The Story of My Life - by Vance Ferrell
The Story of My Life - by Vance Ferrell
The Story of My Life - by Vance Ferrell
Pilgrims Books
PB991 The Story of My Life by Vance Ferrell Published by Pilgrims Books Beersheba Springs, TN 37305 USA Printed in the United States of America Cover and Text Copyright 1999 by Pilgrims Books
Written: February 1998 Plus a few additions: November 1998 Printed: December 1998
I will lift up mine eyes unto [above; Hebrew] the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth . . Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; He shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in, from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm 121:1-2, 4-8
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Upon reading it, one person said: Fast-paced, takes you from one surprise to another.
Where I came from. The decisions which affected my thinking and my life. Why I did what I did. How this ministry began. How the Lord guided so there would be a Pilgrims Rest. Why it started when it did. What happened when it did.
Life is an interplay of circumstances and principles and how they are accepted, rejected, or ignored. This book explains how this worked out in my own life, and why I did what I did. Truly, each one of us has a personal involvement in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. When we get to heaven, how many will be the stories we will have to tell about the guidance of God. Reading this brief biography, you will find that I had many evidences of that guidance in my life. Writing an autobiography is like making out a will; it is something most of us never do. Yet, as I thought back over the living of these years, there have been so many incidents which revealed the careful guidance and protection of a kindly heavenly Father, that I became convinced I should set pen to paper. Moses spent years in the wilderness, to learn lessons which would prepare him for his future work. That is an experience which often happens to Gods people. Unfortunately, we do not often recognize it. In late 1979, a stupendous crisis in doctrine, standards, and fiscal conduct hurled us all into a new era in our denomination. When that hour arrived, we had to set to work defending Gods truths for these last days. This is the story of the wilderness training one man received in preparation for that crisis.
I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you Jeremiah 29:11 an expected end. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. Psalm 55:22 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid. For the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song. Isaiah 12:2 Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Introduction 4 5 13 18 29 43 1 - The Early Years 2 - The College Years 3 - The Seminary Years 4 - The Pastoral Years
58 64
8 - The Washington State Years 9 - The Teaching Years 10 - The Illinois Years 83 99 69
seven by this time, would tightly hold my little hand; for only Mother could carry the heavy bag. I was a little over a year old at the time. In December 1935, when Ann was eight and I was two, hearing that her first husband (not my father, who lived with us) was coming to get Ann, my mother took her on the ferry to Oakland and sent Ann back East on a train. I did not see my sister again until I was 16. 806 Webster Street formed my earliest memories. Behind the house was the Acme Brewery, and across the street a beer tavern. Every night I would hear the sound of Roll out the barrel, for well have barrels of fun from that bar. It sounded menacing to me. Fortunately, neither my father nor mother smoked nor drank, and my father was faithful to the family. When the wind blew from the east, we could smell beer from the brewery. Neither the house nor the brewery are there anymore; both have since been torn down. A little over two blocks away was a park on the side of a rather steep hill. It provided two city blocks of lawn for my little feet to run across. One day when I was quite small, my mother was resting on the lawn at the bottom of the hill where everyone else was. I decided to climb all the way to the lonely topwhere, back then, few ever went. I can recall the incident quite clearly. I was in an outer corner of the park, and there was a car parked on Laguna Street, close to Eddy Street at the top of the hill. A man sat on the passenger side, with the door open and his feet on the curb. He was quietly motioning me to come to him. I was a trusting child and approached closer. But then I stopped. About twelve feet separated us. The thought came, Run! And I did, down the hill as fast as my little legs could carry me. Mother had been sitting on the grass, talking with a lady. When I turned around, the car was gone. As I think back on that incident, I wonder how I can be so certain as to how young I was at the time. It was my line of sight to the seated man I was viewing. I was extremely short in height. My earliest dated memory was in January 1939; my mother walked with me to that same park (Jefferson Park) and waved good-bye to me. It was the first day of kindergarten, and I waved back as I walked diagonally across the grass to St. Paulus Lutheran Church School on the cor-
Church on Waller Street, a block up from Haight Street. For my father to accompany my mother to a church service was quite unusual. The following week, the pastor of that church dropped by our house and visited with my mother. As she related it, he said, Why not leave the Adventists and come worship with us? That way you can unite your family. This was a tempting offer, and Mother said she seriously considered it. Harry seemed willing to go to the Methodist Church, but not to the Adventist Church. But that night, as she related it to me a decade later, she had a dream. Now, I do not recall my mother ever talking about dreams, and certainly not religious dreams. She was not the religious type. But Mother said, That night I had a dream. An angel came to me and said, Dont leave the Adventists, for Vances sake. I was young enough that, if she had completely broken with Adventism at that time, I would very likely not have known Adventist beliefs and might never have discovered the Spirit of Prophecy. Yet because of that dream, I did. Over the past nineteen years, I have written thousands of pages of encouragement and warnings regarding dangers our people now face. Except for that dream, it might never have happened. My mother had left her first husband because (as she told a friend in Beaumont, California, who told me in 1958), he carried a Bible around with him. If my mother said an angel spoke to her in a dream, it must have been a very real experience. By 1943, I was going to dance halls with my mother. She always liked dancing; and, since her husband had no interest in such things and was always working evenings and nights anyway, she would go downtown to a dance hall just off upper Market Street. She would only dance with other older women who had come alone. I would wait expectantly and then, between dances, I would slip my shoes off and slide back and forth across the waxed oak floor. When I tired of that, I would go downstairs where my mother was talking to women while they (generally not my mother) sipped liquor. I did not like the environment, but my mother occasionally wanted me to go with her. I was her buddy. In 1944, when I was ten, my mother encouraged me to become a delivery boy for a newspaper route. This job, which I continued on for
seven years, was excellent training. Today, it is thought that children must not work, lest they somehow be injured. Yet useful work prepares the child to later become a useful adult. I am deeply grateful for my childhood newspaper routes. I could easily have gotten out of that work, but I liked work and responsibility. After school dismissed at 3:30 p.m. each day, I went directly to my newspaper drop-off point, folded newspapers, and delivered them. The delivery route took about two hours each afternoon. My involvement with those routes freed my mother so she could work longer hours outside the home. Years later, as an educator, I read in a professional book that research findings disclosed most young people can be divided between those who want freedom and those who want responsibility. The first tend to become the problem people in life; and, the second, the hard workers who get things done. Train your little ones to enjoy work, and you will bring a lasting happiness into their lives. For seven years I had newspaper routes, and I am thankful for them. The heavy weight of the newspaper bag gave me flat feet, but also a determination to carry a job through to completion. One of the great crimes of our age is the theory that young people should not work until they are 18. By that time, many are no longer interested. The earliest memory which I can date to the day occurred on a sunny spring afternoon in 1945. I was on Haight Street, nearing the end of my paper route, when a man on the sidewalk called out to a passing friend, Roosevelt is dead! Soon everyone was repeating it up and down the street, and in the stores. The only U.S. president I had throughout my life had died, and the entire nation mourned. It was April 12. Little events can produce big consequences; it was only a couple years ago that I realized the intertwining of several from my childhood. My mother had enrolled me in kindergarten nearly a month after I turned 5, for the second (January-June) term. At that time, in San Francisco, that could be done. Each subsequent year, I advanced to the next grade in January instead of September, as most children did. But, in September 1944, my mother transferred me to a local church school, the Pillar of Fire School, owned by a Methodist offshoot. Since they only operated on a September to June
earlier I had turned twelve. One evening, the pastor gave a call to come forward. I watched with interest as several went forward. He said he was going to begin an advanced Bible class. That sounded great, so I went forward too. It turned out to be the baptismal class, but I saw that as no problem. Both my father and mother were present the day I was baptized. It was the first time I had ever seen my father in an Adventist church. He did not step inside another one until I was pastor of one. After being baptized, I began to feel that I was doing wrong in continuing to attend movies each week with my parents. They had always taken me with them to one of the large motion picture theaters on Market Street; and how was I, a twelve-year-old, to tell them I wanted out? This continued on for about a year, until I grew strong enough to resist their wishes. I refused to swear, as my parents did; and, in later years, I realized that, refusing my parents request that I go to movies, attend theatrical plays, go to dance halls, learn dancing, drink coffee, taste liquor, date worldly girls, eat meat, etc., had an unexpected effect on me. You see, I was raised as an only child, my half-sister having left when I was two years old. It is true that my mother said I was always a cheerful, happy child, never the rebellious type. Yet another quality was also needed: a determination to stand for the right, in the face of opposition. That lack was supplied in my teen years when, for five years, I had to resist duly recognized authority in order to practice my religious beliefs and do what I knew to be right. My parents did not crush it out, nor did they easily give in. By the time I was 13, in matters related to religion and health, I was functioning independently of my parents. Yet I was not doing this in a spirit of rebellion. As a result, by the time I was grown, I had become accustomed to standing for my convictions. Resisting duly authorized authoritywhen that authority deviated from Gods Word and began issuing wrong directiveshad become the right thing to do. This little trait would have a powerful impact on my later life. One day when I was fourteen, I took a pair of shoes to a shop on Haight Street for repair. Looking at them, the man said, You are going to be tall! That seemed out of the question, since I was a couple inches shorter than my mother, who
was five foot, four inches. In the next twelve months, I grew a foot; and, the following year, I grew a little more. When I was fifteen, Mr. Daily, the newspaper distributor in the Haight Ashbury area, offered me the most profitable route he had: St. Marys Hospital, on the other side of the panhandle park. My assignment was to knock each day on every door in that 400-room hospital and sell papers to the patients, do it all cheerfully, handle problems which might arise, and keep the staff happy. This was a new experience for me, since I was a quiet soul. But that route, continued for the next two years, taught me to knock on doors, be bold to meet people, be unafraid to enter new situations, move fast, and be able to handle the unexpected. After being there about a year, one afternoon I entered the room of a priest. Like most of the priests in bed, he was smoking. In order to excuse it, this one commented, Jesus didnt say we couldnt smoke. I answered, I dont smoke. I could sense that my reply irked him. The next day, another priest was sitting in a chair next to him as I entered. I had seen him in the halls and had the impression he had some type of managerial role. Immediately, I sensed something was up; he was watching me closely as I spoke to the priest in bed, without saying Father to either of them. The following day, that second priest stopped me in the hallway and said, You say Father to the priests and Sister to the nuns, or well get someone else to deliver papers in here. I prayed about the matter that night. The next day when I went to the hospital I did not see him. I never saw him again, and never said those words. He must have been transferred to another assignment. To this day, I refuse to use Reverend or Father as a title of a man in anything I write. In a practical sense, the most valuable class I took in high school was typing. It made it possible for me to prepare lengthy reports for classes in high school, college, and graduate school. I would heartily recommend to any young person to take typing! Since I was a year younger than others in my class, school was a little more difficult for me until I entered high school. It is always safe to
line on the fire. As any older person would expect (but there were none there just then), the fire instantly traveled right up the line of pour to the can. It should have exploded the fumes in the can, injuring me severely. But, as soon as the fire reached the can, the flames went out. I have since read of people who had this happen to them. Some were killed and others severely injured, blinded, or crippled. Yet the source of ignition to the can might be a cigarette a foot away. Everyday of our lives we need Gods help. Live your days in a spirit of prayer. As some may be aware, nearly every General Conference Session between 1918 and 1954 was held in San Francisco. Because of that happy fortuity, I attended portions of several of them. Grandmother Elizabeth Thorp would travel down from Washington State, stay with us, and encourage Mother to attend with us. In one of the meetings at the July 1950 Session, I was deeply convicted with the thought that I should become a minister, if it should be His will. I wasnt sure, however, why He might want me, since I was not very capable. But a sense of great relief and happiness came as I realized it was Gods Spirit convicting me to make this decision. A month-and-a-half later, I began my last year of high school. The conviction of my personal responsibility deepened even more strongly. So I laid plans to attend the nearest Adventist college, which was Pacific Union College. Learning of this, my mother tried to dissuade me from going into the ministry. She said that, if I would attend the University of California at Berkeley, she would buy me a new car and pay my way through to graduation. She recommended optometry, but said I could take any course. Yet I was convicted that I should attend an Adventist college and take the ministerial course. In preparation for it, I decided to canvass that summer. My folks did not favor that either, and there were no experienced colporteurs in the city to provide any encouragement or guidance. The attitude of the people in San Francisco was so frigid that seasoned colporteurs, as well as the student canvassers, carefully avoided it. The first day I went out was especially difficult. I had no idea where to go and not much more about what to say, even if someone opened a door and let me in.
So I prayed and drove. I turned down this street and up another. I finally parked halfway across the city, climbed a rather steep hill, and knocked at a three-story flat. No one was home on the first floor, and the lady shut the door at the second. But, when I rang the top-floor bell, an older lady let me in. She wasnt interested in the book I had. (I had wanted to sell religious books, but the conference office told me I could only sell the one-volume, Modern Medical Counselor: the book which their committee deliberations determined should be the one pushed in San Francisco. Everywhere else in Central California, the student canvassers were selling Bible Pageant.) Turning from the book I had in my hand, the lady asked what church I attended. When I told her, she said she was interested. She had known an Adventist family many years before, and liked them. The California Street Church was about 12 blocks away, and I arranged for a family to pick her up each week. She regularly attended thereafter.
When the summer ended, it was time to head to college. Do I have any regrets about my youth, things I did which I wish I had not done? Yes, I have three: the three night jobs I hada six-month night Examiner newspaper delivery job in San Francisco, and two later night jobs while attending the Seminary. There is no gain in tearing down your health. But I have no other regrets in my youth; thank God for it. By 1951, when I finished high school, the Korean War was in progress. Only within the last
The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to Lamentations 3:25 the soul that seeketh Him. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 The Lord God is a sun and shield. The Lord will give grace and glory. No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
come to like. Let me at this juncture explain my position on this. Any young person adopting it will be greatly helped: To the young men I would say, do not touch a woman. If you become engaged to be married, then you can hold her hand, but nothing more. When you are very close to marriage, you can kiss. To the young ladies, I would say, conduct yourself in the same manner. It may sound way out, but it works. People become so impassioned that, prior to marriage, they do that which they ought not to do. We have here a twofold situation, which this pattern nicely solves: It takes time to be sure you have the right one; yet, during that time, you must not become inflamed with passion. No one told me the above procedure; it was self-evident. There is a right way. First and foremost we must honor God. Do we not say we belong to Him? If the other one wishes to violate such a principled course, he or she is not worthy of your respect, much less your love. What was the aftermath of the above incident? At the end of that school year, the young lady who wanted to go further with me married the other man in that car backseatwho had been fondling another girl (who happened to be the drivers daughter). The newly married couple were back the next year, and two facts were obvious: She deeply respected me for my conduct, and her husband was very jealous of her. Their marriage lasted only a few years; and she died in Oregon, of cancer, about 15 years ago. That first year I took part each Sabbath afternoon in a branch Sabbath School in Novato. Only non-Adventist children were present. It was a rewarding experience. Following my first year of college, it was time to find a job for summer 1952. I first interviewed at The White House, a large department store in downtown San Francisco. They wanted me for the job; but, I still remember, when I said I could not work Saturdays, the interviewer replied in shock, The only person in this store who does not work Saturdays is as old as my grandmothers teeth! The second interview was at a high-rise office building in the finance district. They needed a helper in their printing department. This was a job I would have liked to have had. By the time I had been interviewed by the third person, I
at the evening meetings at the Sessions. In the years since, those meetings have focused more on entertainment than on enlightenment and spirituality, and men bask in the applause. Yet it injures those who give it and those who receive it. There are ways to be appreciative, but only God should receive our praise. Another large gathering also convened that same summer at the Civic Center: the annual Convention of the American Medical Association. I happened to be downtown one day and, remembering that the convention was in progress, walked over to the Civic Center. Since I had a suit on, I decided to try getting in. Walking steadily toward the door as though I belonged there, it just so happened that an older couple fell into step just behind me. The security guards opened the door and let us all in. People did not wear name badges back then. Inside I found dozens of medical exhibits of various kinds. One that interested me was a memorial exhibit to Albert Schweitzer. But of far greater significance was an exhibit of photos and documents describing a recently completed indepth research study linking cigarette smoking with lung cancer. Such a study had never been done before, and I was greatly surprised that this exhibit, which delegates passed by with little notice, was not in the headlines. It turned out that the following day, this research report was presented to the delegates from the podiumand the story made headlines across America. The AMA had finally declared war on tobacco, and they never backed off in the years which followed. Arriving on campus for my fourth and final year at Pacific Union College (1954-1955), I unpacked my things in Newton Hall and noted the announcement, that a welcome would be held for freshmen students that evening in the large gymnasium. As the high point in the program, one of the best speakers from among the sophomore men stood up and extended a welcome from the student body to the incoming freshman class. Then a freshman girl arose and gave the reply in a remarkably clear, musical voice. I was entranced. Then she sang a song, and did it remarkably well. She had a very beautiful voice. After that, from time to time I would see her on the campus, but she was not dating anyone. Planning to become a medical doctor, she did
not want to waste time on the young men, although a number asked her to accompany them to the Saturday night programs. That fall, I lost all interest in dating for the Saturday night program; for it seemed as if my mind was already made up. Every other week I would ask her for a date and, when she turned me down, I would very politely accept it. (I later learned that some had not been as polite when they were refused.) Then one day in the late fall, she was in her dormitory room when a girlfriend from off-campus was visiting her. Looking out the window, she remarked, Oh, there comes that guy again, to ask me for a date! Looking out the window, her friend saw the tall, lanky form of Vance walking along the path, carrying a closed umbrella in his hand. So she said, Why dont you go out with him once; that will get rid of him. So that day, Cherie said she would accompany me to the next Saturday evening program. The program that evening was presented by a scientist who had spent the preceding year exploring the Greenland glacier. His team had been the first to discover that it is over a mile thick. Such programs are divided by a 15-minute intermission. So when it arrived, an unplanned thought came to mind. I said, Would you like to go back and meet the man? Cherie was taken aback by this remark, for people just do not do such things. But she was the adventurous kind and replied that she would. I was used to knocking on doors at St. Marys Hospital and always quite ready to do things differently. So, as the student body sat there with nothing to do but watch us, I escorted her the length of the balcony, down the stairs, to the stage, and into the back room. The scientist was very gracious and spoke to us for several minutes about his work. Then we parted and I escorted Cherie back up the stairs to our seats. One might imagine that I had planned this, but I had not. I was always willing to do that which others would not do, as long as it was proper. Cherie was the type who would go with me. We made a good team. In the years that followed, we would go many places together. When she arrived back at the dorm that night, another girl, known for her ways of handling men, burst into Cheries room and said, Hey, hes good looking! When you get done with him, let me have him!
him for a night job in their science building! Even if he did cheat on exams there also, and finally obtain an M.D. degreewould you want him to operate on you? But, more likely, he probably flunked out of Guadalajara the first year. What did he accomplish by cheating? Instead of taking a major and minor, I had elected to take a double major: in Theology and Biblical Languages. All this may sound very good; but, in later years as I become more practical about life, I realized I should have skipped the language study and taken a minor in printing or education. Fortunately, in later years I learned a lot about both. On graduation day, my parents came up to the campus, and so did Cheries parents. Later that afternoon, the two of us walked over to the mens dormitory. A car was parked there, and Cherie recognized the occupants: It was her pastor, Elder Benjamin Reile from the Stockton Church. She introduced me to him, and told how I was going to the Seminary for advanced training. Then he turned to me, narrowed his eyes, and said, When you are ready for a call, let me know. I gave this hardly a thought, for I had much to do in a very few days. Within a couple days, I had to be in Washington, D.C. to start classes. The Masters degree required five quarters of worksummer, fall, spring, and second summer. So no summer vacation for me. Within an hour before I was to leave with my parents from our Beulah Street home for the airport, a phone call came. It was Cherie. She said, Vance, I will marry you. It turned out that she had been helping her mother in their home in Stockton, when her mother said to her, Whats wrong with you? Cherie replied, I dont know. Her mother said, Youre in love; why dont you call and tell him youll marry him!
If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Mark 9:23 Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24
The next day, I boarded a Greyhound bus with a fellow student who had also received his Masters degree the night before. We were bound for California; he was to be one of my best men at my wedding. Since he was from Switzerland, he planned to visit Yosemite afterward. Onward we went, night and day for three days. As we neared California, I began silently wondering what I would do when I met Cherie at the San Francisco bus depot. I knew she would have friends with her. It turned out she was wondering the same thing. We both had been so polite during our engagement. Cherie was there with her former college roommate and other friends. But she was prepared for the situation, and rushed into my arms. So we kissed. Within a week we were married in an outdoor ceremony in a walnut grove behind her parents home. Because she was so well-known, having worked for years at Pinecrest Summer Camp, 11 ministers came to our wedding. Elder Graham Maxwell officiated. There was no foolery or tricks. It was an excellent wedding. The date was June 3, 1956. I was 22 and Cherie was just under 19. After breakfast, the next morning, we climbed into a used, green DeSoto that my father had given me a few days earlier, and drove into Nevada and thence up to the Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. The next day, we climbed nearly to the summit of Tewonot, the second highest peak in the range and close to the Grand Teton. This was a foolish thing to do, for we made the climb without notifying the rangers. We were just kids and did not know better. Fortunately, we did not have an accident up there. Then we went to Yellowstone. Arriving in Takoma Park, we drove directly to the newly completed Seminary Apartments. The plan had been to locate the forthcoming Seminary campus next to it, on a smidgen of land behind Takoma Academy. But that never happened. Two years later, just as I was graduating, the decision was made to move the Seminary to Berrien Springs. I was now beginning my second (1956-1957) year at the Seminary. It had been only half a week since we were
married in California. The first night that I went back to work at the General Conference Building, I took Cherie with me so she could see what it looked like. As we were strolling down the hall, suddenly the second most powerful man in the building, Elder C.L. Torrey, the General Conference Treasurer, came around the corner. He wanted to see who was there. Starstruck, I said, Elder Torrey, I want you to meet my new wife! He mumbled something under his breath, turned and left. By the way, from the tension or lack of it among workers, I would say that Elder Walter R. Beach and Elder Roy Allen Anderson were the third and fourth most powerful men there. It was because R.A. Anderson was so influential, that the Evangelical Conferences took place. One night, I found an 8 x 11-inch booklet, one copy of which had been tossed into nearly every department wastebasket. Opening one of them, I found it to be an excellent Spirit of Prophecy compilation on marriage and divorce standards for the church. Written by Dr. Roy and Dr. Margurite Williams, a husband and wife medical team in Arizona, it had been sent by them to every office in the General Conference. On my floor, those invaluable Spirit of Prophecy compilations were consigned to the garbage. I took home about a dozen copies and shared them with friends. In late 1980, thrilled with my Pilgrims Rest tracts, Dr. Roy Williams phoned me. In our conversation, he told me he was elderly and his wife was dying; and I told him about that incident 23 years earlier, when the General Conference was dumping their books in the garbage. A couple years later, I learned that both he and his wife had passed to their rest. They had stood nobly for the right and God will reward them. You have probably seen their final book on the subject: The Seventh Commandment. I summarized it in one of four tract sets: Our Historic Standards on Adultery, Divorce, and RemarriagePart 1-3 [WM589-591]. I plan to reissue them all in a booklet. As I was cleaning rooms and emptying trash one evening, a large note was on top of one wastebasket: Burn this! All the waste we collected was paper; and all of it was dumped into a hole on top of a reinforced concrete incinerator in back of the building, to be burned the next day. This Burn this! notice attracted my attention, so I took the time
stack those papers. However, one night when I went in there, a letter was on his desk. It was centered and squared at the edges, as only a careful researcher like Froom would do. Ironically, the letter contained such a bombshell that Froom had left it there overnight. As you will see below, underneath each letter was another one. Now I am not the type to read other peoples mailand I never read anything else on a desk in the General Conferencebut it seemed that I should stop just then and read that letter. I did not copy the letter, nor did I take it, yet I have often recalled its contents over the years. A teenage girl had recently accepted the Adventist message and been baptized. Upon learning of this, her father and mother were deeply upset. So they wrote to a well-known defender of Evangelical Protestantism of the day, Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse, a well-known speaker as well as editor of Eternity magazine. Explaining the terrible thing that had happening to their daughter, they pled with him for counsel as to what they might do. What could he say that might help them convince the girl of the error her ways? Underneath the top letter, I found a second: Dr. Barnhouses letter of reply. As with the first, it was the original letter. In it he said that he and his associate, Walter R. Martin, had been carrying on a deepening series of consultations with the Adventist leaders in Washington, D.C. for about a year. He then told the girls parents that, although these contacts had not yet been made public, he and Dr. Martin were working to bring Seventh-day Adventists into harmony with Evangelical Protestantismby, he said, actually changing their doctrines. He concluded by encouraging the couple with the assurance that there was clear evidence that he and Mr. Martin were succeeding. Upon receiving Barnhouses letter, the parents felt relieved. Then they decided to give Barnhouses letter to their daughter, in the hope that she would see that even the Adventist leaders felt their doctrines were so bad, they were planning to change them! The daughter, in turn, gave the letter to her pastor. He then wrote a cover letter to the General Conference, and enclosed the original letter from Barnhouse. The letter from that pastor was underneath the second letter. The Adventist pastor had let the cat out of the bagclearly alerting General Conference
leaders as to the Martin-Barnhouse plan of action. The letter from Barnhouse had Eternity Magazine, printed on top, with The Evangelical Foundation, Inc., beneath it. At the bottom, to one side in smaller print, was Dr. Barnhouses signature, with a notation beneath that a secretary had typed it. Beneath this letter was yet another one. It had been written and signed by Leroy Froom to Donald Barnhouse the previous day (the day before my post-midnight discovery in Frooms office). The thought of the letter was this: I have not heard from you for so many weeks (a number was given), and I do not understand. I have written you several letters and you have not replied. I have never had reason to question your motives, but the fact that you do not reply is causing me to wonder. Froom did not intend that to be a clear letter. Indeed, Froom had banked his reputation on a good outcome from these Evangelical Conferences; so he had a right to be concerned! Why he wrote the letter instead of merely phoning Barnhouse, I do not know. Other evidence, given in my lengthy study on the subject, indicates that Barnhouse was frequently out of his office on lecture trips. A prominent Evangelical leader at the time, he regularly spoke to interested audiences both in the U.S. and overseas. I carefully arranged the letters on the desk, emptied the waste basket, and left. This letter from Barnhouse to those parents revealed a primary reason why Martin and Barnhouse were involved in these extensive meetings with our leaders, from the spring of 1955 to the summer of 1958. If Martin merely wanted to write a book, he could have done that without embroiling Barnhouse and several top Adventist leaders in meetings which lasted over a year. Their concern was to convert an entire church! Yet this correspondence also revealed that Froom was not an accomplice with Martin, in the sense which some have charged. Froom believed that he was somehow helping to improve the image of his beloved church, in the eyes of the Evangelicals, by readjusting the wording of our doctrinal positions. I do not believe he intended harm; yet his notorious chopping of Spirit of Prophecy statements into tiny quoted phrases, here and there (in his later book, Movement of Destiny), which twisted her meaning, his belief
worth listening to. But to say, It always rains here! is a startling statement which commands attention, yet it is not true. Actually, it is a falsehood mingled with a truth, for there is nowhere you can go where it rains all the time. In this sense, all error is a half-truth; for all error is always mingled with a truth which it feeds upon and corrupts. Think about it. (Years later, I learned that the year after I obtained a Bachelor of Divinity and left the Seminary, Desmond Ford arrived from Australia. I was told that Heppenstall and Ford did very well togetherespecially since Ford, himself, was full of theological half-truths.) While attending the Beltsville Church, I started Bible studies with a family, which eventually resulted in a baptism. Partway through this fall term, I obtained a job as chaplain of Hadley Memorial Hospital, on the other side of the District. Working there during my afternoons, I wished I could minister more fully to the needs of the patients. That same school year, we learned that a fifthgrade teacher had quit at the Cynthia Warner School, and they needed a replacement till the end of the year. This was an expensive private school, located next to our own Takoma Academy. They also needed a temporary bus driver for a few weeks. We both interviewed, and Cherie was given the teaching job and I drove the bus, which was a station wagon. One of my riders was the granddaughter of Rachel Carson, the author of The Sea Around Us (and her later book, Silent Spring). Cherie only had six children in her class and Cynthia Warner quickly discovered that she was an excellent teacher. Cherie decided that, as a good teacher, she ought to visit each of her pupils homes. So she made appointments and, on six evenings, together we visited each of them. Three of those visits were especially interesting: In one, the father was a member, from England, of a special three-member commission of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. (The other two members were American and French.) In the second home, the father was a research scientist. Grabbing a Geiger Counter, he took me outside and showed me the amount of fallout on his soil in Maryland, from atomic bomb testing in the American West and in the Soviet Union. It was a significant amount. In recent years, far
more information has surfaced on the amount of radiation which has fallen on Americans, their crops, and livestock from nuclear tests in the Nevada desert. In the third home, the father worked at the National Institutes of Health, in Bethesda, Maryland. After discussing for a time his research assignment, which was the possibility of cancer from underground uranium deposits in Washington County, Virginia (a project he admitted to be unlikely to produce any worthwhile information), he offered to take us out to the Institutes. About a week later, he took us to his office on the perimeter of the NIH facility, and we spoke with his supervisor, who spoke glowingly of their project. Then he walked us over to the heart of the organization. There, on either side were two gigantic high-rise buildingsall of it dedicated to U.S. governmental medical research. Turning to me, our friend asked, What department would you like to go to? As a worker, he was able to get us into any facility we desired, but I knew that in his allotted time I could only select one. I replied that I would like to see where nutritional research was conducted. Checking at the directory in the lobby of one of the two buildings, sure enough, there was a department where such research was conducted. As we stepped out of the elevator and turned down the hall toward that section, as if on a signal, a man rushed out of an office and toward us. What are you doing here? What do you want? he demanded. Perhaps he had a periscope to watch for intruders. Without the intervention of our friend, I knew we were going to be quickly escorted back to that elevator. But our friend introduced himself as a fellow NIH worker, and said he would like to have a tour of their facility. I then asked the question, Do you do nutritional research on the relation of diet to cancer? Turning to me, he said acidly, We leave that to the quacks! In view of the prominent position he held in the only NIH department which would ever conduct such work, I will never forget that remark. Minds are closed. The concept that vitamins, minerals, or good food could prevent or alleviate cancer was not considered a subject for investigation. The possibility that any chemical additive or junk food could lead to, or intensify, a malignancy was also ruled out. We were then taken into a room with cages
I agreed to do that. Then he told me his new discovery: There is no sin, only ignorance. This was a provocative thought, and extremely attractive. After he departed for California, I briefly gave consideration to it. Such a concept, of course, would eliminate sin, the fall of Lucifer, the Garden of Eden, the atonement, Calvary, the Bible, and God. But I knew I loved God and Christ; they were all I had. Within a rather short time I discarded the notion as foolishness. However, the experience taught me a most powerful lesson, one which was greatly to affect me in the years which followed. Indeed, it has provided a bedrock strength undergirding my work here at Pilgrims Rest: If a religious concept is not in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, I cannot accept it. The position must be plainly stated, and not implied. In the years since then, I have brushed shoulders with a remarkable variety of theories and people promoting them, yet the Word of God always has the answer. It alone is solid. This experience became a landmark for all the years which followed. As I now write these words over 40 years later, I would say that this spring 1957 incident represented a major event of my life. Prior to that time, I genuinely believed the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, but I also believed the mind was the measure of all things; that is, that my thinking was the decider of the correctness of what I read. My mind was superior to Gods Word, for it had the ability to sit in judgment on it. (This is actually a concept which many Christians, without realizing it, live by.) But henceforth, the Inspired Writings (the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy are equally inspired) must be the ultimate standard in my life. I must learn them, submit to them, obey them, and reject anything not clearly stated in them. What should you do when someone comes to you with a new theory, and urges your acceptance of it? Tell the person you will have to wait and pray and study about the matter. Also inform him that you intend to remain with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. When you do that, you are likely to find that he becomes upset. He wants you to take only his interpretation of the Bible. He does not want you to give priority to the Spirit of Prophecy, the only inspired com-
mentary on the Bible. The very fact that he is upset reveals he is a dangerous friend, someone to avoid! A true child of God will want you to take time to search Gods Word for counsel as you engage alone in earnest prayer. When people press you to modify your beliefs, leave. Go by yourself, pray, and read the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. That same spring, another friend asked me to be a character witness at his trial in the District. He was an Adventist and worked in the accounting department at Hadley Hospital. One day as he was walking on the street downtown, he had been arrested on a false charge, and released on bail. His circle of Adventist friends knew he was innocent. Arriving at the District Courthouse, in downtown Washington, D.C., we sat in the courtroom for about three hours as one case after another came before the judge. At the front of the courtroom, between a couple cases, the prosecuting attorney would walk over to my friends attorney and confer with him. They seemed very friendly. Then our friends attorney called to our friend, who went over to where he was. Returning, our friend whispered to us: He told me that if I will pay a $600 bribe to the judge, he will dismiss the case. But I told him I dont have the money. Within half an hour his case came up before the court. A friend and I were called up as character witnesses; but, essentially, our accused friend had no chance. It was a policemans word against his. His was found guilty, and ordered to pay $700or go to jail. Our friend went to a loan company, borrowed the money, and paid the fine. This happened in the U.S. District Courthouse, only a few blocks from Capital Hill and the White House! It was an experience I shall never forget. All this time, I was conducting my chaplaincy work at the hospital each afternoon. That spring, the thought came to mind to drop out of the Seminary at the end of the year, and go back to PUC and take pre-med. In this way, I could better help patients, such as those I met each day in my work at Hadley Hospital. This may have seemed a way-out idea, yet we both were quite young (I was only 22), and had no children. With this in mind, I stopped by the General
replied. Down to about 240 pounds, she was cleaning off the table after a meal one day,when she spotted a jelly tart that no one had eaten. Of course, such food was forbidden on the restricted diet her friend had placed her on. I ate that jelly tart, she said, enjoying the memory of the experience. From then on, my weight just gradually came right back. That great, modern time-saving tool, the photocopier had finally been invented, and one had been purchased by the Seminary. For some reason, I became the unofficial photocopy man for the students. Most of them feared to deal with the lady in charge of it, who was the presidents wife; and I did not seem to have any such qualms. So students would give me copies of all kinds of excellent studies, which I would make copies for myself and the group. The process was slow and the finished copies tended to be smudged, yet it was the best we could do. I placed those studies in a large, three-ring notebook. To date, I have not had time to use the data from even one of them in my Pilgrims Rest publications. One of the men who slipped documents to me to photocopy was Fritz Guy. Short in height, with a high-speed personality, it was obvious he was going places. When the new theology mess broke in the early 1980s, he was in the Andrews faculty and involved in it. Earle Hilgert was in the New Testament Department at the Seminary back then. He was a dedicated believer who was faithful to the Spirit of Prophecy. As my third and final year drew to a close, Hilgert appeared more troubled. The leaders had told him they would send him off for a doctorate to a university of his choice. He was hesitating between Edinburgh, Scotland, and Basel, Switzerland. He finally selected Basel, because Karl Barth was there. When he returned several years later, I heard he had become a changed man. As I reported in the 1980s, in my extensive studies on our Ecumenical connections, in the 1960s, church leaders in Takoma Park wanted to have representatives on the World Council of Churches; so they used the ruse of asking B.B. Beach and various Seminary teachers to serve as personal representatives. This little fiction enabled General Conference leaders to tell its members that the denomination had no representatives on the WCCwhile in reality they did have them. This subtle device
was initiated by two very different denominations the same year: 1966. Both wanted close contacts with the WCC, without appearing to have visible WCC membership. These two were the Roman Catholic Church and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Hilgert served as one of the Adventist representatives for several years, during which time he made contacts with non-Adventist churchmen who offered him jobs. Regularly expressing skeptical sentiments at the Seminary, he eventually turned in his resignation and accepted a position in a Protestant seminary. It is my understanding that he left the Advent faith entirely. This is a classic example of what happens to so many of our men who go on to the outside universities. Unfortunately, not fully realizing the danger at the time, I was thinking of obtaining a doctorate in nearby Baltimore, under William F . Allbright at Johns Hopkins in Archaeology, or at the University of Chicago in Biblical Languages. I knew this would be my last opportunity, for eventually we would have a child. At about that time, Elder George Vandeman came to town. He had just completed a pilot evangelistic effort in central California for his new It Is Written approach, and he wanted to demonstrate it in an effort at the Washington Armory in downtown D.C., in order to win support from the brethren at world headquarters. (He was successful in this. It is Written went on the air shortly afterward as a church-subsidized television program.) When Vandeman came to Hadley Hospital to hold a pre-campaign meeting for the staff, we become friends and I asked him for his advice. He said I was a caring pastoral type of person, and strongly urged me to go into the ministry instead of obtaining a doctorate. In many of the religion classes at the Seminary there was an inordinate amount of Barth said this, Kierkegaard said that, and Brunner made this comment. I had prepared a study,
Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7
prayed earnestly afterward that someone would be reached for Christ by it. Ten conversions were the result. The next week, he preached his usual powerful sermon. But he did not pray over that sermon afterward. As a result he traced no conversions. The lesson is this: It is important to pray after the sermon as well as before! The reason many of our people despair of the dead, dry sermons they hear at our churches is because the talks mean nothing to the pastors either. They are not concerned to help the people; they have not pled with God for help. It is just a speaking appointment to fill. The results show it. The preacher must enter the pulpit with a strong burden for souls and the message he must deliver. This can only come from time spent alone with God, wrestling for help. And such prayer must occur after the sermon as well as before. Within a few weeks after we arrived, a gathering was held in the yard of a church members home in Santa Rosa. Perhaps it was a wedding; I do not remember. As the people were conversing afterward, Elder Reile called Cherie and me aside and said he wanted to speak with us. Leading us to a secluded corner of the garden, he faced us, narrowed his eyes, and said we should have nothing to do with Al Wolfsen or other health reformers, or we would be fired! As a former pastor in Stockton, he knew that Cheries father had been friends with Wolfsen, a naturopathic doctor up in the Sierras. He told us we had to be very careful how we conducted ourselves, or we would be out. I said very little, and Cherie was horrified. We left the gathering and headed to our duplex. I knew that trouble could be ahead, although we had done nothing to provoke such an outburst. Years later, in the early 1990s, I was interviewing Leah Schmitke for a book about her experiences with widows and orphans, and her contacts with Ellen Whites grandchildren who had given her access to special Spirit of Prophecy counsels. During the taped interview, Leah told the story of how, at one time in the early 1940s, she and her husband were living in Lodi, California. When she presented a Spirit of Prophecy compilation on the glories of heaven to the Lodi church, a number of the people there deeply appreciated
tion was entitled Tithe Reversion, and gave the figures for the preceding two years. A brief annotation explained that, of the percentage of tithe sent on to the union office by the conferences, a portion was returned to the conferences to be used for non-tithe purposes. It said that in print. In 1964, I asked Elder David Bauer, son of Elder C. L. Bauer, Pacific Union Conference president in the early 1950s, how that worked. David said they just waved their hands over the pile of money and said Hocus-pocus, and that changed it to non-tithe money. Then they sent it back. Unfortunately, in later years I lost my copy of that report, although I was able to collect other information which, more recently, I published. That winter we went to a conference ministerial retreat at Hobergs. The conference had arranged for off-season rates at an otherwise expensive resort in the wooded hills of Lake County, near Clear Lake. Many cabins were scattered under the pines and firs, along with a central auditorium and cafeteria. At one meeting, Elder B__ angrily denounced the speckled birds (a favorite subject, based on Jeremiah 12:9). He would read the verse, and then rail against Adventists in the conference who were not in subjection to him. They had started projects which he had never approved. However, in practice, the closest he came to approving a project was to eliminate it. He was a one-man search-and-destroy team. At another meeting at Hobergs, a union officer stood up and told the assembled workers that Elder J.L. Tucker (who at the time was still broadcasting in Oakland prior to moving to Berrien Springs) was someone they should be suspicious of. Since everyone in the audience remained very silent (as they knew they had better be), he warmed to his subject and said Tucker was receiving money in the mailand some of it might be coming from Adventists! Indeed, some of it might even be tithe! Then B__ stood up and added his comments. I thought to myself, Must they even attack Elder Tucker? At another meeting, Dr. Jack Provonsha gave a remarkably frank presentation on how the College of Medical Evangelists was drifting into the practice and instruction of hypnosis. He said he was trying to save the college. At the time, he seemed to be on the side of the Spirit of Prophecy; but, by the 1980s, he had become a strong
liberal. Loma Linda has a way of doing that to people of influence at that institution. One afternoon, Cherie and I drove up from Santa Rosa to Pacific Union College. While there, we visited briefly with Dr. Graham Maxwell. He had at last completed his thesis requirement, and now had a doctorate. He told us he had received repeated requests from the General Conference to go to the College of Medical Evangelists (a General Conference institution) and chair its Religion Department. That was a key position, and the brethren were hoping to somehow reverse the downward slide of that immense teaching/medical facility. Dr. Maxwell explained that Elder Figuhr, the General Conference president, had recently stopped by to plead with him to take the job. Fearing for the future of that institution, it was hoped that the godly example of Maxwell could somehow pull the school back from the abyss toward which it was headed. Not long afterward, the Maxwells moved down there, but it was like casting lambs among the wolves. In the years that followed, the men there succeeded in winning Maxwell over to much of their liberalism. Not far from Santa Rosa was the home of Elder W__ H__, the conference public evangelist. He was quite friendly. Well-aware of his many abilities, he was supremely self-confident. Because of what happened later, Wieland and I were to be closely associated for a period of time. One day, W__ mentioned that, on one occasion, he had hit on the idea of going on the radio in a town for a month or so, and then holding an evangelistic effort there soon after. He believed the radio broadcasts would bring more people into the church. The hold of television over the people was not as strong back then. That sounded interesting, but he then added that B__ would not let him do it. Puzzled, I asked why. With that special grin on his face, W__ replied, He doesnt want anyone else in the conference to have too much power. Although that comment came from W__, I believe it. Carl B__ repeatedly showed himself to be a man more interested in control than in soul-winning. Everyone at the conference office was required to call him Chief. When he met a worker, B__ would punch him in the arm, stare in his face, and look for the appropriate response (an attitude of submission). He did this to all the
There was some reason why W__ knew he could get away with that. I suspect it was the common denominator behind much of the hidden power in the church: blackmail. Men who have been in the work a long time are never fired, only transferred. W__, who was in and out of the conference office and on close speaking terms with every worker in the conference, knew enough about what was happening, that the conference office did not dare reprove him. B__ just looked up from his table with a smile on his face. One minister on the campground spent his time warning the others about the fanatics at Wildwood. This was the first time I had ever heard of Wildwood Institute, in Wildwood, Georgia. They are nice folk, trying to obey the Spirit of Prophecy as best as they know how. But this minister was condemning them. He had transferred in recently from the Georgia-Cumberland Conference. As for me, I spent my spare time asking ministers what they did to win souls. This was a topic which interested me very much. Yet I found that it was a subject which provoked little response. As I conversed with various ministers, I was impressed these men needed to gain a much deeper appreciation for the needs of the people who would be coming to the camp meeting. They needed to pray earnestly that God would prepare their hearts to better help them. They needed a heart longing to help the people they would be ministering to soon. Mrs. Sanders, the elderly lady in whose home we were staying during camp meeting, said she was earnestly praying that the ministers would be able to help the people when they came to camp meeting. This was pitiful. Here was a godly woman, elderly and frail, who was pleading daily on her knees with God that the ministers would feed the flock with spiritual food; yet so many of those strong, college-trained ministers seemed to care little about such matters. So I prayed about it also. Then the thought came to mind that I should earnestly plead with those ministers to prepare their hearts to help those who would be coming to camp meeting that summer. Of course, a wiser mind would say this is not the thing for a young minister to do. He is supposed to keep his mouth shut. But, ignorant of the politics of life, I only saw the need. Yet how was I to do this? It just so hap-
pened that, each morning, someone was selected to speak for 15 minutes to the assembled ministers, before the concluding instructions were given about the days activities. Would it be possible that I could be placed on that speaking schedule? So far, only the veteran ministers and conference officers had given the talks. Camp meeting would begin on Thursday; would it be possible that I could speak at the meeting the day before? I had heard that all the workersincluding those in the conference officewould be there just before camp meeting started. With this in mind, I approached the minister in charge of the scheduling. He looked over his list, and said that one day was open, and that was Tuesday, two days before camp meeting began. I was happy to get that date, yet was crestfallen that it was a day before all the conference personnel would be present. Praying earnestly, I was led to the Desire of Ages chapter, The Walk to Emmaus, and prayed all the more. On Tuesday morning I came to the meeting and everyone was there, including the entire office personnel from Oakland. This had not occurred on any other day. So, with a prayer in my heart, I preached earnestly about that walk so long ago, and how the hearts of the men burned within them as a result. Then I told them about the elderly lady in the community who was earnestly praying that they would be able to help the people, suggested some of the needs to be met, urged them to prepare their hearts to help the people throughout this ten-day gathering, and then closed. I had not run overtime, and hoped that God would use my words to help many who were present. I spoke to them with respect; yet, they were judgment-bound souls, just as I was, and we had work to do. When I had taken my place in the audience, C__ B__ rose to his feet, and seemed, for several seconds, not to have words to speak. Then, haltingly, he began talking about some matter in a tone which exalted his own position. I believe the Spirit was convicting his hard heart for a moment, but he succeeded in brushing it away. The next day, Wednesday, arrived, and almost no one was present at the morning meeting. Nearly everyone had departed to get their families and return that evening. I mention this incident, not only to reveal how
and, with a burden for souls, prayed for guidance. He was canvassing at the time and, one night, Arthur had a dream. In it, he saw the people coming up a ramp from below and stopping to buy our books at a stand. When he awoke, Arthur was thrilled and went searching for the place and found it within a few hours. It was the outlet to an underground station, of some kind, in that large city. There was the stand, exactly as he saw it in the dream. Walking up to the manager, Arthur asked him how things were going, and was told the business was good but the man wanted to get out of it so he could do something else. Arthur bought the stand and moved his books onto it. For a time he had success; but, learning about his project, church leaders refused to sell him books, declaring they must be sold from door to door. They said he was hurting the work of colporteurs. In later years, while living in Santa Rosa, Arthur devised a no-plow method of planting. I was never clear as to his method, but he guaranteed that it would grow good crops. Being a salesman, Arthur decided to make money on his idea by traveling up and down the state, holding meetings. With characteristic creativity, he was certain he would need a male quartet to bring the people to the meetings. As you can see, Arthur was original. Since the great depression of the 1930s was in full force, there were ministerial students at Pacific Union College who had no prospects of employment. To four, working at the Sanitarium, Arthur offered jobs if they would come sing with him. With his quartet, he went touring and met with remarkable success. Sure enough, the singing group (which, since he was from Texas, he named the Lone Star Quartet) brought in the crowds. Then Gyger would tell the people his method and sell them a booklet to go with it. When he reached Los Angeles, a young preacher, by the name of Richards, had a fledgling radio broadcast which was lagging. He needed something to push it along. Then he heard of Gyger and his quartet. Richards asked the young men to join his project, which was operated out of his backyard garage. These young men were thrilled, for they wanted to get into the Lords work. But Gyger had earlier signed them to a contract, and would not release them. As Gyger explained it to me, they kept badgering him day after day, until one afternoon he released them
from the contract. Richards project greatly improved, and Gygers collapsed. If you ever chance to read a biography of H.M.S. Richards, Sr., you will learn that his first quartet had been named the Lone Star Quartet. Arthur later moved to Petaluma, and eventually decided to open a bookstore on the main street. Renting a facility, he made slanted wooden book shelves and painted everything white. Then he filled it with Adventist books. Business was beginning to hum, and so Gyger asked Elder Sutton to stop by and see it. As Elder Sutton, accompanied by Elder Reiswig, approached the door, Sutton stopped, would not enter, and just stared without saying a word; then left. Gyger said efforts were then made to cut off his book sources, and he eventually had to close down the shop. I knew both men; for, the summer I canvassed, Elder Sutton was union publishing secretary, and Elder Reiswig was Central California Conference publishing secretary. Reiswig was a very kindly man; Sutton was strictly business. I am sure both meant well, but that may not have included getting the truth-filled books to the public in large quantities. The canvassing work needed to be protected. One day, as I was passing through the living room of our home, Arthur was sitting by the fireplace, and he said softly While I was musing, the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue. I asked him to repeat that again, and he said it was a Bible verse (Psalm 39:3). Sitting down, I asked him why his wife was so ill and he was in such poor condition. I knew they were dedicated Adventist believers and careful health reformers. Something seemed odd about the situation. Arthur looked down for a long moment, and then said, My wife is dying in the county hospital, and I will tell you why. Then Arthur proceeded to tell me this story: As you may observe from later events in my life, I remembered it through the years which followed. It greatly affected my thinking, and how I would relate to church leaders in the future. About three or four years before I arrived, Arthur was living in Petaluma and wanted to devise a means of reaching souls with the Advent message. He was not the type to be regarded by an educated conference official as anyone special. He was just a homespun Texan with a drawl. Yet he had canvassed for years, and knew
The preceding year, I had worked night after night with the singing band from our church; and, going down one street and up another, we had Ingathered Petaluma and Novato, which for decades had been in Petaluma Church territory. Each year the little church obtained its full Ingathering goal, and then some. So now it was time to go Ingathering again. Out we went again in the cars and toured through tiny Petaluma and Cotati (Rohnert Park and the university did not exist then). Then, one night, we drove down to Novato, which was much larger, to begin working there. But we quickly discovered it had already been covered. We had been raided. Knowing very well what he was doing, the young pastor of the Fairfax Church had driven up with his members and Ingathered Novato before he did any of his other territory in Marin County. He had available to him a string of towns and small cities north of the Golden Gate Bridge, from Sausalito on up to San Rafael and Ignacio; yet he felt that would not make a sufficient impression on the conference office. So our Ingathering was abruptly completed early, having reached only about 60 percent of its goal. Outwardly, I said how terrible this was; but, inwardly, I shrugged it off. The matter was done, and could not be reversed, and I am not the type to hold a grudge. Salvation and living in Jesus is so wonderful, we do not have time for bitterness. Now I had more time to prepare for an evangelistic effort. When the ministers all drove down to conference headquarters to give their Ingathering reports, F__, from up in the Sierras, stood up. He had the personality of a steam engine, ready to run with you or run over you. Either climb on board or get out of the way. He had gone well over his goal, and in a very loud voice, announced the dollar figure, and then sang out, In the saving of souls and the winning of goals,[his church] is at the top! B__ smiled appreciatively. Maintaining competition and rivalry among the ministers was something he liked. It brought in more Ingathering. Shortly afterward, F__s brother-in-law, the younger man who had the Fairfax Church, stood up and gave his report. It was far over twice their normal goal. I was actually surprised at his thievery; for, although a little pushy, he otherwise seemed like a nice person.
When I announced what we brought in, B__ made almost no comment. He well knew the story behind it. The Fairfax pastor later went to the Far Eastern Division, and pioneered English language schools. Today he is in the General Conference; actually, he is a very capable man. I would hope he is not stealing things today. For our late winter evangelistic effort at Petaluma, I enlisted the help of the church members and began laying plans. When W__H__ heard about it, he was shocked. Vance, he said, you shouldnt do this! Why? I asked. Because it will hurt your reputation. You should wait until you have many interests to be baptized. But I felt that evangelism should be done for its own sake, not in order to build reputation. It would be better to have one or none, and keep at it. It is in the water, not on the land, that we learn to swim. We must hold evangelistic efforts because we should and in order to learn how to keep doing them more effectively. If Gods people did things because they were right rather than whether they thought they would work or whether the brethren approved, they would not tire the angels so much. The outcome was that we had some baptisms; I no longer remember how many. One girl, about 18 years old, lived out toward Bolinas. She wanted to be baptized, but hesitated to do it right then, and said she would wait till the next time. More on her later in this story. During the years I was in the ministry in northern California, the Rio Lindo project began. Lodi was the only boarding academy in the conference, and it had been decided to build another one north of Healdsburg on high ground, in a bend of the Russian River. One Sunday, the ministers were told to drive to Rio Lindo. Becker used it as an opportunity to exalt this, one of his great accomplishments. It was an immense project to carry out; yet the spirit in which he presented it, as he walked us around the property, was jarring. Everyone, including Elder Apiggion who did the actual pushing of the project through to completion, wisely kept quiet as we proceeded. Finally, we came to an overlook where we could see the river about 700 feet below us. The forest spread beneath us and far off in the distance. Becker stood in front to one side; and, waving his hand, he said something about this
mained silent, and I knew my lone vote would accomplish nothing. Yet I chose to be counted. I voted No. The president did not like that, and soon after I was transferred to a different conference. Then, leaning closer, he said in a tone that indicated he was imparting a great truth which ought to settle the matter in my mind: I thought to myself, I am like the steward in the parable, what shall I do? for my president may take away from me my job. I cannot dig, to beg I am ashamed. I am resolved as to what I shall do: I shall live by my wits. I replied simply, I shall stand for principle. I was utterly astonished at his reaction to that bland statement,a statement any Christian would be expected to make. He replied flatly, You will not last in the ministry! The utter finality in those words terminated the conversation. We thanked him and left. It has been 40 years almost to the month since he spoke those words to me, yet they are burned into my brain. Frankly, I must say, he was a good friend. He told me the truth, a truth I had been gradually moving closer to: I did not belong in the organized ministry. If you cannot stand for principle, what are you worth? Indeed, if you cannot stand for principle, can you even be saved? Outside, my former roommate, shaken, shook his head. Vance, Elder F . is one of the most stalwart pastors in the conference, he muttered. Elder F . was a sincere man who had a family to support. As had the man in Luke 16:3, he had found that being a policy man was safer than adhering to principle for principles sake. By this time, W__H__ was preaching sermons in the Santa Rosa Church about his talents. I could have been a great architect, he said, but I became a minister. Now, I want to rear a great church in Santa Rosa for glory, Gods glory, which I shall design. He wanted everyone to get behind the effort. Money was needed to pay for it. This is the story behind it: When we initially arrived in Santa Rosa, it was meeting in a large, old church which the city had recently condemned. So, with Elder Reiles full support, they had moved their services into the local Odd Fellows Hall. The rent was extremely low,less than the maintenance on a proposed new church.
But W__H__ was determined to build a church, especially since he was going to design it. The plans he drew up called for glass walls, along the entire east side, and other fancy things which the congregation did not want. But the problem was a lack of funds; so, this is where Petaluma came in. W__H__ hit on the idea of stopping all extra student transportation to the Junior Academy. You see, three students came from an impoverished home in Cotati; and, with their parents, they attended my church. For several years, they had been bused daily to the central school, with the cost of doing so equally divided among the four churches. Since the Santa Rosa Church was the largest, it paid the most. How much money did this amount to? Less than a hundred dollars a year (gas was 40 or 50 cents a gallon back then). W__H__ decided that if he could keep those three students from going to the church school, it would provide extra money for his church. Now I know this sounds strange; but desperate people think in unsound ways, and W__ was desperate to build the church he was planning on paper. As he repeatedly said, It will be a great monument. (I drove by that church two years ago with my son. It had no glass walls, so apparently W__H__s dream was not fully realized.) One evening I was attending the monthly school board meeting, and W__H__tried to ram something through. Brother Bramham, the chairman, tried to fend him off. Bramham was pretty good at putting W__H__ in his place. I said nothing. After the meeting, I stood outside for a few minutes and laughed and joked with W__H__. Then I climbed into my car and drove off, all the while talking sternly to myself. Vance, if you keep this up, you will lose all your principles and Christ too! The compromises I was living with, in order to stay in the ministry, were beginning to have an effect on me. A little later, along with many others, I was at the school early one Sunday morning, helping to clean it up. An older brother walked over, whom I recognized as an old saint. Retired, he lived close to the school and was there most of everyday, helping out at no cost. Elder Ferrell, he said, I just heard that the family with three children in Cotati may not be here next year, because there will be no bus to
went to work on the job and helped the head carpenter shoot his measurements, string lines, and hammer in batter boards. All in all, it was a happy day for me. I knew it could not be for Cherie; but, fortunately, that would be taken care of soon. After a short break for lunch, as we continued laying out stakes and setting lines, a man from down the street ambled up. Retired, with nothing to do, he began helping us. As he did so, he told us his story. When he was younger, he made his living by stealing dogs. He would drive them down to the University of California Medical Center, a large facility located on Sutro Mountain not far from my former home on Beulah Street. The medical doctors knew him well, and would buy the animals, no questions asked, for $15 to $25 each. Enlightening. The next morning, I received a telephone call from Wieland to come, with Cherie, and meet him at the conference office. They had received my letter. As far as I was concerned, this was an anticlimax. The crisis was already past. We were getting out. B__ sat at his desk, in front of Cherie and me, and W__H__ sat off to one side. We spoke cordially. B__ could not understand what the problem was and I had no burden to say muchuntil he said that Cherie must have gotten me to do this. I said it was my own decision. At this, W__H__ recognized an argument was near, so he graciously interrupted and got B__ to make closing arrangements. My resignation was accepted, and we were given the following months salary. We all shook hands and left. The following Sabbath we were at the Petaluma Church. I had said nothing to any of the members, and the news came as a surprise to them. They were sorrowful. W__H__ spoke, but the members knew him well and were not impressed. Outside the church, as Cherie and I said good-bye to members as they were leaving, that young lady from over by Bolinas walked over. She was in tears and said she wished she had been baptized during my effort. By her side stood a young sailor. He appeared very naive about all that was going on. I only mention this because, in November 1989, I received a letter from Dr. George Knight, teacher and writer at Andrews University. He told
me he was that young sailor who stood there that day by the girl, and that I was partly responsible for his becoming an Adventist. As a result of my evangelistic effort, his girlfriend came into the church, and later he did also. A non-Adventist that day in Petaluma, he knew next to nothing about the church. But he had been baptized, gone through our schools, obtained a doctorate, and became a professor in the Department of Church History at the Seminary. I deeply respect him for how far he has gone since I met him at Petaluma in June 1960, and I very much admire the number of books he has been able to author. But I recognized that he and I are in opposite camps: He advocates liberal positions which I oppose; so, unfortunately, we cannot work together. The day after that last Sabbath at the Petaluma Church, I immediately packed a truck and
The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry . . The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their Psalm 34:15, 17 troubles. Thou shalt make thy prayer unto Him, and He shall Job 22:27 hear Thee. But He knoweth the way that I take. Job 23:10 Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him; Psalm 37:5 and He shall bring it to pass. What He had promised, He was able also to Romans 4:20-21 perform. My God shall supply all your need according to His Philippians 4:19 riches in glory.
over America. The complete book we sold for a nominal cost. Fortunately, I was able to keep two complete copies. In recent years, we typeset the entire book and it is now available in print (Medical Missionary Manual, 340 pp., $9.95, plus $3.00 p&h). The book is totally unique; nothing else is like it. The months passed and work continued on both projects. But, gradually, it became clear that a natural treatment center should have been located in a secluded place in the country, not next to the State Capital. We were warned that trouble was ahead. One day I received a phone call from Arthur Gyger. Would I please come to Petaluma and give the funeral sermon for his wife? Arthur and his wife were Gods children, and I was happy to help him. Several years later, Arthur also died prematurely. I am sure it was of a broken heart. I will never forget him; he was a child of God. During the two years we were in Sacramento, we made a number of contacts with members of the Adventist Reform Movement. The ladies talked to my wife, and the men talked to me. In addition, we met individuals who had belonged to the Reform for a time, learned what it was like, and left. These contacts resulted in acquaintances with former reform leaders who provided historical, financial, and doctrinal information. You will find an extended comment on those contacts in our book, The Adventist Reform Church. We never joined either branch. We learned much about their teachings, their leaders, their past history, and the way they treated their own members. Here is an example: Learning about our missionary project, an Adventist lady came with her son to our meetings. We frequently invited her to visit us on Sabbath afternoons, since she had no friends. She told us her story: She was a faithful Adventist who loved her church family, but an agent of the Reform Church people worked to win her to their organization. When she decided to enter it, they told her to write a letter to her church, denouncing it, which they helped her write. This was done so she would be too embarrassed to ever leave the Reform. But later, when she found out what their leaders were like; she separated from them. But, having written that letter, she felt too ashamed to return to the Adventist church family. When
As we conversed, over his shoulder I could see the union secretary behind him, looking at me with a very understanding smile of encouragement. It was obvious he did not share in the views of the man he was behind. I sensed that he had actually come along for the ride to give me that smile of encouragement. For a time, we attended one after another of the nine Adventist churches in the Sacramento area, but finally decided to attend the small Oak Park Church. I had met the pastor at camp meeting, and he was a kindly soul. But we soon found that our presence placed him in a very difficult position. In the sad tone of a beaten man, he eventually told me he would rather that we go somewhere else. He had B__ on his back, demanding this and that; and the poor pastor feared he would lose his soul if he treated us wrongly,yet he did not want to lose his job. Here is an example: After we had been attending the Oak Park Church a few weeks, Cherie and I asked that our membership be transferred to the Oak Park Church. The church clerk wrote for the letter, and the Petaluma Church sent it. The next step, according to the Church Manual, was for the full church to vote on the matter. But B__, finding out about it, phoned the pastor and told him to send our letters back to Petaluma. That, of course, was entirely contrary to Church Manual policy; yet such men violate church policy whenever they wish to do so. Someone may say that I should not discuss such matters. But that is exactly what is wrong with the church: Neither the leaders nor the members will confront wrongdoing nor eliminate it. They will not cast out the lump. According to the thinking of our time, wrongdoing in the church is not really so wrong, but pointing it out and pleading for its removal is. Until this mindset is changed, the denomination will never have the spiritual empowerment to do the work assigned to it in these last days. I wanted to start a non-profit corporation but, of course, had no idea how to proceed. I was told a lawyer was needed to work this out, but I could not afford one. So I went to the Department of State at the capitol building and my kind heavenly Father helped me process it myself, at several offices of the State Capital. The experience taught me a lot. That was the first of several corporations I would establish in a total of
four states. Still exploring the possibilities for missionary contacts, one day the thought came to mind to take a clipboard and drive into Sacramento. An idea I had never heard before came to mind. I drove directly to a typical section of town and parked. Then I walked up to a house; and, when the lady answered the door, I told her we were making a survey to locate people who needed help. I had my pen poised on my clipboard, ready to write. This totally relaxed her, and we entered into a brief, but spiritually profitable, conversation. Within a very short time, I had learned about a family on the block who needed help. In the process, I had a built-in opening at every home to speak to the person at the door about God for a few minutes and give each one a tract. I had found a useful way to go to every door. The way was also open to suggest Bible studies. I told our group about this new method, and some of them went out and began using it. They also went back and tried to help the contact I found, plus other families that needed help. Years later, I met an Adventist brother who had discovered a variant on this approach. More on that later. During the time we were in Sacramento, I preached in a number of homes throughout a wide area. These were generally evening meetings. They were precious gatherings, as, together, we viewed the wondrous truths found in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. In one, given in the Pratt Valley, a few houses down from Elmshaven (where Ellen White lived her final years), the sermon was a simple one. As usual, I had earnestly prayed alone beforehand, that I could reach their hearts and bring them to Jesus in a new, deeper sense. But that evening, it seemed as if, in a special sense, we were all brought into the presence of Jesus. Everyone in the room could feel the moving of the Holy Spirit. One of those in attendance was Doug, two others were Ralph and his wife. There was also a young artist there. Doug later moved to Missouri, to help us with our broadcast work. Ralph and his wife helped in other ways. The artist later went into other lines of work, and later became a businessman owning a factory; but, in the process, he gradually slipped away from the Lord. In the early 1980s, reading our tracts, he retraced his steps to the Lord.
people had shared natural remedy and health data, and stories about people they had helped. Then an older brother came forward and said, I would like to tell you what happened to me back home. Then he proceeded to tell us a farming story. I thought to myself, What does this have to do with natural remedies? Yet, by the time he was finished, I rejoiced; and, of all that was said at the meeting, I can only remember his and one other story: This brother, who lived in Washington State, had planted potatoes in a large field. But then the potato bugs came in and ultimately ruined everyones crop for miles around. While the destruction was going on, this faithful soul got down on his knees with his son and pled with God for protection. Then they decided to step outside and see how God had cared for them. They went along one row after another, and there was not one potato bug. Down one row and up another, always the same. Then they came to the end of the final rowand, on the last potato plant, there was a potato bug! But, as they watched, a different bug crawled over and ate it! So they caught that bug and sent it to the entomology department at the state university. The experts there excitedly contacted them. That bug only lived in Africa! Well, while you are thinking about that one, consider this second incident which began at that meeting: Ralph, the friend of ours I mentioned earlier, had also attended this meeting; and, during the meeting, he asked Wolfsen for counsel. It seemed that a close friend of Ralphs, an Adventist medical doctor whom I will not name, had lost his reason. He was not violent, but psychotic and out of touch with reality. Ralph was considering taking the physician out into the country in order to help him with Spirit of Prophecy remedies, and wanted to know if Wolfsen recommended it. Wolfsen, by this time very much aware of the legal dangers in helping people in California, counseled against it. As Ralph later told me, this is what subsequently happened: Following the meeting, Ralph went home to his house (where I had held that earlier meeting), a few doors from Elmshaven. It was located in the small valley below the St. Helena Sanitarium (now St. Helena Hospital), where the physician had worked until he became psychotic. Ralph asked the doctors wife if he
could take her husband into the country and try to help him out of his problem. She was beside herself with worry and nearly said no, thinking that a mental hospital and its shock treatments or frontal lobotomies might accomplish more. But, praying about the matter, she was impressed to give Ralph a chance. Ralph drove the physician, who was extremely placid and not a bit difficult to work with, to a secluded country location. The treatment was this: Ralph fed the doctor good food, and would then go walking with him. Ralph is a very gentle soul, with a sweet, calming voice. When the physician did not want to go farther, they would both just sit down on the dirt path. Then, after a time, they would get up and go on. The Spirit of Prophecy prescription was followed: rest, exercise, fresh air, sunlight, quiet and peace, prayer in the hearing of the doctor, trust in God, and all the rest of the natural remedies. Within three days the Adventist physician was perfectly normal. A faithful Advent believer, he later attributed the problem to such an overmastering fear of chemical additives in fruits and vegetables, that he had not been eating properly. He never again had a relapse. Two weeks after the weekend convention closed, Wolfsen fled the state. Here is how it happened: Al Wolfsen had friends all over those hills, including the sheriffs office. One day, the State Department of Public Health sent word to the sheriff, that agents were coming to arrest Wolfsen. Al knew he had less than an hour in which to work, but he had previously thought out exactly what he would do when the authorities headed his way. He had a burn pit out front, and he quickly piled into it all his patient records. As they burned, he loaded his Volkswagon. The workers stood around, utterly shocked as all his papers went up in smoke. Then he was gone. When the men arrived, no one truly had any idea where he went. (In 1985 we met Al again at a ranch in the desert, a little south of Carson City, Nevada. He told us he had driven to Nevada, north into Canada, and on up the Alaska-Canada Highway to Alaska, where he stayed with a son for about a year. He said that, at the present time, he was wanted only in Amador Country where he formerly lived.)
came over and warned me that we were being watched and that trouble was coming. I never saw him again.
As for God, His way is perfect, the Word of the Lord is tried; He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him. Psalm 18:30 He knoweth them that trust in Him. Nahum 1:7 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord. He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him will I trust. Psalm 91:1-2 Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24 If these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:8 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Fathers hand. John 10:28-29 If any man thirst, let Him come unto Me and drink. John 7:37 The Lord is thy shade on thy right hand. Psalm 121:5 Wait on the Lord; be of good courage. Psalm 27:14
down and pled with God for guidance as to what I should do with that manuscript. I was there for over an hour, and came back a changed man. That book should be circulated everywhere! It was true that I did not have printing facilities, but I was planning to go on the radio. Immediately, I set my doctrinal broadcast scripts aside, and determined to broadcast Great Controversy. About a year later, I was able to typeset and pay for the printing of an 11 x 17 tract containing that A.L. White document. It was the first 11 x 17 tract I ever prepared and printed. We mailed out many copies. Not long after, Inspiration Books, in Arizona, obtained a copy of our tract and reprinted it in a folder which they sent out by the tens of thousands. So the letter, laboriously handwritten by that humble colporteurs wife, was used of God to awaken many souls to the importance of the special book for our time in history. If you wish a copy of this tract, write and ask for The Circulation of Great Controversy [CE30]. The next hurdle, in going on the radio, was a source of electricity to run a reel-to-reel tape recorder. I got a transformer and a battery, and drove the car down into the woods away from farm sounds. But when I tried to tape a halfhour section of chapter 1 (The Destruction of Jerusalem), the battery was gone before I could finish it. Inquiring, we located a Baptist family who lived alongside of Highway 66. They were willing for me to make a tape recording in their living room. The lighting was poor, and I did not have good seating or table arrangement; yet this was the best I could do. Yet the task seemed an impossible one. A car or truck went by with a muffled roar less than every minute. As the family watched, I got on my knees and pled with God to stop the traffic while I made the tape. Then I started recording. Not another vehicle went by for the next 29 and a half minutes. As the vehicles again roared by, one after another, the family said that such a silence just did not happen in the middle of the day. Better facilities were needed, and we found an old, one-room Baptist Church in the little village of Oxley. Inquiring, I was given permission to make radio tapes in the building. The inside walls had not seen paint in a generation, yet it was quiet and had electricity.
Gradually, more tapes were made, and I made contact with KLRA in Little Rock, a station which covered the entire state and portions of surrounding states. Two months later we had enough money to tentatively begin broadcasting. At about this time, I decided to request that our names be transferred to the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference Church. But the request was blocked in California. B__ was still president. A little later, we were disfellowshipped in California because I was broadcasting Great Controversy without church permission. Over the years, we have always tried to live in the country; but where we lived in the Arkansas hills was the snakiest area I have ever been in. We frequently came across copperheadsthe silent type of pit vipers. I would rather have had rattlesnakes, but they were generally farther west. Over the months, we had a number of close encounters; and it was obvious that God was protecting us. Cherie heard that some dogs were snake dogs. By their barking, they would warn when a snake was in the area, and then attack and try to kill it. Since we had two small children, Cherie prayed that God would send us a snake dog. About a week later, a non-descript dog wandered in. He seemed certain that our home was his, and we did not know where he came from. We quickly discovered that he was a snake dog. My wifes faith had been answered. (This is the sequel to the story: That dog was with us all the while we were at Als place; but, about a week after we moved away, a neighbor that Al did not know drove in one afternoon, for one reason or other, and, seeing the dog, said, That is my dog! Al was glad to give him his dog back, and both he and the dog were happy also. The man said the dog had just wandered off one day, and he did not know where it had gone.) One sunny afternoon, I was down by Als house, and I asked him where a certain tool was. He pointed toward a piece of sheet steel laying on the broad lawn, about 25 feet from the house. Since, at that time, he had no outbuildings, he was using the metal to cover a number of items he wanted kept dry. What happened next is totally unbelievable. Of the many physical miracles which I have experienced, I consider this to be the most startling: I lifted that lid with one hand, and reached
Jacobs conversation with his brethren after the death of their father. We got through that all right, and it looked like I still might preach. No one asked what my religion was. In the Bible belt everyone is assumed to be once-savedalways-saved (a Baptist) or into tongues (a Pentecostal); each religiously avoided by the other. Since it was unlikely I would be invited back a second time, for my sermon I had decided to run through everything. I began with the love of Christ, went into the law of God, gave the Sabbath truth, and ended up with the final judgment scene and an earnest appeal to accept Christ and His special truths before it was too late. It was a nicely rounded sermon, which emphasized the importance of obedience to Gods Written Word. The audience was spellbound throughout the sermon. Some were drinking it in while others were softly gasping. As we filed out of the church afterward, hardly anyone had much to say. They had too much to think about. I was praying in my heart that some would be reached. Then one man walked up to me and began arguing. Well, that was not exactly unexpected, in view of the panoramic survey of truth I had just given. But I was startled to discover what he was angry about. It was not the importance of keeping Gods law, nor the possibility that everyone should be keeping the Bible Sabbath. No, he was angry that, in giving an appeal, I had implied that anyone in that audience needed to repent! Such a concept, in his thinking, was heresy. Everyone in that church had already been saved most at an early age! Never again would any of them need to repent. They were bound for heaven. Their salvation was finished at the cross! By this time, everyone had crowded around to hear what was going on. After he had carried on for a little while, it was my turn. I said politely yet firmly, When were you saved? I was saved when I was twelve. Are you married? Yes, I am. Do you have children? Yes, I have several children. Now, let us say that you were saved when you were twelve. Okay. And when you grew up and got married, you had several children. All right. And you were saved. Thats right. Then, after a few years, you ran off with another womanand left your wife and children. Would you still be saved? Quick as a wink, he replied, Yes, I would!
Because you believe you were saved at twelve, you couldnt be lost, even though you left your wife and children? Thats right! Well, I dont believe that. You would have sinned a great sin against God, your wife, and children, and you could not be saved unless you repented of that sin, and left that other woman. At this juncture, the conversation was over; and I could see in the eyes of those around that they had learned something. One man walked up and apologized. That after-church conversation had explained the situation more clearly to some of them. I was never invited back to the Dutch Baptist Church. Then there was Brother Green. A Baptist to whom an Adventist friend introduced me, Brother Green was a true-hearted disciple of Jesus. Radiantly happy in Christ, he was living the best he could with the light he had. Never with a lot of money in his pocket, one day, when I saw him, Brother Green came up to me with an even warmer than usual glow on his face. Brother Ferrell, I just had a rich experience, he said. Tell me about it, I replied. I was driving down the road with my family, and I got a flat tire. I got out of the car, examined it, and said, Praise the Lord! I did not have the money for another tire. Then he continued, So I put the spare one on and got back in and drove down the road; and, within a mile, I had to stop again. I had two more flat tires! So I stood there and said, Praise the Lord! That is the kind of man Brother Green was. Eventually, an Adventist friend helped them go to a small self-supporting Adventist farm in Michigan, and Brother Green and his wonderful family became believers. I will never forget him. Where we lived, outside of Ash Grove, houses were scattered apart. In one of the homes, on the way to our mailbox, lived a woman who had smoked for years, and had emphysema. Smoking, of course, is probably why she contracted it; and, as you may know, emphysema is considered incurable. So after meeting the lady, Cherie went home and looked into our collection of books on natural remedies. The recent ones said nothing could be done about emphysema. Not satisfied, she checked into a couple of old 19th-century books.
But, as soon as Ralph left, within one month the bottom dropped out of their surgical operations business. God was blessing our missionary project. At the time, Ralph and Sam were two of our primary supporters. Sam was a friend from college days, who owned a medical lab in the Bay Area. He also sent us all his tithe, and his work load sizeably increased as a result. I would ask you: Why did God bless Ralph and Samwhen they were not paying their tithe into the church? It would be foolhardy to reply that the devil helped them. Why would the devil want to help a work which God wanted done, which the church would not do? Someone might ask why I accepted those funds, knowing their nature. But I did not ask Ralph or Sam for their tithe; I did not ask them for anything. I just prayed to my Father for help, and He moved on their hearts to send it. Was I to refuse what God was moving on others to send? Was I to say, No, I do not want the Holy Spirit to work this way; I want Him to work some other way? Day after day, I prepared more Great Controversy radio broadcasts, and mailed them to the radio stations on a regular schedule. As Elder J.L. Tucker later told me in his living room in Redlands, he regularly listened to his broadcast over XERB out of Mexico. (Because of its directional antenna, it covered all of southern California.) But, one day, he left the station on after his broadcast was finishedand there was our broadcast! He was amazed. The book, Great Controversy, was being broadcast to all of southern California! So he wrote us and we became friends. More on our friendship later. Now that I had adequate living and working quarters with electricity, I could get more done. I was able to purchase a used IBM Executive typewriter. It was the first, fairly efficient electric typewriter ever produced which had proportional type. One problem was that, since the letters varied in width, backspacing was extremely difficult. In addition, it could not justify (that is, produce an even right margin), and its one size of type tended to unduly use up space. Because the letters were thin, reductions tended to make the print look like hairlines. But we did the best we could with what we had. Using this machine, I was able to type out
that important 1938 A.L. White study, The Circulation of Great Controversy, which, in her own words, revealed the efforts made in 1888 to 1890 to stop the publication and sale of that book. As noted earlier, our 11 x 17-inch tract printing of this compilationsoon led to a more-widely circulated reprint of it by Inspiration Books in Arizona. The results of that handwritten letter by a colporteurs wife in Oklahoma kept multiplying and multiplying, as more and more people learned about the importance of that book. Years later, in 1981, I again placed that same A.L. White study in print, and it has been available from us ever since. What is the most panoramic chapter in the entire Spirit of Prophecy? It is chapter 29 of Great Controversy, entitled, The Origin of Evil. This chapter provides a sweeping coverage of the great controversy between Christ and Satan, from before the fall of Lucifer, down to the end of that conflict of the ages. After broadcasting that chapter, we received a letter from someone who said that the author of the script for that broadcast was either a genius or inspired of God. While in Ash Grove I typeset that chapter in an 11 by 17 tract, and shared it widely. It was my second tract. Later, when I started Pilgrims Rest, I typeset that chapterand over a dozen other Great Controversy chaptersand published them again. They are still in print. I also wrote and published the three-part Inexpressible Gift tracts. Written for those not of our faith, the set told how to come to Christ, and explained the truth about the law of God and the Bible Sabbath. The coverage was excellent. We again have it reprinted as a booklet, entitled The Inexpressible Gift. From time to time, I would drive into Springfield, walk along the downtown streets, and hand out tracts. This was a new experience to me, which I had not seen others do. But I quickly found that the way to do it was to step over to a person walking in the other direction and say, Here, this is for you! or You will like this! or to one behind who saw me give out a tract, This is your copy! or You will want one too! They feel they are special, and appreciate it. I speak to them in a genuinely happy, enthusiastic way. Since it is only a two-second contact, no one feels pressured and relatively few refuse. If someone does refuse, I skip the next per-
trailer. Over the next several months, amid very difficult circumstances, He provided all three. Ralph had by this time quit the Portland medical group and was in transition to a move to Arkansas, so broadcast funds were tight. At this juncture, my father wrote that he would give me $1,300 with which to purchase a used travel trailer. We managed to obtain a truck and used camper. Gradually we were obtaining an experience in a broader number of fields. In the spring of 1964, we moved back to Leslie for a few weeks, before heading to California. I was 30 years old.
Thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. Psalm 18:28 They cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He saveth them out of their distresses. Psalm 107:19 Their soul shall be as a watered garden, and they shall not sorrow any more at all. Jeremiah 31:12 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you, through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue. 2 Peter 1:2-3 This is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. John 17:3 The Lord redeemeth the soul of His servants, and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate. Psalm 34:22 The God of Jacob is our refuge. Psalm 46:11
book from being printed; and, even after it was printed, they tried to block its distribution to the people. Yet his mind was confused. The obvious answer was that we should do in the 1960s what Ellen White was fighting to have done in the late 1880s: ignore the leaders and get the book out anyway. But that visit from Elder Pierson had so shaken him that, now when we were close to going to press, he felt he dared not help on the project. Other people had to provide the funds. One was a wealthy man in Texas who owned a plumbing supply company. While on this, let me mention an additional irony: Satan has tried harder to discredit that book more than any other which Ellen White ever wrote. Although she fought in the late 1880s to get the 1888 edition of Great Controversy in print;yet, in our time, many Advent believers have accepted the deceptive statements of Herman Hoehn and others that the 1888 edition (and its essential duplicate, the 1911 edition) are worthless and should not be read or distributed. While Gods people believe the lies, Satan laughs. What we should be doing is circulating any, or all, of those three editions we can get our hands on: the 1884, 1888, and 1911. For a more indepth analysis of all three editions, obtain a copy of my 504-page book, The Editions of Great Controversy. It tells the entire story of that book, more clearly than any other book ever published. (As this autobiography goes to press in late 1998, we now have a large print run of both the 1884 and 1888 editions available for youat the lowest prices in years!) One young man, who lived in San Diego, was aware of the project; and, as soon as the Great Controversy tabloid was printed, he received one of the first copies and glanced through it with satisfaction. But, since it was bedtime, he laid it on the coffee table just as his non-Adventist father walked into the room. The teenage son remarked in passing as he left the room, That is the only copy of that in San Diego. Curious, the father sat down, opened the tabloid and began reading; he continued for several hours. The next morning he announced at breakfast that he wanted to become a Seventh-day Adventist. His convictions were firm, and studies were arranged with a local pastor. Baptized,
he remained solid in the faith in the years which followed. During the time we worked on this tabloid project, our family stayed with a godly couple on the outskirts of Mentone, California, close to San Bernardino, Riverside, and Loma Linda. We regularly attended the Mentone Church with them. One morning, at the beginning of the service, a young couple gave special music. Irene, the elderly wife in whose home we were staying, whispered to me that they were Rodites. Having lived in the area for decades, she knew a lot; and she recognized that a group of Shepherds Rod folk were in the audience. She told me the name of the church member, a teenage girl, who had arranged for them to give special music. The pastor and most of the congregation, of course, were totally unaware of what was transpiring. One would think that the group would have capitalized on this penetration before they were discovered; yet their leader, a young man named Benjamin Roden, had peculiar thinking patterns. I went out into the parking area as soon as church let out, and was surprised to see Roden standing in the parking lot, calling out like an army sergeant to his workers to quickly sheet all the cars. They placed a little booklet on each automobile, the kind that has sloppy sketches of six-winged angels in it. Immediately I walked over and spoke with him. He identified himself by name. There was a strong shine in his eyes and an inordinate excitement as if he had just completed a great victory. There was something wrong with this mans mind. Yet Benjamin Roden was the acknowledged leader of the largest split-off from the original Rod group in Waco, Texas, which Florence Houteff (the wife of the deceased founder, Victor Houteff) had disbanded two years earlier in 1962. Roden had earlier declared that Florences time setting for Christs return (1959) was incorrect, and that it would occur in the 1960s. However, his followers seemed to have forgotten that, following the 1962 breakup at Waco, he declared himself to be the antitypical David, king of Israel. Much more could be said about this, and I would refer you to my 96-page book, The Davidians of Waco. Ben Roden was the one in charge of Waco who, on November 3, 1987, had a shoot-out with Vernon Howell (a.k.a., David Koresh). After killing a man in 1989, Roden was
happy to meet us. In years past, he had listened to my Great Controversy radio broadcasts on XERB, covering all of southern California; and he had written letters of encouragement to us which, as you might imagine, meant much to us in our impoverished, discouraging situation back then. That grand old man showed us his library, his recording room, tape duplication area, booklet storage area, and explained how he started his work, along with problems he faced in Oakland with Becker, and, later in Berrien Springs with the Michigan conference president when he started broadcasting again. After retirement, he had moved to his present quarters in Redlands. Seated in the living room, we discussed many things of interest. Then Elder Tucker said this: Vance, if you wish to move to this area, I will let you use my facilities, free of charge, to once again carry on your Great Controversy radio broadcasts. We will even mail them out for you. I was deeply surprised at this, for it revealed the strong confidence he placed in me. Yet when I discussed it afterward with Cherie, we recognized that, to live in that area, could mean the loss of our children. In November, 1964, we packed and headed north. We were bound for Madera, a short distance above Fresno, where I was scheduled to hold a series of meetings at a non-Adventist black Baptist summer camp which, at that time of the year, was not in use. We were kindly permitted, without charge, the use of the facilities. At one of the meetings, the Spirit moved powerfully upon the congregation and there were confessions, weeping, and the asking of one another for forgiveness. I had not known that such a situation existed in the hearts of some of those present. Traveling on up the coast, we held meetings in other areas. Some were sweet, devotional topics; others were herbal and water therapy instructional classes. Those meetings continued for months. While holding meetings in Carson City, Nevada, I stopped by and visited with Elder David Bauer, who lived (and still lives) in South Lake Tahoe. He also had left the Adventist ministry, and his experience was quite interesting. One day I drove up to Reno and handed out tracts about how to come to Jesus, on (at that
time) the main one-block gambling street of town. I said, You will want to read this; it is about Jesus. One lady, who took one, looked at me intently and said, You must be an angel. She was astonished that, in this hell hole, anyone would share anything about Jesus Christ. I entered the largest casino, Harolds Club, and walked through it from the top floor to the bottom. Nowhere did I see one cheerful face. If it is fun to be in such a place, the people should have been happy. Instead, everyone looked worried, fearful, or tense. They had the appearance of humans placed in a trance by demons. While holding meetings in San Leandro, Cherie and I drove across the Bay Bridge to San Francisco. The Haight Ashbury District, where I had grown up, did not look very different. A year or two later, the word hippy was coined, and 20,000 hippies moved inand Haight Ashbury was forever changed. (Two years ago, I returned there again and found that even my high school was gone. It had been torn down because, to shield their children from the dissolute young people wandering around, all the parents of teenagers had moved away.) While holding meetings at Calistoga, an acquaintance gave me an update on several happenings in northern California. It had been four years since I quit the denominational ministry. This friend (I do not remember his name, so I will call him Jim) had been appointed as a delegate to represent his local church at the conference constituency meeting. At the meeting, Jim was surprised when he was placed on the small nominating committee. That committee generally consists only of pastors. The members mistakenly imagine that their pastors are the best qualified for the decisions which must be made, yet they are the most helpless. Their jobs depend on how they conduct themselves, and they have had years of being trained to please higherups. There were very few laymen in the room. As was customary, the union president was on the podium, presiding over the meeting. This gave him great power to sway the situation one way or the other, as would best serve policy interests. The first office to be filled was that of conference president. Yet it was clear to the union president that there was a strong reticence about returning Carl Becker to office. However, no one
derstanding of our doctrinal beliefs. He replied that he once had a friend whom he fully believed was honest and would accept the truth if he could be shown from the Bible that our beliefs were Biblical. Carefully studying Gods Word, he gradually convinced him of every aspectexcept the punishment of the wicked. He said he studied with his friend for two years. In the process, he ransacked the Bible and obtained a strong grasp of Scripture. He finally settled the matter in his friends thinking when he showed him from Scripture that (1) the wicked will burn on the surface of the earth, (2) that streams of sulfurous, burning fire will flow on the earths surface at that time, and (3) the promise is that the meek will inherit the earth. They could not inherit it, if the wicked burned on its surface forever. That convinced the man and he became a solid Adventist. From there, we went on up into western Washington, and thence to the central and eastern part of the state.
Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17-18 Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord. Matthew 4:4 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 He giveth power to the faint. Isaiah 40:29
even though the children were not all out of compulsory school age. Much of the next 20 years was to be one long history of keeping one step ahead of the law. From time to time, over the years, the thought occurred that I had done about everything except school teaching. I had theology, language, and ministerial training and had done pastoral work; held evangelistic efforts; conducted classes; and helped people in nutrition, physiology, herbs, and hydrotherapy; carried on radio broadcasting; engaged in traveling lecture work and preaching; and did various kinds of construction work. I knew our beliefs and the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy well, and had brushed shoulders with most of the offshootswithout ever a thought of uniting with any of them. Why did I have this broad base of learning? The thought came distinctly to mind that, surely, God must be preparing me for something special. But what could it be? The situation appeared hopeless. Indeed, what kind of work could I ever do in the future which would require such a broad background of knowledge of the church and so many projects and activities? I had been involved in everything but professional education. My superintendent, Mr. Zinc, wanted me to advance to child services status in a few months, at much higher pay. Yet Linda would be of school age the following year; and the thought came strongly to mind to try to become a schoolteacher. Among other advantages, teaching would provide us with greater flexibility to locate where our children could be homeschooled. But there was apparently no way I could get into that field. I had only taken one 5 quarter-hour course in Education at college. Instead of taking an Education minor, I had impractically chosen a second major in Biblical Languages. Hoping that, somehow, I might break into the field, I signed up for two basic correspondence courses in Education from a university. But the situation seemed an impossible one; what I lacked was two full years of education courses, the basic requirement for a course in Student Teaching in the last semester of the second year. Cherie had earlier expressed an interest in adopting a child; and, with my assent, at random selected 20 names of physicians from the Portland, Oregon, phone book. She then handwrote 20 letters, asking if they had a baby they
needed to adopt out. None wrote back, and we both forgot the matter. One evening, I opened a copy of the World Almanac, and searched for a small state college in the Northwest which might give me Student Teaching. But I found nothing satisfactory. Several months later, Cherie received a letter in the mail, postmarked Portland. It was from a physician. Upon receiving Cheries letter, he had placed it in a special file. Now he was writing to tell us he had a baby for us; did we still want it? The mother was a model who lived in Texas, and she had gone to live with relatives in Portland until an unexpected pregnancy was completed. We agreed to pay the hospital and delivery costs as well as one visit to a pediatrician. It was a Thursday morning when the physician phoned us. You have a beautiful baby girl. You can have it Sunday morning. We drove to Portland, stayed in a motel, and went walking in a hillside park in Portland on Sabbath. The next morning we were given our new baby, which we named Faith. She is now grown and, like all our other children, loves the Lord and is a faithful Advent believer. A friend we had first met at our meetings in California dropped by one weekend. When she learned that I was looking for a school to attend, she told me to check at Lewis-Clark Normal School, in Lewiston, Idaho. She said she went there years before. I had not looked under the L s in the Almanac, and so had not found it. She also had relatives who lived in Troy, a few miles east of Moscow, where the University of Idaho was located. A few miles west of Moscow was the University of Eastern Washington, in Pullman. Not far south, was Lewiston. So after making an appointment to stay overnight with the family in Troy, I took off a couple days from work; and one morning drove east and stayed overnight with her relatives in Troy. The next morning, I interviewed with the head of the Education Department in both universities. My question was whether I could take Student Teaching. Everyone laughed at the idea, as might be expected. I only had 5 quarter hours of Education, and was currently enrolled for two three-hour courses by correspondence. I knew the mission was impossible, yet I had been impressed to try anyway. On the return trip, I decided to stop by Lewis-Clark Normal
I had no protection if that cat wanted to come over the seat after me, it just sat there on the rear cushion, not even bothering to peer out the window to see where we were going. Down the long valley to Asotin I went, then along the broad Snake River, which separated the two states, in through Clarkston, Washington, across the heavily trafficked vehicle bridge to Lewiston, Idaho, through the length of that city, and then, on another bridge for vehicles only, across the wide Potlatch River. On I drove for another five miles, exited the car, and somehow got the cat out. At not one time, did that cat look out the window. The creature just stood there, as I drove off. Little did I know its brain was reorienting itself, preparatory for travel. That night, the wild cat was backand full of fury. It entered the back porch and killed the kitten, and was terrorizing the mother cat when we discovered it out there early in the morning. When I opened the door and went out on that small porch, instead of jumping me, it went into a corner and glared. I got the mother cat out, closed the door, and called a neighbor. He came over and shot the cat. He told me the look on its face revealed it to be a killer. We were living in a wild part of the West. There were cougars and bobcats in our area. In a field one night about half a mile away, the cows circled to protect their youngand trampled a cougar to dust. One afternoon, little Ellen said, Daddy, lamby! I went to the window and looked out. There just outside was a large bobcat. It had reached the creek behind the house by the time I could run outside to chase it. Then I met an old hunter who had lived in the region all his life. He said, How do you catch a cougar? From time to time, he and a friend would catch one, without using a trap and without injuring it, then place it in a crate and ship it off to a zoo. The Felis concolor of North America (also called the mountain lion or puma) is generally 6 to 8 feet, including the tail. Now, I will ask you: How would you catch an angry cougar, without injuring him in the slightest, and place him in a crate? Back then, sleep guns were not known. My hunter friend told me how to do it (the next time you are up in Idaho, you might want to
try it out). Remember this was back in the days before tranquilizer darts had been invented. When the hunter and his partner caught a cougar, they each threw a lasso around its head. All the while it was acting in a violent fashion, as any self-respecting mountain lion would. Each of them then walked around the beast, back and forth, zigzagging, tangling its legs in the ropes. When it was fully trussed, they placed it in a crate and shipped it to a zoo, collecting a goodly sum for their trouble. Then I asked, How did the zoo get him out of that? The old hunter said, I dont know; that was their problem. Before leaving the area, I drove back up to Eastern Washington State University, and reentered the Department of Education office. Only a few months before the professor had laughed
Heirs of the kingdom, which He hath promised to them that love Him. James 2:5 My grace is sufficient for thee, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24 I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jeremiah 31:3 The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty. He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy. He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 Thou wilt show me the path of life. In Thy presence is fulness of joy. Psalm 16:11 Thou art my hope, O Lord God. Thou art my trust from my youth. Psalm 71:5
turned loose in the fields to eat all the weeds, which they made short work of. Occasionally, a goose would begin nibbling on the mint and become fond of it. But his legs would swell and he would die soon after. At the end of that school year, we packed up, rented a U-haul, and headed East. Ralph and his wife encouraged us to move to their area; and, since it was a secluded country location in the hills, we headed to Huntsville, Arkansas. The weather was hot throughout our trip, and the truck had vapor-lock problems and kept overheating under the heavy load. We had to keep stopping to cool the engine. Checking at the next U-Haul outlet, we were told we would have to wait a day or two while the truck was repaired. We prayed and started off. A rather small cumulus cloud came above our heads. As soon as it moved off, another one came overhead. Soon we realized that, although there were never many clouds in the sky, we always had a cloud shading us! When it moved off, another would come overhead. During the last 50 miles to our destination, the clouds departed and we had a more difficult time with the heat. Just inside the backdoor of the truck, we had a mama and daddy guinea pig in a washtub. For months we had expected them to have young, but it never seemed to happen. During the trip, from time to time, little Ellen would say, Daddy, the guinea pigs are having babies! At the next gas stop, we would go back and check on them, and they were doing all right, still two of them. Arriving, we finally settled into a home in the country near Huntsville. Every so often, little Ellen would say, Daddy, the guinea pigs are having babies! But, when we went to the tub, the situation had not changed. One morning when we were eating breakfast, Ellen walked over to the tub and then returned and climbed up in her chair. Very matter-of-factly, she mentioned in passing, Daddy, the guinea pigs had babies, and then started eating. That had intrigued me. I walked over to the containerand there was a tubful of miniature guinea pigs, looking exactly like their parents, except for size. I was planning to teach in the public school in Huntsville, but Ralph and his wife persuaded us to take charge of a private school for several Advent believers. While there, I pastored an independent church in Eureka Springs. We had
only one time I was there. If you have ever lived in greater Washington, D.C. in the summer, you know summer thunderstorms are frequent. I decided that no one was praying for much of anything else. I was praying for no rain, and that is what my kind Father sent. During my 11-year absence from the area, a new, very large Adventist Book Center had been opened. Since it was open on Thursday evenings, I would go there and see what they had. Most anything could be purchased therebut there was not one gardening book. Can you imagine Seventh-day Adventists not doing gardening? Apparently, no one in the area was interested in the subject. City life narrows peoples lives. I was also wondering what the General Conference and Review workers did on the Sabbath. When we lived there in the late 1950s, we were told by a veteran worker that they spent the afternoon in bed sleeping. I was used to being out in the country when each Sabbath came; but here there was no country, in any direction of the compass, under an hours drive. What did these people do on the holy hours of the Sabbath? just listen to the cars and trucks rush by? Those of our readers who do not work at the General Conference are very fortunate. They do not have to live in that tangled mass of concrete and houses, called Montgomery County, Maryland. (About the time I left, I wrote the Sligo pastor a letter, urging him to open the church on Sabbath afternoon so believers could come in and listen to organ musicsince there was nowhere else within miles for an Adventist to go on Sabbath afternoon. He wrote back that he had taken it up with his board, and they were going to do just that on a trial run for a time.) One day I met old friends. The husband had been on the faculty at Pacific Union College when I was there, and they were in town to help work on a graded series of elementary textbooks for our schools. They told me that N.C. Wilson, head of the North American Division; Robert Pierson, president of the General Conference; and Kenneth H. Wood, editor of the Review, were trying to get the denominational headquarters moved out into the country, but that they were bucking nearly every other influential leader, as well as most of the lower-level workers. As in the days of Sodom, everyone was settled, had their nice
homes, and did not want to move out of the city. And it was a city! It stretched from far above Rockville, Maryland on the north, down past Silver Spring, Takoma Park, and Washington, D.C., to beyond Alexandria, Virginia, on the south, and upward toward Baltimore, in the northeast. It has been predicted that, within a few years, city, solid city, will run all the way from south of Washington, D.C. to north Boston. One day I went to the General Conference building, where I used to janitor. It was now called the Central Building. A recently built high-rise North Building, was down the street. But, when I tried to enter the building, I could not until someone inside pushed a security buzzer. They kept the place locked up all day! And they had good reason to. Only the summer before, in 1968, a major riot had occurred, not far away, down on 13th Street in the District. Driving by it with Wally one day, we saw burned out and boarded up buildings and shops. As you know, all attempts to move the world headquarters out of that megalopolis failed, until the late 1980s,when all they did was move down the street a few miles to congested Silver Springwhere they built a new General Conference building, next to a noisy main highway. While I was there that summer, bandits came in and robbed Sligo Church! Entering a backdoor, they forced the ushers carrying the offering plates to hand them over. Not long after, robbers burst in on the members of an outlying Adventist church near Greenbelt, Maryland. They took everyones wallet and purse and fled. Several years later, between Sabbath School and church, a man went downstairs at Sligo Church, led a child out into the parking lot, and nearly kidnapped her. But the child was impressed to run away before they reached the car. It is time to get out of the cities! One day as I was working alone, cutting up a large fallen tree in the back of a suburban home, from time to time I noticed that, about 400 feet away at the back of a distant home, was a small chain link fence enclosing a German shepherd. Extremely angry with the noise I was creating, he ran back and forth, incessantly, barking. About an hour later, as I was cutting on the tree (and happened at the time to be facing toward the dog pen), I looked up and saw that the large creature had somehow managed to knock the door looseand was running at me as fast
when you are a child. But when you grow up, you can do what you want. He appreciated that answer and thanked me. There was a drinking fountain in the hallway outside my room. One day I was standing there just as my children had filed into the room. Two of my boisterous boys were by the fountain, and one said to the other, After you, Sir; and the other said, Thank you, but No, after you, Sir. Observing it, the teacher from across the hall, said, Those boys are horsing around! The school counselor was walking by just then, and interjected, They are not horsing around; they are being courteous! I have not seen any other students in this school do this! Your students dont! Although humorous, the incident only illustrated the power of Scripture; for the Bible was studied every day in my classroom. To my knowledge, it was not studied in any of the others. On one occasion, we all went out into the large grassy field, just beyond where the students played, and erected four sizeable posts to indicate the length and width of Noahs Ark. The entire, large school was interested in seeing how very large it was, and students flocked to the area to see it. In order to improve employment opportunities, I took the Graduate Record Examination in the field of Education. It tested whether a person had adequately completed a baccalaureate in Education and was prepared to begin graduate (masters level) work. Since all I had was a number of under-graduate correspondence courses in the field, it was not likely that I would do too well. However, I had a fair amount of knowledge and experience. When the results came back later, I had scored five months under doctoral reception level. At the end of the year, we moved to Mississippi, which at that time had no compulsory education law. Upon arrival there, we lived near Senatobia for a few months, and then found a better home near Coldwater. For a week or so that winter, there were black riots at the Tate County High School. It was the first year of federal-mandated integration in all southern schoolsand Mississippi and Alabama are the heart of Dixie. In Mississippi, I found no
American flags in the schools, and no one pledged allegiance to the nation. In some ways, the state is still in rebellion. Since the pay was so poor, I also drove a school bus; but that winter I began working evenings with an Adventist plumbing contractor. He taught me the trade; and, the next summer, I dropped out of teaching and began doing plumbing contracting. My hope was to provide a better income for the family. But I had to buy a number of specialized tools, including an acetelene torch and tank; and there was not a lot of work. In addition, I had purchased a Volkswagon Minibus to haul it all around. So I interviewed for work as an independent contractor with Sears and Roebuck, in Memphis, to install water heaters. This required a city gas fitters license, but I was good at taking tests. I had satisfactorily completed a plumbing test in De Soto County, Mississippi, which experienced plumbers I knew could not pass. They were masters at doing the work; I knew how to learn the technical details in the code books. Yet they, of course, knew far more than I did. It was clear from the beginning that, if I could install two water heaters a day, we would be all right financially. But that never happened. There were three installation contractors, and not enough water heaters. Finally, I was convinced that God did not want me doing this. I quit on a Friday. When I came back Monday for my final check, Mr. Wilson asked me to stay on. He said one of the other installers had quit. But I had a rule to always leave when my Father was pointing me that way. Shortly afterward, I got a job as a bond salesman in a high-rise downtown office building in Memphis. I found myself in a situation different than all others I had ever been in: The work area was a single room, the size of a small house. On every desk there was an 800-number telephone, and the men would phone businesses all over America and try to sell municipal, and other, bonds. On Friday, I interviewed with the owner. He told me they had just finished a training class, but I could start work Monday. In a few weeks another class would begin. Until then, I could listen in on other calls and try making as many myself as I could. When I arrived Monday, the news was already circulating among the workers. On Saturday
Art was a professional, and had thousands of hours of flying time. Yet he had never bothered to obtain an instrument rating. Lacking this, he could not use major city airports and could not check on weather conditions ahead as he was flying. As we flew over the Gretna School where I had earlier taught, I recognized it. Low weather forced us to land in Quincy, and we rented a motel. The bad weather continued, and we had to remain there several days. During this time, I explained many things to Art about Gods Word. He gratefully drank it all in. On Monday, able to start out again, we headed out over the Gulf. Art was planning to fly across the bend of water and directly back into the state, to below Gainsville, and thence south to Okeechobee. But a dense cloud cover was over the land, and we had to remain out over the Gulf. The view was stunning. Never, before or since, have I have seen anything like it. Below were tiny emerald waves of the ocean, intermingled with glisten. Eventually, Art said we only had a certain amount of gas yet, and that would be it. But still no break in the cloud cover to our left. Then the clouds broke, and we headed inland. We were on a totally different flight path than Art had planned for. As we circled over a country airport a little north of Tampa, Art said this was the Vandenberg Airport and it was owned by a friend; but, Art said, he was not always there. We came in for a landing and taxied over to the fuel pump. A well-built man came out and warmly greeted Art. It was Mr. Vandenberg. What are you doing here, Art? he asked. Art replied, I have an Adventist teacher here, and Im taking him for an interview in a public school south of here. An Adventist teacher! Vandenberg said, While you gas up, Im going to call the conference office. Vandenberg was on a high-placed conference committee. Remembering such people as the pastor of the Olive Branch Church, I had no faith in the results of that call, but went on into the small office. When the phone was handed to me, the secretary on the other end said that Mr. Griffith was attending a youth rally and would not be back till Wednesday. I made a very tentative appointment, if I would be in
the area, and hung up. Turning to the two men, I said the conference educational superintendent would not be back for two days, and we would have to see what happened. Before we took off, Mr. Vandenberg said to Art, I was about to drive off, and then I saw that Cessna 180 circle once to come in. And the thought came to mind, I knew someone once who had a Cessna 180; I should wait and see who it is before I leave. I would think that Mr. Vandenberg would know lots of people with Cessnas, but he was strongly impressed that he must wait till the plane landed before leaving. We flew on to Okeechobee. As we were landing, we could see the mammoth lake just beyond the town. Upon landing, we were met at the airport by the assistant superintendent of education, and driven to the county office where I was interviewed. They liked me, yet there was an obvious problem which I knew he was aware of: I had changed teaching jobs nearly every year. Our efforts to homeschool our children were gradually ruining my employment record, which the stack of college transcripts I brought with me could not overcome. Still, it seemed I might get the job, and we took off and headed northward. Within a surprisingly short time, Art dropped down and landed at a private airport in Apopka. An ancient basin, which was once a lake, provided excellent soil for a sizeable vegetable farm; it was large enough that it had its own airport. Art and his friend, the pilot there, conversed for a few minutes. Art was such a kindly person that he always had close friends wherever he went. Then one of the two noticed the contrails in the sky from a passing jet liner. I told them I had figured out that it meant frontal weather might be coming in; something they did not know. We all forgot the matter and I told Art we should head off the next day; it was unlikely anything would result from a meeting with the conference educational secretary. I well-knew that, if the local churches refused to have me, a conference headquarters was unlikely to either. But, the next morning when we arose, Art said we could not go. It was densely overcast. So Arts friend loaned him his car and we drove up the coast to Marineland that day.
I played with my four children in the evening. With Cherie and the children, I would take walks in the cool of the evening and on weekends. One Sunday, I thought it well to teach Linda and Ellen, the two older ones, how to meet people at the door without being afraid. This was an invaluable talent which could help them in the years ahead as they distributed literature, canvassed, or did any selling work. So I told them a few lines to say, had them repeat it to me for ten minutes or so till they pretty much had it,then said it was time to practice! I had them go outside the front door while I shut it. Then one would ring the doorbell, and I would open it. I did this in a very funny way to dispel all their concerns. I might act interested, resistant, or very uninterested. We laughed and had a great time. Within half an hour, they were ready for action. So we climbed into the car and drove down to a nearby group of homes, prayed, and they began going from one door to another, each taking turns speaking and offering a paperback Steps to Christ on a donation basis. From that simple beginning, both Linda and Ellen later became involved in selling work at various times. The training helped them both blossom. From then on, for several years, at every place we stopped the car for gas, with enthusiasm, Ellen would jump out and sell a Steps to everyone there for a quarter or fifty cents. Many years later, Linda went into canvassing. The next school year, we had a new pastor who wanted to preach sermons at both churches each Sabbath. So I went over to a nearby small black church in Cocoa and began preaching there every week. Their pastor lived in Orlando, and did not even come over to preach when the bereaved placed their dead in the grave. One of the two times I saw him, he preached on the fun the black ministers had at a ministers retreat on the Orlando golf links. For several days in the fall, thousands were gathered along the Titusville waterfront, to see Apollo 16 lift off. The day before the liftoff, we took the entire school to Titusville and went Ingathering. The next day we saw the liftoff. Only one more moonshot occurred after that. My students told me they could go on the beaches or to Disney World and frequently be
accosted by drug pushers. I inquired, Even at Disney World? One of my students replied, They pay for tickets in the morning, and then sell drugs all day inside to young people who are not with adults. If anyone tries to catch them, they quickly run around the corner and are lost in the crowd. That was 1973. Just imagine what it is like at those amusement parks today? Cherie did not like the situation in Florida and told me she was going take the children and leave me, if I did not move at the end of the 19721973 school year. Although the homes were somewhat scattered on the outskirts where we were living, it was the first time in our married life that we were living in a town. (Everything outside of town tended to be swampy and uninhabitable.) I confided my problem with D.K. Griffith, and he checked around and found an opening for me in the Chesapeake Conference. We taught in Maryland from September 1973 to May 1975. In Maryland, as we drove to school one day, the children and I heard a news report on the radio, that ground rats were being added to the hamburgers sold in America. When I mentioned this to the children at school, they went home and told their parents. The next day, I learned that a number of parents were angry because their children said they did not want to eat meat anymore. All of the children were from professed Adventist homes, and it was known that most of the parents served meat at home. When the pastor discovered I could preach, he turned over one of his two churches to me, and I preached nearly all the sermons there. When summer 1974 arrived, I was given the assignment of attending youth camp for a week as the head of the boys section. I was now 40. I asked for, and received, permission to give the talk at Friday night vespers. All the boys and girls (ages 11 to 13) were present, as well as all the staff. I spoke on a Biblical story, and then gave a strong appeal for those who wanted to accept Christ and be baptized to come forward. I had made the call very clear, and nearly every boy and girl came forward. They meant business; I could see it in their eyes. They were very solemn. But the counselors were young teenagers; and Clyde (we will call him), the conference youth department head, spent his time acting like a
have guessed the meaning of that fact, but did not. At least, we now knew there were twins. One evening in early February, 1975, Cherie said it was time to go. Because she was a multipara (a woman who had already borne several children), I could hardly go fast enough. Out the driveway we went, and down the road. On the highway, although I was going fast, I only passed one car. The doctor had earlier assured me that, because I had helped deliver two earlier babies, I could be present in the delivery room. Arriving at the door, I left the car running and helped Cherie in. A nurse ran over and placed her in a wheelchair and off we went down the hall, up the elevator, and into the obstetrics section. But the nurse in charge said to me, No, you cannot come farther; you must wait outside. I told her what the physician said, but she was adamant. Just then, I remembered I had left the car running at the entrance. That was a mistake, so out I ran and parked it. Arriving back in OB, I strode down the now empty hallway, found the still-open door of the room where Cherie was, walked in like I belonged there, and sat down quietly at the head of the bed and held her hand. The doctor was not there yet, and they did not know what to do with me; so they gave me a face mask. Within a few minutes, literally, the twins were born. First came a tiny girl, and then her little brother. Ruth and Seth were now in our family. The doctor walked in about 15 minutes later. He looked quite pleased that it was done. The next day in class, when I announced the births, one of the girls spoke up. She was in that lone car we had passed; and, noting my hurry, she remarked to her mother: It is Mr. Ferrell; he is taking his wife to the hospital. While we were in Maryland, I attended a union-wide teacher convention at Roanoke, Virginia. The educational superintendent of the New Jersey Conference bought all the necessary gadgetry of magic that he had trained himself in. On Saturday night, he presented a hilarious magic show. I asked him afterward what he did with that back home; and he said he gave magic shows in every Adventist school, summer camp, and camp meeting youth department in several
conferences. The leaders apparently liked it, imagining that it will keep the youth in the church. On the way home, I rode in the car with another Chesapeake teacher who confided a problem to me. Having a natural bent to mathematics, he had always been able to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in his head. It was a marvelous talent. But, he lamented, he had lost the ability. To my puzzled inquiry, he told me he had studied the modern math textbooks the children were supposed to learn from, and the meaningless gobbledygook in them had so confused his mind that he lost his math ability! What a testimony to the uselessness of socalled modern math! While I was student teaching in Mr. Freers classroom, back in Lewiston, Idaho, I wondered what modern math was, since I had not had it when I was in grade school. So, finding an 80-page modern math dictionary of terms, I carefully read it through. That book explained what it was about, without damaging what math ability I had. I had learned enough to see that, whereas seasoned teachers formerly wrote the school math textbooks, now Ph.D.s in universitiestotally out of touch with real life were preparing them. Instead of teaching the arithmetic principles people use in real life, they were teaching fanciful concepts which only computer programmers and research scientists need, concepts which they can easily learn later at the university. In all my years of teaching, I never once taught any modern math. Instead, I taught the old-fashioned basics. Another controversy in the educational field concerns whether children should be taught reading by the phonics or whole word (sight) method. The fundamental fact both sides generally overlook is that some people are born ear dominant; that is, they tend to learn by listening while others are eye dominant and tend to learn by what they see. The method which worked best for the educator, when he was a child, is the one he thinks all children should be taught reading by. The solution is to provide both approaches in the classroom and be alert to let each child gain the most with the one he favors. One day I had a conversation with one of the local Adventist pastors, and he told me his story. We will call him Wayne. A rather average type of
Exiting the automobile, he walked on ahead of her into the store, oblivious of her presence. Quickly I opened the trunk of my car, and ran over with a copy of every paperback I had: Patriarchs and Prophets, Desire of Ages, Great Controversy, and Steps to Christ. She was overjoyed! I was living on the other side of the 1973 oil crisis, so gasoline was expensive. Compounding this was the way the homes were scattered throughout the West Virginia mountains. I was not selling enough to pay my way. So I cast about for other employment in the area, but found it quite closed. One day, after checking at the Braxton County office of the education superintendent in Gassaway, I walked over to the Welfare office and applied for work there. Perhaps they might need a clerk. Soon I found myself ushered into the office of the head of welfare services for the county. I do not recall his name, but he was obviously different than most of the people that lived in the heart of West Virginia. The man was an intelligent go-getter who wanted to accomplish things. We spoke together for several minutes; and, at his request, I summarized some of my background and principles of action. Suddenly, he spoke up and said, Mr. Ferrell, you are just the man I need here! I want to reorganize this entire officeand dramatically improve how the welfare system works throughout this county! I want you on my staff, and I will place you second in command. Here is what I want you to do . . Then, in decisive comments, he explained a portion of the kind of politics which operates in many parts of the nation. He told me to immediately take the standard state employment exam at Charleston. A week later, he would be sent scores of three individuals who had scored above 30%. He would reject them, and ask for three more. Eventually he would come to my name and would hire me. This was how the leaders hired their friends, circumventing the civil service exam procedure which was supposed to obviate such favoritism. When my score arrived in the mail, it was 93%, a remarkably high score. Not hearing from my friend at the welfare office, I decided to stop backand what I learned was a classic example of what had been happen-
ing for years. The Lord would not let me get settled into employment where I could put my roots down. Whether I was working in a state office, plumbing, installing water heaters, teaching school, or whatever, He kept me unsettled, always moving, moving on. He was saving me for something else. Just as God called Cyrus to do a certain work, so He plans aheadand calls you and me. Each of us has a place where God wants to use us. You have a special work. He has a special work for me also. We can be thankful that He has not set us aside! In four years, the crisis would hit the denomination; and, in three years, He would have me start Pilgrims Rest. I was not to settle down near Gassaway, West Virginia. I had gone back to that welfare office to see what had happened. It had been about three weeks, and my friend had not contacted me. Stepping into the building, things seemed different. When I asked to see that superintendent, a young man seemed confused as to what to do. He led me to that same head office; and another young man, barely 25, hurried in and sat down to talk to me. I inquired where the superintendent was, and the man looked uncertain as to what he should say; and then he blurted out what had happened: It turned out that my new friend, the county superintendent, had been in charge of this, the Braxton County Department of Welfare, for a number of years. But, about two weeks ago, his wife suddenly told him he had to choose between her and the welfare work. If he did not quit his job, she would leave and divorce him. So he turned in a fast resignation, and the place had been in turmoil ever since. The man before me had not the slightest interest in hiring me. Once again, matters had been arranged so I could not settle down. Shortly afterward, because of my college degree, I obtained a low-paying job managing the work crew at Cedar Creek State Park, near Glenville. This was a somewhat different kind of assignment than I had ever had before: running a work crew of several men in their varied duties throughout a state park covering over a thousand acres. It was useful training for what would follow in later years. But, in order to hold down the job, I had to live in a room in Glenville, a
feel greatand then everything will dramatically drop to a lower level thereafter. In my case, I was not really a diabetic, yet that reaction occurred anyway for seven days. With this new energy, I thought to myself, If God has given me all this strength, I must dedicate it to Him! I then went up, alone, into the attic room in our home, knelt down and told God that I was giving Him the rest of my life. I would return to whatever work He would show me to do. And I would never again go out and do any other work. It was the spring of 1977, probably about March. This was a major turning point in my life. Indeed, I consider it the most important pivotal event since I resigned from the Northern California Conference. Please understand, that the submission involved in that prayer in the upper room involved more than willingness to again do His work. I was very much aware that, by doing so, I would be kicked out of the church again. A specific part of my prayer was, I am willing to be kicked out of the church. For years we had been treated as non-existent when we sat in church. I had no doubt that if I did whatever the Lord wanted me to do, I would eventually be disfellowshipped. But I was ready now to go back to that. My face was set as flint. The difficulty is that, when I go to work for the Lord, I do what is right in relation to the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and Gods guidance. I do not check with religious authorities to see if they approve (even though I am very willing to cooperate with others). I am not in rebellion; I am just working without first asking men for permission. God cannot use people as effectively, when they feel they must have someones approval before they obey God. The need for official approval before doing something has, over the centuries, greatly reduced the effectiveness of many of Gods children. Jesus is going to explain to some of the saved in heaven, that which they should have learned on earth. They will then discover that, while in this dark world, they should have trusted God more, and men less. (Interestingly enough, now that I had returned to the Lords work, never again did I have a homeschool problem. We lived in southern Il-
regular customers make copies on one of their machines. From then on, I typed one sheet of paper, and made copies in town. I started with what I had; but, fortunately, I kept making improvements. Otherwise, I could still be typing on carbon paper. By January 1978, Waymarks was being sent each month to eleven people! We really were growing! Eventually, we were able to obtain a Tiac reelto-reel tape recorder, for mastering, and two lowcost reel recorders for copy work. The broadcasts ultimately went into several states. We broadcast in Pennsylvania, Little Rock, Spokane, and XERF (the successor to XERB, one of the stations which, years before, we had broadcast overwhich Elder Tucker listened to us on). It covered all of southern California. Several years later, Rolly Herrin, a nonAdventist who lived down the road several miles, told me he regularly listened to me every morning over a station in another state. He remembered my name. I was amazed he could hear the broadcasts that far,and especially so, since he heard them in the morning, and I paid no station to broadcast them in the morning! Apparently, some station liked them well enough that it used each weeks tape to fill an empty time slot the following morning. A major transition was on the verge of taking place. It started in this way. I wanted to put all, or most, of The Sufferings of Christ booklet, by Ellen White, into an 11 by 17 tract. One evening as I was about to retire for the night, I was praying about it and wondering if it would be sufficient to paste pages from the booklet sideways onto sheets and print them. But that seemed inadequate, and I could not do the job properly. The Selectric was only a typewriter and could not tolerate photo-reductions for printing. Then the thought came strongly to mind that what I needed was a typesetting machine! In an instant, there flooded into my mind things I could do with such a machine! I could put chapter 29 of Great Controversy (The Origin of Evil chapter) into a tract! I could put other Great Controversy chapters into tract form! Strongly sensing that God was leading in this, I checked around. At the time, there was only one efficient, low-cost typesetting machineand that was the IBM Selectric Composer. (Back in Goldendale, I had checked into the manually
operated Verityper, and found it quite impractical.) Off to Evansville, Indiana, I drove and was given a demonstration of a new Selectric Composer. This machine could do what I wanted to do, but the price was $12,000. I prayed that I might somehow obtain one. Cherie would not tolerate my taping inside the house, which was understandable; she had too much work to do. A sympathetic friend, who wanted to help me in the broadcast work, gave me a small, decrepit 17-foot travel trailer in exchange for a couple power tools I had from my plumbing and electrician days. We parked it near the house and ran a power line to it. But, when, in the late summer of 1977, I tried to make a radio tape inside the trailer, the outside noises of birds, wind, and the children in the distance would record onto the tapes. So I worked out a system whereby I would open the windows to air it out, then enter it clad only in bathing trunks, shut all the windowsand record a broadcast. There was no other way I could do it without extraneous noise. In the sweltering heat, by the time I was done, I was as wet as though I had gone bathing. I knew this pattern would not be practical when fall came and I needed some form of heat in there; space heaters were noisy. But I would work while it was today, and wait and see what my Father would bring to supply tomorrows needs. Fred Nogle lived in the area. Someone had given him a copy of Desire of Ages, and he loved it. Unfortunately, he could not conquer cigarettes, although we all tried to help him do it. However, over a period of time, he accepted the Bible Sabbath and our other beliefs. Fred had an inheritance; so he did not have to work for a living. He would buy $30 Bibles and give one to any child who wanted one and said he or she would read in it. This was the kind of man Fred was. Becoming interested in our project, one day that fall Fred told me he would give me a house trailer to do my taping in. He found a used one in Carbondale and had it hauled over and parked behind the house we were renting. Nearly a year later, Fred later loaned us the money to purchase our first A.B. Dick press. We later repaid him in full. But, afterward, Fred got into trouble. Some-
the written word. I had been on the radio for several years, and had preached for decades. The results could be excellent: yet the words left the mouth, went out into the ether, and then were gone. The memory of what had been said rather quickly faded from the minds of the hearers. (What did you hear at church two weeks ago?) But the written wordthat which was printed was far different. It was there, would remain there, and could help people for years to come. Please understand that I am not against preaching, but I had to focus my own work, and my focus was changing. It is for these reasons that I stopped the radio work. I could not do both, and I had come to have more confidence that what I wrote would help more people than what I said. While we are on this subject, if you will check in the Spirit of Prophecy, you will quite consistently find that it will be the printed materials which will be the most powerful in preparing souls for the Final Crisis, and even during that crisis! It is the truth-filled books and papers which will be the basis of the Third and Fourth Angels work! Carefully read 7 Testimonies, 138144. Other pertinent passages include 9T 61, 69; CWE 181; LS 214-217; Ev 114-115; GW 25; 6T 315-316; 6T 313-314; 7T 150-151; and 9T 66-73. Each of the preceding passages is a jewel! They are quoted on pp. 37-55 of my 624-page book, The Colporteur Handbook, which explains how to canvass. I knew we would need better facilities, but was not sure what to do. Then, one day, Fay, Cheries sister who lived down the road a mile, told me she was going to buy a used schoolhouse in Harrisburg, and have it hauled to her farm. A little later, she told me I could use it free of charge. Like all her family, Fay is a very kind person and a true friend. The building consisted of two 75-foot househalves which, when joined together, formed one large room big enough for a family to live in. Moving into it, I made more tapes. Throughout those early years of the work, my family helped me. For a time, Linda helped me with the receipting of funds as I typeset. Later, Ellen helped me, and Faith at times. When I obtained the press, my son Mark began helping in the office. I had no doubt that the Lord would have to bestow on him mechanical ability for the task before him, and the Lord did. Mark was only
11, but he was running equipment that, normally, only adults ran. When he encountered difficulties, we would kneel and pray, and the Lord would provide solutions. Sometime later, we found that the roof tar I had applied on a cold October day the year before to that house trailer, which Fred Nogle had given me,in the summer heat had flowed outward and filled all the cracks! The trailer no longer leaked. So we hauled it over to Fays farm, positioned it behind the house she let us use as an office, and stored tracts in it. Our first press was a Multilith 1250, but we had nothing but trouble with it. The print quality was excellent, but getting the paper from the feeder to the receiving trayfrom one end to the otherwas the problem. Eventually, we traded the machine in on a used A.B. Dick, and our problems were greatly lessened. However, we still lacked a folding machine. As we worked, we continually encountered problems of every kind. But we would not give up. When we were stopped for a time, we would do something else. And, day after day, when not doing something else, I kept typesetting tracts. From July 1979 to the end of December, I prepared 20 Sabbath tracts (BS1 to 20), which contained original research material; the 16 Great Controversy tracts (GC1 to 16), which contained the best of the book; and 5 Final Crisis tracts (FC1 to 5), which was another typing of the heart of the 16 tracts. One day, an Adventist family who was visiting Fay stopped by and asked what I was doing. I said I was preparing Sabbath tracts. She looked puzzled and then replied, Oh, I see, tracts for Adventists to read on the Sabbath! It had been so many years since the Adventist Church had missionary tracts for the lost, explaining the truth of the Bible Sabbath, that this lady did not know what a Sabbath tract was. Why did I prepare all those Sabbath tracts? I did it because Great Controversy, page 605, says that, in the Final Crisis, it will be the great test of loyalty and the point of truth especially controverted. In the providence of God, the Sabbath is the special teaching of Scripture demanding a decision in these last daysa decision which can only be made in acknowledgment of the holiness and perpetuity of the Law of God. I also prepared the first two tracts in the Remnant Standards Series (Out of the Cities
Up to this point, we were still crippling along in our printing work. Only recently had we been able to replace the useless Multilith 1250 with an A.B. Dick press; and we still did not have a folding machine. But, finally, in the spring of 1980, we were able to scrape enough money together to buy a folder. Mark began printing and folding tracts in earnest. Ellen would come in and help us. Faith helped us also. (Linda stayed at home to help with the twins, who were only five by this time. The older ones would alternate at home to do the cooking, washing, and cleaning.) By June 1980, 60 tracts had been completed, and a sizeable number of the Firm Foundation tracts had been printed. We well knew that, after the April 17-26 General Conference Session in Dallas, a major theological meeting would be held at Glacier View, the Colorado (now Rocky Mountain) Conference summer camp, on August 10 to 14. With this looming crisis in mind, we mailed a boxful of key Firm Foundation tracts to Neal C. Wilsons office at the General Conference, so they could be distributed to the church leaders and Bible teachers attending Glacier View. Of course, the fact that I did so reveals my naivet at the time in imagining they would be distributed. But I was trying to help my church. Those papers contained Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and historical answers to the Ford assertions. About September, the thought came to mind to telephone Wilsons office about those tracts; I was told, by his personal secretary, that the large box was still sitting beside her desk. Realizing where they would soon be placed (in that incinerator behind the building, where as a janitor I used to dump the wastebaskets), I asked that they be mailed back to me, and I promised to pay the postage. All of those tracts were later mailed out to our friends for widespread distribution. Our first tract mailing was also in June, and included the first printed issue of Waymarks. It was Waymarks18. Why number 18? Because all the earlier ones (1 to 17) had been those carbon paper, photocopy, and mimeograph editions (we had a mimeograph machine for a few months, and then sold it to the pastor). Awhile back I found a copy of one of the 17, which urged
the readers to widely circulate Great Controversy. All the rest are gone. That same summer, our family went to the southern Illinois camp meeting which, back then, was still held at Little Grassy Lake campground. Steve, a faithful follower of Robert Brinsmead, was there, busily passing out Brinsmeads Verdict magazines to those in attendance. Inquiring, he told me he had requested and received permission from the conference president to distribute them. At that time, Brinsmead and Ford were both essentially teaching the same thing and Fords positions had been rejected at Glacier View. A little later, Brinsmead rejected the Sabbath outright and left Adventism entirely. Ben was an Adventist who, with his family, lived on a farm in the middle of a national forest near our home. Not long after camp meeting, one Sabbath afternoon I walked with my family out to Bens place. Steve and his wife were living there at the time, and the two of us sat on the porch and spent the afternoon discussing the pros and cons of Desmond Fords theology. Steve would bring up a point and, with a prayer in my heart, I would answer each one to his satisfaction. When we concluded, I was thankful when he agreed I had answered all his points. Yet he said he wanted to think about it a little more. It was clear that Steve was emotionally attached and did not want to separate from the excitement generated in his life by defending Fords positions. The next morning, I typed up our conversation and printed it under the title, Hebrews Nine and the Sanctuary Message [FF-1]. In the tract, I referred to Steve under the pseudonym, Jim. A few weeks later, I heard that Steve had decided he would remain with Ford. This was unfortunate; for, earlier, Steve had done canvassing and held the Spirit of Prophecy in high repute. This decision greatly affected his future. As a relative told me in 1995, he and his wife separated; he remarried, left all religion, and then, about 1993, died of cancer. Over the years, there have been many personal shipwrecks as a result of the work of Brinsmead, Ford, Rea, Clute, and others who have rejected Gods Word for their own theories. An Adventist couple, Jeanine and Charles, bought a small parcel of Fay and Curtis land, and moved a mobile home onto it. Since we still lacked a power cutter, one morning, one of my
coal mining near Harrisburg, Illinois. Old-timers in the area still talk about what happened. One day, the roof of a coal mine caved in, and those able to do so ran out. When the men were counted outside, there was still one man in that cave. Wives and children quickly gathered, and everyone began praying. When they tried to go back in for him, they found the tunnel blocked at a certain point by immense rocks; beyond it they could not go. The situation appeared hopeless. But the families outside kept praying. Inside the coal mine, a man sat huddled in a corner in the darkness. Somehow, he had lost his headlamp and did not know how to find his way out. So he sat there and wept. Then a man came over with a light, and said, I can help you. Come, follow me. As he followed the man, he wondered how the one leading him could be wearing white clotheswithout one stain of black on them. White clothes in a coal mine, where everything you touched turned you black! But he was too frightened to think much about it. Soon his guide led him along the tunnel to a point where light from the entrance could be seen; and, just before turning to go back into the mine, he told the miner to continue on out. When the man emerged from the mine, there were tears and great rejoicing. Then he told them about the man dressed in white, who had entered the tunnel and brought him out. Apparently he had gone back in to bring out more men. Those outside told him that there were no other miners inside, that no man in white had gone into that tunnel; and, besides, the tunnel was blocked with rubble. That is why they did not go in to try and find him. Beginning in the summer of 1980, when our little press began working full-time, momentous events in the denomination began occurring very rapidly. Prior to that year, the liberals were gradually increasing in strength and establishing strong beachheads in our churches, executive offices, academies, and especially our colleges and universities. But it was a quiet work. In 1980, the problem began to break wide open; changes in doctrines and standards became more apparent and accelerated, and consequent fiscal, and other, corruption began to be exposed. Yet when worldlings, who secretly reject the discipline of Gods Inspired Writings, gain control, a downward spiral is inevitable. Mismanagement and downright fraud begins to surface. From the response we were receiving, our
Waymarks and Firm Foundation tracts were having an effect. The silence throughout the church on the new theology and other issues was deafening. Only a few voices would speak; I was thankful I was in a position to do so. (By 1982, the few voices which I knew to have openly opposed the new theology in the previous two yearsBill May, Kenneth Wood, and Ralph Larsonhad either been replaced, retired, or sent overseas.) Soon developments began occurring thick and fast. Here, year by year, is a very brief overview of the years which followed: 1980In addition to what has already been mentioned, I typed up an important analysis (our four-part historical study, The Australasian Controversy), which, as stated, was a transcription of a tape by Colin and Russell Standish, dealing with the entire history behind the rise of the Ford apostasy. The Standish twins are outstanding men. I later interviewed Colin and extended that historical review still further. At the time, I predicted that Australia was ten years ahead of us; and what had happened there, unless strongly resisted by leadership, would soon come upon the Adventist Church in North America. And so it happened. That same summer, a revision of the Statement of Belief was pushed through the Dallas General Conference Session in June. Delegates did not have time to make many alterations in the draft presented to them (which, incidently had been written by liberal Bible teachers at Andrews). This rewording of our formal set of beliefs was made for two reasons. First, it would keep the Session delegates preoccupied, so they would not delve into other matters. Second, there was a strong need to revise the Statement into a watered-down, muffled phraseology which could be agreeable both to the conservatives and the liberals. In this way the liberals could say, I stand by the Dallas Statement!and not be fired. And so it worked out in the years to come. At a small-group meeting with Ford at 4 p.m. on Friday, August 14, just after Glacier View had adjourned, when it appeared that Ford was going to be discharged, N.C. Wilson asked him if he was willing to abide by the Dallas Statement, and Ford replied that he could support it. Wilson was astounded, showing that even he had not penetrated the plan of the modernists to so
1981The first Adventist homosexual camp meeting was held in Arizona. Quoting their papers, in April I showed that, instead of repenting of sin, their objective was to bring sodomy into the church. On July 22, I received a phone call from a lady who worked in a conference office. She had called me several times before, and was thinking of coming to work for us. As she spoke, she sounded almost frightened as she reported that some terrible thing had occurred. And the leaders in the building were frantic. Soon after, we learned that, on the morning of Wednesday, July 22, Donald Davenport walked into the Federal Building in Los Angeles and filed bankruptcy papers. Later, in May 1983, I began releasing the only comprehensive report on the entire Davenport scandal ever to be printeda 15-part tract set, including extensive quotations as well as photographs. That report revealed how conference and union leaders and local pastors were paid handsome finders fees, for loaning church funds to Davenport and talking widows, and other members, into handing their life savings over to the man. Yet all this moneyprivate savings and church fundswere handed to Davenport without receiving any securing paperwork. In the months which followed, the entire financial scandal was dealt with by a variety of delay tactics which resulted in no firings; yet which cost the church an incredible amount of member confidence. Facts emerged that certain church leaders were receiving as much as 40 percent per annum interest on their personal loansin order to buy their influence on committees which approved immense investments of church funds to Davenport. Incredibly, no one was ever fired (although certain leaders quietly resigned and moved into high-paying jobs with Adventist Health Systems). Do not trust men; many of them will be lost. You can only place your trust in God. In August, we reprinted the Atlanta Minutes of the Friday-Sabbath, June 12-13, business meeting of Adventist college and university new theology teachers in North America. It was a private convention; but someone sent us the notes which told of the concern of those teachers, to keep inventing theology, unrestrained by church
leaders, while making sure they were not fired in the process. Seventeen of those in attendance, and several who were not, were named in the minutes. In September, we revealed the new theology background of Fred Veltman, the Pacific Union College teacher and a close friend of Desmond Ford, who had been assigned the task of defending Ellen White against the plagiarism charge. More revelations occurred in forthcoming months, which provided warnings for our people. Early that year, I sent a tract to William Grotheer, with a handwritten comment that I would place him on our mailing list. It was a friendly gesture, with no evil intent in mind. He promptly wrote a brief letter in reply, which was remarkably condescending, yet commanding. He said something to the effect that it was wrong of me to quote the Spirit of Prophecy in defense of doctrine, but that it would be all right for me to quote those writings in some other contexts. The tone instantly alerted me; and, with rare exception, I cut off all further contact with him. I learned from mutual friends that he was extremely angry that I was sending out tracts. Some people fight the fire; others fight the firefighters. Grotheer, in his publications, has attacked many historic Adventists including the faithful older pastors in Australia who opposed Desmond Ford, John Adam who opposed Davenport, and even Wildwood and kindred units. That summer, at David Bauers invitation, I flew to California to look through his files at his home in South Lake Tahoe. One morning, I drove down with him to the post office. As we walked out of it, he opened a letter which had just arrived from William Grotheer. Bauer had been invited to speak at Grotheers 1981 camp meeting, to be held near Leslie, Arkansas. The letter contained the speakers schedule, along with a note that no one, speakers or audience, would be permitted to quote the Spirit of Prophecy. I was very surprised, but David was not. He remarked that this was typical of Grotheer, who held doctrines which did not agree with those inspired writings. My sister-in-law attended that camp meeting, and later told me how Grotheer forbade those in attendance from quoting the Spirit of Prophecy in any comments from the podium. The clos-
friends had mailed me copies of the Pacific Union College weekly newspaper, the Campus Chronicle. It recorded the steady deterioration of standards on the campus. In addition, that same year, an ongoing attempt to reform the college had been carried on by alumni and church members on the West Coast. At one point, nearly a thousand members had signed a petition to eliminate the new theology and the staff at the college adhering to it. The entire experience is discussed in detail in our 32-page PUC PapersPart 1-8 [WM53-60], now in our Schools Tractbook. But, out of it all, I learned two important lessons: (1) Nearly any problem or scandal can be sidestepped by leadershipsimply by stalling for time, and then taking little or no action. (2) The college president and the union conference president are the only ones in charge of the college; it is not the board nor the administration. A basic problem in the denomination is that, at any given level or in any entity, only one or two men decide what will be done. In earlier years, I had wanted to be a conference evangelist, but recognized that I did not have the robust health required for the job. One day, I received a phone call from an individual who had been one of our leading North American evangelists in the 1960s and 1970s, whose work I had so much admired. If I were to name him, many would recognize it. Now retired, he expressed over the phone the deepest appreciation for the work I was doing, in warning our people about these problems. I told him I had wanted to do the evangelistic work he had done. He replied, Vance, you are doing a more important work than I have ever done. I brought souls into the church, but you are warning our church and trying to keep it on track. This conversation was a great encouragement to me in the years which followed. This same year, we searched for property on which to establish a permanent base for Pilgrims Rest. We visited several properties in the East and Midwest. Then, in September, a friend phoned and told me he had found what we were looking for. He said he could get it for under $100,000. We could hardly scrape together $5,000; so I paid little attention to it. Shortly afterward, he called back and said, we could have it for $35,000, and to come down right away. His description sounded like what we wanted:
isolation, but with ready access to cities for equipment, service, and supplies. Arriving at his home in Altamont, Tennessee, he took us out to see the property. Here is the story behind it: About four years earlier, an Adventist brother we never met was convicted that his local church should start a camp for their young people. Wealthy people on the board agreed, and so he went looking for property. He eventually found an ideal piece in the form of a square, which fell away on two sides into valleys, and was enclosed by thick woods on all sides, but a single entrance road along which a few neighbors lived. His local church bought the property and invested about $35,000 into a gravel road, outhouses, a covered well, and a meeting house with a concrete slab. He took the young people of the church on several camping trips to the wooded property. Then, suddenly, the young man developed advanced diabetes and died. The camp project died with him, and time passed. A realtor was told to find the property and sell it. Although having years of experience in locating real estate, he searched and could not locate it. So the property sat there more months. Then our friend heard about that land; and knowing our need, after phoning me, called that realtor and said he might have a buyer. The realtor said he did not know where the place was, and our friend told him to come up and he would show him. Driving him to the top of the hill, by the well house (just above our present office), and showing him the rock underfoot in that area, declared, See all this rock, this place isnt worth much! The realtor agreed, and lowered the price to $35,000 for 127 acres. We drove down, saw the place, went on down to the realtors office, paid $5,000 down, with no interest if we paid the remainder in six monthly payments. Whether legend or true, Adventists in this area declare that Ellen White was being driven in a buggy through the Sequatchie Valley, to the east of the Cumberland Plateau where we live and, pointing up to it, declared, I have been shown that Gods people will find a refuge up there. As we drove back to southern Illinois that evening, it was time for evening worship. Cherie
That afternoon, we had stood on a rocky eminence at a cleft in the rocks, similar to that overlooking the valley which stretched ten miles out before us. When you visit us, we will show it to you. It is right next to our present office. We appealed to our many friends for help and, six months later, the property was completely paid off, and we moved in. About a month before we made the move to Tennessee, the pastor of our church in southern Illinois stopped by to see us. Vance, he said, you should request a transfer in your membership right now! I inquired why, since we had not moved yet. He was an experienced pastor and acquainted with conference politics. He said that the Illinois Conference president did not like our work and intended to block the names of all our family members from being sent on to Tennessee. But, if we asked for the transfer at this time, he would permit the letters to pass on through. I asked why, and was told the Illinois Conference Constituency Meeting was scheduled to be held very soon; and the president would not dare block it prior to then, since he wanted to be reelected. These Machiavellian political tactics seemed mysterious to me; yet we turned in our requests, and the transfers were made. A couple years later, because of certain actions, that president was ousted by an irate constituency when certain activities came to light. 1983 The Fall 1992 Senior Sabbath School Quarterly was authored by Norman Gulley, my friend from Seminary days. Unfortunately, in the years since, he had been sold a bill of goods by the liberals; and his quarterlyand the book accompanying it (Christ, Our Substitute)showed it. Errors regarding the atonement, the human nature of Christ, and the relation of obedience
union papers, nothing was available on the subject. In October, I brought out the first three of over a dozen tracts against abortion. Some of them concerned our own church involvement in the horrible practice. You will find few Adventists, church salaried or independent, who will speak up on this topic. In the fall, I released the first of six tracts on the churchs heavy involvement in the stock market. Friends supplied us with a sizeable amount of material on this subject. Also that fall, the first of many tracts on the billion-dollar Adventist Health Systems debt was released. These tracts produced worthwhile effects. Heretofore, AHS leaders said their operations were more effective and prosperous because of the massive debt. But, within a month after the release of our first tract set on the subject, they announced in the Review that they were going to drastically reduce the debt within the coming year. Yet they had gotten all branches of their AHS systems conditioned to so freely spending money, wildlythat, a year later, they were up to $2 billion in debt! Judge this in light of the fact that, at that time, all other debt of the denomination in the United Statesin all its churches, offices, publishing houses, etc.amounted to less than $4 million. In the fall, I released the 35-part Biblical Sanctuary. To my knowledge, it is the most complete Biblical refutation of Fords errors regarding the Sanctuary message (as it relates to the books of Hebrews, Daniel, Leviticus, and Revelation) ever prepared. There is nothing even remotely like it anywhere. It includes a table of contents and index in front, and over 200 studies, some of which are key Hebrew and Greek word studies. This material proves our historic Sanctuary beliefs from the Bible only. Shortly after releasing the material, I received a phone call from Bill May, Texas Conference president at the time (now deceased), who deeply thanked me for what I had done. He said he was going to write something, himself, on the subject, but that now he could use my material instead. Articles on our church participation in church growth seminars, as well as an expos of the Graybill Thesis concluded the year.
It is remarkable how, two years after I started Pilgrims Rest and three months after I began typesetting, the crisis in the church began erupting on such a wide variety of fronts. Members
Thine ears shall hear a word from behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it. Isaiah 30:21 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall Psalm 55:22 sustain thee. The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom. Proverbs 15:33 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear Him. He also will hear their cry, and will save them. Psalm 145:19 For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 If any man thirst, let Him come unto Me and drink. John 7:37 Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path . . The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalm 119:105, 130 Turn Thou to me, and I shall be turned; for Thou art the Lord my God. Jeremiah 31:18
ment might begin arresting them for being faithful AdventistsI wrote two letters. In order to safeguard the believers, I told no one of the first letter. It was very carefully worded; and it began by mentioning that I was an important publisher in the United States, whose publications were read by thousands. Citing factual data showing the broad economic progress the nation of Hungary had made in recent years (which it had), I noted how the West was concerned that this continue and that their treatment of their people would assure their continued friendly business contacts with the West. I mentioned the faithful Adventists and said that the thousands of our own readers, as well as many others in the Adventist Church in the West, were expecting that they would treat their citizens, including faithful Adventists, justly. When finished, I was impressed that God had helped me write it well. Several years later, I sent the Hungarian government a second letter. Evidence supplied by certain organizations indicates that such letters, from Western thought leaders, can help. At any rate, the faithful in Hungary were never arrested for continuing to worship. I also wrote another letter, this one to the General Conference Committee, which, at the time, consisted of about 360 men. They were slated to meet in their Annual Council at the Takoma Park Church in Maryland, in October. I wrote an earnest appeal, which I printed, for them to help the faithful Hungarians, by rescinding the action of N.C. Wilson. Although the report was factually written, unfortunately, because of information included, it could not be considered complimentary to Neal Wilson. I prayed about the matter, for I so much wanted to reach those men. Then I was able to obtain the names and positions of each of those 360 men. After inserting the envelopes, we handaddressed each one. But what should I do with them? The thought came to mail them to those world leaders, c/o the General Conference. Included in this mailing was An Appeal to the General Conference Committee [WM84AB] and The Ecumenical Connection [WM9597]. The latter was a powerful time line, with references, briefly outlining the history of the Ecumenical Movement and the Martin-Barnhouse Conferences with our leaders, from December 1939 onward, and showing specific Adventist involvement with the Evangelicals and Ecumenicals over a period of many years. (Our
colleges and has since written a book, published by the Review, ridiculing our historic belief in obedience by faith. In 1984, a hundred years after the 1884 edition of Great Controversy was released, I was convicted that I should reprint that book, and also the 1888 edition. We began typesetting both books in an easier-to-read typeface. I also began writing several other books, all of which we began publishing in 1985. You may recall that I had an unusual dream in 1960; I had another in 1984. It was so utterly vivid and clear, that I awoke, in the middle of the night, as if in a shock. It seemed that the predicted Final Crisis had come. As the dream began, I was standing in a large room with a tiled, marble floor. The walls also were of marble. The glare of skylight was seen through a large, open, double auditorium door that I was facing toward. I wondered what was outside that door. But then I turned my attention to see what was in the room. Looking about, along both sides and behind me, there were three raised step tiers for seating, set back on three sides. On them were metal folding chairs, somewhat disarranged. A few people were still standing or seated, talking together about nothing in particular. Then my attention was drawn to a small book lying closed on one of the chairs on my right side, halfway to the door. Going to it, I could see it was a very old book. Opening at random in the middle, I began to read some of itand was stunned. It was warning about a terrible storm that was soon to come. I pulled over one of the chairs; and, sitting down, I read in it some more. The book not only warned about the coming storm, but detailed its ferocity and the extent of the damage it would do. Then I saw that it also told how to prepare to meet the storm. At this, I jumped up, very concerned. Everyone must know about this book! A terrible storm was coming which would bring terrible ruin to this city. The people were not ready! Running out into the street, there was bright sunlight; but it was somewhat windy, blowing from the right as I emerged from the building. To my left, the street slanted slightly downward, and I ran down the street and told one person after the other about the little book back in the auditorium. But hardly anyone seemed to care. Many laughed and said the city was perfectly safe,
while others paid no attention to my words at all. Such a storm had never occurred, and never would. Indeed, everything did look safe. The buildings appeared like strongly made marble government buildings, with nicely styled columns, friezes, cornices, and facia such as one would find in ancient Roman and Greek architecture. The detail in the dream was exquisite. An impression of well-built solidity was all about me. By this time, the wind was blowing more strongly, and I remembered that book. A strong fear gripped me that I might lose it! As I ran back up the street toward the auditorium, the wind was increasing in momentum; and, as I was about to enter the auditorium, small chips were beginning to fly off some of the buildings. Hurrying inside, I was relieved to see that the book was still there, lying open on the chair where I had left it. Picking it up, I read a few lines. It was clear the storm was going to be even worse than I had before imagined. And the signs revealed that it was about to begin! Holding the bookI dared not lose it,I ran to the door. People were screaming, as masonry flew by in the fury of the gale. Tremors were occurring and huge blocks were falling off buildings. This was the crisis the little book had forwarned! Then I awoke. I sat there for about 20 minutes and thought about what I had seen. This was something I must not forget. The next morning, I wrote it down. It was obvious that the little book was Great Controversy. We had already begun typesetting it in both the 1884 and 1888 editions. This dream greatly spurred me with the urgency of placing that special book in low-cost, larger typeface format. Fortunately, with the smaller 1884 edition, we were able to do this the most easily. 1985In January, the Baby Fae baboon heart transplant at Loma Linda broke, and we provided coverage. In March, we disclosed the New Age Seminars which workers at Loma Linda were required to attend. That same month, we disclosed the first RICO (anti-racketeering) lawsuit against a religious denomination in the United States. It occurred when a worker in a conference in the North Pacific Union was discharged because of he had expressed concerns about loans being
(I later wrote to Pacific Press and offered to let them print and sell it, with or without my name, and with no royalties. Someone wrote back a few weeks later that he did not like being the one to write the letter, but that the committee had voted to refuse the offer because the book had earlier been printed.) Prophet of the End was written to meet a strong need for a book about Ellen White. It combines a biography, a complete Bible study, the witness of science, and even a defense against certain charges. The book concludes with key excerpts from Great Controversy, and is suitable both for our own people and the world. We were also able to bring out an edition of the 1888 Great Controversy. Like the 1884 edition, it had larger type; but, because of its greater size, and small print-run, it cost more (about $1.15 in the case) and did not sell well. That edition is now out-of-print. I also edited and published Better Health Made Simple, a set of simple lessons with transitions to doctrinal topics, originally prepared by one of our missionaries in India. It had been used very successfully there. 1986In March, we disclosed to the church Dr. William Jarvis secret spy network, based at Loma Linda, to report on, and hail into court Adventist physiciansand any other practitionerswho might be using natural remedies. In April, our five-part biography of Canright was sent out, to warn our people against following in his pitiable steps. He attacked the Spirit of Prophecy, although he knew his deceptive theories and claims were untrue. He came to a miserable end. That summer, more data on our ecumenical connections, which had been sent to us, were released; and the fact that Adventist Health Systems was now up to $2 billion in debt was uncovered. Our first extensive report on New Age errors was released this year. In August, the urging of W.J. Arthur, vice president of the British Union, to Margaret Thatcher for enactment of a National Sunday Law was disclosed. (It was called the Shops Law over there.) Faithful believers in Britain had alerted us and sent documents. (The following May, we reported that, within a few months after we gave notoriety to the matter, Arthur was elevated to the position of British Union president.
Why was he rewarded for urging a national Sunday law in Britain?) September brought news about the startling General Conference-produced liberal Sabbath School quarterly for our college students, called the Collegiate Quarterly. We published extensively on the whole mess. Even articles about and by Catholics were included. The next month, the surprising attempt, by Loma Linda University, to swallow La Sierra and sell its campus came to light. That same month, we quoted all the official doctrinal beliefs of our denomination, going back to the beginning and comparing them. In November, the conclusion of the Proctor case against the church was reported; and, the following month, Wilson faced off against the entire North Pacific Union constituency, demanding that they meet his terms. Shortly afterward, in a separate action, he closed down Harris Pine Mills. Regarding the Harris Pine closure, we received extensive news clips from the Northwest, which we shared. We also published Shelter in the Storm, which, in large print, combined Steps to Christ and 60 of the most crucial pages from Great Controversy. An excellent little book, it balanced an appeal to come to Christ with a clear presentation of the cause, nature, and outcome of the final crisis over the Sabbath. I had written and published five booklets, each one designed to include a message which many would want, and need, to read: You Can Quit Tobacco, You Can Quit Alcohol, Hard Drugs Can Ruin You, Abortion and You, and Arthritis and Rheumatism. In the back of each book was a powerful chapter on the Bible Sabbath. Then I reprinted the five in Help for your Family, an excellent collection of helps, containing the material in those five booklets. The same excellent study on the Bible Sabbath concluded the book. The same year, I wrote and published the 294-page Water Therapy Manual. It was this year that, for the first time, we hired an Hispanic translator to help us place materials into Spanish. All the while my children were growing, and my family and I had many happy times working together, taking walks together, and going out in nature on Sabbath afternoons. But, of course,
suit crisis. The suits cost the General Conference millions of dollars in legal fees; all of it, by admission in a letter by GC attorney Robert Nixon, was paid by the tithe of the church members. The best detailed summary of the whole affair will be found in my 1997 book, The Story of the Trademark Lawsuits. In September, we released Murl Vance and the Master Number, which was a very brief report on Murls discoveries about the true nature of the 666showing it to be the master number of the ancient mystery religions which the Roman Church is built upon. You will recall that Murl had been my friend back in the 1950s. In the late summer of 1952, I had visited him at his home in Glendale, California and had learned much. Later, I had opportunity to again visit with him when he came back to the Seminary in Washington, D.C. in the late 1950s. He started his research into the 666 about the year 1941, and had amassed a vast amount of material. In January 1972, he is said to have died while taking a shower at his home in western Oregon. The timing was significant, for he had just retired and had waited until that event to organize and publish his extensive findings on the 666. Some theorize that the Jesuits murdered him. We cannot know. At any rate, after I published this September 1987 tract, I received a phone call from a friend who told me he had been the best man at Murls wedding, and knew the entire family. Yes, he said, Murls research documents might still be available. I was told that Murls widow was living with her second-born daughter in the Portland area. The widow had moved there soon after Murls death. I was also given the phone number of an Adventist who had lived on the Vance property since Murl died. Phoning him, he told me that the priceless research materials had lain out in a barn for years, and that the man who had married their third daughter had asked the widow if he could have them, in the hope that someday he might find time to publish the material. This individual was currently an academy principal in Central California. Anyone acquainted with the climate of a large Adventist academy well knows that the principal is forever overloaded with work. Calling him, I was told there were 35,000 pages of microfilms in the collection! Murl did his work before photocopiers, so current technology in his time consisted of
an inverted 35mm camera on a tripod above an open book page. I was told that my request would be carefully considered. Recognizing that I would have an absolutely immense job on my hands, if he said yes, I prayed and waited. Classifying all that material, writing a clear explanation of it, and selecting the best of the 35,000 pages for publicationcould take quite a while. About a month later, he phoned back and said he would keep the materials, in the hope that he could himself do something with them some day. He had lengthened my life by several years. It is unlikely he will ever produce anything. Eventually, I plan to release a full book, based on Murls data which I have, along with other relevant material. Meanwhile, here at Pilgrims Rest, we held a one-week Medical Missionary and Canvassing Training Session. It was followed up by a second one that fall. This year, we also published an 814-page edition of Desire of Ages in inexpensive paperback. Friends continually called for back copies of our tracts; yet, by mid-1987, they totaled over a thousand titles. So, that year, we began collecting the back issues into 8 x 11-inch tractbooks. At the present time, a decade later, they include over 50 tractbooks. 1988In February, we released the first of what eventually amounted to over a dozen tracts on the national Sunday law in the island nation of Fiji. In connection with this, a friend mailed us the money to send one of our workers to Fiji for a couple weeks to gather detailed information, as well as newspaper announcements and other documentation, on the history of that crisis and how it affected our people there. In June, we issued an eight-part report on the new doctrinal book, Seventh-day Adventists Believe, which replaced the out-of-print 1957 book, Questions on Doctrine. As mentioned earlier, QD been prepared in order to codify in print, some of the doctrinal changes worked out in conference with Walter Martin and Donald Barnhouse during the infamous Evangelical Conferences. But we found that many of the errors in QD were also in the new doctrinal book. In our report, we carefully quoted and compared the errors printed in each book. In August, we reported on the first bond de-
on their little church (Congregational Seventhday Adventist Church), although that was what their beliefs were. When asked, the General Conference replied that Marik had brought it on himself. The truth is they spent several million in legal fees, paid for by the tithe, bringing it on him. This same year, a friend of ours went to Collegedale, signed up for a couple courses, and began using their library. The first day in class, the teacher opened his remarks by mentioning that there was no Sanctuary in heaven. Then he looked around at the students to see if there was any objection. When none of the students cared or dared to object, the teacher was satisfied and began teaching new theology in this fall-term class. In the library, our friend began checking on data about the Jesuits, and Xeroxing some of it. The head librarian, upon learning of this, placed a sign on the Xerox machine, Out of Order. When our friend came back a couple hours later, the head librarian was out to lunch and the sign was gone. So he used it again. But then the woman returned, hurried over, and told him he must not use the machine because it did not work. This went on for several days, and additional obstructions were placed in his way. So he gave up and quit school. He also told me that, several years earlier, he had carried on a self-supporting ministry at the University of Florida in Gainsville. Although not conference employed, he considered himself a conference pastor; so upon hearing of a forthcoming ministerial retreat, he attended it with conference approval. After one of the meetings adjourned, he walked over to a huddle of pastors in one corner. It turned out that the men in that group were all fairly recent Southern College ministerial graduates, and they had just been joined by one of their Bible teachers. Not noticing my friends arrival, they gave their full attention to their former theology instructor. To my friends utter astonishment, the Bible teacher was talking to them about how more graduates were coming out each year, and gradually they were changing the doctrinal positions of the entire conference. It was obvious to my friend that the youthful pastors were drinking in his words with relish.
At this point, instead of keeping his mouth shut so he could learn more, my friend spoke up and made an astonished comment. Every eye was instantly fixed upon him, and everyone walked off in a different direction. That same year, two more of my books were printed: the 112-page National Sunday Law Crisis and the 640-page Colporteur Handbook. National Sunday Law Crisis detailed the development of Sunday laws in America, warned of the final one, and included an important chapter summarizing the danger of the Genocide Treaty. It is a powerful little book. The Colporteur Handbook contains over 350 replies to 250 objections, about 40 book canvasses to 25 books, several hundred closes, dozens of basic Spirit of Prophecy principles, and a variety of source material to get one started selling the books which should be sold at this time in history. It was based on a boxful of material I had collected over the previous decades. For one job, back in 1971 in Memphis, I could only sell at night yet had to attend a sales meeting every morning. So I spent the days researching everything I could find at two large libraries on selling. This and other material went into that book. In addition, we reprinted Haskells two books on Daniel and Revelation, as well as several smaller ones for children. Haskells books were very spiritual and superior to Uriah Smiths more mechanical approach. Yet the books had a slow sale, so we eventually let them go out of print. In the fall of this year, I first began work on a set of Creation-Evolution books. Working on it brought me a lot of encouragement, since my wife had left again. I also had my children for fellowship. 1990In April, we published on the Witches Den Opera at Southern College. It is a classic example of the insidious apostasy that is developing in our church, an apostasy that few will speak up about or directly oppose. Should we have told our denomination what was happening at Southern College? I had been notified that an announcement had gone out over the college radio station, WSMC, to everyone in the greater Chattanooga area, that Southern College would perform Dido and Aeneas on Sunday, March 18, 1990, at 8 p.m. at the college. Those who arrived, trusting that the college was a Christian institution, were
in for a surprisefor it was a performance in witchery, enchantments on people, and a fullblown heathen philosophy. On stage, the sorceress and her fellow witches bound spells on people, swore by the ancient pagan gods, stirred a pot of enchantment in their cave as they muttered incantations. The witches finally triumphed as the man they were cursing fell dead on the stage. You dont believe it happened at one of our colleges? Ask for a copy of Witches Den Opera at Southern College [WM275] and read all about it. The opera included the combined musical and dance groups of the college, plus four innocent grade-school children who sang weirdly in one corner as the witches stirred their brew. This is but one example of the type of corruption that is gradually taking control of our church. Some people simply cannot accept the fact that standards are eroding in our denomination, and that they need to arise and demand a return to earlier foundations. But, while church members twiddle their thumbs, the apostasy worsens. Wrongdoing should be exposed for what it is, and earnest protests should be made that it be stopped. This year, additional growth in so-called Celebrationism occurred, as more of the churches went in that direction. In July, we made the initial announcement of our foreign mission program, as we began supporting foreign missionaries. Additional announcements and updates followed in later months and years. In June, I released the three-part Captive Sessions, a careful analysis of how scheduling and other details of General Conference Sessions are arranged so the delegates will not be able to devote more than a small part of the total time to the transaction of church business. This tract set is a classic. In preparation for the 1990 General Conference Session, I prepared the Four Crisis Tract, which summarized and warned against Celebration Churches, trademark lawsuits, the worsening financial structure of Adventist Health Systems, and the wedding ring and standards crisis. Friends distributed these in large numbers in local churches and at the Session in Indianapolis, which began on July 5. After that Session ended, we printed a five-
are no longer in print, for there was not enough demand for them in hardback. Yet I will categorically say these sturdily made books were the best bargain we ever made available to canvassers. Each book, costing a little over a dollar, could easily sell from house to house for $10. This same year, we took the opportunity to reprint four excellent out-of-print books: the 118page Origin of Sunday Law observance, by W.E. Straw; the 212-page Story of the Waldenses, by J.A. Wylie; and the 850-page Character Building Stories, Vols. 1 and 2, a compilation of a number of childrens stories from the turn of the century. Did you ever wonder why the Somali War occurred in 1980, since the U.S. did not directly intervene in any other tribal wars in Africabefore or since? A friend (I no longer recall his name) was told, by a retired intelligence officer living in the southern states, that we entered that war for an entirely different reason than the one published in the press. There was a secret Soviet submarine base located there; and, with the collapse of the Soviet empire, under the guise of helping to stop a tribal war, we went in there and destroyed that base. 1991Training courses in LAB, neurolinguistic programming, behavioral transfer, and introductory Ericksonian hypnosis were important areas of concern this yearfor we learned they were being given to Seventh-day Adventist workers. Closely related is the false-memories syndrome, produced by Ericksonian hypnosis, which we also wrote about. A total of 19 tracts on these topics were written and mailed out. All certified counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists must take this hypnotic training. With it, they are able to hypnotize individualswhile they remain awake! Do not go to certified counselors! Do not let your spouse or children do so either! Only counsel with earnest fellow Christians or pastors. In April, the 5-part Secret Writers Charge against Ellen White was refuted in some detail. This error that other people wrote the great majority of her books, is taught by Herman Hoehn and certain others. It is a devilish teaching and totally false. There are men who would have you tear pages out of Gods Word. Have nothing to do with such men. They will destroy
your soul. A six-part fairly detailed history of the World Council of Churches and the entire Ecumenical Movement was produced, along with several concluding studies on the trademark lawsuits. We printed Mutiny on the Bounty, a pictorial book about Pitcairn Island, which contained the Sabbath truth. Also this year, we reprinted the 950-page songbook, Christ in Song. A fair amount of my time this year was dedicated to completing the 3-volume Creation-Evolution set, which was printed the following year. Because it was becoming too much work to revise them yearly, December 1991 marked the end of our classified tractbook compilations. Henceforth, we publish each years tracts in a Yearbook. 1992This year we published on a great variety of topics, including a three-part 4,000year history of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The Jews will not have returned to Jerusalem, in a real sense, until they own itand can tear down the Islamic mosque on Temple Mount, rebuild the Temple, and reinstitute the sacrificial system. But this will never happen before the Second Advent of Christ. God predicted that the Jews would not be fully restored to their own land. We also printed the Lake Region Documentary Tractbook, the LOR Documentary Tractbook, and The Sacred Name. Also printed this year was my 383-page Promise Year, containing classified Bible promises for every day in the year, and the 15-book Bible Says Series. These were small booklets, approximately 32-pages each, with two complete doctrinal Bible studies. It was the culmination of years of finding and collecting Bible promises. 1993Important studies this year included a four-part analysis of the purple book, Issues, published by the General Conference, and several studies on the Waco disaster and the Shepherds Rod splinters. The western movie, produced by Keith Knoche( a southwestern California Conference evangelist) about prostitutes, liquor, and killing, was a shocker and required several tracts. A little later, he was fired. Here at Pilgrims Rest, during this year and the next, we produced 21 videos in which I presented various topics, including The Basic Con-
history. On October 30, 1935, William Branson presented the report of his commission to the Autumn Council. The controversial question was whether our denomination should permit our colleges to seek accreditation. We, today, live with the sorry results of permitting it to begin. Educated worldlings instruct our young people, and they come out with a training in new theology and related errors. My old friend, D.K. Griffith, visited us this year. You may recall that, at an earlier time, he was the Florida Conference educational superintendent. He now held the same post for the Georgia-Cumberland Conference. I had always respected him highly, but it quickly became obvious that he now considered me a troubler of the people. He held the view common to so many, that loyalty to the church meant silence when wrongdoing was done. I had betrayed that supposedly sacred trust. Turning the conversation to the nature of Christ, he declared that Christ had a different nature than ours, otherwise He could not have resisted sin. Poor Dorlin; he had bought into the new theology. After a brief visit, he departed. About a year later he died. This year, we produced the last of 19 videos, and printed my 504-page book, Editions of Great Controversy, which provided an in-depth comparative analysis of the four editions of that important book, along with a history of how it was written. This is the only book of this nature ever produced. Between May 1994 to April 1995, I wrote a set of twelve 24-page Pathlights magazines, which we mailed out. 1995Bill Stringfellow, a respected preacher, went public with his belief that there is no Holy Spirit and Christ is a created being. In a special video, he taught this errordeclaring that those who did not accept it were part of Babylon, and would receive the Mark of the Beast and the plagues! In response, I produced a refutation of his point-by-point presentation in tract studies which detailed the Bible-Spirit of Prophecy truth that Christ is fully divine, has existed from all eternity, and that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. It was this year that the North American Division tightly bound all denominational entities
(such as the Voice of Prophecy, Amazing Facts, Faith for Today, etc.) to an agreement to return tithe donations to the conference of the sender. Because denominational leaders have majority control of those boards, the boards are locked into compliance. In four tracts, we reported on the Torres case, and produced a number of tracts disclosing the Bible-Spirit of Prophecy positions on divorce and remarriage. We also revealed church policy changes which now permit our ministers to quietly divorce and remarry, not on Biblical groundsand remain in the ministry! A three-part tract set disproving the need to keep the feast days was produced, along with the first of an ongoing series on the David Dennis lawsuit. Before and after the Utrecht General Conference Session, eleven tracts were sent out, which detailed the issues, actions, behind the scenes politics, and aftermath of this momentous session. At this Session, and the previous Annual Council, Robert Folkenberg pushed through dozens of changes in governance, which granted him extensive powers over workers and brought the Adventist Review under his control. Another fallout from Utrecht was also discussed: the spate of women ministers ordinations which began taking place at localities in the United States where liberals were strongly entrenched. These began in the summer of 1995 and have continued since. In December, we disclosed the astounding fact that a Roman Catholic monk had given the annual Week of Prayer meetings at Pacific Union College. Friends in that area had mailed us several sermon tapes, and we quoted extensively from them. How many such church changes, crises, and apostasiessuch as the ones I have summarized in the past 20 pagescan you recall that occurred in the 1970s? in the 1960s? Hardly any! We have quickly overviewed a compressed view of an immense downward spiral which has occurred since the fall of 1979. Yet it was only a few months earlier that I purchased my first typesetting machine and began preparing Sabbath tracts. The God of heaven carefully guided all through these years, that someone would begin exposing the apostasy in printas soon as it hit
pers, to write for E.G. White Packet2. We immediately ordered it, and found it just as thick and miserable. So I published on what Wheeling was doing (Wheelings Encyclopedia of Attacks on the Spirit of Prophecy). A year or so earlier, Luis Munilla told me personally that he quit his position as treasurer of Wheelings organization because Wheeling was diverting donations, sent in for free distribution of Great Controversy books, to the preparation and sending out of taped sermons and other materials attacking her writings. In September, we sent out the first of our 13part historical study, The Concordia Crisis, which revealed that a series of 1977 articles in the Review, prepared the minds of our leaders so they would tread lightly when confronted with the liberal crisis in our own church, which broke two years later. This was an epic report. Books which I wrote and printed this year included The Great Week of 7,000 Years; Story of the Trademark Lawsuits; Christmas, Easter, and Halloween; E.G. White Did Not Plagiarize; and Promise Keepers Objective.
We also completed a project which took a fair amount of time to put together: Great Controversy Portions in 23 Languages. We printed the three most important chapters (3 - The Apostasy, 25 - Gods Law Immutable, and 29 - The Origin of Evil) in 5 booklets, totaling 300 pages. These key chapters can be photocopied and scattered widely. We originally wanted to print Great Controversy in a variety of languages. So, back in 1982, letters were sent to every Adventist printing house in the world field, requesting prices on their Great Controversys. Surprisingly, the responses took months to come back! The disorganization in our overseas publishing houses must be immense. According to the replies, the complete book, Great Controversy, was only available in 22 languages; plus a small abridgment in Zwahili. From Leaves of Autumn, I was able to obtain an out-of-print copy in Icelandic, bringing the total up to 23. Obtaining the books was the next challenge and, after ordering them, more months passed before we received the copies in the mail. In May 1992, we announced that we could print three key chapters from the 23 books in tract format and, if desired, could print entire books. We received a number of requests for tracts, but none
for books. In 1997, we reprinted those three chapters from 23 books in five booklets. Many have been sold, so they could be locally photocopied or printed in selected languages. (In early 1998, a dedicated young man from Hartland received thousands of dollars in funding to put Great Controversy on the internet. Since, aside from the E.G. White Estate, we were the only ones possessing a large collection; he came to see us. Thrilled with the possibility, we loaned him our entire 23-language collection, plus the Swahili abridgment. His group is now in the process of placing all those books on the internet! This is thrilling. I understand he managed to obtain a couple other languages elsewhere.)
The book, Teachings of Morris Venden, was also released this year. Consisting of quotations from Vendens books, and topically arranged, they clearly reveal his strange beliefs. The largest publishing project this year was the printing of my 25-book, 1,772-page Evolution Disproved Series. Based on my 1,326-page three-volume set, these books included sections for children and teenagers. Beginning this year, we began making available, to inquirers, copies of my 30-page MINDEX (the Master Index to my publications) which alphabetically lists, by topic, my various books, tracts, tapes, etc. It is updated about every six months. Not included are nearly 300 tracts in the Inspirational Nuggets and Checkpoints series. In July, we announced the fact that our Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia (a large summary of my Creation-Evolution 3-volume set) was on the worldwide web. It consists of hundreds of pages of rebuttal to the errors of evolutionary theory. Gradually, we continued adding additional worthwhile material on the internet. Our web page is Soon we added our forthcoming Encyclopedia of Alternate Remedies, with 500 pages for over 500 disorders, abortion material, and (in 1998) a complete set of Bible studies.
Writing this biography took nearly three weeks, and it is now late February 1998. Yet, even though it may be months before this autobiography is published, I will stop the narration of events, as of about the end of 1997. We need to stop someplace. May our kind Father bless you and keep you. It will not be long and we will meet in the air with Jesus.
NOVEMBER 1998 ADDITIONAfter completing this book (including the next chapter) in February, I set it aside in order to work on other areas of need. However, when I laid down to sleep each night, that dream about Great Controversy, which I earlier described to you, would come to mind during the night. Recounting it in this autobiography had brought it back to mind, and night after night, it would stream through my mind again. Each aspect was vivid and clear. So I prayed about the matter. My kind Father was trying to tell me something. The fact was that I had not actually done what I was supposed to do. True, in 1985 we had placed the 1884 edition in low-cost paperback for the first time in history, and it continues in demand down to the present time. But we had not succeeded in producing a low-cost 1888 edition. (We selected the 1888, instead of the 1911, becausealthough they are identical except in historical quotations,the 1888 contains the quotations Ellen White originally selected. However, both books are excellent.) Because of its size (744 pages) and low print run, the 1888 edition we had printed in 1985 cost so much ($1.15 a copy in boxful quantities) that few ordered it. In addition, the book was 15/8 inches thick, which also detracted from its desirability. As a result, sales were so poor that we let the book go out of print several years later. In 1996, I conceived the idea of producing an 1884 and 1888 edition which could have helpful extras at the end of most chapters. After se-
Partway through 1997, I began releasing one new book each month. At any given time I have about eight or ten which have been completed, but not yet printed and announced. The prob-
tions off to the printer in late October of this year. The books will be available by early January. Through the use of special paper, the thickness of the 1888 edition will be only about an inch (yet it is 736 pages). Because the print run is significantly larger, with sacrificial cost cutting and subsidizing on our part, the boxful price of the 1888 will be only 60 cents, plus shipping! This is only a dime above the boxful cost of the bookwhen paperback editions of it first became availablein the late 1950s. All this is a matter for great rejoicing, and it was the writing of this autobiography which started the project rolling again.
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him. Psalm 91:15 He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Psalm 121: 4 He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust; His truth shall be thy shield and buckler . . There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. Psalm 91:1, 2, 4, 10 Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh, receiveth. Matthew 7:7-8 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. Revelation 12:11 Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24
12 - Conclusion
How shall I summarize the living of these years? Surely, I have so much to be thankful for. I am now in my 60s. Consistently, friends who had not seen me since the mid- or late1980s, have remarked how much better I look than before. Fortunately, with the passing of years, I keep growing younger! At least it seems that way. I have eaten carefully for years and have low blood pressure and low cholesterol. So the future is bright, and we may have many more years to serve the Lord. Gradually the children have grown. We have had many happy timesworking together in the home and around the place, and going for walks and to nature spots together. For 19 years, we have taken a canoe (which I purchased for $150 in southern Illinois) out on nearby lakes. We have used it a lot over the years. It is the only boat our family has ever owned. There is a variety of wildlife around our house; we have had lots of fun feeding squirrels on the back porch (sometimes as many as 22 at a time), plus chipmunks, and a variety of song birds, along with mourning doves and several types of woodpeckers at our feeding station. We have had fun with deer, foxes, raccoons, muskrats, opossums, weasels, and skunks; and our hummingbird feeder is always a busy place in the summer. All of our children were homeschooled. For high school, we enrolled each one in American School. Based in Chicago, it is the largest correspondence high school in the world. We found it to be more useful and far less expensive than Home Study Institute. Four of my children went on to college while still living at home. Each one worked off his own tuition and books. One married before completing course work, and the other three graduated. Most are now married. Each of my children has become a success in life, and I am so very thankful for this. Best of all, they all love the Lord; and, at the time of this writing, I have four grandchildren. We are a close-knit family; and, once or twice a year, we have a family reunion. For nearly two decades, at no charge, Pilgrims Rest has sent books and tracts overseas and to prisoners. The amount of free materials sent to foreign localities has been quite substantial. We have contacts on every continent, except Antarctica (the penguins never write). Our mailings go all over the world; we constantly receive book and tract orders, as well as free requests, from various places. Beginning in 1997, in addition to the two tract mailings we had done for nearly two decades, I began announcing the publication of at least one new book each month. Our internet site, which we started many months ago, is growing rapidly. We placed a summary of my three-volume set in it, and gave it the name, Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia. Then, near the end of 1997, we placed my soon-to-be-printed Natural Remedies Encyclopedia on our web site also. It lists nutritional, and other home remedies for over 500 disorders. As of January 1998, our web site began receiving an extremely large number of hits. It is In December 1997, there were 1,313 hits and 8,735 Kilobytes of material copiedwhich is a lot of material copied! In January 1998, there were 36,835 hits and 8,735 kilobytes copied. In February, there were 143,138 hits and 1,179,730 kilobytes of material copied! Last-minute addition: During the month of October 1998, 18,223 individuals visited our
web site. This is an average of 588 people a day! Within it they went to 253,443 locations (hits), and copied 1683,594 KBytes of material! We now have a complete set of Bible Studies on the web, and continue expanding the project. Go to As I look back over the past years, certain facts and events stand out: The decision to place Gods Word first rather than thinking that my mind and reason was the measure of truth. The extensive formal education I received (22 years of schooling, if counted on a nine-month school year; a Ph.D. normally achieves 18 years). My acceptance, early on, of the fact that I only had an average mind and would have to work hard. My enjoyment of work and doing a job well. My wonderful wife and children who helped me so much down through the years. My total belief that God is good and that He never does wrong! The innumerable providential circumstances which would not let me settle down, but directed me toward my present work. My refusal to consider any new light unless it was confirmed by the Spirit of Prophecy. I am thankful for the unknown colporteur, back in Idaho, who sold that book to my grandmother. I am thankful that Elder C.T. Everson decided to hold meetings in that area a couple years later. I am thankful for what did not happen in that doctors office in San Diego County during the heart of the depression. I am thankful that my mother had that dream when I was about eight, in which an angel told her not to leave the Adventist faith. I am thankful that God called Ellen White to be His special messenger for these last days. The wisdom in those writings has helped me so much. I have been asked why I stick with the Spirit of Prophecy when so many have abandoned it. Most of the real blessings which I have received in my adult years, I owe to those books: careful diet, healthful living, country living, a good wife, outstanding children, and a wonderful future. My life is a powerful evidence that little people can be used by God. One does not have to have a powerful body, brilliance of mind, or great wealth. All that is needed is a sincere desire to be used by God and a willingness to let Him have your life. Our wonderful Father has a place for each
one of us; He has a special work for you. It is for this reason that I wrote this autobiography: I wanted to provide renewed assurance that God is guiding each of our lives. As I conclude this, here are a few special passages which have greatly helped me over the years. Let me tell you how long it has been that the Father and the Son have been thinking about how to help you, so you could be savedand live with them forever in heaven:
Let those who are oppressed under a sense of sin remember that there is hope for them. The salvation of the human race has ever been the object of the councils of heaven. The covenant of mercy was made before the foundation of the world. It has existed from all eternity, and is called the everlasting covenant. So surely as there never was a time when God was not, so surely there never was a moment when it was not the delight of the eternal mind to manifest His grace to humanity.7 Bible Commentary, 934 (Signs, June 12, 1901).
Let me take you to the highest place you can ever go:
Without the cross, man could have no connection with the Father. On it hangs our every hope. In view of it the Christian may advance with the steps of a conqueror; for from it streams the light of the Saviours love. When the sinner reaches the cross, and looks up to the One who died to save him, he may rejoice with fullness of joy; for his sins are pardoned. Kneeling at the cross, he has reached the highest place to which man can attain. The light of the knowledge of the glory of God is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ; and the words of pardon are spoken: Live, O ye guilty sinners, live. Your repentance is accepted; for I have found a ransom.5 Bible Commentary, 1133 (Review, April 29, 1902).
Let me explain why the pathway to heaven is through humble, repentant obedience to the Word of God:
The life we live is to be one of continual repentance and humility. We need to repent constantly, that we may be constantly victorious. When we have true humility, we have victory. The enemy never can take out of the hand of Christ the one who is simply trusting in His promises. If the soul is trusting and working obediently, the mind is susceptible to divine impressions, and the light of God shines in, enlightening the understanding. What privileges we have in Christ Jesus!7 Bible Commentary, 959 (Manuscript 92, 1901).
I know you will value:
There is no greater deception than for man to suppose that in any difficulty he can find a better guide than God, a wiser counselor in any emergency, a stronger defense under any circumstance. 2 Bible Commentary, 993 (Manuscript 66, 1898). We are doing our work for the judgment. Let us be learners of Jesus. We need His guidance every moment. At every step we should inquire, Is this the way of the Lord? not, Is this the way of the man who is over me? We are to be concerned only as to whether we are walking in the way of the Lord.Sons and Daughters of God, 192 (Manuscript 96, 1902). When we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is united with His heart, the will is merged in His will, the mind becomes one with His mind, the thoughts are brought into captivity to Him; we live His life. This is what it means to be clothed with the garment of His righteousness.Christs Object Lessons, 312. Mens weakness shall find supernatural strength and help in every stern conflict to do the deeds of Omnipotence, and perseverance in faith and perfect trust in God will ensure success . . God has promised us all power; for the promise is unto you and your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.2 Bible Commentary, 995996 (Letter 51, 1895). Promises are estimated by the truth of the one who makes them. Many men make promises only to break them, to mock the heart that trusted in them. Those who lean upon such men lean upon broken reeds. But God is behind the promises He makes. He is ever mindful of His convenant, and His truth endureth to all generations.7 Bible Commentary, 942-943 (Manuscript 23, 1899). Everyone who will humble himself as a little child, who will receive and obey the Word of God, with a childs simplicity, will be among the elect of God.6 Bible Commentary, 1114 (Signs, January 2, 1893). The truths of the Word of God are the utterances of the Most High. He who makes these truths a part of his life becomes in every sense a new creature. He is not given new mental powers, but the darkness that through ignorance and sin has clouded the understanding is removed . . He who gives the Scriptures close, prayerful attention will gain clear comprehension and sound judgment, as if in turning to God he had reached a higher plane of intelligence.My Life Today, 24 (Review, December 18, 1913). In Revelation 14, John beholds another
on the angelic family. But Christs humanity was united with divinity, and in this strength He would bear all the temptations that Satan could bring against Him, and yet keep His soul untainted by sin. And this power to overcome He would give to every son and daughter of Adam who would accept by faith the righteous attributes of His character.7 Bible Commentary, 927 (Review, January 28, 1909). The Lord has determined that every soul who obeys His Word shall have His joy, His peace, His continual keeping power. Such men and women are brought near Him always, not only when they kneel before Him in prayer, but when they take up the duties of life. He has prepared for them an abiding place with Himself, where the life is purified from all grossness, all unloveliness. By this unbroken communion with Him, they are made colaborers with Him in their lifework.My Life Today, 51 (Review, October 23, 1900). While Satan is constantly devising evil, the Lord our God overrules all, so that it will not harm His obedient, trusting children.3 Bible Commentary, 1141 (Signs, July 14, 1881). The strength given to Christ, in the hour of bodily suffering and mental anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane, has been and will be given to those who suffer for His dear names sake. The same grace given to Jesus, the same comfort, the more than mortal steadfastness, will be given to every believing child of God, who is brought into perplexity and suffering.5 Bible Commentary, 1123 (Signs, June 3, 1897). In the future we shall see how closely all our trials were connected with our salvation, and how these light afflictions worked out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 6 Bible Commentary, 1099 (Letter 5, 1880). All who would be soldiers of the cross of Christ, must gird on the armor and prepare for conflict. They should not be intimidated by threats or terrified by dangers. They must be cautious in peril, yet firm and brave in facing the foe and doing battle for God.2 Bible Commentary, 1003 (Signs June 30, 1881). Those who occupy responsible positions as guardians of the people are false to their trust if they do not faithfully search out and reprove sin. Many dare not condemn iniquity, lest they shall thereby sacrifice position or popularity. And by some it is considered uncharitable to rebuke sin. The servant of God should never allow his own spirit to be mingled with the reproof which he is required to give; but he is under the most solemn obligation to present the Word of God, without fear or favor. He must
call sin by its right name. Those who by their carelessness or indifference permit Gods name to be dishonored, by His professed people, are numbered with the transgressor,registered in the record of heaven as partakers in their evil deeds.2 Bible Commentary, 996 (Signs, April 21, 1881). The love that the Lord has for His children passeth knowledge. No science can define or explain it. No human wisdom can fathom it. The more we feel the influence of this love, the more meek and humble shall we be.5 Bible Commentary, 1141 (Letter 43, 1896). When the law of God is most derided and brought into the most contempt, then it is time for every true follower of Christ, for those whose hearts have been given to God, and who are fixed to obey God, to stand unflinchingly for the faith once delivered to the saints.7 Bible Commentary, 981-982 (Review, June 8, 1897). The gift of God to man is beyond all computation. Nothing was withheld. God would not permit it to be said that He could have done more or revealed to humanity a greater measure of love. In the gift of Christ He gave all heaven.Sons and Daughters of God, 11 (Manuscript 21, 1900). Those who, in the strength of Christ, overcome the great enemy of God and man will occupy a position in the heavenly courts above angels who have never fallen.6 Bible Commentary, 1113 (Manuscript 56, 1899). The great God whose glory shines from the heavens, and whose divine hand upholds millions of worlds, is our Father. We have only to love Him, trust in Him, as little children in faith and confidence, and He will accept us as His sons and daughters, and we shall be heirs to all the inexpressible glory of the eternal world. 4 Testimonies, 653. Those who come out of the world in spirit and in all practice may regard themselves as sons and daughters of God. They may believe His Word as a child believes every word of his parents. Every promise is sure to him that believes.6 Bible Commentary, 1102 (Manuscript 11, 1901).
Back in 1964, we had just completed a long journey across the plains and desert to California. Arriving at an independent camp meeting in the Sierras, we were thankful, for a few days, to have fellowship with Spirit of Prophecy believers. One afternoon, as a meeting adjourned, friends we had known many years before at Pacific Union College were about to drive down to their campsite. The wife made a parting remark,
and I asked her to repeat it. Only know and believe the love that God has to us, and you are secure. She then told me where it was found in Gods Word. Knowing and believing Gods love, of course, involves submissive obedience. It is impossible for the stubbornly rebellious to trust, as a child, in Gods love. Later, when I started Pilgrims Rest, I found there were three matching statements, which formed a stepladder:
The one thing essential for us in order that we may receive and impart the forgiving love of God is to know and believe the love that He has to us.Mount of Blessing, 115. The very first step in approaching God is to know and believe the love that He has to us (1 John 4:16); for it is through the drawing of His love that we are led to come to Him.Mount of Blessing, 104-105. Live in contact with the living Christ, and He will hold you firmly by a hand that will never
Truly, we live in most difficult times; and in the great Crisis ahead, only the little ones who love God, trust His care, and obey His Word will make it through those difficult days. But, to whosoever will His wonderful promises will be fulfilled, and they will be with Him in Paradise through all eternity.
If you will seek the Lord and be converted every day; if you will of your own spiritual choice be free and joyous in God; if with gladsome consent of heart to His gracious call you come wearing the yoke of Christ,the yoke of obedience and service,all your murmurings will be stilled, all your difficulties will be removed, all the perplexing problems that now confront you will be solved.Mount of Blessing, 101.
He became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him. Hebrews 5:9 It is Christ that died, yea, rather, is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Romans 8:34 God that comforteth those that are cast down. 2 Corinthians 7:6 I, even I, am He that comforteth you. Isaiah 51:12 The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind; the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down. Psalm 146:8 In all these things we are more than conquerors, through Him that loved us. Romans 8:37 Thou art my Rock and my Fortress. Psalm 71:3