Phone English

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Phone English

To Call

1. M ay I speak to M r. White?
(Can I s p e ak w ith Mr. White ? )

Wo rd s & Phras e s he llo Sseuyina generally as a greeting, the phone apparently in Korean, "Hello." Are words that correspond to. g e t (By telephone) achanging ... give, give major d ivis io n Bureau (), minor () o ve rs e as foreign o p e ratio n talk to ~ Abroad, Business To speak, talk ~ And

Tip :

Go abroad, but also in domestic as well as Is essential. Call a relative to look at to say Is required.First, let's call it from the partners

urgent Ilcheorina contact, or to use the phone for an appointment ahnigi English skills Than any other difficult situation because of your

to find representation.

036a.mp3 A: Hello. May I speak to Mr. White? B: Just a moment. I'll get you his division. ...... C: Good morning. Overseas operation. A: Hello. Is Mr. White there? C: I'm sorry, but he's not here right now.
Mo d e l Dialo g A: Hallo. Can I speak with Mr. White? B: Wait a minute. His department will give them back. ...... C: Hello. Business is overseas. A: Hallo. Mr. White, do you? C: Unfortunately, right now, sir.

s p e ak w ith ~ talk, talk in

Home; inside, inside

availab le Available, you can use (here "in place", "to speak of"

Us e ful Exp re s s io ns


Can I speak with Mr. White? / We'd like speak to Mr. White. Can I talk to Mr. White ? I' d like to s p e ak w ith Mr. White . Mr. White, do you? Is Mr. White in? Is Mr. White availab le ?

Pho ne Diale r
Is ChunWha there? When someone asked you to change "is ~ there?" Or "May I speak to ~, please?" This is ChunWha. k to reveal his name, "This is ~", "This is ChunWha at Donga (Company Name)" I 'm calling about our date When I say w hat I w ant to call the "I'm calling about ~" I'm returning his / her call (phone call came and I'm offering) When w ill he / she be back? (When do come back) Is there any w ay I can reach him / her (how do I contact?) I'll call again later (I'll call back later) Please tell him / her ChunWha called (pornographic tell him to call) P u b l i c Te l e p h on e ( P a y P h on e ) In the U.S. public telephone 5,50,25 cents and a phone card can be used. Local call rates in the first 25 senteugo, there is no limit on talk time Long-distance calls to enter the area code first. The "Please deposit ~ (~ to the left of commitment)," Over time, the message comes back "another ~ cents. Please (~ cents more input please)" message comes

G e t Call
Donga University. How may I help you? Our company name is usually found hi-is' telling in English, "How can I help?" Attach a greeting May I ask w hat this call is about? Someone on the phone to ask me w hat I w ant it is a polite expression Or "May I ask w hat this is concerning?" Who's calling, please (Excuse me, but w ho is this?) What number are you calling? (A few clicks are you calling?) I think you have the w rong number. (I think calling the w rong number) Ther's no one have by that name. (It's not like that) Please call again in an hour (one hour, please try again) Do you w ant him / her to call you back? (Again, to call and convey that?) Does he / she have your number? (The number does he have?) One moment. Let me get a pen (Wait a minute. I'll come looking for a pen) Could you speak more slow ly? (Tell me more slow ly) Could yoou speak up? (Tell me a little louder) Se n d c omme n t s ( Ta k i n g a me ssa ge ) When you receive a note the date, a call is received, the caller's name and phone number and w hy you put dow n less then must look out ( "Let me read it back to you"), When you get the name of the enemy spell is to call ( "How do you spell that. Please?"), Often easier to spell a w ord you say for example that is often called ( "Blunck - B as in bag. L as in leg. U as in umbrella ....")

Hang up I'll let you go now (I gotta go now)

I'll hanging up now Well, I gotta go We should hang up now (I'd stop kkeunneunge)
I have another call coming in (the other got a phone call) I'm almost out of change (money almost fell off) I'll call again soon Is there anything else I can help you w ith? (More sense to help you?)

vac atio n, the p ho ne c an b e run to

She / he 's not in right now (I do not) Not the Al-Li is absent is the most comprehensive representation You do not have a home now "she's not home right now " He / She is out to lunch (I w ent for lunch) He / She is on another line (line is busy) He / she can't come to the phone right now (I do not have to take your call) He / she just stepped out for a moment (moment out of Cecilia's) He / She has left for the day (clocked) He / She hasn't come in yet (yet I'm here to Hear) It's his / her day off (rest day) He / She is aw ay on bussiness (appearances w ent) He / She is no longer w ith us (has left the company) Can I take a message? Or Would you like to leave a message (it's gonna leave a message) I'll give her (him) the message (I'll take a message)

Pho ne to re turn
Would you hold? (Do you w ant to w ait?) I'll transfer ypu call? (I'll call back) I'll get him / her on the phone (I'll talk to him) I'll connect you to the right department (I'll connect you to the department) Please call again and dial 999-8888 (999-8888, please try again w ith) Should I put him / her through? (Want to talk to him?)

Inte rnatio nal Pho ne

I'd like to make an overseas call (international calling is to bet) When you w rite to the International Monetary and exchange arrangements.Instead of w riting to make the place Long Distance ( "Long distance call") I'd like to call to South korea (South Korea w ill try to call) Make it collect, please (toll-free to Sign) Person-to-person, please (named currency, please) Please cancel the call (to cancel, please call) Please keep trying (still try to connect) We have a bad connection (call state is're going)

Pho ne Bo o k
I'd like to reserve a table for tomorrow night at 8 (Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock and I w ant to reserve a table) I'd like to reserve tw o ticket for tonight's performance (concert ticket booking)

I'd like to make a reservation (appointment) Is there an opening on Tuesday morning? (Tuesday morning reservation possible?) When you schedule a time to speak w ithin a date is It's for four people (nesaramyongeuro ~ ~) In w hat name? (Eoneubun do in the name reservation) I'd like to change my reservation (I w ant to make changes) I'd like to cancel my reservation (I w ant to cancel a reservation) I'd like to make a flight reservation to Chicago (I w ant to book a flight to Chicago) Is there a flight on Tueseday morning? (Hw ayongil morning flights do?) I'd like to reconfirm my flight reservation (flights yaeyakeul w ant to make sure)

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