62 HTM
62 HTM
62 HTM
Crop performance in rainfed cropping systems generally is dependent on rainfall amount and distribution. The objective
of this study was to analyze the long-term consequences of rainfall expressed as a standardized precipitation index (SPI)
and fertilizer nitrogen (N) on yields and risk probabilities of maize in the udic-ustic moisture regimes in the Great Plains in
Nebraska. The SPI is a precipitation index for classifying drought stress conditions. The study was conducted on a Kennebec silt
loam (Cumulic Hapludoll) over an 11-year period, 1986–1996, using monoculture maize (Zea mays L.) and maize in rotation
with soybean (Glycine max.(L.) Merr.) in combination with N fertilizer levels between 0 and 160 kg ha−1 . Maize yields in
monoculture ranged from 4.8 to 5.7 Mg ha−1 , and from 6.4 to 6.8 Mg ha−1 in rotation. The differences in yields between
monoculture and rotation were larger at low N rates and decreased as N fertilizer increased above 40 kg ha−1 . Current year’s
maize yields either exhibited a weak or no response to N fertilizer in years when the preceding preseason (October–April)
and the previous growing season (May–August) were dry (negative SPI value). Regression of yield as the dependent variable
and the 12-month April SPI as the independent variable explained up to 64% of yield variability in a curvilinear relationship.
Optimum SPI values were in the range of −1.0 to 1.0, substantiating the adaptability and performance of crops under mild
stress as proposed by other scientists. Prediction of subsequent yields using past SPI data was relatively better in rotations
(R2 =41–50%) than in monoculture (R2 =15–40%). Risk, calculated as the lower confidence limit of maize returns over
variable cost of fertilizer, was less in rotations than in monoculture, and in both cropping systems returns were maximized
with the application of N fertilizer at 40 kg ha−1 . Used with other criteria, the SPI can be a practical guide to choice of crops,
N levels, and management decisions to conserve water in rainfed systems. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Climate; Crop rotations; Rainfed cropping systems; Risk analysis; Nebraska USA
1. Introduction
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-402-472-1581;
fax: +1-402-472-4104. Agricultural success in non-irrigated cropping sys-
E-mail addresses: cshapiro1@unl.edu (C.A. Shapiro), tems depends on efficient use of precipitation. Farmer
cfrancis2@unl.edu (C.A. Francis), mhayes1@unl.edu (M.J. Hayes) decisions on which crops to plant and cultural prac-
1 Present address: Council for Scientific & Industrial Research,
tices such as mulching or reduced tillage that conserve
Soil Institute, Accra Centre, Ghana.
2 Tel.: +1-402-584-2803; fax: +1-402-584-2859. soil moisture are determined in part by rainfall up to
3 Tel.: +1-402-472-4271; fax: +1-402-472-6614. planting time. Crop rotations and multiple cropping
0167-8809/00/$ – see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 8 8 0 9 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 4 0 - 7
114 C.F. Yamoah et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 80 (2000) 113–120
systems that include two or more crops grown on a split-plot factorial with four replications. Main treat-
parcel of land may exploit moisture at different soil ments were tillage: spring no-till, spring plow, and
depths (Francis, 1989). Rotational systems use wa- disk; subplots were rotation: maize–soybean rotation
ter more efficiently than monocrops (Pierce and Rice, and continuous maize; sub-subplots were five N rates
1988; Campbell et al., 1990; Varvel, 1994). These are (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha−1 ) broadcast pre-plant as
practical options available to farmers in the udic-ustic ammonium nitrate (33-0-0) to maize crops only. This
moisture regimes in the Great Plains. corresponds to normal farmer practice in the area, al-
Halvorson (1990) compared adequately fertil- though a delay in application of part of the required N
ized 3-year and annual crop rotations with a wheat fertilizer may be a more efficient practice. No fertilizer
(Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow rotation and found the was applied in 1989 because a severe drought in 1988
former more profitable. Different crops and crop- (average maize yield=2.7 Mg ha−1 ) resulted in soil ni-
ping systems have been shown to exhibit marked trate concentrations exceeding 250 kg N ha-m−1 . Al-
differences in efficiency of water use. Varvel (1994) though soil moisture storage and crop water use are
reported precipitation use efficiency (PUE) of dependent on many factors, precipitation and soil N
36–137 kg ha−1 cm−1 for continuous maize as com- status are the two that were studied in this experiment.
pared with 57–165 kg ha−1 cm−1 in maize–soybean Maize (Pioneer hybrid ‘3575’, 100-day relative ma-
rotations. Varvel (1995) also found that PUE for soy- turity) was seeded in early May each year at approx-
bean averaged 30 kg ha−1 cm−1 , whereas sorghum imately 45,400 plants ha−1 . Seeding rate of soybean
(Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) was 89 kg ha−1 cm−1 (‘Century 84’) was 90 kg ha−1 . Herbicides were used
during an 8-year period. Interactions between precip- to control weeds using current recommendations.
itation and N rates are well documented. These sev- Maize was harvested by hand around 1 October and
eral factors may influence the differences in rainfall soybean was combine-harvested 1 week later. Treat-
use between monoculture maize and maize–soybean ments were compared using analysis of variance with
rotations. a minimum significant different criterion set at the
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ef- 0.05 probability level. Years were used as replications
fects of the standardized precipitation index and N rate with each data point the mean of four replications in
on yields and risk of maize-based cropping systems, each year and treatment.
as measured by maize yields, under limited-rainfall
conditions in northeast Nebraska. The goal was to 2.2. Risk analysis
provide farmers with practical guidelines on nitrogen
application according to preseason rainfall, based on Probabilities of risk associated with maize incomes
long-term experimental results. Most empirical stud- were examined only for the period between 1986 and
ies of precipitation use efficiency and N-use include 1996, a decade of highly variable rainfall. Risk can be
only short-term datasets, whereas the results reported quantified by determining the lowest expected yield or
here are based on 11-year experimental results. income at a given level of probability using confidence
intervals. Yield and income uncertainties or risk levels
were calculated as the lower confidence limit of the
2. Materials and methods mean yields and net returns according to the formula:
cost of N fertilizer (V) for maize production, i.e. the current growing season. These are the data avail-
Returns=(Yc ×Pc )−(Vc ). In computation of returns, able to farmers that can influence crop choice and
the variable cost of fertilizer at US$ 0.33 kg−1 and nitrogen application before planting.
assumed other costs such as land preparation, her-
bicides, and insecticides were the same for both
cropping systems. Input costs were based on current 3. Results and discussion
prices and cropping practices in Nebraska (Selley
et al., 1996). 3.1. Yields and variability
2.3. Effects of the SPI on yields Table 1 shows the effect of N fertilizer and crop-
ping systems on maize yields and variability across 11
Rainfed farming in northeastern Nebraska is not
years. As expected, maize yields in rotations with soy-
entirely dependable without supplemental irrigation
bean were higher (P=0.0001) than maize yields in the
(Peterson et al., 1990). As both soil water storage
monoculture system. The yield ranges for monocul-
and crop water use are influenced by precipitation,
ture were 4.8–5.7 Mg ha−1 , and for maize in rotation
the SPI model (McKee et al., 1993) was applied to
yields ranged between 6.4 and 6.8 Mg ha−1 . The vari-
predict current year yield from previous years’ rain-
ability as indicated by variance (s2 ) and the confidence
fall events. Precipitation is not normally distributed,
intervals of variances were larger in monoculture
therefore, absolute rainfall values are usually more
maize than maize in rotation. There was a significant
poorly correlated with yields than when rainfall val-
interaction (P=0.04) between cropping systems and
ues are standardized (McKee et al., 1993; Teigen
N rate. Yield differences between rotation and mono-
and Thomas, 1995). Calculation of the SPI requires
culture were larger at lower N rates (0–40 kg ha−1 )
a long-term monthly precipitation data base with 30
and narrowed as N fertilizer rate increased, indicat-
years or more of data. The probability distribution
ing that physiological N use efficiency or N recovery
function is determined from the long-term records
efficiency was not the same between rotations.
by fitting a Gamma function to the data (Mood and
Graybill, 1963). The cumulative distribution is then
transformed using equal probability to a normal dis- 3.2. Effect of SPI on maize response to N
tribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of
1 (Edwards and McKee, 1997). A particular precipita- Table 2 indicates how previous rainfall conditions
tion total for a specified time period corresponds to an influence maize response to N fertilizer in the two
SPI value consistent with the probability of that pre- cropping systems. In general, current year’s maize
cipitation value occurring. Positive SPI values signify yields did not respond to N fertilizer in years when the
greater than median precipitation, whereas negative preceding preseason (October–April) and the previous
values signify less than median precipitation. An SPI growing season were dry as portrayed by negative 5-
of 0 indicates average conditions and values greater and/or 7-month SPIs. The magnitude of the moisture
than +2 or less than −2 generally indicate extreme deficit during growing seasons and/or below average
conditions associated with events that occur only 5% moisture recharge may contribute to poor crop perfor-
of the time. Obviously, current year precipitation is a mance for the subsequent growing season. Standard-
very important determinant of maize yield; however, ized precipitation index values in the range of −0.99
this study takes into account precipitation from the to 0.99 are usually considered mild stress conditions
previous growing season and the intervening fallow for cropping systems adapted to the region (McKee
months before planting. Growing season precipita- et al., 1993) and may be favorable to crop growth in
tion in this region is insufficient for full expression some years depending on other climatic factors such
of maize yield potential and soil water storage is an as temperature. Outside this range, particularly −1.0
important component of total crop water supply. Pre- or less constitutes moderate to severe moisture stress,
season precipitation would then provide an effective which could cause yield reduction in rainfed farming
estimate of potential soil water storage at the start of conditions.
116 C.F. Yamoah et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 80 (2000) 113–120
Table 1
Cropping systems and N rate effects on maize yield and its variability (s2 ) over a 11-year period (1986–1996) in Nebraska
System interval N rate (kg ha−1 ) Yield (Mg ha−1 ) s2 (Mg ha−1 ) Confidence
Response of maize to N fertilizer in continuous common (Varvel, 1994; Green and Blackmer, 1995)
maize was high when SPI was positive. Nitrogen fertil- and may be caused by the soil ameliorative effects
izer accounted for 80–97% of the variability of maize of legume–cereal rotational systems such as N trans-
yields during 1986, 1992, 1993 and 1994 (Table 2). fer during the soybean year. In addition, the non-soil
On the contrary, R2 -values for maize response in ro- related factors such as the reduction of insects and
tations for the same years were low and explained pathogens that are reduced by rotations may improve
only 55–72% of the variability, not significant at the yields.
5% probability level (Table 2). The lack of response The practical application of this finding would be
to N fertilizer of maize in soybean–maize rotation is more advantageous to farmers who used improved
Table 2
Maize yield response to N fertilizer under different preseason moisture conditions over an 11-year period (1986–1996) in Nebraska
Year Standardized precipitation index Maize response to increasing N rate, R2 (significance level)
5-month SPIa 7-month SPIb Continuous maize Maize rotation with soybean
1986 0.58 0.88 0.80 (p=0.041) 0.55 (p=0.340)
1987 −0.01 0.06 0.35 (p=0.295) 0.46 (p=0.205)
1988 −0.59 −0.98 0.62 (p=0.111) 0.54 (p=0.157)
1989 −1.92 −1.58 0.01 (p=0.852) 0.22 (p=0.427)
1990 −0.94 −1.18 0.32 (p=0.320) 0.02 (p=0.810)
1991 −0.63 −0.08 0.02 (p=0.814) 0.54 (p=0.156)
1992 1.41 0.70 0.97 (p=0.002) 0.72 (p=0.066)
1993 1.21 1.07 0.97 (p=0.002) 0.58 (p=0.132)
1994 0.49 −0.08 0.90 (p=0.013) 0.62 (p=0.116)
1995 0.65 0.79 0.28 (p=0.363) 0.36 (p=0.285)
1996 −0.20 −0.68 0.86 (p=0.022) 0.48 (p=0.193)
a The 5-month standardized precipitation index (SPI) was based on rainfall from 1 May to 30 September of the previous growing season.
b The 7-month standardized precipitation index (SPI) was based on rainfall from 1 October of the previous season to 31 April in the
current preseason.
C.F. Yamoah et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 80 (2000) 113–120 117
Table 3
Regression equations estimating current maize yields from previous rainfall records
System N rate (kg ha−1 ) Intercept 5-month SPIa 7-month SPIb R2 Significance level
cultivars or hybrids that are more responsive to N and Bolton (1981). Given the importance of food pro-
fertilization. Such farmers may apply high N rates duction on a global scale, it would seem rational to
(about 80–120 kg ha−1 ) and expect to get high yields accept significance levels identified by maize in rota-
in monoculture when both the previous crop season tion for previous moisture alone, recognizing that fer-
and the current preseason moisture are high, e.g. pos- tilizers, cultivars, management, and other variables are
itive SPI value. It would be advisable to use less N equally important factors that may contribute to the
fertilizer (<100 kg ha−1 ) for maize in rotation to re- variability in yields.
duce cost and prevent excessive leaching of nitrate Among the predictor variables, the 5-month
under similar climate conditions. Also, farmers may September SPI was found to be relatively more im-
avoid growing maize and plant a more drought tolerant portant (t-value not shown) than the 7-month April
crop such as sorghum when the previous season and SPI. Agronomically, moisture status at the end of the
pre-plant moisture conditions are below average, as previous growing season is most critical for the next
noted in an earlier study in eastern Nebraska (Yamoah crop because it controls mineralization of residues
et al., 1998). if the soil surface is not frozen. Usually loss of soil
moisture through evapotranspiration is small during
3.3. Estimation of yields from previous moisture winters and in addition snow may contribute to the
conditions soil moisture reserve as well. It appears that 5-month
SPI governs water deficit and that 7-month SPI is a
The objective in relating SPI as a function of yield much weaker predictor because loss of water dur-
is to advise farmers on adjusting their cropping plans ing the 7 months is not well described by a simple
ahead of time to maximize returns or reduce costs. 7-month index.
Table 3 shows regression equations predicting yields
from past rainfall events. Evidently, predictions were 3.4. Effect of SPI and N on yields
better in rotations than in continuous maize using the
R2 value as indicator of predictive power. The R2 val- As the 5- and 7-month SPI values were almost
ues in monoculture varied from 15 to 40%; the respec- universally positive or negative within a given year
tive range in rotations was 41–50% and none were sig- (Table 2), a 12-month SPI was calculated and re-
nificant at the 5% level of probability. The fact that R2 gressed against yield. The 12-month SPI (May–April)
increased as N rate increased indicates that SPI works has a curvilinear relationship with maize yields. The
best in predicting yield when N is non-limiting with degree of the relationship is a function of the sys-
optimum management practices as alluded to by Dirks tem (monoculture versus rotation) and fertility status
118 C.F. Yamoah et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 80 (2000) 113–120
Fig. 1. The 12-month standardized precipitation index (SPI) (May–April) effect on yields of non-fertilized maize in monoculture and in
rotation with soybean.
(fertilized as an average of all N rates and unfer- maize yields in fertilized rotations and monocul-
tilized) (Figs. 1 and 2). The 12-month April SPI ture systems (Fig. 2). Examination of the scatter
alone explained about 60% of variation in maize points in Figs. 1 and 2 indicate that maize yields
yields in non-fertilized soybean–maize rotations seemed to be highest in the SPI range of −1 to +1.
and almost 50% of maize yields in non-fertilized This range appears to confirm the positive effects of
monoculture systems (Fig. 1). Similarly, precipi- mild stress conditions as described by McKee et al.
tation accounted for 64 and 51%, respectively, of (1993).
Fig. 2. The 12-month standardized precipitation index (SPI) (May–April) effect on yields of fertilized maize in monoculture and in rotation
with soybean.
C.F. Yamoah et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 80 (2000) 113–120 119
Table 4
Risk analysis of maize returns in continuous and rotational systems
System Probability Lower confidence limit (US$ ha−1 ) with N rate (kg ha−1 ) of
0 40 80 120 160
3.5. Risk of production and income experience and the results of the preceding year’s crop
performance. There are few quantitative tools avail-
The objective of the risk analysis is to provide infor- able to better summarize recent weather data and how
mation and potential tools that can be used by farm- this information could be used to make rational deci-
ers to make decisions based on their specific circum- sions for the coming cropping season. The SPI takes
stances. Table 4 shows risk analysis of maize returns into account the previous year’s precipitation as well
over variable cost of fertilizer N. Overall, risks are as long-term average for a given site, and allows the
lower in rotations than for maize in monoculture. For farmer to add this information to other current data
instance, at the 5% probability level maize returns over such as crop prices and prospects, soil test N levels,
variable costs of 40 kg N ha−1 were US$ 413 ha−1 characteristics of newly-available crop cultivars, and
for monoculture compared with US$ 580 ha−1 in ro- options for crop rotation.
tations. Practically, this implies that profit from maize The experiment comparing monoculture (continu-
when grown in rotation with soybean will be at least ous) maize with maize in rotation with soybean over 11
US$ 580 ha−1 in 95 out of 100 years compared with years showed that yields are higher and relatively more
US$ 413 ha−1 for monoculture. Risk seemed to in- stable in the rotation system. Optimum conditions and
crease as N rate increased above 40 kg ha−1 especially highest maize yields were observed when the SPI was
for the rotation system. However, producers who are between −1.0 and +1.0, indicating conditions with
less risk averse would be prone to increase fertilization moderate stress to above-average rainfall in the period
rate up to 120 kg N ha−1 under monoculture (contin- before planting. As indicated by the lower confidence
uous) maize. Application of 160 kg ha−1 fertilizer in limit from analysis of variance for contrasting systems
both monoculture and rotations tended to be riskier, and N applications, the lower risk was with 40 kg N
probably arising from year-to-year weather fluctua- ha−1 and in maize in rotation, compared with higher
tions, vis-a-vis the cost of fertilizer. In drought years, levels of N and monoculture. In regions where soil
maize returns over cost of N fertilizer may be expected water recharge is a significant yield determinant, the
to decrease with increasing rates of applied N. SPI provides a reasonable estimate of the probability
of obtaining an economic response to N fertilization.
4. Conclusions SPI might also be used to study the historical trends
between fertilizer consumption and weather variabil-
Farmers in Nebraska often make crop, cultivar, rota- ity to test hypotheses about farmer’s perception of
tion, and nitrogen application decisions based on past risk.
120 C.F. Yamoah et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 80 (2000) 113–120