How Fertilization Affects Yam (L.) Growth and Tuber Yield Across The Years

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African Journal of Plant Science, Vol. 4(3) pp.

053-060, March 2010

Available online at
ISSN 1996-0824 © 2010 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

How fertilization affects yam (Dioscorea alata L.) growth

and tuber yield across the years
V. K. Hgaza1, 2*, L. N. Diby2, 3, A. Assa4 and S. Ake1
Laboratory of Plant Physiology, UFR Biosciences, University of Cocody-Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Swiss Center for Scientific Research, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Department of Water Forest and Environment, National Institute of Technology FHB, Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire.
Deceased, Laboratory, of soil science, UFR STRM, University of Cocody-Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Accepted 28 January, 2010

This study deals with the response of Dioscorea alata to NPK-Ca fertilization as affected by differences
in weather conditions in two growing seasons. Experiments were conducted in the central Côte d’Ivoire
in 2006 and 2007. The experimental design was a randomised complete block design with 4 replications.
The dose of 160-10-180-110 kg ha of NPK-Ca, respectively was compared to the control (no fertilizers
applied). Growth parameters and weather conditions were measured during the growth periods. Rainfall
and solar radiation varied much between the two years. Fertilization has significantly increased the
tuber yield of both years. In 2006, however, this increase in aboveground organs dry matter was not
reflected in tuber dry matter increase, suggesting possible physiological imbalance in which fertilizer
has favoured top growth over the tubers. This resulted in higher leaf area index and lower fresh tuber
yield. This physiological imbalance could be related to higher water supply during the vegetative period
in 2006. Although the weather conditions varied much between years, the leaf area index and the fresh
tuber yield were similar between years under non-fertilization, indicating a good adaptation of D. alata
to low soil fertility across the year. Explanations are needed to understand source (leaves) - sink
(tubers) relationship in yam and investigation to clarify implications of mineral fertilizers in this
important process is warranted.

Key words: Dry matter partitioning, fertilization, leaf area index, radiation use efficiency, water distribution, year.


Yam (Dioscorea spp) is important for food security in Progressively declining yam yields and loss of soil
West Africa which produces more than 90% of the fertility, while at the same time having to produce their
worldwide production (FAO, 2009). Besides their impor- crops on increasingly scarce land, are the consequences
tance as food source, yam also plays a significant role in small farmers face (Oikeh et al., 1999). The decline of
the socio-cultural lives of people in some producing yam yields associated with loss of soil fertility has led to
regions like the celebrated New Yam Festival in West conclude that yam requires high level of nutrient for
Africa (Osunde and Orhevba, 2009) and wedding cere- growth (O’Sullivan and Ernest, 2008). Nitrogen (N) and
monies in Oceania (O'Sullivan, 2008). Yam also provides potassium (K) are largely exported by the tubers (Diby,
cash income for a wide range of smallholders, including 2005; O’Sullivan and Ernest, 2008) while the calcium (Ca)
many women as producers, processors and traders is mainly accumulated in the leaves and returns to the
(Assiedu, 2003). Therefore, improving yam productivity soil with dead leaves (Diby, 2005). Organic fertilizer
can increase food production and farmers’ income in the applied in yam has been shown to often slightly increase
producing areas, particularly in West Africa. tuber yield in West African savannah zone (Kowal and
Kassam, 1978). By contrast, the addition of inorganic
fertilizer (mostly NPK) to improve tuber yield, generally, was
uneven (IITA and CIRAD, 2003; O’Sullivan and Ernest,
*Corresponding author. Email:, 2008). Recently, the application of inorganic fertilizer Tel: +225 03 58 96 49. Fax: +225 23 (NPKCa) to yam had no effect on the fresh tuber yield but;
45 12 11. it increased significantly the shoot growth (Diby et al. 2009).
054 Afr. J. Plant Sci.

However, the reasons explaining the variability of the field station of the Swiss Center for Scientific Research based in
tuber yield responses to mineral fertilizers application Bringakro (6°40’N, 5°09’W). The region is characterized by a
transitional equatorial climate zone at the interface between a moist
have not been fully investigated. semi-deciduous forest and a shrub savannah. Rainfall distribution
Yield in yam also varied greatly in space. In the central was characterized by a bimodal distribution pattern with two rainy
Côte d’Ivoire, the best yield was about 12.4 t ha . In the seasons from May to June and from September to October
more humid south of the country, the yield was higher between them a small dry season was observed. Soil of the
and further north it was lower (Soro, 2007; Doumbia, experimental site was classified as ferralsol (Ettien et al., 2009).
1995). Yield reported in literature for yam were not Land was cleared of vegetation and plant debris was removed.
An improved cultivar of D. alata, TDa 95/00010, selected by the
usually associated with information about climatic growth International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, was grown in a mound
conditions or the history of the field so that it is very on savannah side at the density of 1 plant m-2. The experiment was
difficult to understand this variability and thus, investiga- conducted in four replicates per treatment and the plot was
tion to clarify these differences is warranted. The fact that randomly assigned to the field. Each plot had 36 plants, the plot
yam does not clearly respond to nutrient inputs and/or size being 4 x 9 m2. At each plot, setts were planted in rows with a
distance of 1 m between plants and an interrow distance of 1 m.
varies greatly in time and space might be related to the
Each plot consisted of a border row to overcome border effects and
plant physiology which in some growth conditions would two inner rows which have served for sampling. Treatment included
favour the top growth over the tuber growth. The tuber the control (no fertilizers applied, treatment -F) and the dose of 160
yield in yam is mainly determined by the total biomass kg N ha-1, 180 kg K ha-1, 10 kg P ha-1 and 110 kg Ca ha-1 (treatment
production and its partitioning between the various plant +F). Fertilizers were applied in two equal splits by broadcasting at
organs (Rodriguez-Montero, 1997). However, both photo- the maximum growth of the aerial organs (90 days after planting
(DAP)) and during tuber bulking (130 DAP). Head mother setts
synthetic rate and assimilate partitioning, themselves, were used for planting. Setts were treated against nematode, insect
depend strongly on the developmental stage of the plant and fungi the day before planting. During the growth cycle, the plots
and environmental factor such as soil fertility, water sup- were kept weed-free through monthly manual weeding.
ply and intercepted solar radiation (Sotomayor-Ramirez
et al., 2003). Hammer and Wright (1994) had frequently
-1 Measurements
used the crop radiation use efficiency (RUE, g MJ ),
which measured the amount of biomass accumulated for Soil samples were taken in the 0 - 20 cm depth before planting in
each unit of total solar radiation intercepted by the leaf 2006. The soil samples were air-dried and ground to pass through a
canopy, in the calculating accumulation of crop biomass. 2 mm sieve. Thereafter, soil texture, pH, total N and C, Olsen P,
Moreover, Sinclair and Shiraiwa (1993) and Wright and exchangeable K, Ca and Mg and cation exchange capacity were
Hammer (1994) demonstrated that the sensitivity of leaf analysed using routine analysis method.
In both 2006 and 2007, the incoming solar radiation and rainfall
photo-synthetic rates to changes in leaf nitrogen was were measured during the growing seasons using an automated
mainly due to the important variation in RUE. Yam is weather station ( installed on the
basically a creeping plant with leaves spreading on the experimental site.
ground or creeping on stakes. Its growth duration is long, In each growing season, 2-plants per plot were destructively
7 - 12 months depending on species and climate sampled at vegetative growth phase (75 DAP), at tuber initiation
period (100 DAP), during the tuber growth phase (130 and 160
(Melteras et al., 2008). Due to the length of the growth
DAP), at tuber maturation phase (190 DAP) and at harvest time
cycle and the relatively late development of leaf area in (220 DAP). At each sampling date, plants were separated into
yams, Onwueme and Haverkort (1991) stated that the leaves, vines, roots and tuber and oven-dried at 70°C for 72 h to
solar radiation during the entire season may not be assess their dry matter content. The sum of dry matter produced by
critical as the solar radiation in the second half of the separate organs gave the total plant dry matter production and the
season, when the requisite leaf area is already in place. dry matter of aboveground organs was obtained as the sum of
leaves dry matter and vines dry matter. The fresh tuber yield was
Furthermore, in some of the most humid parts of the yam measured at harvest.
growing areas, persistent cloud cover during the growing At each sampling date, all the leaves collected were counted per
season tends to keep total radiation relatively low for the plot. The area of a 30-sample leaves was measured with a scanner
duration of crop growth. connected to a computer program (
This study was undertaken to evaluate the growth and which gave the scanned areas automatically and then the total leaf
tuber yield responses to mineral fertilization over two area was determined by multiplying the average leaf area for this
sample to the total number of leaves per plot. The total leaf area
growing seasons in D. alata. For better understanding per plot was then divided by the plot area to determine the leaf area
plant growth and tuber yield responses to fertilization, the index (LAI).
soil and climatic growth conditions were described during The efficiency of tuber production by the plant (ETP) was deter-
the two growing seasons. mined by the slope ( ) of the linear regression y= x + between
tuber dry matter (y) and total plant dry matter (x) (Chowdhury, 1998;
Gray, 2000).
MATERIALS AND METHODS According to Bonhomme (2000), the radiation use efficiency
(RUE) was derived from the slope of the linear regression between
Site characteristics, planting material and cultural techniques the accumulated dry matter and the cumulated photosynthetic
active radiation intercepted (PARi):
Experiments were conducted during the yam growing season from
May to December in 2006 and 2007 in central Côte d’Ivoire at the y = RUE*x + b (1)
Hgaza et al. 055

Where; y represents the total dry matter accumulated by the plant; Table 1. Mean values ± standard errors of soil
x represents the cumulated photosynthetic active radiation properties at 0 – 20 cm depth of the experimental
intercepted. b is the intercept of the model. site in 2006 after clearing the natural vegetation.

The photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) was assumed to be Soil properties 0 - 20 cm

equivalent 45% of the solar radiation (Manrique et al., 1991).
According to Pengelly et al. (1999), the fraction of photosynthetic Clay (%) 30.1 ± 3.1
active radiation intercepted (FPARi) by the canopy was calculated Fine silt (%) 33.8 ± 4.2
by the following formulas: Coarse silt (%) 36.2 ± 2.5
Exchangeable Ca (cmol kg soil) 1.2 ± 0.1
PARi = 1 – (PARb / PARa ) (2) -1
Exchangeable Mg (cmol kg soil) 0.8 ± 0.02
Where; PARa is the incoming PAR measured just above the crop Exchangeable K (cmol kg soil) 0.07 ± 0.01
canopy; PARb is the PAR measured beneath the canopy. CEC† (cmol kg soil) 2.8 ± 0.3
pH (in water) 5.4 ± 0.3
PARa and PARb were measured instantaneously in each plot using -1
a 1 m line sensing (Sunscan Canopy Analysis System, Total C (g kg soil) 5.7 ± 0.9
-1 These measurements were carried out in both 2006 and Total N (g kg soil) 0.7 ± 0.01
2007 at each sampling date. The amount of PAR intercepted by the
†CEC: Cation exchange capacity
canopy was calculated as follow:

PARi = FPARi * PAR (3)

Table 2. Monthly solar radiation and rainfall recorded during the
The cumulated PARi for each DAP was calculated as the sum of growing season of D. alata in 2006 and 2007.
the daily PARi from planting to the DAP considered.
Solar radiation [MJ m ] Rainfall [mm]
Statistics and data analysis Month 2006 2007 2006 2007
May 108.0 91.7 142 90
Analysis of variance was performed using the general linear model
in SAS version 9.1 to test the effect of year and fertilization dose on June 102.1 88.9 189 167
plant dry matter production and the LAI at each sampling date. July 87.6 78.2 60 (+130)† 177
Means were compared with the least significant difference (LSD) at August 82.6 67.1 41 (+230)† 140
P < 0.05. Graphs were performed using Origin 6.0. September 86.5 65.4 183 195
The regressions from which derived the ETP and the RUE were
performed using the regression procedure (PROC REG) in SAS October 97.9 79.6 108 (+60)† 165
version 9.1. The contrast method was used to compare the slopes November 91.8 75.9 22 78
between equations. Graphs were performed using SgmaPlot 10.0. Total 656.4 546.9 1165 1012
† Amount of water added by irrigation

Soil and climatic growth conditions

during the vegetative period from May to October.
The soil of the experimental site was acidic with a sandy However, water supply in November was higher in 2007
loam as texture. It was characterized by low erodibility, (78 mm) than in 2006 (22 mm). Climatic growth
poor in exchangeable potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) conditions clearly varied much between the two years.
and calcium (Ca) and low in organic matter (Table 1).
The distribution pattern of solar radiation during the Plant growth parameters
growing season was similar between years (Table 2). It
declined from May to July, remained fairly constant At the maximum growth period at 160 DAP, fertilisation
between July and September and then increased again has significantly increased the leaf area index (LAI) in
until the growth ended. However, total solar radiation 2006 (LAI = 9) but not in 2007 (Figure 1). The leaf area
recorded in 2006 was higher of about 109.6 MJ m than index in fertilized treatments in 2007 (LAI = 5) was not
in 2007. By contrast, the distribution pattern of the rainfall significantly different with those in non-fertilized
differed markedly between years. The rainfall was well treatments in 2007 (LAI = 3) and in 2006 (LAI = 5).
distributed over the growing season in 2007 while, in The effect of fertilization and year on total plant dry
2006, because of water shortage observed in July, matter production was observed from the maximum
August and November; water of 420 mm has been sup- growth stage (160 DAP) to harvest time at 220 DAP
plied by irrigation. In total, 1165 and 1012 mm of water (Figure 2). During this period, total plant production in ferti-
was supplied for plant growth in 2006 and 2007, respectively. lized treatment was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in
Finally, total water supply during the entire growing cycle non-fertilized treatment in both years. Comparison
was relatively higher in 2006 than in 2007. Irrigation in between years indicates that total dry produced in 2006
2006 induced a higher water supply of about 209 mm was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in 2007 at 160 and
056 Afr. J. Plant Sci.

-F (2006)
+F (2006)
8 -F (2007)
+F (2007)

Leaf Area Index


75 100 130 160 190

Days After Planting

Figure 1. Leaf Area Index as affected by the fertilization and the year in D.
alata. Bars are LSD at p < 0.05.


1800 -F (2006)
+F (2006)
1600 -F (2007)
1400 +F (2007)
Total Plant DM (g m )







75 100 130 160 190 220

Days After Planting

Figure 2. Effect of fertilization and year on total dry matter production in D.

alata. Bars are LSD at p < 0.05.

190 DAP with respect to fertilization dose. The total plant 0.05) with fertilization than without fertilization (Figure 3a).
production was similar between years at 220 DAP for Comparison between years indicates that dry matter
each fertilization dose. production in the aboveground organs was significantly
The effects of year and fertilization on dry matter parti- higher (p < 0.05) in 2006 than in 2007 during the tuber
tioning between aboveground organs (leaves and vines) bulking phase (160 to 190 DAP) in both treatments. At
and tubers over time were presented in Figure 3. At the the harvest time (220 DAP), aboveground organs produc-
maximum dry matter production (160 DAP), aboveground tion was significantly different neither between fertilization
organs dry matter production was significantly higher (p < doses nor between years (Figure 3a). The reverse trend was
Hgaza et al. 057

-F (2006)
+F (2006)
-F (2007)

Aboveground DM (g m )
+F (2007)





75 100 130 160 190 220

800 -F (2006)
+F (2006)
700 -F (2007)
+F (2007)
Tuber DM (g m )






75 100 130 160 190 220

Days After Planting

Figure 3. Effect of fertilization and year on dry matter (DM) partitioning into
aboveground organs (A)and tubers (B) in D. alata. Bars are LSD at p < 0.05.

was observed with the tubers dry matter production in remained fairly constant in 2006.
which year and fertilization effects were observed only at The radiation use efficiency (RUE) was significantly
harvest (Figure 3B). At this time, tuber dry matter produc- affected (p < 0.001) by the year with higher values (1.22
tion was significantly higher (p < 0.05) under fertilization and 1.31 g MJ ) observed in 2007 (Figure 4). The effect
in both years. When comparing the year, the Figure 3B of fertilization on the RUE was observed only in 2006 with
shows that tuber dry matter production in 2007 was higher value (1.03 g MJ ) observed under fertilization.
significantly (p < 0.05) higher than in 2006 under ferti- The efficiency of tuber production (ETP) was
lization but; under non-fertilization, no significant significantly affected (p < 0.05) by the year but not by
differences was observed between years. The Figure 3 fertilization within a year. The Table 3 shows that the
indicates also that the year interacted with sampling date values of ETP observed in 2006 (0.45 and 0.36) were
for dry matter partitioning into aboveground organs and practically doubled in 2007 (0.71 and 0.73) under both
tubers only at 220 DAP under both treatments. The dry fertilization and non-fertilization growth conditions. Fresh
matter partitioned into aboveground organs decreased tuber yield obtained in this study was significantly higher
drastically during the tuber maturation phase (190 to 220 (p < 0.05) under fertilization in both years but yield in
-1 -1
DAP) in 2006 while; it remained fairly constant in 2007. 2007 (43 t ha ) was higher in 2006 (34 t ha ). Under
Conversely, tuber dry matter increased sharply in 2007 non-fertilization, the fresh tuber yield (24 t ha ) was
during this period particularly under fertilization while; it similar between years.
058 Afr. J. Plant Sci.

Table 3. Observed values for the efficiency of tuber production (ETP) in 2006 and 2007
under fertilized and non-fertilized treatments in D. alata

-1 -2 2
Year Treatment ETP [g tuber DM (g) total DM ] [g m ] r
2006 -F 0.45b -39.2 0.53*
2006 +F 0.36b -32.7 0.68**
2007 -F 0.71a -101.5 0.81***
2007 +F 0.73a -202.8 0.90***
Means following by similar letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05. -F = non-fertilized,
+F = fertilized. ***: significant at p < 0.001

DISCUSSIONS tuber yield. In 2006, however, this increase in above-

ground organs dry matter was not reflected in tuber dry
The soil of experimental site was poor as it was charac- matter increase, suggesting possible physiological imba-
terized by low exchangeable potassium (K), magnesium lance in which fertilizers have favoured top growth over
(Mg) and calcium (Ca) and poor in organic matter and the tubers. This physiological imbalance could be related
confirmed those already reported for the region (Kone to the amount of water supply and its distribution over the
etal., 2008; Diby et al., 2009). Nitrogen (N) is known to be growing season, irrigation in 2006 induced a higher water
one of the most important single factors limiting the supply of about 209 mm during the vegetative growth
production of the yam tuber (Aduayi and Okpon, 1980) phase (75 DAP in July to 130 DAP in September) and the
but, recently, Diby et al. (2009) reported that potassium first half of the tuber bulking phase (130 DAP to 160 DAP
(K) may be more limiting to yam growth than N. As a in October). As a consequence, fertilizers applied at 90
consequence, the additional fertilizers (NK) were plentiful JAP (in July) and 130 DAP (September) had increased
in our study. On the contrary, phosphorus (P) was aboveground organs growth over the tuber. Water
applied in low amounts as its demand by yam is low shortage observed during the second half of tuber bulking
(Vander Zaag et al., 1980; Diby, 2005). The calcium (Ca) phase (22 mm of rainfall in November) associated with
was also applied in large amounts in our experiment as higher solar radiation may have precipitated aboveground
its deficiency in yam growth may cause a shift in tuber: organs senescence as their dry matter declined drastic-
shoot sink strength (O’Sullivan and Jenner, 2006). cally without causing a subsequent increase in tuber dry
Fertilization has significantly increased fresh tuber yield matter. The effects of rainfall amount and distribution
in this study. This suggests that the dose of 160 kg N ha , already reported in yam (Diby et al., 2009). The author
-1 -1 -1
180 kg K ha , 10 kg P ha and 110 kg Ca ha may be reported that yam productivity was better under most
recommended for D. alata production as Ettien et al. humid growing season than dry growing season.
(2009) have recommended the dose of 120 kg N ha , Higher LAI observed in 2006 may also account for
-1 -1
103 kg K ha and 38 kg P ha for Dioscorea rotundata. lower tuber production in this year. D. alata with an
However, our results are in contrast with those reported indeterminate growth habit (Onwueme and Haverkort,
by Sotomayor-Ramirez et al. (2003) in Puerto Rico, 1991) has continued to produce new foliage and the LAI
O’Sullivan and Ernest (2008) in Oceania and Diby et al. obtained under such conditions was 9. This value was
(2009) in Côte d’Ivoire for D. alata. The response of the three times higher than optimal LAI of 3 to 3.5 reported
plant to fertilization may be affected by many factors such for cassava and potato (Kleinkopf et al., 2003;
as climatic growth conditions, cultural practices and soil Ramanujam, 1987). This indicates that the LAI of 9 was
(Below, 2001). The lack of tuber yield responses to excessive. Despite the high amount of solar radiation, the
fertilization in these studies might be due to pest and excessive LAI of 9 has probably caused a worse distri-
diseases (Sotomayor-Ramirez et al., 2003) or the bution of sunlight into the canopy resulting in lower RUE
closeness of fertilized and non-fertilized plots as the (1.03 g MJ ) and then would depress the whole canopy
length of roots can reach 5.5 m (O'Sullivan, 2008). In our photosynthetic capacity (Sin-clair and Muchow, 1999) as
experiment, no major pest and diseases attacks were the efficiency of tuber production (0.36) was lower in this
observed during the 2 years of experiments. Furthermore, year. By contrast, the LAI of 5 observed in 2007 would
the roots were essentially grown inside the mound allow better distribution of sunlight into the canopy
(Hgaza, CSRS, personal information). Contrary to Diby resulting in higher RUE (1.31 g MJ ) and then would
(2005) which applied fertilizer by banded side-dressings, enhance the whole canopy photosynthetic capacity as
fertilizers were applied by broadcasting in our study. the efficiency of tuber production (0.73) was higher in this
Broadcasting usually yielded as much or more than four year. These results suggest that the lower solar radiation
fertilizer placement methods including banded side- of 2007 was probably enough to saturate the photosyn-
dressings (Nwinyi and Enwezor, 1985). thetic capacity of yam. Thus, the LAI of 5 was better for
In overall, fertilization has increased yam growth and yam tuber production than LAI of 9. Our data seemed to
Hgaza et al. 059

provide evidence of source (leaves) for assimilants’ limi- and laboratory assistance.
tation due to worse distribution of water over the growing
season. Diby et al. (2009) reported that yam is sensitive to
water stress during the vegetative growth phase and at
tuber bulking phase. May be too much water has been Aduayi EA, Okpon SN (1980). Role of continuous nitrogen-fertilization
added by irrigation during vegetative growth phase in on nutrient composition of leaves sampled at various stages of
growth and on yield of yam (Dioscorea-Rotundata). J. Plant Nutr. 2:
2006. Thus, this has probably caused the imba-lance
between source and sink for assimilants. Crop yield is Assiedu R (2003). Yams production in West Africa and collaborative
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partitioning of the photoassimilate to the economic sink Below EF (2001). Nitrogen Metabolism and Crop Productivity, In M.
Pessarakli (eds) Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology. University
(Gifford et al., 1984). As early as, Onwueme (1978) of Arisona, Tucson, Arizona pp. 345-401.
supported that the balance between source (leaves) and Bonhomme R (2000). Beware of comparing RUE values calculated from
sink (tubers) is a determining factor in yam yield forma- PAR vs. solar radiation or absorbed vs. intercepted radiation. Field
tion. The scare data on this topic about yam is provided Crops Res. 68: 247-252.
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when the tuber size was reduced by physically enforced Cock JH, Franklin D, Sandoval GJP (1979). Ideal cassava plant for
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espèces d'igname (Dioscorea spp.). Thèse unique de Doctorat,
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in yam dry matter partitioning appears to be governed by Diby NL, Hgaza VK, Tie Bi T, Assa A, Carsky R, Girardin O, Frossard E
a preference for top growth like in cassava (Cock et al., (2009). Productivity of yams (Dioscorea spp.) as affected by soil
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Although weather conditions clearly varied much economiques de la production et de l'offre de l'igname en Côte
between the 2-years, the LAI and tuber production was d'Ivoire. Institut des Savanes, 01 Bp 633 Bouake 01, Côte d'Ivoire.
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confirms a good adaptation of D. alata to low soil fertility
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dry matter increase, probably due to possible imbalance IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) and CIRAD
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