Marilyn Monroe - Natal Chart
Marilyn Monroe - Natal Chart
Marilyn Monroe - Natal Chart
Marilyn Monroe
Your Natal Chart report is an astrological chart based on the mathematically precise
positions of the planets and the Sun & Moon at the time, date and place of your birth. It
provides you with insights into your character and personal life potentials by indicating
the strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.
Your Natal Chart report covers among other things your primary motivation in life, your
identity, emotions, mentality, love and sexuality, spirituality, earning ability and career
potentialities and so on.
In some parts of the report you will come across apparent contradictions in the
descriptions of your character. This is to be expected; people are complex and have
many contradictory facets to their personality.
Birth Data
Ascendant in Leo
Your primary motivation in life is to attain power and recognition. You make an
immediate impact on others through displaying an authoritative and commanding
personality. Self-confident, self-expressive and vital, you carry yourself well and
with great dignity. You are often the centre of attention. A capable leader and
organiser, people look to you for direction and respect your judgement. You tend
to have a sensitive ego and a lot of pride. Arrogance and stubbornness can turn
others against you.
Neptune in Leo
You have a flair for the dramatic. You have idealistic notions about your
leadership and organising abilities. You are part of a generation that tends to
have romantic ideas about leaders and celebrities that may verge on hero
Aspects to Neptune
Aspects to Saturn
Moon in Aquarius
You intuitively understand other people and empathise with their needs. A true
humanitarian, you are inclined to put others' emotional needs before your own.
You have an understanding, if somewhat detached nature, which can be seen as
cool and aloof. While you enjoy emotional contact, your natural tendency is to
maintain independence. This can cause some problems in intimate relationships.
Your domestic arrangements are likely to be unique.
Aspects to Moon
Jupiter in Aquarius
You have an impartial and unprejudiced nature, with a strong social sense. You
have humanitarian tendencies and can be tolerant and accepting of the
viewpoints of others, even if you don't agree with them. Equally, you can be
provocative and revolutionary in your thinking, especially in regard to social or
humanitarian issues.
Aspects to Jupiter
Mars in Pisces
Whenever you are faced with confrontation or aggression, your first instincts are
to wait and see what happens. You prefer to avoid conflict and feel
uncomfortable with competitive or aggressive situations. In general, you find it
difficult to assert yourself and others can sense this and take advantage of it. You
can easily be diverted; therefore you have to work hard against straying away
from an objective. Sometimes your willpower fluctuates, much to your
Aspects to Mars
Uranus in Pisces
You are inclined towards mysticism and to investigating the workings of the
unconscious. You are interested in developing your spiritual awareness.
Anticipate sudden insights and flashes of inspiration.
Aspects to Uranus
Venus in Aries
You are ardent and bold in your expression of love and sexuality. In general, you
prefer to initiate romantic encounters and can be quite competitive. Love at first
sight is not unknown to you. While love matters are important to you, your
personal freedom is more important. Independently-minded, you react
emotionally if a lover or partner attempts to restrict you in any way. At times, you
can be selfish in love.
Aspects to Venus
Aspects to Midheaven
Mercury in Gemini
You have a quick and agile mind, with the capability to hold more than one train
of thought at a time. You are a versatile thinker and communicator. Through
applied learning, you can become knowledgeable in many subjects. Curious and
inquisitive, you take an interest in what's going on around you. Equally, however,
you can be intellectually superficial and inclined to gossip.
Aspects to Mercury
Aspects to Pluto
The Qualities
23% Cardinal
The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn. The more planets you have in
any of these signs the more Cardinal you are:
Cardinal people are action oriented and initiating. They are interested in promoting
change and bringing new things into the world. They are direct, assertive and like to take
charge of situations. They are ambitious, independent and dislike being supervised.
They are good at starting projects, but not so good at completing them. They have
abundant enthusiasm and are very resourceful. Cardinal people generally don't hold
46% Fixed
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius. The more planets you have in any
of these signs the more Fixed you are:
Fixed people are persevering and enduring. They achieve results in life through
determined and persistent effort. They tend to do one thing at a time and are extremely
practical in their approach to everything. They are not easily influenced by others and
can be quite firm or stubborn once their minds are made up about something. They tend
to hold onto things and are reluctant to change. They are staunch, but they can also be
inflexible and at risk from becoming set in their ways.
31% Mutable
The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces. The more planets you have
in any of these signs the more Mutable you are:
Mutable people are the most flexible of the three types. They are able to go with the
flow. They are changeable and adaptable, but also indecisive and restless. They are
sensitive to the opinions of others, but they can also be impressionable and easily
influenced by environmental circumstances. Mutable people lack the stubbornness of
the Fixed signs and the forcefulness of the Cardinal signs, which makes them good
mediators and go-betweens.
The Elements
23% Fire
The Fire signs are Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. The more planets you have in the
Fire signs the more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Fire signs go for freedom of action and power. They strive for recognition in
life. They are out-going and enthusiastic, adventure seeking and powerful. They
are ardent, passionate, assertive, demonstrative, bold and courageous. They can
also be impatient and bossy, wilful and reactive, especially when they face
delays or obstructions in their path.
8% Earth
The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn. The more planets you have in the
Earth signs the more practical and needful of security you are:
The Earth signs seek material security. They are down-to-earth, pragmatic,
cautious, sensible and conservative. Hardworking and industrious, Earth signs
are able to put into effect the ideas and inspirations of the other signs. They can
be accumulative, possessive and overly materialistic. They are also sensual and
pleasure seeking.
31% Air
The Air signs are Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. The more planets you have in the Air
signs the more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Air signs go for freedom of action and freedom of movement. Air signs need
to be able to come and go at will. Their domain is the air we breathe; hence they
are conduits for communication and the exchange of ideas. They are mentally
alert and intellectually stimulating. Gregarious and sociable, Air signs like to be
around other people. They are observant and perceptive, curious and inquisitive.
They live totally in the here and now, and want to be in whatever is going on.
38% Water
The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces. The more planets you have in
the Water signs the more needful you are of emotional security:
People with a majority of planets in the Water signs are motivated by the need to
gain security in their emotional lives. They are sensitive, deep, compassionate,
imaginative and intuitive. Their inner lives and dream lives are very active. They
are spiritually inclined and potentially psychic, with an ability to tune into others.
Life is experienced as a mystical journey. They can also be hypersensitive,
impressionable and emotionally needy.
End of Report