Connection: Happy Failure To You!

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A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 4 No. 18, May 10, 2012

The Chalice

Happy Failure To You!

By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
What a wonderful celebration of worship we had on Sunday. Our Youth Sunday was inspirational and funall led by our dynamic youth. I didnt see many dry eyes in the house when we saw the slide show highlighting our graduating seniors. We have a great group of kids, and while it is tough to say good-bye as they take off for a new phase in their lives, we are excited about what they are going to be doing. As we anticipate their success in life, I think we need to focus on their failure. Too many times we try to cover up and not deal with failure. But the truth is failure is a great teacher. If our kids dont embrace failure, it could be tragic for their lives. This is important because many of our kids have been so successful in school, sports, activities, friendships and family relationships, that they dont know how to fail well. And that is one of the most important learning lessons in life. Just ask those in the business world. Business Week did an article a few years ago on the importance of failure. Ever heard of Choglit, OK Soda or Surge? All massive failures in the beverage industry, compliments of Coca Cola. Yes, right on the heels of the New Coke fiasco, Coke delivered more failed drinks to the public. But they learned from those mistakes and today they still lead their industry. Their CEO has tried to prepare stockholders for failure, because failure means that something innovative is happeningnot always successful, but at least its a try. That is often the definition of successsomething new and innovative is put out. The world is introduced to something it has never seen before. And those innovations are not always successful, but the attempt is often well worth the effort. The other key for failure is learning. Rather than sweep our failures under the carpet and pretend they didnt happen, we need to explore them and learn from them. For instance, a new product from Intuit was introduced in 2005 called It was an attempt to provide tax advice and refunds to a hip-hop generation by offering hip and cool incentives to do their taxes. Failed miserably. Their CEO, Scott Cook, said, Its only a failure if we fail to get the learning. Amen. Isnt that our Christian message? Failure is not the end. Failure is not final. The Good News is that our God has triumphed over failure and we can be forgiven, reconciled and re-energized for new ministries. Ask Peter, who denied Jesus, and yet became one of the key leaders in the early church. More importantly, walk with Jesus, whose message of love and hope was ended on the cross, only to become even more powerful through the resurrection. So as we say good luck to our seniors, remind them that attempting new and creative things is not badthey can overcome failure. Happy failure to you!

Pentecost Sunday Schedule May 27, 2012 9:15: a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Unified Worship

To look forward and not back, To look out and not in, and To lend a hand. This past Sunday in worship we were encouraged to give the gift of time. But somehow time has become our enemy! We fear its end and complain about its scarcity. Millions of dollars are spent on calendars, software, smart phones and time saving devices with the hope that time might be controlled and conquered. Still, we find ourselves enslaved to time. The apostle Paul has a different perspective on time. Paul views time not as an enemy, but rather as a gift. Like everything else that we have in our lives, time is one of Gods good gifts to us. Time is a gift that we can use or misuse. We can spend time looking backward, and get stuck in the past. We can spend time focusing on ourselves, and miss the opportunities to serve others. As we continue our 29 Gifts / 29 Days series, may we each handle time as a gift, and find our days filled with opportunities to give and shine brightly as witnesses to Gods love and grace!

Each month, the HOPE Center feeds approximately 550 families who are unable to provide food and other needed items for themselves and their children some of these families may attend our church. The last few years have brought high unemployment, high gasoline prices and high food cost to their clients. The cost to the HOPE Center to provide food has increased more than 20%. Demand is tremendous. On Sunday May 20, we will celebrate the Gift of HOPE during our 29 Gifts / 29 Days series. The Outreach Ministry team believes this is the ideal time to launch a drive to obtain some specific items the HOPE Center needs. From Sunday, May 20 through Sunday, June 3, we will be collecting peanut butter, jelly, cereal, boxed dinners, canned fruit, canned meat and hygiene items. Everyone is invited to share a gift of hope during this time. Fill a grocery sack and bring it to the HOPE Chest which will be at the 29 Gifts display in the rotunda. Join us in celebrating the gift of Hope and help us extend HOPE to the families that depend on the HOPE Center. Todd Ward, Outreach Ministry Moderator

4th & 5th Grade Garden Project!

For the last few weeks, the 4th and 5th grade UNITE class has been working hard in the Childrens Prayer Garden. There are a few finishing touches to be made, so we are scheduling another work evening. We welcome all 4th and 5th graders and parents to help on Wednesday evening, May 16, from 6:00 7:30 p.m. We will have a light supper and then spend an hour working in the dirt! If you plan on attending, please email to ensure there is enough food for the group.

Prayers of the People

OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Jim Hays, Baptist; Warren Hill, Mercy THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Shirley Strasburg, Betsy Jones, Leola Casey, Edna Blunk, Loretta Parks, Jerri Jones, Roy Jackson, Rose Marie McKee, Bart Rodr, Virginia ONiel, Cynthia David (Winnie Halls daughter), Ed Berry, Bill & Mary Lou Womble, Naomi Bell (Karen Walenciaks mom) Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you so very much for the cards, calls, visits, hugs, and most of all the prayers which you offered up for me after the loss of my son, David. I have been amazed at the abundance of Gods love which He has poured out through his people. In Christs love, La Verne Fry

Happy Birthday!
5/13 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/18 Alma Bolvin, Brian Huffer John Goetzinger, Mary Kate Heath Haley Greenfield, Ellie Polk Peter Duller Loretta Hager, Linda McFall Molly Larrison, Shane McGrew, Amy Peters 5/19 Cody Daylor, Jenny Jewell, Marcia Tunison 5/20 Addison Ball, Marla Grant, Caleb Marsh, John Privette, Sopukro Tienabeso

Attention Children and Youth Choirs!

Children (grades K through 5th grade) and Youth choirs are invited to attend choir rehearsals on Wednesday evenings - May 16 and May 23 - from 7 to 8 p.m. We will be rehearsing special music for a 10:45 a.m. Unified Worship service for Pentecost Sunday, May 27, and we need your voices!!! (Children ages 3-Pre K are invited to participate in the processional on Pentecost Sunday). If you have questions, please contact Diane Ball at 341-3544 or

May Sprouts Schedule

5/13 Sprouts at 9 & 11 5/20 Sprouts at 9 & 11 5/27 Sprouts at 9 & 11 Thank you for sharing your children with us!

Register by May 27 for VBS Babylon: Daniels Courage in Captivity. The cost is $10 for a tshirt and CD. Volunteers can sign up online also! Sign up today at:

Monday - Thursday, June 11 - 14, 6 to 8:45pm

VBS - Time to Sign Up!

Share a gift and support our Troops! The Blue Star Mothers of Edmond have received requests from our Troops for new, dark-colored pillowcases & beef jerky. So heres an idea for one of your 29 Days of Giving, help us Fill The Box in Fellowship Hall with one or more of these items! Thank you, Becky Winn, for the Blue Star Mothers of Edmond

9am to 2pm Family Life Center

Funds raised at the sale support our mission trip this summer. Its not too late to donate your gently used clothing, toys, furniture, working electronics and household items. Volunteers are still receiving donations in the Family Life Center Thursday and Friday from noon to 7pm. Questions? Call Greg Bunton at 341-3544 or 623-4815 for more info.

Come Shop Our Treasures! This Saturday

You are in luck! We have 1 extra room for family camp in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado June 24-30, 2012. If you are interested, please call Susan Huffer at 623-2185 by Monday May 14th.

Want to go to Family Camp?

8:15, 9 & 11am

at First Christian
May 13, 2012 Mothers Day

Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Rev. Dr. Jerry Black 29 Gifts: The Gift of Life Scripture: Mark 8:34-37

May 20, 2012

Message: Rev. Greg Bunton Rev. Chris Shorow 29 Gifts: The Gift of Hope Scripture: Matthew 13:31-32


Shelley Regan, Editor Read News Online @ Submit Articles to

Contact Bob Stafford at 359-8900 or

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