Advanced Operating Systems QB
Advanced Operating Systems QB
Advanced Operating Systems QB
UNIT-I PART-A 1. What are the functions of operating system? 2. What are the functions encompasses with resource segment? 3. What are the functions encompasses with user friendliness? 4. Give the structure of the operating system. 5. Give the structure of kernel based on operating system. 6. Where the kernel based approaches applied in software? 7. What is virtual machine approach? 8. What are the classifications of advanced operating system? 9. Define process. 10. What are the states in process? 11. What are the mechanisms in concurrent process? 12. Define thread.
13. What the solutions are for satisfy the mutual exclusive? 14. What is the early mechanism for mutual exclusive? 15. Give short notes about semaphores with an example. 16. What are monitors? How it consist of? 17. Give the structure of monitors. 18. Give the structure of serializer. 19. Define deadlock. 20. What are the fundamentals causes of deadlock?
1. Explain in detail about the classifications of advance OS? 2. Explain the following a)concept of process, b)concurrent process, c)thread, d)critical section problem. 3. Explain the various problems in synchronization. 4. Give brief notes about communicating sequential process and drawbacks. 5. Explain about various models in deadlock. 6. a)Write brief notes about safe state checking algorithm. b)Consider the state of a system defined by the following matrices 1 2 A= (2 4 3) B= 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 C= 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1
At the state available and need matrix are D=(0 1 1), E= 0 1 0 Whether it is granted? 7. With example explain about safe-state checking algorithm. 0 1 1 2 0 0 if P, process make request F=(0 0 1)
1. Draw the architecture of distributed system. 2. What are the issues in distributed operating system? 3. What are the communicative primitives? 4. What are buffered options? 5. Differentiate Blocking primitives and Non Blocking primitives. 6. Compare Synchronous and Asynchronous primitives. 7. What are the limitations of distributed system? 8. What is global state? 9. What is local state? 10. What is non-token based algorithm? 11. What is token based algorithm? 12. List the main design issues in SUZUKI, KASANIS broadcasting algorithm. 13. What are the basic issues in deadlock? 14. Write the various conditions in the deadlock detection. 15. What is centralized control?
16. Define distributed control. 17. What is hierarchical control? 18. List the classes in distributed deadlock system. 19. What are the objectives in Byzantine Agreement problem? 20. List the applications of agreement algorithm.
1. Write brief notes about the issues in distributed operating system. 2. Describe communication primitives. 3. Describe Suzuki-Kasemis broadcast algorithm. 4. a) Explain about issues in deadlock detection resolution. b) What are control organizations for distributed deadlock detection? 5. Explain in detail about distributed deadlock detection algorithm with example. 6. Describe the classification of agreement problems. 7. Describe about various agreement protocols.
1. Draw a structure of distributed file system. 2. What do you meant by name server? 3. List the mechanisms are used for building distributed file system. 4. Define mounting.
5. What is catching? 6. What is encryption? 7. List the design issues. 8. What are the central issues in the implementation DSM? 9. Define thrashing. 10. Write short note about invalidate protocol. 11. Give short notes about update protocol. 12. What is granularity? 13. What is page replacement? 14. What are the types of load distributing algorithm? 15. Differentiate Load balancing and Load sharing. 16. What are the four components in load distributing algorithm? 17. What are the types information policies? 18. What are the views in stability? 19. Define preemptive transfer. 20. What is non-preemptive transfer? PART-B
1. Explain in detail about architecture of distributed file system. 2. Describe about mechanisms for building distributed file system. 3. Write briefly about design issues in distributed file system. 4. Explain any two algorithms for implementation of DSM. 5. Give brief notes about issues in load distributing. 6. What are the components in load distributing algorithm and Explain. 7. Explain coherence protocol.
1. What are the basic concepts in recovery? 2. List the various classifications of failure. 3. What are the classifications of system failure? 4. What is forward error recovery? 5. Define backward error recovery. 6. What are the basic approaches in backward error recovery? 7. List the phases in checkpoint algorithm. 8. What are the phases in rollback recovery algorithm? 9. What is fault tolerance? 10. Write the various issues in fault tolerance. 11. Give short notes about phase one concept in two phase commit protocol. 12. What is independent recovery? 13. List the characteristics in communication network? 14. What are the phases involved in non-blocking commit protocol? 15. How to eliminate blocking? 16. What are the mechanisms involved in voting protocol? 17. Define static voting. 18. What is dynamic voting? 19. List the approaches in dynamic voting protocol. 20. Write an example for vote assignment.
1. Explain the classifications of failures. 2. Explain the approaches of backward error recovery. 3. Write brief notes about various phases of check point algorithm. 4. Write brief notes about various phases of rollback recovery algorithms. 5. Explain about two phase commit protocol. 6. Explain in detail about non-blocking commit protocol for single site failure. 7. Describe about voting protocols.
1. What is thread? 2. What are the levels of thread? 3. List the issues involved in multiprocessor operating system. 4. What are the advantages of user level threads? 5. Write about notes about functions in test and set instruction. 6. What are the ways we can implement in the process wait? 7. What are the issues in process scheduling? 8. Write the design issues in memory management. 9. Draw a block diagram of MACH operation system. 10. List the abstractions that support MACH kernel. 11. What is fault detection? 12. What are the mechanisms involved in fault detection?
13. What are the requirements arise in database operating system? 14. Define buffer management. 15. Write the various properties of transaction? 16. What are the advantages of distributed database system? 17. Draw a structure diagram for distributed database system? 18. Define data replication. 19. What are two phases in two phase login algorithm? 20. What is meant by CLA?
1. Explain the levels of threads. 2. Describe the mechanisms of process synchronization. 3. a) Write brief notes about issues of processor scheduling. b) Explain about smart scheduling. 4. a) Write brief notes about design issues of memory management. b) Explain about MACH kernel. 5. Describe about the concept of seriliability theory. 6. Explain the concept of distributed database system and its advantages. 7. What is concurrency control? Explain any two concurrency control algorithm.