Connection: The Chalice

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A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 5 No. 21 May 30, 2013

The Chalice

Reaching Out in Compassion

By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
Although the tragic tornado in Moore and surrounding areas like Shawnee, Carney and Little Axe has been devastating to many, the inspirational stories that have come out have been uplifting. As we said on Sunday, God makes a living by bringing life out of death. Resurrection happens on a daily basis. And we are Gods people here on earth, called by Christ to reach out in compassion. On Tuesday, Sharon Watkins, the General Minister/President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Brandon Gilvin, Associate Director of the Week of Compassion were in Moore to tour the affected areas and to help design a Disciples response to the disaster. Immediately following their tour they met at the First Christian Church in Norman with other Disciple leaders in Oklahoma to craft our response. We are excited as we begin to reach out in the rebuilding process. It will take a long time, but we are prepared to be there for all who are affected. Many in our church have offered to reach out as well. If you are interested in helping out in the long term, please let us know at the church. We will be involved with other Disciples and through our Week of Compassion offering we will have funds to help those in need. You can call Iris and give her your name so that we can contact you when we begin the aid. Meanwhile you can visit the Week of Compassion website for updates on the Disciples response to the tornado. I also received an interesting e-mail about how to talk with children and youth about the tragedy. Many excellent points were made, not the least of which is how devastating this can be for our own children who only see it on TV. With the constant coverage it can be overwhelming and fear-inducing to our kids. Its a good idea to limit their exposure to the graphic scenes and have open communication with them. Associate Regional Minister Michael Davison sent this helpful website: www. uploads/2010/07/Revolutions_13_ God_Weather_and_Natural_ Disasters.pdf Let us be in prayer for all of those affectedand thank you for your generous responses, both through the church and through Week of Compassion. If you wish to donate, you can do so through the church, noting Disaster Relief on your giving. Thanks again.


Christian Churchs Music program in any way this past year, you and your family are invited to attend the Music Ministry Picnic. We would love to have you! When: Sunday, June 2, 5:30-8:00 p.m. Where: Chitwood Park (W 1st St & Story) What to Bring: A delicious side dish or fabulous dessert to share. (Fried Chicken, drinks and tableware will be provided.) RSVP!! Please RSVP to Diane Ball at (405) 341-3544, ext. 115, or email your name and family member count to dball@ so that enough fried chicken can be purchased for the picnic.

Are You Considering Membership?

What: Music Ministry Picnic Who: If you have participated in First

Come to

Discover First Christian

Sunday, June 2 10:00 AM Fellowship Hall
We invite you to come and meet some of our staff and members, learn about our history, mission and ministries.

Get Ready for Vacation Bible School:


Sundays, June 2 & 9

VBS is about a week and a half away - wow! If you have signed your child up - it is time to pick up your childs VBS T-shirt and CD! Come by the VBS booth in the rotunda. For the next two Sundays, June 2 and June 9, a VBS volunteer will be available to hand out t-shirts and CDs. This years theme for Vacation Bible School is Athens: Pauls Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth. How exciting! Kids will learn the jaw-dropping story of the Apostle Paul straight from Paul himself! In an ancient anything goes culture, Paul will inspire kids to share the truth of Gods immeasurable love! VBS is Monday through Friday, June 10-14, from 6:30 to 8:30pm for ages Kindergarten (those who have completed Kindergarten) through 5th Grade. If you have not signed up and wish to do so, you may register at the door the first night of VBS. The cost will be $10. There will be NO dinner this year, but we will have a snack during the program. Friday, June 14, will be Family Night and we will begin with a picnic in Shannon Miller Park. We will see you in Athens!!!! For questions, contact Michelle at 341-3544 or

Lets show support for our Troops!

You can help the Blue Star Mothers of Edmond send love and support to our troops by Filling The Boxes. You will find the boxes at the display in Fellowship Hall. Fill them with one or more of the items listed on the flyer found in each box. Include a letter of encouragement or a positive picture. Return the open box to the same display in Fellowship Hall by June 2, 2013. Thank you, Becky Winn, for the Blue Star Mothers of Edmond

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

Thursday, June 6 9am to Noon
A packing party for Operation Christmas Child will be held on Thursday, June 6, from 9am to noon at First Christian in Fellowship Hall. You can bring needed items to fill the shoe boxes, such as: small clothing items, flashlights, batteries and hygene items (toothbrushes & toothpaste, hairbrushes, etc.) Note: at this time, we have plenty of shoeboxes, Beanie Babies, and crayons. Come and help spread the love of Christ to children throughout the world. For more info, contact Michele Schlough at (405) 844-3214.

Its time again for First Christian Churchs Annual Golf Tournament! It will be held at Kickingbird Golf Course with an $80 Entry Fee. Sign up forms can be found at the table in the rotunda. For more information, call Bob Stafford at (405) 359-8900 or email him at:

When: Friday, June 21 at 1pm

Prayers of the People

OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Dale Jones, McBride Orthopedic Hospital; Carrie Akin, Bradford Village THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Roger Stilwell, Dana Stilwell (Roger Stilwells brother), Joan Grant, Sue Fraim, Anne Holzberlein, Chris Gibson, Debby Gresh, Betty Twomey (Sue Archers sister), Jim Fritz (Jeff Fritzs dad), Doris Dowell, Betsy Jones, Earl & Loree Rice, Judy Joy, Gayle Jones (Jennifer Cains mom), Lori Snider (Loretta Parks daughter), Cynthia David (Winnie Halls daughter), Bill & Mary Lou Womble

Happy Birthday!
6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 Lily Kosir, Mignon Denyer, Melissa Simpson, Caitlin Aust Mike Adkins, Victoria Harrison, Charles Schlough, Susan Huffer, Bill Eischeid, Nicholas Cave, Brennan Clark Marjorie Anderson, Harriba Tienabeso, Bill LaRue, J.C. Barr Clara Zamorano, Helen Zamorano, Henry Zamorano, Kaci Taylor, Larry Wallace, Carl Hawkins Robin Pierce, Claire Patton, Paul Gaines Dorothy Mason, Anita Wilson, Steve Peterson, Bethany Shipley Frankie Hogancamp, Hannah Daylor, Luella Simms David Penland, Haley Felix, Carol Jennings, Fran Hauser, Nancy Scott

ConGRADulations College Graduate!

Mike Taylor Son of Brad and Debi Taylor BS Integrative Physiology University of Colorado, Boulder

The Classics Plan Their Next Adventure

Thursday, July 25 - All day
The Classics are planning another event - a day trip! This time it is to visit the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum and eat at Babes Chicken Dinner House. This trip includes transportation and a meal, plus all admissions and attractions, for the wonderful price of $129.00 per person! Full payment is due with your reservation. For information or reservations, contact Winnie Hall (405-341-4297) or Ellen Chitwood (405-341-2859). Hurry and reserve your spot today! Spots are filling up FAST!


NOW at Both the 9 & 11am Worship Services
What wonderful news! Starting this Sunday, June 2, Children Worship & Wonder (CW&W) will now be held during BOTH the 9 and 11am services. This wonderful ministry is an exciting way for children to experience God while learning about God. Children can be with God, hear the stories of God, talk to God and listen to God. CW&W is designed for children 3 years old through first grade and is held in the childrens own worship place. Children will be dismissed during each service to come downstairs for worship. If you have questions about CW&W, contact the Director of Childrens Ministries, Michelle Fritz at or 341-3544, ext. 106.

The Youth garage sale - held in May was a great success! The Youth collected a total of $4,026.50 for their summer mission trip and other student activities. A BIG Thank You to all of those that helped with this fundraiser.

Youth Garage Sale: A Success!

TLC Gift Cards Still Available!

The Youth still have some $20 TLC gift cards for sale. Contact Mark Taylor at (405) 341-3544 to purchase the cards. Thank you for your support!

Volunteer Opportunities For You

Looking For a Way to Serve?

8:15, 9 & 11am

at First Christian
June 2, 2013

ReNewing Hands Ministry Needs You!

Do you love working in the outdoors? Do you enjoy gardening? Are you wanting to help others? If so, ReNewing Hands is looking for volunteers to help with garden clean up and mulching for some of our members who need help. If you are interested, call Marcia Tunison at (405) 285-1506 or email her via the Hub!

Are You a People Person?

FCC Open Doors (Evangelism) needs Door Greeters & Front Desk Helpers on Sunday mornings - before Sunday School and before each worship service. If you love welcoming and meeting people, this is a great ministry for you! Your time commitment is only 15 minutes a month for Door Greeters and 1 hour a month for Front Desk Helpers. Contact Randy Huston via the Hub or at

Message: Rev. Charles Shorow Scripture: Luke 9:23-27

June 9, 2013

Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black Rev. Chris Shorow Scripture: John 13:34 Leviticus 19:18

Be a Part of The Tech Crew!

Have you ever used PowerPoint before? Would you like to help out in worship once a month? The Tech Crew could use your help! We are looking for several volunteers to do the words on Sundays at the 9 & 11am worship services. The time commitment is two hours on the Sunday that you serve. If we get enough volunteers, you may only have to do it once every six weeks. Existing Tech Crew volunteers will provide you with plenty of training on our very easy-to-use software (displays the lyrics to songs on the screens in the sanctuary). This is a fun way to serve! It is rewarding job that helps each member of the congregation in worship. If interested, please contact Frank Gresh at frank@ or by phone at (405) 417-1977.


Jennifer Humphrey, Editor Read News Online @ Submit Articles to

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