel 2 must be within the admissible limits. This DTC can distinguish the circuits low & High Voltage.
TP Volts < 0.4643 V Fail timemax = 12 (300ms) P222 = Active Limp home RPM limitation (992 rpm) TP Volts > 4.8436 V Fail timemax = 12 (300ms) P223 = Active Limp home RPM limitation (992 rpm) If the CJ120 detects an, SCG, or SCVB. Or IC-Source Low Voltage AND Fail time> 100 (500 ms) (inc @ 2) Related P-Codes = Active 1.) A dynamic parameter of the sensor is calculated by dividing the period of the lambda air/fuel ratio switching characteristic by a multiplication of the amplitude of the lambda by the difference between the lambda set point that includes the period, amplitude and the basic lambda set-point 2.) The value of this dynamic parameter is multiplied by a gain value that is used to standardize the amplitude portion with respect to engine speed and load and added to an integrated value of the dynamic parameter. 3.) This function is equipped with a counter that counts the number of single calculations. Once the minimum number of calculations 15 cyc. is exceeded another calculation is made. This calculation divides the integrated dynamic sensor parameter value by the counter value. This calculation gives the characteristic value of the sensor dynamics. The characteristic value of the sensor dynamic is then compared to the limited diagnosis value for error diagnosis. If Sensor Dynamic Total < .2 P0133 = Active P0153 = Active
Activation: IGN =1. The error bits, Failure-counters and other variables or bits are initialized Deactivation: IGN =0 or the setting conditions are not fulfilled anymore TP DTCs Limp home active
Recurrence Rate: 25 ms
SCG P 0131 SCVB P 0132 IC-Source Low P167A (Bank 1) P0133 (Bank 2) P0153
This Diagnostic is intended to detect a SCG, SCVB, or Open in the signal line or in the WRAF sensor. The Electrical Diagnosis is performed internally through the ECM (BSW) by the CJ120 Register. This diagnosis observes the amplitude of the Lambda sensor in response to forced lambda stimulation. The sensor value is compared to a Lambda sensor model and a filtered ratio is generated. This value is filtered by a gain table that is used to standardize the amplitude portion with respect to engine speed and load. The integral of all cycles during the test is then compared to a single threshold to determine the response of the sensor signal. By observing the amplitude of the sensor signal during a given forced stimulation period, the response time of the sensor can be determined. A sensor with slow response time will not achieve the modeled amplitude during a forced stimulation period.
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: HO2S Enable Conditions IGN = ON Diagnosis = Active Enable conditions HO2S Ready (Lambda Sensor Closed Loop) Lambda forced stimulation active Baro 740hPa Rpm > 1216 < 3000 MAF > 170 < 400mgstk Catalyst diagnosis active. Catalyst diagnostic generates the forced stimulation used to diagnose the Catalyst OSC and HO2S Response Time simultaneously. This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: CKP Sensors CMP Sensors MAF Sensors MAP Sensors Injectors DTCs Ignition Coil DTCs HO2S DTCs Limp home Safety (ETC) EVAP / CPS DTCs TP DTCs ECT DTCs Misfire DTCs
Recurrence Rate: 10 ms
Recurrence Rate: 10 ms During low engine speed and load conditions a longer forced stimulation period is required to assure correct diagnosis. The longest period used is 1.24 seconds. This value is multiplied by 15 cycles to determine the worst case test time. The result is 18.6 seconds. Under most operating conditions the test will complete in one continuous test. However, if the test is interrupted, test results for previous cycles are stored. This means the 15 cycles do not have to be consecutive in order to complete the diagnostic. They
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HO2S Heater Electrical Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1 HO2S Heater Electrical Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 1
P 0030 OC P 0031 SCG P 0032 SCB P0050 OC P0051 SCG P0052 SCB
The purpose of the diagnostic is intended to detect electrical faults within the oxygen sensor Heater Circuit. This diagnostic takes into consideration the following electrical faults based the heater drivers ATM38. Short to B+ by Over-temperature or Overcurrent. Short to ground and Open-line. The heater driver is capable of detecting OL and SCB when in the ON State and will detect the SCG only when in the OFF state. The heater power is controlled by a PWM signal, the driver will be placed alternately in an ON and then OFF state.
If: SCB Diagnosis = Enabled PWM signal 0.39% DTC = Active P0032 / P0052 Or if: Exhaust temp. 400C DTC = Active P0032 / P0052 If: SCG Diagnosis = Enabled PWM signal 99.6% DTC = Active P0031/ P0051 If: OL Diagnosis = Enabled PWM signal 0.39% DTC = Active P0030 / P0050
Enable Conditions: IGN = ON, Eng = ON Batt volts > 10 Diagnostic = Enabled
If forced closed loop occurs, one or more of the following DTC's will be stored. If the Open Circuit (OC) diagnostics pass, then an HO2S Heater Malfunction will be stored as the root cause for forced closed loop. B1S1- P2243 (OC Ref. Voltage) B1S1- P2237 (OC Pumping Current) B1S1- P2251 (OC Virtual Grnd) B1S1- P0135 (HO2S Heater Malfunction) B2S1- P2247 (OC Ref. Voltage) B2S1- P2240 (OC Pumping Current) B2S1- P2254 (Virtual Grnd) B2S1- P0155 (HO2S Heater Malfunction) This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: VB DTCs
HO2S Heater Electrical Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 2 H02S Heater Electrical Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 2
P 0036 OC P 0037 SCG P 0038 SCB P0056 OC P0057 SCG P0058 SCB
The purpose of the diagnostic is intended to detect electrical faults within the oxygen sensor Heater Circuit. This diagnostic takes into consideration the following electrical faults based the heater drivers. Short to B+, Short to ground and Open-line. The heater driver is capable of detecting OL and SCB when in the ON State and will detect the SCG only when in the OFF state. The heater power is controlled by a PWM signal, the driver will be placed alternately in an ON and then
If: SCB Diagnostic Flag = Enabled PWM signal > 0% < 99% Heater state Preheating DTC = Active Or: Cat Temp 400 C DTC = Active If: SCG Diagnostic Flag = Enabled DTC = Active If: OL Diagnostic Flag = Enabled DTC = Active
Enable Conditions: IGN = ON, Eng = ON Batt volts > 10 Diagnostic = Enabled
Recurrence rate 1s
If forced closed loop occurs, one or more of the following DTC's will be stored. If the Open Circuit (OC) diagnostics pass, then an HO2S Heater Malfunction will be stored as the root cause for forced closed loop. B1S1- P2243 (OC Ref. Voltage) B1S1- P2237 (OC Pumping Current)
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If forced closed loop occurs, one or more of the following DTC's will be stored. If the Open Circuit (OC) diagnostics pass, then an HO2S Heater Malfunction will be stored as the root cause for forced closed loop. B1S1- P2243 (OC Ref. Voltage) B1S1- P2237 (OC Pumping Current) B1S1- P2251 (OC Virtual Grnd) B1S1- P0135 (HO2S Heater Malfunction) B2S1- P2247 (OC Ref. Voltage) B2S1- P2240 (OC Pumping Current) B2S1- P2254 (Virtual Grnd)
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HO2S Down Volts < 2 mV HO2S Down Resistance < 10 Ohms Timer 2 > 5 Sec. ( Failure Window ) Fail time > 16 (1.6 sec.) P0137 = Active P0157 = Active
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: HO2S Circuit Faults Enable Conditions IGN = ON Dynamic Fuel Trim = Active MAF > 100Kg/h Timer 1 > 25.5 Sec. ( Stabilization ) Diagnostic = Active
HO2S Down Volts > 1.2 volts Fail time> 16 (1.6 sec.) P0138 = Active P0158 = Active
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: HO2S Circuit Faults Enable Conditions IGN = ON Diagnostic = Active All monitoring conditions must be met No inhibition reason for diagnosis Coolant Temp > 65.25 C Downstream Sensors = Ready Vehicle Speed > 5 < 180 Km/h Cat temp > 520 C This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Throttle position sensor errors Canister purge solenoid errors
This diagnosis can detect the sluggish behavior of the rich/lean switch times during the transition to the trailing fuel cutoff. The results are statistically treated. The allowable sensor behavior is based on the sensors signal under different MAF and signal band limits. Non-Intrusive Monitoring
After the enable conditions are met and FUEL CUT-OFF is determined to be active, the current downstream O2 voltage is monitored and stored. If the stored value is above 600mV and MAF > 10 < 200 Kg/h the test is started. Once the sensor voltage drops 15% of the stored value a timer is started. This timer is then stopped when the voltage drops 70% of the stored value. At this point the test is determined to be valid and the diagnostic counter is incremented by one. The switching time value is then converted to a weighted value.
Recurrence Rate 20 ms
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Wide Range Air Fuel Sensor # 1 Electrical (Open Circuit) Diagnosis (B1S1)
This function determines if an open circuit in any of the four electric lines (Reference Voltage, Virtual Ground, Pumping Current and Trim Current) is present WRAF Sensor.
The following condition must be meet before the open circuit diagnosis is activated: The WRAF sensor signal is found implausible The WRAF sensor signal during full cutoff is found implausible
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If forced closed loop occurs, one or more of the following DTC's will be stored. If the Open Circuit (OC) diagnostics pass, then an HO2S Heater Malfunction will be stored as the root cause for forced closed loop. B1S1- P2243 (OC Ref. Voltage) B1S1- P2237 (OC Pumping Current) B1S1- P2251 (OC Virtual Grnd) B1S1- P0135 (HO2S Heater Malfunction) B2S1- P2247 (OC Ref. Voltage) B2S1- P2240 (OC Pumping Current) B2S1- P2254 (Virtual Grnd) B2S1- P0155 (HO2S Heater Malfunction)
Open circuit error flag for Virtual Ground is set high after error symptom detected without debounce Pumping Current Failure The following condition must be meet in order to detect open line on Pumping Current: open circuit delay timer > calibratible threshold Open circuit delay Timer > 120sec The WRAF sensor signal is found implausible with a sensor not active symptom. OR The WRAF sensor signal during full cutoff is found implausible with a signal too low symptom.
Open circuit error flag for Pumping Current is set high after error symptom detected without debounce Trim Current Failure The following condition must be meet in order to detect open line on Trim Current: The WRAF sensor signal during full cutoff is found implausible with a signal too high symptom.
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Open circuit error flag for Trim Current is set high after error symptom detected without debounce if a heater OBD2 error exist the WRAF sensor controller oscillator used to measure the sensor internal resistance shall be disable in order to allow a stable
Wide Range Air Fuel Sensor # 2 Electrical (Open Circuit) Diagnosis (B2S1)
P2247 ((Reference Voltage) P2254 (Virtual Ground) P2240 (Pumping Current) P2629 (Trim Current)
Reference Voltage Failure The following condition must be meet in order to detect open line on Reference Voltage: The Oxygen sensor heater fault has been detected The WRAF sensor signal is found implausible with a signal too rich symptom.
The following condition must be meet before the open circuit diagnosis is activated: The WRAF sensor signal is found implausible The WRAF sensor signal during full cutoff is found implausible The Oxygen sensor heater faulty WRAF sensor dynamic diagnosis detects a fault diagnosis completion timer has not been reached. Diagnosis completion timer < 300sec
Open circuit error flag for Reference Voltage is set high after error symptom detected without debounce. Virtual Ground Failure
If forced closed loop occurs, one or more of the following DTC's will be stored. If the
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Open circuit error flag for Virtual Ground is set high after error symptom detected without debounce Pumping Current Failure The following condition must be meet in order to detect open line on Pumping Current: open circuit delay timer > calibratbale threshold Open circuit delay Timer > 120sec The WRAF sensor signal is found implausible with a sensor not active symptom. OR The WRAF sensor signal during full cutoff is found implausible with a signal too low symptom.
Open circuit error flag for Pumping Current is set high after error symptom detected without debounce Trim Current Failure The following condition must be meet in order to detect open line on Trim Current: The WRAF sensor signal during full cutoff is found implausible with a signal too high symptom.
Open circuit error flag for Trim Current is set high after error symptom detected without debounce if a heater OBD2 error exist the WRAF sensor controller oscillator used to measure the sensor internal resistance shall be disable in order to allow a stable
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SCG P 0151 SCVB P 0152 IC-Source Low P167B (Bank 1) P 0141 (Bank 2) P 0161
If the CJ120 detects an, SCG, or SCVB. or IC-Source Low Voltage AND Fail time> 100 (500 ms) (inc @ 2) Related P-Codes = Active After a 180 second timer has expired, the sensor heat energy is calculated and integrated. Once this integrated value has exceeded a threshold (time to exceed is load dependant, approximately 2 to 5 minutes). Approximate worst case run time = 9 minutes. Typical run time = 5 minutes. Post O2 sensor calculated resistance is greater than 1100 ohms for 40 out of 45 test samples.
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: HO2S DTCs Enable Conditions IGN = ON Diagnosis = Active Enable Conditions: Key ON Eng ON HO2S Heater = ON Batt Voltage > 10 v Heater PWM > 20< 99.6% Exhaust temp. 950C
Recurrence Rate: 10 ms
Recurrence rate 1s
If forced closed loop occurs, one or more of the following DTC's will be stored. If the Open Circuit (OC) diagnostics pass, then an HO2S Heater Malfunction will be stored as the root cause for forced closed loop. B1S1- P2243 (OC Ref. Voltage) B1S1- P2237
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Fuel System Lean Bank 1 P 0171 Fuel System correction is monitored to determine if the system is too lean Non-Intrusive Monitoring If the output for the lambda controller + the fuel adapts is greater than the emissions failure threshold for fuel system diagnosis during 100 seconds of a 300 second test period. (Test period timer is only incremented if enable conditions are met) If Short Term + Long Term Fueling > 25% FOR TIME > 100 SEC. P 0171 = Active
MAF DTCs VB DTCs Load-TP diagnosis DTCs WRAF sensor electrical DTCs WRAF sensor heater electrical DTCs Recurrence Rate 20 ms M\2
Enable Conditions: Closed Loop Active Application conditions fulfilled Fuel system diagnosis errors not detected during this trip. No inhibition due to high charcoal canister saturation. The canister purge system cycles closed for up to 60 seconds after 240 seconds of purge under all circumstances. Once canister purge has cycled off, there is no canister load and thus no canister inhibition due to saturation. Rpm > 512 MAF > 60mgstk Coolant Temp > 70C Baro > 740hPa Intake Air Temp > -8.2C If any one of the above conditions are not met then the diagnostic function will not activate This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the
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Recurrence Rate 20 ms
Recurrence Rate 20 ms
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If Short Term + Long Term Fueling > 25% FOR TIME > 100 SEC. P 0174 = Active
If any one of the above conditions are not met then the diagnostic function will not activate This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: TP errors ECT errors IAT errors MAF errors Camshaft sensor errors Misfire Present Canister purge errors Crank shaft sensor errors Fuel system diagnosis inhibited
P 0175
This diagnostic condition is used to observe the output of linear lambda control to determine if the system is too rich Non-Intrusive Monitoring
If the output for the lambda controller + the fuel adapts is greater than the emissions failure threshold for fuel system diagnosis during 100 seconds of a 300 second test period. (Test period timer is only incremented if enable conditions are met) If Short Term + Long Term Fueling < -25% FOR TIME > 100 SEC. P 0175 = Active
Enable Conditions: Closed Loop Active Application conditions fulfilled Fuel system diagnosis errors not detected during this trip. No inhibition due to high charcoal canister saturation. The canister purge system cycles closed for up to 60 seconds after 240 seconds of purge under all circumstances. Once canister purge has cycled off, there is no canister load and thus no canister inhibition due to saturation. Rpm > 512 MAF > 60mgstk Coolant Temp > 70C Baro > 740hPa Intake Air Temp > -8.2C If any one of the above conditions are not met then the diagnostic function will not activate This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present:
Recurrence Rate 20 ms
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HO2S Circuit High Voltage During Decel Fuel cut-off (DFCO) Bank 1 & 2 Sensor 2
The purpose is to diagnose a downstream oxygen sensor that is above voltage threshold during fuel cut-off.
Downstream oxygen sensor voltage > 30mV during decel fuel cut-off. AND Fail time> 50 (1 sec) (inc. @ 5) P1138 = Active P1158 = Active
Recurrence Rate: 100ms The diagnostic shall activate at every sensor acquisition.
Post Catalyst Fuel Trim Lean condition Bank 1 and 2 Fuel Correction Diagnostic,
P2096 P2098
1. The purpose is to diagnose excessive upstream oxygen sensor shift If portion 1 or 2 has failed the other portion will be disabled.
If the post catalyst fuel trim correction has exceeded a calibratible threshold for 24 seconds out of a 25 second test period. Fuel Trim Correction > 2.93% FOR Fail TIME > 24 SEC.
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Post Catalyst Fuel Trim Lean condition Bank 1 and 2 Fuel Correction Diagnostic, Portion #2
P2096 P2098
The purpose is to diagnosis excess deviation of the downstream sensor voltage as compared to the set-point. This can occur due to a shift in the upstream oxygen sensor, or an exhaust system leak between the pre and post O2 sensors. If portion 1 or 2 has failed the other portion will be disabled.
Downstream sensor voltage deviation from set-point: If Downstream O2 voltage is < 498 mV from set-point for 74 seconds of a 75 second test period. P2096 = Active P2098 = Active
Post Catalyst Fuel Trim Rich condition Bank 1 and 2 Fuel Correction Diagnostic, Portion #1
P2097 P2099
1. The purpose is to diagnose excessive upstream oxygen sensor shift. If portion 1 or 2 has failed the other portion will be disabled.
If the trim controller has exceeded its ability to keep the downstream sensor in a desired range for 24 seconds out of a 25 second test period. Fuel trim correction > - 2.93% FOR > 24 SEC. P2097 = Active P2099 = Active TIME
P2097 P2099
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HO2S Signal Circuit Shorted to Heater Circuit Bank 1 & 2 Sensor 1 (Heater Coupling)
The diagnosis detects an increase of leakage current from the heater to the sensor circuit. The leakage is originated by a loss of insulation resistance and induces noise on the signal. Through the heater coupling the measured signal of the WRAF sensor is perturbed and the lambda regulation is influenced. The diagnosis criteria is the difference of the sensor voltage measured at specific times, triggered by the rising and falling edge of the heater PWM-signal. This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Injector Cylinder #1
After the enable conditions are met a cycle counter is started. The counter increments each time a heater cycle is complete and a rise and fall value is calculated. If the actual lambda rise or fall calculated value is greater than 5.8% from modeled lambda characteristic a fail counter is incremented by 1. At the end of 100 cycles, the fail counter is compared to a threshold of 80. If the fail counter exceeds the threshold an error is set. P2231 = Active P2234 = Active Detection of injection valve errors are done by hardware diagnosis. Fail time= 16 (1.6s) If Engine speed > 1200 rpm High recurrence 100 ms =1.6s = active If Engine speed < 1200 rpm Diag low recurrence 300 ms=4.8s = active
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Canister purge solenoid errors ECT errors MAF errors MAP errors Crankshaft sensor errors Camshaft sensor errors Fuel System errors WRAF Sensor errors WRAF Sensor HTR errors Oxygen Sensor errors Oxygen sensor heater errors Misfire errors Enable Conditions Eng. = ON Closed Loop Not in Fuel cutoff Heater PWM 15% or 85% (Forced Stimulation Amplitude < 3.35% Forced Stimulation Duration < 1.55 Sec. Or forced stimulation OFF) Exhaust Temp > 400C This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: HO2S Circuit Faults OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON Fuel pump = on No inhibit on injector circuit No SPI bus errors
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Injector Cylinder #2
Detection of injection valve errors are done by hardware diagnosis. Fail time= 16 (1.6s) If Engine speed > 1200 rpm High recurrence 100 ms =1.6s = active If Engine speed < 1200 rpm Diag low recurrence 300 ms=4.8s = active
OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON Fuel pump = on No inhibit on injector circuit No SPI bus errors
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This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Injector Cylinder #4
OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON Fuel pump = on No inhibit on injector circuit No SPI bus errors
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Injector Cylinder #5
OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON Fuel pump = on No inhibit on injector circuit No SPI bus errors
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Injector Cylinder #6
OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON Fuel pump = on No inhibit on injector circuit No SPI bus errors OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON Fuel pump = on No inhibit on injector circuit No SPI bus errors
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Injector Cylinder #7
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Injector Cylinder #8
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Risk of catalyst damage, monitoring interval over 200 crankshaft revolutions. CARB B1 misfire failure criteria:
If Engine speed > 1200 rpm High recurrence 100 ms =1.6s = active If Engine speed < 1200 rpm Diag low recurrence 300 ms=4.8s = active Monitoring during the 200 crankshaft revolutions: If the single cylinder misfire detected over a critical threshold (4000) Misfire Cylinder Limp Home Process: The concerning cylinder is shut off immediately Max (4) cylinders will be shut off with this process. Monitoring at the end of 200 crankshaft revolutions: If the global sum of detected misfire is greater than the threshold (4000) Or If the sum of detected misfire of each bank is greater than the threshold (4000)
Enable Conditions Ignition ON Eng ON Rpm = 425 {150 less than Set-Point, (575)}
Every segment
A M/1
B 1 M/2 B 4 M/2
Emission increase, monitoring interval over the first 1000 crankshaft revolutions. CARB B4 misfire failure criteria:
If RPM < 2700, Load percentage is < 70 and Emission increase, monitoring Counter is > 720, then engine criteria is in the interval over 1000 crankshaft FTP region revolutions. For errors detection, misfire must take place for 4 At the end of first 1000 crankshaft monitoring intervals. revolutions: If the sum of detected misfire is greater than threshold (36 GMX215) (46 GMT265) (49 GMX 295) At the end of (other than first) 1000 crankshaft revolutions: If the sum of detected misfire is greater than threshold (36 GMX215) (46 GMT265) (49 GMX 295) And the number of violation intervals is equal to (4) during the driving cycle. During Misfire A monitoring During the Misfire A monitoring window: process, if the number of If the sum of detected misfires of a single detected misfire on a single cylinder is greater than a threshold (4000) cylinder is over a threshold Misfire cylinder limp home process is (4000) of short term catalyst activated: protection, Misfire cylinder limp home is activated, and Misfire At the end of Misfire A monitoring A errors is confirmed. window: At each end of Misfire A, B1, or If misfire A criteria is confirmed, and the B4 monitoring intervals, if the number of detected misfire on a cylinder is misfire errors is confirmed for over the threshold (4000) The Errors is
Same as above
Every segment
A M/1
B 1 M/2 B 4 M/2
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Crankshaft Angle sensor Errors ( CASE Learn) System Variation Not Learned
This Diagnostic incorporates the CASE learning algorithm proprietary to GM. It performs the target wheel learning with a request via the Scan / EOL tool.
Misfire detected with rough road Rough road data not available
Rough road conditions must be detected to prevent erroneous misfire detection. The speed disturbance of vehicle wheels is used to evaluate the rough road condition. A rough road signal coming from the ABS ECM through the CAN. If the CAN rough road index receiving message in failure mode, a specific flag is set to inform that misfire was detected without rough road detection available (Special Non-MIL Illuminating Diagnostic used for Rough Road Misfire Detection)
If misfire A, B1 or B4 is detected and the CAN rough road index receiving message in failure mode, then P1380 = active
Enable Conditions: If requested from a Scan / EOL tool and the throttle is depressed to WOT and CASE has not learned in the first cycle, It is recommended to release the throttle and repeat the procedure. Gear = P / N Then CASE learn procedure is active Enable Conditions: When the Driving Cycle has started
Every segment
Misfire detected with rough road No communication with brake control module
Rough road conditions must be detected to prevent erroneous misfire detection. The speed disturbance of vehicle wheels is used to evaluate the rough road condition. A rough road signal coming from the wheel speed sensors through the CAN. If the loss of communication from wheel speed sensors occurs, a specific flag is set to inform that misfire was detected with no communication with brake control module. (Customer requirement)
If misfire A, B1 or B4 is detected and the communication with ABS module is in failure mode, then P1381 = active
Every segment
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(Special Non-MIL Illuminating Diagnostic used for Rough Road Misfire Detection) Knock Sensor Circuit (Bank1 ) P0325 The rationality check on the analog input signal from the ATM40 device to the microcontroller is performed under 2 complementary algorithms: (1) Checks the signal value. (2) Checks scattering of this signal. For the range check, the absolute noise value of the ATM40 device is checked if it is inside the normal operating range. This basic check on signal is performed on all cylinders. Two algorithms used, Master and Slave, is to observe the signal bandwidth, both algorithms have to show the same state to increment the failure counter. Range check: Every 90 CKP, the absolute noise value of the ATM40 device is checked if it is inside the normal operating range 0.18 4.80V. If an errors is detected, the symptom of knock sensor 1 failure is detected as no signal Master Algorithm: Every 720 CKP, If the bandwidth magnitude of cylinder 3 and 5 does not exceed the threshold 0.04v, the cycle counter is incremented by 1, this counter is reset as soon as the magnitude of cylinder 3 and 5 exceeds the threshold 0.04v. If the cycle counter reaches the 150, a failure has been Slave algorithm: Every 720 CKP, if the accumulated bandwidths value of cylinder 3 and 5 is reached the threshold 3.0v, the cycle counter and accumulated value is reset, otherwise, the cycle counter will be incremented by 1. If the cycle counter reaches the threshold 150, the failure is confirmed. If both detect a failure, the symptom of knock sensor 1 failure is detected as signal plausibility. The Fail time is incremented. If after the failure has been set, the magnitude of cylinder 3 or 5 exceeds the threshold 0.04v, then the cycle counter is decremented by 5. As soon as the cycle counter equals 0 and no check range errors currently present, the Fail time is decremented by 1. When the Fail Time. > 16 P 0325 = Active Limp Home: In case of a noise failure the knock control is disabled and spark advance limp home is performed. If the catalyst heating function is active, it is also take into account. With a crankshaft, camshaft, or SPI bus failure present, knock control changes also to limp This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Crankshaft Sensor Camshaft Sensor CAN/Communication Failures (SPI) Enable Conditions: IGN = ON Engine state is not in engine start or fuel cut-off MAF > 240 mg/stk (table value depends on engine speed and coolant temperature) MAF > 220 mg/stk (min MAF for knock) diagnosis Rpm > 1400rpm (min engine speed for knock diagnosis) Diagnosis = Active Every 720 CKP 300 engine revolutions (150 engine cycles) M/2
Master algorithm: The bandwidth of the signal is evaluated for cylinder 3 and 5. In case of short to ground, short to battery or an open, the bandwidth is smaller than during normal operation. The magnitude is compared with a threshold to detect the knock sensor failure. Slave algorithm: The bandwidth of cylinder 3 and 5 are accumulated via an integration method. The accumulated voltage value is compared with the threshold to detect the knock sensor failure. If both algorithms detect a failure, the Fail time is incremented.
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P 0326
Two algorithms used, Master and Slave, is to observe the signal bandwidth, both algorithms have to show the same state to increment the failure counter. Master algorithm: The bandwidth of the signal is evaluated for cylinder 3 and 5. In case of short to ground, short to battery or an open, the bandwidth is smaller than during normal operation. The magnitude is compared with a threshold to detect the knock sensor failure. Slave algorithm: The bandwidth of cylinder 3 and 5 are accumulated via an integration method. The accumulated voltage value is compared with the threshold to detect the knock sensor failure. If both algorithms detect a failure, the Fail time is incremented.
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Crankshaft Sensor Camshaft Sensor CAN/Communication Failures (SPI) Enable Conditions: IGN = ON Engine state is not in engine start or fuel cut-off MAF > 240 mg/stk (table value depends on engine speed and coolant temperature) MAF > 220 mg/stk (min MAF for knock) Rpm > 1400rpm (min engine speed for knock diagnosis) Diagnosis = Active
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The rationality check on the analog input signal from the ATM40 device to the microcontroller is performed under 2 complementary algorithms: (3) Checks the signal value. (4) Checks scattering of this signal. For the range check, the absolute noise value of the ATM40 device is checked if it is inside the normal operating range. This basic check on signal is performed on all cylinders. Two algorithms used, Master and Slave, is to observe the signal bandwidth, both algorithms have to show the same state to increment the failure counter. Master algorithm: The bandwidth of the signal is evaluated for cylinder 3 and 5. In case of short to ground, short to battery or an open, the bandwidth is smaller than during normal operation. The magnitude is compared with a threshold to detect the knock sensor failure. Slave algorithm: The bandwidth of cylinder 3 and 5 are accumulated via an integration method. The accumulated voltage value is compared with the threshold to detect the knock sensor failure. If both algorithms detect a failure, the Fail time is incremented.
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Crankshaft Sensor errors Camshaft Sensor errors CAN/Communication Failures (SPI) Enable Conditions: IGN = ON Engine state is not in engine start or fuel cut-off MAF > 240 mg/sk (table value depends on engine speed and coolant temperature) MAF > 240 mg/sk (min MAF for knock diagnosis) Rpm > 1400rpm (min engine speed for knock diagnosis) Diagnosis = Active
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P 0331
Two algorithms used, Master and Slave, is to observe the signal bandwidth, both algorithms have to show the same state to increment the failure counter. Master algorithm: The bandwidth of the signal is evaluated for cylinder 3 and 5. In case of short to ground, short to battery or an open, the bandwidth is smaller than during normal operation. The magnitude is compared with a threshold to detect the knock sensor failure. Slave algorithm: The bandwidth of cylinder 3 and 5 are accumulated via an integration method. The accumulated voltage value is compared with the threshold to detect the knock sensor failure. If both algorithms detect a failure, the Fail time is incremented.
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Crankshaft Sensor errors Camshaft Sensor errors CAN/Communication Failures (SPI) Enable Conditions: IGN = ON Engine state is not in engine start or fuel cut-off MAF > 240 mg/sk (table value depends on engine speed and coolant temperature) MAF > 240 mg/sk (min MAF for knock diagnosis)
Rpm > 1400rpm (min engine speed for knock diagnosis) Diagnosis = Active
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The purpose of the function is to detect a failure if synchronization on crankshaft signal cannot be achieved. Crankshaft error is detected without debouncing if the crank error is set by the camshaft signal acquisition. This is the case if a number of camshafts signal edges were detected at a plausible speed and gradient, and the system is still not synchronized with the crankshaft signal. If valid crankshaft teeth have already been detected, the symptom will be implausible signal; otherwise it will be no signal. The purpose of the function is to detect crankshaft failure when the system looses synchronization on the crankshaft signal. Synchronization will be lost if the reference gap is not detected at the correct position. The crankshaft signal acquisition may tolerate up to two missing/additional teeth without loosing synchronization, depending on the used target wheel and on configuration data. Synchronization is always lost with counting too many teeth, because the reference gap will be counted as a normal tooth when too many teeth are
The number of teeth per crankshaft revolution is monitored by evaluation of the counter for missing or additional teeth Based on this value of the crankshaft pulse counter the corresponding symptom is set The pule counter > 2 The error flag is set after the maximum Fail time is reached Fail time> 16(200ms) If this error is set the following actions are taken: Engine stop will be set by a time-out if no more crankshaft signal edges are detected. A failure then may be detected by a plausibility test against the camshaft signal.
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Camshaft segment period (Time between two camshaft signal edges) < min time between two camshaft signal edges Camshaft segment period < [(1, 1, 1, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 2) * engine speed based factor ] Camshaft segment period (Time between two camshaft signal edges) > max time between two camshaft signal edges Camshaft segment period > [(1, 1, 1, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 2) * engine speed based factor ] No signal edge is detected for a time > max
Ignition Key on
Recurrence Rate: Once per crankshaft revolution Or Camshaft signal implausible is detected
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This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Ignition Coil Cylinder #1
OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON No inhibit on coil circuit OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON No inhibit on coil circuit OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON No inhibit on coil circuit OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON No inhibit on coil circuit OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON No inhibit on coil circuit
OL Diagnosis Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON No inhibit on coil circuit
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Ignition Coil Cylinder #2
Detection of coil errors are done by hardware diagnosis. Fail time= 16 (1.6s)
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Ignition Coil Cylinder #3
Detection of coil errors are done by hardware diagnosis. Fail time= 16 (1.6s)
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Ignition Coil Cylinder #4
Detection of coil errors are done by hardware diagnosis. Fail time= 16 (1.6s)
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Ignition Coil Cylinder #5
Detection of coil errors are done by hardware diagnosis. Fail time= 16 (1.6s)
This function will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on Ignition Coil Cylinder #8
Detection of coil errors are done by hardware diagnosis. Fail time= 16 (1.6s)
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No polarity change of the camshaft signal The errors flag for exhaust camshaft missing signal is set after the Fail time max value is reached Fail time> 16 The diagnoses is present the following are disabled Cam phasing (VCP function) is set to limp home (function Passive) Deactivation of Hardware Based Diagnosis with the CJ120 Deactivate Generator L & F Terminal Monitor Disable knock Control Knock control adaptation (Circuit 1) Maximum end of Pre-injection angle is used & a calibratable constant for start of injection Disable fuel quality adaptation at start (start injection time adaptation) Disable downstream lambda trim control Disable Plausibility check of WARF Sensors Disable WARF Sensors diagnosis Heater Coupling Disable Diagnosis of the WRAF Sensor
Ignition Key on
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This diagnoses of Segment disc for determining of the relative position of the exhaust camshaft. Implausible signal detection
Ignition Key on A delay period (C_T_DLY_CAM_DIAG_EX = 0.5 second) has expired after the start has ended No previous failure on the exhaust camshaft being diagnosed
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P 0420
This DTC detects an insufficient catalyst O2 storage capacity and consequently insufficient conversion properties. This is detected by imposing a forced stimulation and monitoring by a downstream sensor signal During Catalyst test the canister purge is closed. This is to eliminate the need to enable based on canister load.
Enable Conditions Coolant Temp > 59.25 C Cat Temp > TBD C < TBDC Table based on RPM Vehicle Speed > 35 kph < 255kph Rpm > 1216 < 3000 MAF > TBDmgstk, < TBDmgstk Limited dynamic conditions must exist (no extreme variations in speed and load) Lambda controller must be active Forced stimulation of the linear lambda control is active Baro > 740hPa This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Cam sensor errors Crank sensor errors ECT errors IAT errors Vehicle speed errors O2 Sensor errors TP errors Fuel system diagnosis errors Misfire errors
Recurrence Rate: 20 ms Once per DC During low engine speed and load conditions a longer forced stimulation period is required to assure correct diagnosis. The longest period used is 1.24 seconds. This value is multiplied by 20 cycles to determine the worst case test time. The result is 24.8 seconds. Under most operating conditions the test will complete in one continuous test. However, if the test is interrupted, test results for previous cycles are stored. This means the 20 cycles do not have to be consecutive in order to complete the diagnostic. They do have to all be within the same key cycle.
P 0430
This DTC detects an insufficient catalyst O2 storage capacity and consequently insufficient conversion properties. This is detected by imposing a forced stimulation and monitoring by a downstream sensor signal During Catalyst test the canister purge is closed. This is to
Monitoring cycle counter must end Catalyst diagnosis value must be greater than the maximum threshold for catalyst diagnosis to detect a catalyst malfunction. The threshold value is set to 1.0 (based on the integrated downstream lambda sensor voltage signal deviation relative to the mean value of the downstream signal)
Recurrence Rate: 20 ms Once per DC During low engine speed and load conditions a longer forced stimulation
Enable Conditions Coolant Temp > 62.25 C Cat Temp > TBD C < TBDC Table based on RPM
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Vehicle Speed > 35 kph < 255kph Rpm > 1216 < 3000 MAF > TBDmgstk, < TBDmgstk Limited dynamic conditions must exist (no extreme variations in speed and load) Lambda controller must be active Forced stimulation of the linear lambda control is active Baro > 740hPa This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Cam sensor errors Crank sensor errors ECT errors IAT errors Vehicle speed errors O2 Sensor errors TP errors Fuel system diagnosis errors Misfire errors
The purpose is to diagnose electrical errors detected by the hardware (depending of output driver used).
The Electrical diagnosis is detected by the hardware internal to the ECM. SCG, SCVB, or Open Line will be detected. Fail Time 16 (3.2sec)
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present No CPS Errors Enable Conditions: IGN = ON
The purpose is to diagnose electrical errors detected by the hardware (depending of output driver used).
The Electrical diagnosis is detected by the hardware internal to the ECM. SCG, SCVB, or Open Line will be detected. Fail Time 16 (3.2sec)
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present EVAP Enable Conditions: IGN = ON
P 0461
This Diagnostic checks the integrity of the Fuel Level sensor signal.
Fuel Level > FTL @ Start + .78%. Or Fuel Level < FTL @ Start - .78%. For Time > 1800s of test time (stored in nvm) and
Recurrence Rate 1s
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P 0462
FTL Volts < .5V for Time > 20s and Fail Time. > 5 sec P 0462 = Active
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The Oil Pressure Sensor is checked for defects by a range check of its output voltage V_POIL. Two different conditions can be detected: - Oil pressure sensor signal line short to ground or open line - Oil pressure sensor signal line short to battery voltage
Ignition Key on
Short to battery (high voltage) Sensor voltage > threshold for detection short to battery Sensor Volts < 4.9V If any of the electrical failure is detected an errors flag is set after the Fail time max value is reached Fail time> 16 (1.6s) If this error is set the following actions are taken: Cam phasing (VCP function) will be engine speed limited (minimum engine speed will be increased Rpm > Desired Rpm By TBL (200) Time > 10s Fail Time. > 1.6s P 0507 = Active Or Rpm < Desired Rpm By TBL (100) Time > 10s Fail Time. > 1.6s P 0506 = Active
P 0506 P 0507
This diagnostic detects an out of control Idle Rpm, When Idle conditions are desired.
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Crankshaft Sensor ETC TP Fuel Injectors Ignition Coils MAF MAP CPS Enable Conditions IGN = ON Eng = Running Throttle = Closed for a Time > 5s
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P 0531
This Diagnostic will detect a skewed signal, a plausibility check on A/C Pressure Sensor will check if the signal is valid This Diagnostic will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on A/C Pressure Sensor
P 0532 P 0533
AC Request = No AC Clutch = No AC Volts > 4.9 for Time > 240s Fail Time. > 16 (1.6) P 0531 = Active Detection of A/C pressure sensor electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. AC Volts > 4.9V Fail Time. > 16 (1.6s) P 0533 = Active AC Volts < .1V Fail Time. > 16 (1.6s) P 0532 = Active
Plausibility diagnosis IGN = ON ENG = RUNNING RPM > 450 OL Diagnosis, Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON A/C requested = on Diagnostic = Active If any AC DTC is stored, The AC system will be disabled.
P 0562
Enable Conditions IGN = ON ENG = RUNNING ENG Runtime > 10s RPM > 500 Enable Conditions IGN = ON ENG = RUNNING ENG Runtime > 10s RPM > 500 IGN = ON
P 0563
Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Diagnosis Control Module Not Programmed Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) Diagnosis ETC LEVEL 3 MONITORING FUNCTIONS.
P 0601
This diagnostic will detect an ECM errors for ROM This is for service ECU This diagnostic will detect an ECM errors for RAM The multiple diagnostic monitors associated with this diagnostic trouble code have all been
Detection of ECM ROM errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6s) ECM Not Programmed Detection of ECM RAM errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6s) 1. It is checked each driving cycle that the monitoring microprocessor can disable through hardware connection the
P 0602
M/1 M\1
P 0604
Once per Ignition Cycle (100 ms abc increment) Every crankshaft revolution
P 0606
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2. 3. 4.
P 0608
The Hardware detects electrical errors on the vehicle speed output signal ine.
Detection of ECM self test errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 cts (Time depends on engine speed) P 0606 = active The Hardware detects OL, SCG, & SCVB Fail Time. > 16 (3.2s)
This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: VSS Enable Conditions IGN = ON
This diagnostic will detect an ECM input open line, short to ground, or short to battery voltage on the Starter Relay Circuit This diagnostic detects a failure on the Generator F Terminal. The F Terminal is monitored by the ECM. There are two Test performed: Key ON & Run
P 0625 P 0626
Detection of Starter Relay Circuit electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (3.2s) P 0615 = active P 0616 = active P 0617 = active Key ON Test Gen Filtered (MMV) Duty Cycle 65% Time > 5s Fail Time. > 1 (.2s) P 0626 = Active Run Test Rpm < 3000 Gen Filtered (MMV) Duty Cycle 5%
When the relay is commanded on, an open, or short to battery voltage can be detected.
When the relay is commanded off, a short to ground can be detected. This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: Crankshaft Sensor Cam Sensor Generator Enable Conditions Key ON Test
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P 0627 (215) Program P 0628 (215) Program P 0628 (265 295) Programs P 0629 (215) Program P 0629 (265 295) Programs P 0231 (215) Program P 0232 (215) Program P 2636 (215) Program
This diagnostic will detect ECM input noisy on interface in the Fuel Pump Speed Control Circuit This diagnostic will detect an ECM input open line or short to ground on the Fuel Pump Speed Control Feedback Circuit This diagnostic will detect an open line or short to ground on Fuel Pump Relay This diagnostic will detect a short to battery voltage on Fuel Pump Speed control Circuit This diagnostic will detect a short to battery voltage on Fuel Pump Relay Circuit This diagnostic will detect a fuel pump open circuit between the Fuel Pump Speed Control Module and the Fuel Pump This diagnostic will detect a fuel pump open circuit between the Fuel Pump Speed Control Module and the Fuel Pump This diagnostic will detect a failed fuel tank transfer pump
Fuel Pump Speed Control Output Circuit Low Voltage Fuel Pump Relay Circuit Low Voltage
Fuel Pump Speed Control Output Circuit High Voltage Fuel Pump Relay Circuit High Voltage
This diagnostic will detect an output driver failure on the Fuel Pump Speed Control or an FPSC internal Failure This diagnostic will detect an
P 1252
Detection of Variable Fuel Pump Speed electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6) P 0627 = active Detection of Variable Fuel Pump Speed electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6) P 0628 = active Detection of Fuel Pump Relay electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6s) P 0628 = active Detection of Fuel Pump Speed control electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6) P 0629 = active Detection of Fuel Pump Relay electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6) P 0629 = active Detection of Variable Fuel Pump Speed electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6) P 0231 = active Detection of Variable Fuel Pump Speed electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6) P 0232 = active Primary tank fuel almost empty (primary tank fuel total less than 6.25 Litter) AND Secondary tank above empty threshold (secondary tank fuel total above 33 Litter) for a period of 60 Second. Detection of Variable Fuel Pump Speed electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (1.6s) P 1251 = active Detection of Variable Fuel Pump Speed
Recurrence Rate: 1s
IGN = ON Fuel pump controlled by fuel pump speed control (FPSC) No SPI bus failures IGN = ON
Recurrence Rate;
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P 1258
P 0572 P 0573
P 1575
This diagnostic compares the hardwire input to the message received from the ABS module. When the brake is applied, the BTS has the value of 1, and the BLS has the value of ON. Therefore both should have the same digital value; they are reporting same pedal status. This diagnosis is to detect a throttle valve errors. Command Performance
P 0638
I Duty cycle of the ETC Position Controller I >= 100 % for Time > 0.85 s And if the
Recurrence Rate; 5 ms
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Recurrence Rate; 25 ms
P 0646 P 0647
This Diagnostic will detect an open line, short to ground, and short to battery voltage on A/C Compressor Clutch Relay
Detection of A/C compressor clutch relay electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. If at Ignition ON an errors is detected Fail Time. > 16 (1.6s) P 0646 or P 0647 is Active
Ref V < 2V (SCG) Fail Time. > 8 (.2s) P 0651 = Active Ref V > 3V (SVB) Fail Time. > 8 (.2s) P 0651 = Active Ref V Diff > .5V Fail Time. > 8 (.2s) Ref Signal = Noisy P 0651 = Active
OL Diagnosis, Short circuit to ground Short circuit to VB Diagnosis IGN = ON AC Request = ON A/C Clutch = ON Diagnostic = Active Enable Conditions IGN = ON
P 0651
The purpose of this Diagnostic is to detect a failure 0n the 5 V Reference line which is a supply to multiple engine sensors.
Recurrence Rate; 25 ms
P 0650
This Diagnosis detects electrical errors: OL/SCG or SCVB, in the Malfunction Indicator Lamp/Circuit This Diagnostic will detect a low voltage / open circuit on Cooling fan
Detection of Malfunction Indicator Lamp errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail time> 16 (3.2s) Detection of Cooling Fan electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (3.2s) P 0691 = Active Detection of Cooling Fan electrical errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (3.2s)
Cooling Fan Relay #1 Control Circuit Low Voltage (LAV & Seville) Cooling Fan Relay # 1 Control Circuit High Voltage (LAV & Seville)
P 0691
P 0692
This Diagnostic will detect High voltage on the Cooling fan relay / circuit.
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Cooling Fan Relay #2 Control Circuit Low Voltage (LAV & Seville) Cooling Fan Relay #2 Control Circuit High Voltage (LAV & Seville) Control Module Power Main Relay
P 0693
This Diagnostic will detect a low voltage / open circuit on Cooling fan Not Supported on the XLR This Diagnostic will detect High voltage on the Cooling fan relay / circuit. Not Supported on the XLR This diagnostic will detect an ECM input open line, short to ground, or short to battery voltage on the Control Module Power Main Relay The Diagnosis is performed to detect if the Main Relay has effectively switched and remains on after Key-On. The Diagnosis is also performed to detect if the Main Relay has effectively switched off after Key-Off.
P 0694
P 0686 P 0687
P 0689 P 0690
If ignition switch is on and ignition voltage > 11volts And time >1.5 seconds has elapsed.
Then if VB (relay voltage) is < 10 volts for 0.200 seconds P0689 = active or If ignition switch is off And time >1.5 seconds has elapsed. Then if VB (relay voltage) is > 10 volts for 0.125 seconds P0690 = active
P 0700
This diagnostic will detect an errors for the TCU and report it to the ECM to Light the MIL The brake pedal initial travel achieved signal is used to indicate the brake pedal has been depressed. Cruise is disengaged when the pedal is depressed. Therefore, brake pedal initial travel achieved is considered a critical signal and has various types of signal supervision applied to it, including a validity bit, a rolling count, a protection value, and a frame timeout.
Detection of TCU errors are done by hardware diagnosis internal to the ECM Fail Time. > 1 (.1s) P 0700 = active Detection of Brake Lamp Switch Plausibility is: No Messages received / recovered Fail Time. > 100ms P 0703 is active
P 0703
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P 1513
Detection of the TCS Drag Reduction Request is Fail Time > 16 (200ms) P 1513 is active Detection of the Theft Deterrent Missing Message is performed internal to the ECM Fail Time > 16 (1.6) P 1626 is active P 1629 is Active Detection of the Theft Deterrent Learn Mode is performed internal to the ECM Fail Time > 16 (1.6s) P 1630 is active Detection of the Theft Start Enable Signal Not Correct is performed internal to the ECM Fail Time > 16 (1.6s) P 1631 is active Detection of the Lift / Dive for RTD is Fail Time > 16 (.4s) P 1652 is active The Generator L-terminal output diagnostics indicate a short to power failure or a short to ground failure continuously for a time period, that is greater than or equal to Key ON Test Gen Filtered (MMV) Duty Cycle 97% Time > 15s Fail Time. > 1 (.2s)
This diagnostic will detect an errors on Learn Mode Active for Theft Deterrent This diagnostic will detect an errors on Signal Not Correct for Theft This diagnostic will detect the plausibility for Lift / Dive for RTD This diagnostic detects a failure on the Generator L Terminal. The Generator L-terminal is monitored by the Powertrain controller. The Generator voltage regulator indicates a fault condition (i.e., internal fault, broken belt) by pulling the L-terminal input to a
Lift / Dive for RTD (Real Time Damping) Generator LTerminal Diagnosis
P 1652
IGN = ON Engine = Running Key-on Test. Run Test This diagnostic is inhibited if any of the following DTCs are present: L terminal CAM
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P 2067
FTL Volts < .5V for Time > 20s and Fail Time. > 5 sec P 2067 = Active
P 2068
FTL Volts > 3v for Time > 20s and Fail Time. > 5 sec P 2068 = Active
TAC H-Bridge IC Flag = 1 Fail time max = 16 (80ms) P 2100 =Active Limp home RPM limitation.
Activation: IGN =1. The errors bits, Failure-counters and other variables or bits are initialized Deactivation: IGN =0 or the setting conditions are not fulfilled anymore LV_ERR_TP already set Limp home active
M /1
P 2101
Recurrence Rate; 5 ms
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P 2108
This DTC is able recognize that any of the safety level 2 flags are enabled ( APP, MAF,ADC,ECT, etc) The errors would be set and limp home is enabled. This diagnosis is to determine the measurement inaccuracy between the two signal voltages. They will be referenced to their supply voltage. After the initial engine start and component change the characteristic Potentiometer value is learnt within an adaptation routine. The value for the lower stop is stored at the end of the driving cycle in the nonvolatile memory. A plausibilization unit monitors both sensor signals, as well as the belonging supply voltage and from them establishes the system state of the THRposition acquisition (undisturbed, disturbed, THR-position not recognizable). From the voltages of both TPchannels, the THR-position for each channel is determined, taking into consideration the adaptation values for the lower stop. If the conditions are not fulfilled the errors is set. Ignition and injection would
Any of the level 2 flags enabled : LV_XXX_MON = 1 Fail Time Min = 4 (160ms) Fail time max = 12 (480ms) P 2108 = Active Limp home RPM limitation
Activation: IGN = 1 Deactivation: IGN = 0 LV_ERR_TP already set Limp home active
Recurrence Rate 40 ms
P 2119
Start Routine First Check of Limp Home position at Start routine (ST_CHK_CHK_LIH_1) I Voltage_TP_X 0.84 V 0.2490 V P 2119 = Active Ignition and injection remains deactivated NEXT Step : Spring test at the Start routine (ST_CHK_GO_UPPER_POS) TP_AV 17.0027 1.860 TP / 5ms P 2119 = Active Limp Home 2 Active
Activation: IGN = 1 Deactivation: IGN = 0 LV_ERR_TP already set Limp home active
Recurrence Rate 5 ms
2 Limp Home position at Start routine (ST_CHK_CHK_LIH_2) I Voltage_TP_1/2 Adapt.value for ch 1/2 I 0.2490 V P 2119 = Active Limp Home 2 Active
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2 Limp home check I Voltage_TP_1/2 Adapt.value for ch 1/2 I <= 0.2490 V P 2119 = Active *Limp Home 2 Active Adaptation of lower mechanical stop (AD_GO_LOWER_STOP)
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P 2135
Activation: IGN =1. The errors bits, Failure-counters and other variables or bits are initialized Deactivation: IGN =0 or the setting conditions are not fulfilled anymore. LV_ERR_TP already set Limp home active
Recurrence Rate 25 ms
P 2138
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This DTC can distinguish the circuits low voltage. During the normal operation, the output voltages of the APP-sensors must lie within a permitted range.
This DTC can distinguish the circuits high voltage. During normal operation, the output voltages of the APP-sensors must lie within a permitted range.
Voltage PVS_2 > 4.5898 Fail timemax = 12 (300ms) P2128 = Active Limp home calibrateble TQ reduction with pedal limitation Voltage_TP_1, 2 compared to adaptive Voltages are (.249 V) time > (.05 s) then conditions not met. New adaptation is necessary if engine start cancelled First Limp home check must be fulfilled. The actual value of the throttle position has to reach the setpoint 11.99 within the hysteresis (1.86/5ms) within a limit maximum of time (.2 S). Limp home-Engine speed limitation. Limp home spring test must be fulfilled. TP V 1,2 compared to adaptive Voltages are > .249 V for time .05 s then conditions not met. New adaptation is necessary if engine start cancelled or else Limp home-Engine speed.
P 2176
This diagnostic checks the following conditions First limp home check and Adaptation of the Limp Home Position Limp home spring test Second limp home check
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P 0446 During normal in-use conditions the differential pressure (tank, atmosphere) in the fuel tank system has to be greater than a threshold
DTP value < -17 hPa Fail time: 1.5 sec This diagnostic disables the followings : -EVAP emission control -EVAP monitoring -DTP diagnosis
P 0451
The DTP sensor performance is performed from two ways : A- Constant sensor value detection. From engine start and for calibrated time duration the variation of the DTP signal has to be greater than a calibrated threshold. B- Noisy sensor value detection. At idle the DTP signal value variations have to be smaller than 2 thresholds (peak/peak, slope).
ADifferential tank pressure variation < 1.0v Fail time: = 1.5 sec This diagnostic disables the followings : -DTP diagnosis -EVAP monitoring -Venting valve stuck close diagnosis B Differential tank pressure sensor variation > 1.7 hPa Differential tank pressure sensor slope > 1.5 hPa/s Fail time: = 1.5 sec This diagnostic disables the followings : -DTP diagnosis -EVAP monitoring -Venting valve stuck close diagnosis
M/2 Frequency = 50 ms
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P 0452 FTP Circuit Low Volts P 0453 FTP Circuit High Volts
The DTP sensor electrical diagnosis is performed by two ways, A- Short to ground B- Short to battery or line break
ADifferential tank pressure variation < 0.02v Fail time: Increment = 1 Max counter = 30 Fail time = 1.5 s This diagnostic disables the followings : -DTP diagnosis -EVAP monitoring -Venting valve stuck close diagnosis B Differential tank pressure sensor variation > 0.5 hPa Differential tank pressure sensor slope > 1 hPa/s Fail time: Increment = 1 Max counter = 30 Fail time = 3 sec This diagnostic disables the followings : -DTP diagnosis -EVAP monitoring -Venting valve stuck close diagnosis ADifferential tank pressure variation < 0.049v B Differential tank pressure sensor > 4.95v Fail time: Increment = 1 Max counter = 16 Fail time = 1.6 s This diagnostic disables the followings : -DTP diagnosis -EVAP monitoring -Venting valve stuck close diagnosis
Change to 50ms
P 0454
The DTP sensor intermittent / Noisy signal diagnosis is performed by two ways, C- Short to ground D- Short to battery or line break
Engine running
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P 0496
Time elapsed in Vapor generation phase <5s DTP variation > - 5.5 hPa This diagnostic disables the followings : -Canister Purge valve in minimum mode -Lambda diagnosis upstream sensor -Lambda diagnosis downstream sensor -Lambda adaptation -DTP sensor diagnosis -Idle speed adaptation -FSD Detection of Class 2 Failure is internal to the ECM. Fail Time. > 16 (200ms) P 1040 = active Detection of Electrical Class 2 Failure is internal to the ECM.
Leak detection monitoring in Vapor generation phase The monitoring is inhibited if any of the following errors are present : Same than Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System ( 1mm Leak Detected)
U 1040
U1300 U1301
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U 0101
U 0002
Adaptive cruise DTC set only if adaptive cruise is present. (295 only) Communication is performed internal to the ECM
U 0140
U 0121
(215 Only)
U 0104 Communication is performed internal to the ECM (215 Only) Detection is internal to the ECU Fail time> 16 (200ms) IGN = ON Recurrence Rate 12.5 ms N/1
U 1064
Detection is internal to the ECU Fail time> 16 (200ms) Detection is internal to the ECU Fail time> 16 (200ms)
N/1 N/1
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