английский для младших школьник PDF
английский для младших школьник PDF
английский для младших школьник PDF
E.Jl. Kapnoea
fl 4111TAIO
Yl/e6HUK aHznuiJcKozo fl3bJKa dnfl Mnadwux Knaccoa.
Kypc no l/meHUJO, nuCbMY u mpaHcKpunu,uu dnfl demeiJ 7-12 nem
6 cmuxax, c 3apucjJM068HHb/MU npaaunaMU l/meHUfl u ?JYdUOdUCKOM
Y,IJ:K 373.167.1:811.111
BBK 81.2AurJI-92
KapJioBa E.JI.
K23 51 lJYITAIO I10-AHfJil1HCKl1! : yt1e6ttHK attrn11il:cKoro 513hIKa JJJI51 MJia,LJ;ru11x KJTaccoB / E.JI, KapJioBa. -
M.: Cyqmep; PocToB tt/,11;: <l>ettHKC, 2014. - 134 c . : 11J1, + CD. - (oe3 perrennopa),
He ceKpeT, qTQ B Harne BpeMJI, cne11yJ1 HOBOMO,!IHhlM TeH,lleHWIJIM B npeno11asamn1, 11eTdi B lIJKOJie He yt1aT qHTaTh,
,[\a H TpaHCKpHill\HH BHHMaHH.JI y11enJ1eTCJI oqeHh MaJIO. KaK cne,!ICTBHe, B llaJibHeiirneM OHH y)i(e He MOfYT HayqHTbCJI
qHTaTh caMH, IlOTOMY qTo He 3HalOT rrpaBHJI qTeHI1JI H He yMelOT q11TaTh TpaHCKpl!Ill\HOHHhie 3HaqKH,
JJ:aHHhlll Kypc IlOMO)l(eT lIJKOJibHl!KaM npeo11oneTh ::ny npo6JieMY, B HeM Bbl HaH,!(eTe ynpa)l(HeHl!.JI, CTl!Xl!, pmpMOBKl!,
CKoporosopKH Ha see npas11na qTeHl!.JI H ynpa)l(HeHHJI Ha qTeHHe l! HaIIHCaHl!e TpaHCKpHIIl\l!OHHhlX 3HaqKQB, flpoii,!(JI
ero, BalIJl! ,!(eTl! 6e3 Tpy,!la 6y11yT q11TaTh TeKCThl JII06oii CJIO)l(l;IOCTH H scema noiiMyT, KaK Ilp01!3HOCHTC.JI He3HaKOMOe
C.lOBO, Hall,!IJI ero TpaHCKpl!IIl\HlO B cnosape,
fnaBHaJI 3a11aqa 11aHHOrO noco6l!.JI - 06yt1HTh pe6eHKa qHTaTh, IlHCaTh, IlOHHMaTh TpaHCKpHill\HOHHhie 3HaqKlf,
ro aopl!Th, IlOHHMaTh aHrnHHCKYlO peqi. Ha cnyx H IIOJih30BaThCJI CJIOBapHbIM 3anacoM 113 600-800 CJIOB,
flpoi111eHHhlll Kypc ll36aBHT pe6eHKa OT IlCHXOJIOr11qecKoro 6api.epa, CTpaxa c11enaTh ourn6Ky, IIO,!(fOTOBHT K 3a-
H.JITJ I.Jl.1\1 B cTaprnHx Knaccax,
Y,IJ:K 373.167.1:811.111
BBK 81.2AurJI-92
Y'le6Hoe u3oaHue
~ 4"1TAIO nO-AHfJ1"1illCK"1!
Ynpow;euuaH Ta6Jiuu;a aurJiuii:cKoii: TpancKpunu;uu
B COOTHOilleHHH c pyccKHM npou1uomeuueM
[b] [6]
1/2 1. 3a K. 489 5
KaK pa6oTaTh c yqe6uuKoM
LESSON 1. Letter A a
Ilepe.n HaqanoM o6yqemui: crre,n;yeT HeCKOJILKO pa3 rrpoq11TaTb 11rr11 ( ecrr11 3HaeTe Meno,n;mo)
crreTb an<}laBMT BMeCTe c yqeHMKaMM. Harr11caTb see 6yKBbI Ha KapToqKax 11 rrorrpocMTb pe6.SIT
11x Ha3BaTb. Be,n;b qacTo ,n;a)l(e mKOJibHMKH 4-5 Krracca He 3HaIOT 6yKB 11 He YMeIOT 11x q11TaTb!
Haq11HaTb c 3Toro yrrpa)l(HeHM.SI Ka)l(JJ:blif ypoK, rroKa yqam11ec.SI He Bb1yqaT arr<}laBMT. KoHeqHo,
He crre,n;yeT O)l(M,n;aTb, qTo sanrn yqeHMKM 3arroMH.SIT arr<}laBMT c rrepsoro 3aH.SITM.SI. Ho, ,n;o6aBJI.SI.SI
no 5-6 6yKB Ha Ka)l(JJ:OM 3aH.SITMM, Bbl 6blCTp0 c 3TMM crrpaBMTeCb.
A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g,
H h, Ii, J j, K k, L 1, Mm, N n, 0 o, Pp,
Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u, V v,
w w, x x, y y, z z
That's the alphabet you see
It's as easy as it can be.
2. Sing the alphabet with me! (Gnau ancpaeum co MHoiJ!)
3. Hanuwume aHcflUUCKUMU 6yKBaMU UMfl pe6eHKa U UMeHa ezo apy3eiJ. nycmb nonpo6y-
em npolfumamb. nouapaume, nycmb Ka>KabtiJ Hanuwem UMfl, a ocmanbHbte nonpo6y10m ezo
npolfumamb. (TANIA)
4. nouw,ume coomeemcmeufl, 6yKBbl, Komopb1e noxo)l(e 3Byl.fam Ha pyccKoM u aHanuiJcKoM.
MO)l(HO caenamb aaa ancpaauma Ha Kapmol.fKax u nouzpamb, Kmo Hauaem 6onbwe coomeem-
cmeuu. (B - 5)
5. Pa3no)l(ume 3HaKOMbte 5-6 6yKe Ha cmone. nonpocume pe6eHKa ux 3anoMHUmb u 3a-
Kpblmb zna3a. Y6epume oaHy 6yKey u nonpocume ezo yaaaamb, l/eao He xeamaem. Ecnu OH
yaaaan, mo OH eoaum. TaK Bbt olfeHb 6b1cmpo BbfYl./Ume ancpaeum!
112 ]*
[ei] May, day, today, play, say, tray
[re] bat, cat, rat, that, mat, black, sack
[a:] bar, car, far, half
[:J:] all, ball, small, tall, always
plane, train,
to work, from work
2. 06eeou 6yKey «A» a cnoe8x.
[ei] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[a:] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. noalfepKHU 6yKBY 'a' U Hanuwu Haa HeiJ npaBUflbHb/U 3HaK mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npolfmU CflOBa:
LESSON 2. Letter B b
: [b] bat, boy, black, bad, ball, bus, book, bubble
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.)
bee, bear,
beetle, banker
What do bees like? What do bears like? ~To J]IOPHT rrqeJih~J Me.n;Be.n;M?
3. npocnywaiJ pUc/JM08KY, HaiJOU U nOOllepKHU 38YK [b).
build, break,
brick, block
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoeKy.)
What do you need to build a house? lfro Te6e Hy:>KHo, qro6hl IIOCTPOHTb ,n;oM?
.How many bricks do you have? CKOJibKO y Te6H KHpnnqeii?
·. How many blocks do you have? CKOJibKO y Te6H Ky6HKoa?
How manY. ~tis.~~ .QQ ygu haye? CKoJibKO y Te6H naJioqeK?
3. npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKY, HaiJau U noallepKHU 3BYK [b].
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKY)
What is bad? Ai:~ ygu angry? Are you sad? qTo rmoxo? Tb1 cepJl.!fJbIH? Tb1 ne11aJibHblil? _
3. npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKY, HaiJau U noallepKHU 3BYK [b].
2. 06eeou 6yKey «B b» e cnoeax.
4. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 oaHHblX 6yKe.
5. noo'-lepKHU 6yKey 'b' U HanUWU HBO Heil npaBUflbHb/U 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npO'-lmU cnoea:
LESSON 3. Letter C c
~ Cc ~ [k] cat, can, car, clock, cook, candle, cream
.. .
: [s] cent, ice, nice, place, face, lace
To find such a big icicle
Is my greatest dream!
cow, give milk
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKy.)
Can you cook? No, I can't. TLI ;.yMee111L roTOBHTL? HeT, SI He ;.yMe~ .
Can your mom cook? ._ .,. A I~251. ~afd,a?
3. Hauau u noa1.1epKHU 3BYK [k] 8 pucfJMOBKe.
5. nod4epKHU 6yKey 'c' U HBnUWU Had HSU npaeUflbHb/U 3H8K mpaHCKpun4UU. np04mU cnoea:
2. 3aK. 489 17
LESSON 4. Letter D d
.. ...
.................................. ............... ................................................
..: D d ..: [d] do, don't, doll, dog, duck, desk, door, dream, dear, drum
············· ····················································································
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
Sound (3ByK) [d] do, don't, doll, dog, duck, desk, door, dream, dear, drum
4. Bbtyl/U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!
dragon, dinosaur
2* 19
4. nodllepKHU 6yKey 'd' u Hanuwu Had Heu npaeunbHblt1 3HaK mpaHcKpunu.uu. npOl/mu cnoea:
LESSON 5. Letter E e
.. ..
: : [e] egg, beg, leg, men, ten, then, pen, when :
.:: Ee .:: [i:] be, me, bee, tree, three, tea, cream, dream .:
. [i;J] beer, near, clear, tear, engineer
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.)
3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
a) Sound (3ByK) [e] egg, beg, leg, men, ten, then, pen, when
b) Sound (3ByK) [i:] be, me, bee, tree, three, tea, cream, dream
c) Sound (3ByK) [i;J] beer, near, clear, tear, engineer
4. BbJYl./U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!
2. 06eeou 6yKey «Ee».
egg,egg, egg,egg,egg,egg,egg
pencil, pencil, pencil, pencil, pencil
3. nponuwu 3HaK mpaHCKpun4uu.
[i~] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. noiJllepKHU 6yKey 'e' U HaOnUWU HBO Heu npaeunbHb/U 3Hal/OK mpaHCKpun4uu. npollmU
1/2 2* 23
LESSON 6. Letter F f
..: Ff ..: [f] fox, fog, fat, frog, fare, fur, flat, five, often, soft
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)
1. 06aeau 6yKay «Ff» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KoHu,a cmpoKu.
ff f
2. 06aeau 6yKay «Ff».
4. noa4epKHU 6yKey 'F f' U Haanuwu Haa HSU npaBUflbHb/U 3Ha40K mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npo4mU
LESSON 7. Letter G g
..: G g ...: [g] gold, good, glad, goose, dog, frog, fog, girl, give, get, ghost
... [<i3] gentle, cage, stage, giraffe, age, page, giant, gingerbread
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.)
3. npo4mu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
a) Sound (3syK) [g] gold, good, glad, goose, dog, frog, fog, girl, give, get, ghost
b) Sound (3syK) [<i3J gentle, cage, stage, giraffe, age, page, giant, gingerbread
4. 8bJY4U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucf>MoeKy.}
What is good? Do you feel good? qTO xoporno? T1>1 ce6H xoporno qyscTByernh?
3. Hauou u noiJ4epKHu 3BYK [g].
giant, gingerbread
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy.)
2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npollmU CBMOCmORmenbHO.
I A giant and a gingerbread man BeJIMKaH'lirrpHHl:PIBhfii qeJioaeqeK
Once decided to.drive a van. · O.zi:Ha)l(,ZJ# pemMJIM rroKaTaThCH B <l>yproHe.
The giant couldn't get inside, BeJIMKaH He cMor B Hero 3aJie3Th.
So they didn't go for a ride!
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy)
2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl/mU CaMOCmORmeflbHO.
A ghost in my closet is such.a nice thing! IlpMBlf)J;eHMe a MoeM qyJiaHe TaKoe MMJioe!
It always helps me in everything! 0Ho acer.zi:a MHe BO aceM rroMoraeT.
If I forget, it switches off the light. EcJIM H 3a6hrnaio, TyIIIMT cBeT.
When I sleep late - it always sits there quiet! EcJIM .zi:oJiro CIIJIIO - CM.1i:MT TaM TMXO.
It never frightens me. 0Ho HMKor.zi:a He rryraeT MeHH.
It's always polite! 0Ho acer.zi:a Be)l(JIMBOe.
Well, sometimes it scares my neighbors at Hy, irnor.zi:a no HoqaM OHO nyraeT coce.zi:ell:.
But for all of my friends it's a nice friendly Ho )J:JUI acex MOMX .zi:py3ell: OHO rocTerrpM-
host! MMHhIM, .zi:o6pblll X03HMH.
It's so good to have your own ghost! TaK xopomo MMeTb co6cTBeHHOe rrpMBM)J:e-
HMe !
Is the ghost nice? Where does it live? IlpMBM,lJ;eHMe XOpOIIIee? r.zi:e OHO )l(MBeT?
3. Hauau u noallepKHU 3BYK [g].
giant panda
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoaKy.)
2. npol/mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, 8 3ameM npol/mU C8MOCmORmenbHO.
3. nponUWU 3H8KU mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
4. noo4epKHu 6yt<ey 'g' e cnoeax u noonuwu Hao Heu npaeunbHb1D 3HaK mpaHcKpunu,uu. npo-
4mu cnoea.
LESSON 8. Letter H h
.~ H h .~ [h] hot, hat, have, horse, how, who, hero, holiday
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
hero, horse
Pa3.ri;aiiTe KapTHHKH co 3HaKOMbIMH cnosaMH. Ilycn, ,ll,eTH crrpocHT: «KaK 3TO CKa3aTb ?»
2. 06eeau 6yKey «H h».
4. noal/epKHu e cnoeax 6yKey 'h' u Hanuwu Haa HeiJ npaeunbHbliJ 3HaK mpaHcKpunu,uu. npo-
lfmu cnoea.
3. 3aK. 489 33
LESSON 9. Letter I i
.. ..
: [ai] I, time, fine, like, tie, bike, hike :
Ii ~ [i] milk, sit, little, bit, it, fit, him, in, thin :
: [r:] girl, bird, third, dirt
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)
. .
ice, ice cream
have a look, difficult
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ p11cf>MoeKy.}
2. npol/ml1 BMecme C a11KmOpOM, a 3ameM np04ml1 CBMOCmORmenbHO.
·Have a look! Have a look!
- .
Jt's .~,.book. My n:~?ook! 3To KHMra, MOH HOBaH .~HH:ra!
·It's so interesting, so nice! 0Ha TaK~ IIHTepecHa.SI,taKaH qy.z:i:ecua.SI~
It's difficult but rve read it twice. 0Ha Tpy.n:HaH, HO H ee .l(Ba pa3a rrpoqen.
~~.~~-~~~.~~·············· · ·· ···· · ···· ··· ··· · · ····· ··· ······ ···· ·········
...... ............ ... ..... ................ .... .. ............
[ai] - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - -
[i] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[e:] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. nodllepKHU a cnoeax 6yKey 'i' u Hanuwu Had Heu npaeunbHblU 3H8l/OK mpaHcKpunu,uu. npo-
llmu cnoea.
LESSON 10. Letter J j
Jj .: [ci3] joy, job, joke, jam, jail, just, justice
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)
Sound (3syK) [ci3] joy, job, joke, jam, jail, just, justice
4. Bb/Yl../U npaauno Hau3ycmb!
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ puc/JMOBKY)
2. npol/mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU C8MOCmORmenbHO.
My father is a do~tor. Moii nana Bpaq.
He likes his job. OH mo6HT CBOIO pa6ozy.
My father has a gun. Y·Moero nanbI ·ecTb nHcToneT.
·He works as a cop. OH pa6orneT nonHueilcKHM.
· My father is a salesman. Moil nana npo.naBeu.
'. He sells milk and meat. OH npo.naeT MOJIOKO H Wico.
My fitther is a farmer. Moil nana <j:>epMep .
.He grows wheat! OH BbipaI.IJ.MBaeT mnem1uy.
'My father is an astronaut. Moil nana KOCMOHaBT.
·He flies to the stars! OH nerneT K3Be3.l(aM.
My father is a salesman. Moil nana npo.naBeu.
He sells chocolate bars! ·\. OH npo.naeT rnoKona.nKH.
What's your father's job? He is a cop. KeM pa6oTaeT TBoil nana? OH nomfueilcKHH.
What's your mother's job? She is a.cook. KeM pa6orneT TBOj{ MaMa? 0Ha noBap.
3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YK [d:J].
..... .......... ....... ...... .... .... ........... .. ......................... ..... ................................... .. .......... . ..... .... ......... ... ..
2. 06aeau 6yKay «J j».
. . . . . . .
. . . . .
Jaguar, Jaguar, Jaguar, Jaguar, Jaguar
. . . . .
3. nponuwu 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
4. noa1.1epKHU a cnoaax 6yKa 'J j' u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaaunbHbtU 3Ha1.10K mpaHcKpunu,uu.
npo1.1mu cnoaa.
1/2 3* 39
LESSON 11. Letter K k
.......... .................•.......•.......•............
... ................................................ ....
..: K k ..: [k] kettle, key, OK, work, clock, smoke, look, book, shake, snake
..• •.................................... .........•... ....... ............•..............•.......•..........
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
What food will you give to a kitten? °l!TO H~HO .n:aaan. KOTeHKy?
Cat food. Kolllaqhro e.n:y.
3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 3BYK [k].
king, crown,
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy.)
2. npol/miJ 8Mecme C auKmopOM, a 3BmeM npollmU CBMOCmORmenbHO.
Every king has everything - Y Ka)K;::i:oro Kopom1 ecTh Bee:
'His state,J1is thro11e and his crown, Ero rocy;::i:apcTBo, rpoH H KopoHa,
•. Many golden rings, many beautiful things MHoro 30JIOTblX KOJie~ H KpaCMBbIX Bemeii,
And he wears a beautiful gown. ll OH HOCHT Kpac1rny10 MaHTHIO.
:. But withugt a queen he's just half a king! Ho 6e3 KopoJieBhi OH- JIMIIIb I;IOJIKopom1!
2. 06eeau 6yKey «K k».
3. nponUWU 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
4. nod4epKHU 6yKay 'K k' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Had Heu npaaunbHbti1 3HB40K mpaHcKpunu,uu.
npo4mu cnoaa.
LESSON 12. Letter LI
.. ..
..: L l ..: [l] look, like, lucky, gloomy, flower, little, school, tool
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
LLL ----------------------
! I1
[!] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. noa4epKHU 6yKBY 'L /' B c_noeax U HanUWU Haa HeLJ npaBUflbHblLJ 3Ha40K mpaHCKpun4uu.
npo4mu cnoea.
LESSON 13. Letter M m
..: M m ..: [m] me, my, man, money, mother, milk, moon, morning, warm, storm
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)
3. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
Sound (3syi<) [m] me, my, man, money, mother, milk, moon, morning, warm, storm
4. Bbtyl/U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!
2. 06aeou 6yKay «Mm».
4. nool./epKHU 6yKBY 'm' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Hao Hei1 npaaunbHbti1 3HBL/OK mpaHcKpunu,uu.
npollmu cnoaa.
LESSON 14. Letter N n
: Nn : [n] note, nose, net, name, next, nothing, noon
..: Knkn:.. knight, knit, knot, knife
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
night, knight
2. 06aeau 6yKay «N n>>.
4. noal./epKHU 6yKay 'N n' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaaunbHblD 3Hal./OK mpaHcKpun4uu.
npol./mu cnoaa.
4. 3aK.489 49
LESSON 15. Letter 0 o
.. [ dU] open, note, close, nose, rose, pose
.. [au] cow, owl, plow
: [d] o'clock
[;:,: ] door, floor
.. (u] book, look
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoaKy.}
2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.
An owl always'. sl~eps all day. ,, ·~ CoB~ Bcer~a emu BecI:. ~eHn . · ·,
At night it comesou~ to catc~prey} Hoqr,ro OHa BLme3aer, q1'o6DI no~MaTb ~06n1qy. ·
But C>nceit ~ash~d · ' ~li~le ~nack, · Ho, nepeKyc1rn, '. '
It goes back to sl~ep again: ., 0Ha CHOBa OTIIpaBIDleTC.SI cnaTb.
>-.-> ~
good, food
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoaKy)
2. npol/mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CBMOCmOflmeflbHO.
A pig once found some gold 0,nHa)l()J;bl CBMHbR.Hanrna 30JIOTO
and said, 'Thahk God! ,,, H CKa3aJia: «CnaBa 6ory!
This gold is so good! . 3m 30JIOTO TaK()e xopornee!
Ifl could dig out some more gold, EcnM 6b1 }I BbIKonaiia eIIJ,e 30JIOTa,
I would buy a lot offood!' J.[ Obi eynHna MHoro e,nb1!»
What didthe pig find? _Some gold. qTO Harnna CBHHb}I? 3o_!IOTO:.,
3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YKU [u], [au] u [au].
4. noallepKHU 6yKay 'O o' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaaunbHbliJ 3H8l./OK mpaHcKpunu,uu.
npollmu cnoaa.
LESSON 16. Letter Pp
~ Pp ~
. [p] pen, pan, plot, pasta, pet, problem, potato, pebble
' ......••..•...•••...•......•...............................................................
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
. .
prince, princess,
Wh~t did the prince say to the princess? 1ITo CKa3a11 rrpllHQ rrp1rnu;ecce?
3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YK [p].
J/2 4. 3aK. 489 53
.Can y01.i sew? Can you knit? ThI MoJKeIIIh IIIHTh? Thi MOJKeIIIh BH3afi,?
3. HaiJau u noallepKHu 3BYK [p].
peahen, peacock
Why did the peacock sell the clock? IloqeMy rraBJIHH rrpo.n;an qacb1?
3. HaiJau u noallepKHU 3BYK [p].
2. 06aeou 6yKay «Pp».
[p] \
4. noollepKHU 6yKay 'o' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaaunbHbtu 3Hal/oK mpaHcKpun4uu.
LESSON 17. Letter Q q
......................•.....................•...•...•.................•... •. ...
' .: Qq
.· [kw] quiet, queue, square, quarter, quality
. .
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
I can lose my throne and state J[Mory IIOTepHTb H TpOH H rocy,napCTBO,
If I run in such a haste! ' EcrrH 6y,ny TaK crrernHTb !»
And she added in despair, H oHa ,no6aBJma B oTqaHHHH:
'All for a stupid little hare!' «H Bce H3-3a KaKoro-To ,nypau;Koro 3aifu;a!»
Did the queen catch the hare? Why? KoporreBa rroliMarra 3aifu;a? floqeMy?
What could the queen lose? "llTO OHa Morna IIOTepHTb?
3. Haaau u noa4epKHU 38YK [kw].
4. noa4epKHU 6yKey 'Q' e cnoeax u Hanuwu Haa HeiJ npaeunbHbliJ 3Ha40K mpaHcKpun4uu.
npo4mume cnoea.
. Rr
[r] rat, red, row, rattle, rabbit, rose, cream, crocodile
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMOBKY.)
2. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.
A rhinoceros has a horn. Y Hocopora ecTh por.
In hot Africa it was born! OH po,n;tmc» B )l(apKOH A$pHKe.
A rhinoceros lives in a field, · Hocopor )l(HBeT B none.
Its thick skin covers it as a shield. Ero TOJICTa» KO)l(a IIOKpbIBaeT ero KaK IIJ,HT.
A rhinoceros seems so tough, OH BhirM)J,HT TaKHM KPYThIM,
A rhinoceros stepsso hard! OH czynaeT TaK rn)l(eJio.
But inside it is warm and nice Ho B )J.yil1e OH )J,06pbIH H MHJibIH,
And it has such a loving heart! Y Hero TaKoe mo6»111ee cep)J,u;e!
2. 06eeou 6yKey «R r».
4. noollepKHU 6yKey 'R r' 8 dnoeax U H8nUWU H80 Heu npaBUflbHb/U 3H81./0K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
npollmu cnoea.
LESSON 19. Letter S s
c cornacHoii s qttTaii KaK [s],
BCer~a Me)l(~y rJiaCHbIX s qttTaii KaK [ z]'
a eCJIH p51~0M s ll h, KaK 1HX CJie~yeT rrpoqecTb!
I'm sorry!
Forgive me, please.
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMOBKY.)
What is snow? It's frozen rain. lJTO.TaKOe CHer? 3TO 3aMep3IIIHH ,D;o:>K.[l;b.
3. HaiJau u noa4epKHU 38YK [s].
2. 06eeou 6yKey «S s».
4. noo4epKHU e cnoeax 6yKey 'S s' u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaeunbHbJU 3Hal/OK mpaHcKpun4uu.
npo4mu cnoea.
LESSON 20. Letter T t
.: T t .: [t] tree, tank, toy, trouble, tent, two, tea, tiger, too
.. ..
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
TV set
Time flies fast. I grow and grow! Bpewr nenn 6bICTpo . .5I pacry H pacry.
A turtle is slow, a worm is slow. qeperraxa Me;::i:neHHa», qepBfil< Me;::i:neHHhIH.
I learn and study really fast! A » yqycb H 06yqa10cb 6blcTpo.
I like to come to my English class! .5I Jil06JilO rrptt:XO)J,HTb Ha ypoK aHrJIHHCKOro.
tin soldier
TTT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[t] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. noa'-lepKHU a cnoaax 6ykay 't' u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaaunbHbliJ 3HB'-IOK mpaHcKpun4uu.
npO'-lmu cnoaa
LESSON 21. Letter U u
...... ........... ........................ .......
. . [A] sun, but, uncle, butter, button, ugly
..: u u ...: Liu] music, tune, June, prune, unicorn
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)
2. Repeat affer me. (noamopu 3a MHoi1.)
3. npo1.1mu aMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.
a) Sound (3ayK) [A] sun, but, uncle, butter, button, ugly
b) Sound (3ayK) uu] music, tune, June, prune, unicorn
4. 8bfYl/U npaauno Hau3ycmb!
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY)
2. npo1.1mu BMecme C auKmopOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.
Four hooves and a horn! qeTb1pe KOIIbITa H por.
Four hooves and a horn! qeThipe KOIIbITa H por.
Who are you? Krn TbI?
A unicorn! E,ri:ttHopor!
ketchup, lunch,
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywai1 puc/JMOBKY.)
2. npollmU BMecme C OUKmOpOM, a 3BmeM npol./mU CBMOCmORmenbHO.
~ ~ - ~
"My dear burger! My Big Mac! "Moil ,ll,oporoii raM6yprep! 1foii Enr MaK!
I love you so", said Scrooge MacDuck. KaK j{ 1'e6j{ mo6mo", CKa3aJI CKpy,ll,)J( MaK)::{aK.
·"With French fries and ket<;hpp, "C )J(apeHOH KapTOIIIKOH, .KeTqynoM,
With chicken or fish, you're forever C Kypnuoii HJIH pb16oii - TbI Bcer,ll,a
My best.. loved dish! Moe mo6nMoe 6mo,ll,o!
I eat you for breakfast, for dinner and lunch. .51 CM re6j{ Ha 3aBTpal(, )')KHH H o6e,ll,,
In bed, in my car _::____ I love you so much! B nocrenn, BMaIIIHHe, - j{ TaK Te6j{ mo6mo !
Wherever I go, wherever I fly, Ky.D.a 6b1 j{ HH noexan, Ky.D.a 6b1 HH noneTeJI,
Without McDonald's I'll certainly die!" Ee3 MaK,ll,OHaJib,ll,Ca H npocm YMPY!"
2. 06eeau 6yKey «U u».)
. . . .
unicorn, unicorn, unicorn, unicorn
umbrella, umbrella, umbrella, umbrella
sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun
duckling, duckling, duckling
truck, truck, truck, truck, truck
3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpunU,UU.
4. noa1.1epKHu e cnoeax 6yKey 'U u' u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaeunbHbti1 3Ha1.10K mpaHcKpunu.uu.
npo1.1mu cnoea
.. •..........•..................................
..: V v ..: [v] visit, seven, eleven, twelve, view, vase, ever, never
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)
van, vehicle,
vegetable, valley
1. 06aeau 6yKay « V V» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.
2. 06aeau 6yKay «V v».
4. noa'-lepKHu a cnoaax 6yKay 'v' u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaaunbHbliJ 3Ha'-IOK mpaHcKpun4uu.
npo'-lmu cnoaa.
seven, eleven, view, vase, van, olive
5. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHblX 6yKa.
1/2 5* 71
LESSON 23. Letter W w
. .. [w] water, what, wolf, when, where, weather, wine, Willy, why
...: Ww ..: [h] whose, who
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
A small white wolf wants to drink some ManeHbKHH 6e11L1ii BOJIK xoqeT BbIIIHTb
water. BO)l.bl.
The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Iloro)l.a CTaHOBHTC~ see )Kapqe 11 )Kapqe.
What does the wolf want to drink? Why? lITO XOl:JeT BbIIIHTb BOJll:JOHOK? IloqeMy?
3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [w].
1. 06eeou 6yKey «WW» u Hanuwu ee caM oo KOH4a cmpoKu.
4. noo4epKHU 6yKey 'w' a cnoeax u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaeunbHbtu 3Ha4oK mpaHcKpun4uu.
npo4mu cnoea.
LESSON 24. Letter X x
.: [ks] box, fox, wax, tax, axe
1. 06aeau 6yKey «XX» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.
2. 06aeau 6yKBY «XX».
4. noal/epKHu 6yKey 'Xx' a cnoeax u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaeunbHbtu 3Hal/oK mpaHcKpun4uu.
npollmu cnoea.
LESSON 25. Letter Y y
~ y y ~ rn you, yes, yellow, boy, toy, enjoy, employ
: [i] mommy, Tony, pony, bunny, rainy
.: ..
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)
2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.)
3. npollmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoHmenbHO acnyx.
a) Sound (3ByK) [j] you, yes, yellow, boy, toy, enjoy, employ
b) Sound (3BYK) [i] mommy, Tony, pony, bunny, rainy
4. Bb1y4u npaauno Hau3ycmb!
4. noa'-lepKHu 6yKay 'Y y' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaaunbHbtiJ 3Ha'-loK mpaHcKpun4uu.
npo'-lmu cnoaa.
OB __ll~o_TY~l I NYOP
LESSON 26. Letter Z z
.. ...
: Zz
...: [z] zoo, zebra, zero, buzz, zed
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
1. 06aeau 6yKay «Z z» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.
2. 06aeau 6yKBY «Z Z».
4. noallepKHU 6yKay 'z' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Haa HeiJ npaaunbHbtiJ 3Hal/OK mpaHcKpun4uu.
npollmu cnoaa.
.. .. ..
..: Ch ch ..: [tj'] chalk, chair, cheese, watch, much, such, charming ...:
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.)
2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoiJ.)
, cheerful, charming,
ditch, witch, watch
Ch Ch Ch
ch ch ch
4. noal./epKHU 6yKBOCOl./emaHUe 'ch' U H8nUWU Haa HUMU npaBUflbHbtiJ 3H8l./OK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
npolfmu cnoea.
-. 3aK. 489 81
LESSON 28. Letters Sh sh
. .
..: Sh sh ..: [n shoe, sheep, ship, shine, wish, dish, shadow, shame
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
Do sheep wear their leather shoes? Why? 0BeqKH HOC»T KO:lKaHI>Ie ryqmM? lJoqeMy?
3. Hauou u nool/epKHU 3BYK [f].
Better make a wish!" JI~rne 3ara.naH: )l(eJiamte!
I wish to eat a goldfish. - )KerraIO C'beCTb )l(l:IPHYIO 30JIOT)'IO pbI6Ky.
This is my greatest wish. 3To Moe caMoe 6orrhrnoe )l(erram1e!
What was the cat's greatest wish? KaKoe 6blrro caMoe 6orrhrnoe )l(eJiaHI:Ie Korn?
3. Ha uau u noa1.1 epKHU 3BYK [f].
.: Th th .: [o] this, that, these, those, bathe, weather, together,
.. ... brother, mother, father, with, clothes
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)
2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.)
3. npolfmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmo>1menbHO acnyx.
Sound (3ByK) [o] this, that, these, those, bathe, weather, together, brother, mother, father,
with, clothes
bathe, weather
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY.)
2. npolfmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmo>1menbHO.
My brother bathes in any weather. Moll: 6paT KynaercH B mo6yi0 noro.ey.
These days we go to bathe together. B 3TM ~HH MhI KynaeMcH BMecre.
3. Hauou u nool./epKHU 3BYK [o].
~ Th th ~ [8] thick, thin, moth, think, myth, thistle, things, nothing, everything
thin, thick
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoBKY.)
2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU C8MOCmOflmenbHO.
I like all books - thin and thick. .5I mo6mo Bee KHHTH - TOHKHe H TOilCTbie.
I want to know everything! .5I xoqy Bee 3HaTb.
I' 11 read all books - thin and thick, .5I rrpoqry Bee KHHrH - TOHKHe H TOilCTbie
Then I'll know everything! H 6y.zzy 3HaTb Bee!
What books do you like thin or thick? KaKHe KHIDKKH TbI mo6mnb "CmTaTb, TOHKHe
HilH TOilCTbie?
Do you like reading? Tb1 mo6mnb qHTaTb?
3. HaiJau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [8]
Th Th Th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
th th th
[8] thick, thin, moth, think, myth, thistle, things, nothing, everything
[o] this, that, these, those, there, mother, father, brother, weather
6. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHblX 6yKa.
LESSON 30. Letters Ph ph
...: Ph ph ..: [f] philosopher, Physics, photographer, catastrophe, elephant, trophy
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoiJ.)
3. npo1.Jmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.Jmu caMocmoHmenbHO ecnyx. ·
Sound (3ByK) [f] philosopher, Physics, photographer, catastrophe, elephant, trophy
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMoeKy.)
2. npol./mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmOHmenbHO.
Two tusks and a trunk. ,[(Ba 6MBIDI Mxo6oT.
Who is it? An elephant! KTo :no? Cnott!
--- ········· ······ ·· ······ ····· ·· ······· ··· ····· ········· ····· ····· ·············· ················ ············ ··········································
Ph Ph Ph
ph ph ph
• ~ 6' 87
2. Hanuwu 6yKaoco1.1emaHue «ph» a uHmepaane.
LESSON 31. Sounds [a:] u [J:]
.. ..
Sound (3BYK)
..: Spelling (HanucaHHe) .: Example (npHMep)
.. ... ..
sound ..: spelling
.: example .:
1· ["'.,·.] \ ~
. oo, ou, au, aw, or, al, ar
~ door,
.d h
floor, four, port, short, ~
d .
: : aug ter, raw, sport, all, warm:
d r I ~I-h-rt~
d__ghter II'---_fl_ r _
4. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
[J:] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
. .
· [i] : . . : this, his, listen, thin,
~ ~gym, typical, pretty, build, guitar
y, e, m
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywai1 cnoea.)
Ar~e you slim? Can you swilp? Thi cTpo:Hnrui:~ T1>1 MOiKeIIII> rrnaBaTb?
3. Hauau u noallepKHu 3BYK [i].
... .. ..................
: : : green, sheep, sleep, deep, niece, piece, :
l [i:] l ee, 1e, ea, e, ey, ei, 1 l believe, read, bead, teacher, these, sea, l
: :
. :
complete, key, keep, receive, police :
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)
3. npolfmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmoHmenbHO ecnyx.
Sound (3ByK) [i:] green, sheep, sleep, deep, niece, piece, believe, read, bead, teacher,
these, sea, complete, key, keep, receive, police
sh_ p Il._____sh___p_~
t cher I l._____k_y_·_
4. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
[i] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LESSON 33. Sounds [ai], [ei] u [~i]
l. [ai·] l. ! like, time, island, fly, try, cycle, light,
: i, y, ie, igh, ei, ey, uy h' h fl' ht d' t' h · ht b
.: 1g , 1g , 1e, 1e, e1g , eye, uy
. .
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)
3. npo'-lmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo'-lmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
Sound (3ByK) [ ai] like, time, island, fly, try, cycle, light, high, flight, die, tie, height,
eye, buy
wait, late
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoaKy.}
2. npollmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO.
A little wolf cub nice and grey MarreHbKHM BonqoHoK, cepbIM tt MMJihIM
Went to the forest in the rain. Ilornen B nee B ,n:O)l(Jl:h,
Under a tree it had to wait, EMy rrp11rnnocb )l(Jl:aTb rro,n: ,n:epeBoM
So it came back home very late. I1 OH rrpttIIIeJI ,n:OMOll oqeHb II03Jl:HO.
Why did the wolf cub come home late? IJoqeMy BOJiqOHOK I103Jl:HO rrpttIIIeJI Jl:OMOtt?
3. HaiJou u nool/epKHU 3BYK [ei].
....•...••.... ....•.•••.••••..•..••.•.... •..•.........••.••••.....••..•....•• ••.......
.: .
.. [::ii] :
boy, toy, joy, enjoy, employ
3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 36YK [::>i].
1. noallepKHU collemaHuR 6yKa, Komopb1e L1uma10mcR KaK [ai], u npollmu cnoaa acnyx.
sland 11
b tr n
t - - c- cle 11
s r n
5. nponUWU 3HaK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
6. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHblX 6yKa.
. .. ..
Sound (3syK) [:)] top, pocket, hop, frog, fog, hog, what, watch, want
hop, fog
What did the hedgehog have for lunch? lfTO CbeJI Ha o6e,ll, e)K}fK?
3. HaiJou u nool/epKHU 3BYK [:J].
- . 3aK. 489 97
fairy, magic wand
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY)
.. . \
some, mother, month
but, fun, sunny, sun, husband, butter, plug, but-
: (A] :.. o,u,ou
ton, cousin, bug, truck, double, trouble, young
double, trouble,
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY)
LESSON 35. Sound [t:]
. ..
.: .
.: : bird, shirt, skirt, her, third, burn, world,
.. [£:] .. ir, er, ur
fur, furniture
. .
.................................................................... .............................................
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)
2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoi1.)
3. npollmu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx
Sound (3ByK) [£:] bird, shirt, skirt, her, third, burn, world, fur, furniture
0 0
0 0
..: -er [~]
..: mother, father, sister, brother, weather, together, forever
················································· · ············~······················· ····························
What did the rose say to the thistle? 1ITO CKa3aJia po3a qepTOIIOJIOxy? .
3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [a].
..__w_tc_h_____,II'---_b_tt_on_l .___I_b_d____J
5. nponUWU 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.
LESSON 36. Sounds [g] H [fn]
: ng [IJ]
.: song, ring, sing, thing, everything, nothing, feeling, bring, long
.. ...
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
. .
ring, sing
... ..
...; -tion [Jn] ..: generation, revolution, evolution, population, nation, civilization
...••••......•••••••••..........••••••••••••••••• •••••••.....•............................•••••...........•......
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)
3. npoYmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npoymu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
so 11
I everythi_ _
[fn] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
..~ -tu re [tj'~] ..~ nature, sculpture, architecture, picture, structure, puncture, furniture
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoi1.)
3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU CaMOCmOflmenbHO BCnyx.
Sound (3syK) [tJ~] nature, sculpture, architecture, picture, structure, puncture,
literature, architecture,
sculpture, culture
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau puc/JMOBKY.)
2. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU CaMOCmOflmenbHO.
Literature, painting, architecture, sculpture - JlttTeparypa, )l(MBOIIMCb, apxttTeKrypa,
all put together are called culture! cKyn1>11rypa - see BMecTe 3TO Kyn1>rypa!
... ...
: - sion [3n]
: division, provision, television, conclusion, invasion
.. ... ..
1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)
2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoi1.)
3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU caMOCmOflmenbHO Bcnyx.
Sound (3syK) [3n] division, provision, television, conclusion, invasion
v1s1on, television
1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucf>MoBKy.}
2. npolfmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmoRmenbHO.
After watching Eurovision, ITocne rrpocMOTpa Espos11,nemrn:
Mary came to a conclusion M1p11 peumna rrepecTaTb cMoTpen, Tenes11,neH11e!
To stop watching television!
... .
..: -ower [au~]
.. flower, power, shower, tower
[tfg] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[3n] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 oaHHblX 6yKB.
2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npo1.1mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu eao caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
An alien lives in space. I1HomrnHernmrn )KJrneT B KOCMoce.
An alien comes from the stars. I1HorrnaHernmrn rrpm1erneT co 3Be3)],.
His home is on Venice or Mars. Ero )],OM Ha BeHepe mrn Mapce,
From where he comes to see us! 0TKy)].a OH rrpirnerneT rroB11)],aTb Hae.
I wonder why he comes? I1HTepecHo, 3aqeM OH rrp1u1erneT?
I hope that he likes us! Ha)],eIOCb, MbI eMy HpaBl1MC5I.
What does the baby look like? Is it ugly? KaK Bblrn5I)],MT Mna.neHeu;? OH HeKpac11B1>rii?
1. npo'-lumau BMecme c OUKmopoM:
Spiderman, Batman,
plan, save the world
2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.
Who wanted to save the world? How? Km xoTeJI cnacTM Mttp? KaK?
beetle, octopus
2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.
Four paws, one body, one tail, one head- qeTbipe nan11, O)J,HO Terro, O)J,MH XBOCT, O)J,Ha
This is what most animals have. 3TO ecTb y 60JI1Illl1HCTBa )l(l1BOTH1IX.
Two hands, one body, one nose, one mouth - ,l],Be pyKM, O,IJ;HO TeJIO, O)J,MH HOC, O)J,HH poT -
This is what people have and so have 3rn ecT1 y nro,neH: Mo6e3baH.
112 s· 111
Two legs, two arms, two ears, two eyes, ,n:se HOrH, .n;se pyKH, .n:sa yxa, .n;sa rrra3a,
32 teeth-you look really nice! 32 3y6a -ThI BhITJl51.ll:Mlllh npeKpacHo!
One hand - five fingers! 0,n:Ha pyKa - n51Th naJI1>u;es.
One foot-five toes! 0,n:Ha Hora - n51Th naJihqifKOB.
Six legs - a beetle! llleCTh HOr - 3TO )l(yK!
Eight legs - an octopus! BoceMh Hor - oc1>MHHor!
boring, sad
It's so boring to get up in the morning! TaK TOCKJIHBO BCTaBaTh no yTpaM!
It's so sad to go to bed! · TaK rpycTHO JIO)l(HThC51 cnaT1>!
When I grow up, I'll never get up! Kor.n;a 51 Bhipacry, HHKOr,n:a He 6y.n;y BCTaBaTh !
When I'm as old as dad, I'll never go to bed! Kor.n;a 6y.n;y 60JI1>moif, KaK nana, HHKor.n;a He
6y.n;y JIO)l{HThC51 cnaT1>!
hardworking, lazy,
drive crazy, be fond of
Her sister Daisy is very lazy. Ee cecTpa ,D,eii3H oqeH1> neHHBa».
She drives her mother really crazy! 0Ha CBO)J.HT CBOIO MaTh c yMa.
She stays all day in bed. 0Ha Bech )1.eHh npOBO)J.HT B IIOCTenH
And now she's so fat I1 Terrepb OHa TaKa» TOilCTa»,
That about Prince Charming tfro o rrpeKpacHoM rrpttHii:e
she'll have to forget! EM: rrptt.IJ.eTc» 3afa1Th !
computer, mouse,
screen, joystick,
button, press, use,
start, plug
2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npol./mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoflmenbHO ecnyx.
I have a computer! Y MeH» eCTh KOMilbIOTep!
Computer, computer! KoMIIhIOTep, KOMIIhIOTep!
I have a mouse, I have a screen. Y MeH» ecTh MhIIIIh, 3KpaH,
I have many CDs with games MHoro .IJ.HCKOB c ttrpaMH,
And a joystick. I1 )1.)l(OHCTHK!
I just don't know how to begin! .5I Ton1>Ko He 3HaIO, KaK HaqaTh!
How to start it? Where to plug it? KaK BKnJOqlfTh ero? Ky.IJ.a IIO.IJ.KnIOqMTh ero?
Maybe you know which button to press? Mo)l(eT, BhI 3HaeTe, Ha KaKyIO KHOIIKY Ha)l(aTb?
It looks so good but how to use it? OH Bhiril»)J.HT KnaCCHO, HO KaK HM IlOilh30BaTbC»?
I wish I knew it or at least I could guess! XoTen 61>1 » 3HaTb MnH xorn 61>1 )1.0ra.IJ.1>iBaT1>C»!
1. npol/umau 8Mecme c OUKmopoM:
2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npollmu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, \Vednesday, BocKpeceHbe,rroHe.n;eJibHHK,BTOpHHK,cpe.n;a,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, two days off qeTBepr, II5ITHHIJ;a, cy66orn - )J,Ba BbIXO)J,HbIX
and five working days. H II5ITb pa6oqHX )],Hell.
Every week has seven days! B Ka)J{)J,OH He)],eJie ceMb .n;Heli.
IIposepbTe .[{HH He.[{eJIH rro KaJieH.[{ap10. IIorrpocnTe Ha3BaTb .[{CHb He.ll,eJIH rro KaJieH)J,ap10.
1. npol/umau BMecme C OUKmOpOM:
dirty, dirt,
word, thought
2. npocnywaD cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npol/mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
"I'm not dirty'', said a pig. 51 He rp5I3Ha5I, CKa3aJia CBMHh5I.
"I'm not as dirty as you may think!" 51 He TaKa5I rp5I3Ha5I, KaK BhI MO:>KeTe rro.n.yMaTh.
You can always wash off dirt, T1>1 Bcer.n.a MO:>KeIIIh CMhITh rp5I3h,
But it's so hard to wash off dirty words. Ho TPY.ll.HO CMhITh .n.ypHhie cJioBa,
And it's even harder to wash off dirty ll eIIIe Tpy.n.Hee - .ll.;YPHhie MhICJIM!
1. npOl./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:
1. npo4UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:
son, husband,
daughter, house, garden
2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomsopeHue.
A goblin
1. npo4Uma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM.'
goblin, gobble up
2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.
Back came the house and the hill, 06paTHO Il051BHJIC51 ,D,OM Ha XOJIMe,
Two lovely children - Jack and Jill, ,n:Ba MHJibIX pe6eHKa - ,n:)l(eK H ,n:)l(HJI,
The bull, the cow, the dog, the cat! bbIK, KopoBa, co6aKa, KOIIIKa.
Flew out the bird and then the bat! BbIJieTerra nTMqKa, a 3a Hell: Jieryqa51 MbIIIIb.
Out came the sun and then the moon! BbIIIIJIM COJIHI.(e H rryHa,
Back came the car, the cup, the spoon! CHoBa n051BMJIMCb MaIIIMHa, qaIIIKa, JIO)l(Ka!
I play the piano, the flute, the guitar. .5I HrpaIO Ha IIMaHMHO, cprre:H:Te MfHTape.
When I grow up, I will be a star! Kor,D,a 51 BbipacTY, To CTaHy 3Be3,D,oll:.
I'll travel and travel all over the world Ey,D,y nyTeIIIeCTBOBaTb no BCeMy MHpy,
I'll play music you've never heard! HrpaTb MY3bIKy, KOTopyIO Bbl HMKOr,D,a He CJibI-
Can you play the piano? The flute? Tb1 MO)l(eIIIb HrpaTb Ha nMaHMHO? Ha cpJiell:Te?
How do you see? How do you hear? KaK Thi BH.ZJ:Hlllh? KaK Thi CJihIIIIHIIlb?
What will you do when you grow up? qeM Thi 6y.n;emh 3aHHMaThC51, Kor.n;a Bhipac-
I'm ill. J
sweet, salty,
bitter, juicy
2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npo4mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
Ja111is sugary and sweet! ,[()l(eM caxapH1>1ii ncna,n;Knii!
Ham is juicy and so is meat! Berqirna cocrna» H M»co TO)J(e.
P~ppefi$bitter. Sugar issweet. Ilepeu rop1>KHii. Caxap cna,n;KHii.
Lemon is sour! I don't like it! J1HMOH KHCJI1>1ii. MHe OH He HpaBHTCH.
Salt is salty! But we need it: Con1> coneHa», HO oHa HaM tty)J(Ha.
Without it we couldn't eat! ' Ee3 Hee MbI He MornH 6b1 ecTb!
Jim is bad!
2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
Jim is really bad! ,l.t;)l(llM oqeHb rrnoxoH:!
He's a ten-ible lad! OH yJKaCHbIH napeHb!
He won-ies his granny and mom! OH paccTpairnaer 6a6yrney H MaMy!
-He lies and swears Ott speT H pyraeTCH,
And pulls girls by the hair, ,l.t;epraeT .n;esoqeK 3a sonocbI,
And sometimes even steals chewing gum! A Hlior.n;a .n;aJKe nopyeT )l(eBaTeJibHYIO pe3HHKy!
Is Jim good? Why is lie terrible? ,l.t;)l(HM xopomttH:?. floqeMY QH TaKOH y)l(aCHbIH?
. language
2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
I like to study languages. MHe HpaBHTCH H3yqaTJ:dI3bIKH.
I like 'to read and learn. Mtte ttpanHTCH qffTaTb 1:1 yqHTbCH.
I want to know everything! 5l xoqy 3HaTb nee!
When I grow up, I'll change the world! Kor.n;a H BI>Ipaczy, H H3MeHIO 3TOT MHp!
What happened to the mice? Retell t4e story. llm cnyqnnocb c MbIIllaMH? I1epecKa)l(H!
It's Monday!
2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmopOM, 8 38meM npollmU C8MOCmORmenbHO ecnyx.
It's Monday and mommy goes to work! CerO)lHH IIOHe)leilbHHK, H MaMa H)leT Ha pa6ory.
She'll be back at 6 o'clock! 0Ha aepHeTCH TOilbKO B IIIeCTb!
When I grow up, I will work from home, Kor)la H Bb1pacTy, H 6y)ly pa6oTaTb ,n;oMa,
So my children won't be alone! II MOH )leTfI He 6y,n;yT OJJ:HH !
On what days do your parents work? B KaKHe )lHH TBOH po,n;HTenH pa6oTaIOT?
On what days do they stay at home? B KaKHe JJ;HH OHM OCTaIOTC5I JJ;OMa?
9• 123
1. npoYuma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM:
IIorrpocttTe ,[{eTeii HapttcosaTh MhIIIIHHYIO ceMhIO, 3aTeM rrycTh HapttcyIOT CBOIO ceMhIO H
paccKa)l(yT o Hett.
My name is Nicky!
1. npoYuma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM."
boring, cool
2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.
3. npoYmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npoYmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.
Hi, my name is Nicky. I study at school. IlpttseT, MeH51 30BYT HHKH . .5:I yqych B IIIKOJie.
I think school is boring. .5:I ,I(JMaIO IIIKOJia - 3TO TOCKa.
Playing football is cool! lirpaTh B M51q - 3.I(oposo!
I don't like reading. I like playing ball. .5:I He n106n10 qHTaTh . .5:I JII06JIIO ttrpaTh B M51q.
I don't like studying. I don't like it at all! .5:I He JII06JIIO yqHThC51, cosceM!
I like to eat pasta and meat. .5:I n106JIIO ecTh MaKapoHhI c M5ICOM.
I like to drink coffee with milk. .5:I JII06JIIO IIHTh KOQ:>e c MOJIOKOM.
I don't like fish. It's not my dish. .5:I He JII06JIIO pb16y. 3TO 6mo.no He ,I(JI51 MeH5I.
When I grow up
1. npol./uma(J BMecme c OUKmopoM:
Why did Red Riding Hood go to the wood? IloqeMy KpacHa» lllarroqKa rrornna B nee?
What happened to her? What did the wolf do? l.JTo c Heil npomornno? qTO c.n;enan sonK?
Was the granny tasty? What did the wolf say? Ehma nn 6a6yrnKa BKYCHa»? qTo CKa3an
What is the wolf going to eat from now? sonK? qTo OH Terrepb co6npaeTc.H ecTb?
Santa Claus
2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.
3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoflmenbHO acnyx.
. I canhear from the kitchen .5I CilblllIY Ill)'M C K}'XHH .
There's someone in the chimney! TaM KTO-TO ecTh B Tpy6e!
Can it be ·s anta Claus? Mo)KeT 3TO CaHTa Knayc?
In his red coat, with a red nose? B KpacHOH Illy6e c KpaCHbIM HOCOM?
But how can he get in, I wonder, Ho KaK, HHTepecHo, MO)KeT rronacTh
In my chimney - a real Santa? B MOI-O Tpy6y HaCTOHII(HH CaHra?
My chimney is narrow and Santa is fat. Tpy6a y3KaH, a CaHTa ToncTbIH!
I£-he gets in, he will be trapped! EcnH OH Bne3eT ry.D:a, OH TaM 3acTpHHeT!
Then all the presents that he has Tor,lJ;a Bee IlO.D:apI<H, KOTOpbie y Hero eCTb,
Will be for me and all my friends! ,D,ocTaHYTCH MHe H MOHM .D:PY3b.SIM!
married, wife,
children, state
2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomaopeHue.
3. npol.fmu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoflmenbHO acnyx.
Scrooge McDuck- CKpy.n;:>K MaK,ll,aK -
A greedy old duck! CrnpaH 1Ka.D:Ha.SI yTKa.
Has a lot of money. y Hero TaK MHOro ,lJ;eHer!
Quack-quack-quack! KpH-KpH-Kp.SI!
He has no friends, he has no wife. y Hero HeT .D:py3eif, HeT :>KeHbI!
He's married to his money. OH :>KeHaT Ha CBOHX ,lJ;eHbrax!
Do you call this life? 11 Bbl Ha30BeTe 3TO :>KH3HbI-O?
Scrooge McDuck - CKpy.D::>K MaK,D,aK -
A stupid old duck! CrnpaH rnynaH YTKa.
One day fell ill and died. 0.D:Ha:>KlJ:hI 3a6onen H )'Mep!
Quack-quack-quack.! KpH-KpH-KpH!
He had no children, he had no wife. Y Hero He 6bmo ,n;eTeii, He 6J,rno :>KeHbI,
So the state took all his money! TaK qTO rocy.D:apcrno 3a6pano Bee ero .D:eHbrH.
What bad luck! KaKoe HeBe3eHhe !
\Vho took all his money? Why? KTO 3a6pan Bee ero .D:eHbn1? lJoqeMy?
Was Scrooge McDuck smart or stupid? CKpy.D::>K 6brn )'MHhIM HnH rnyrrhIM?
l/2 9• 127
1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:
too short,
1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:
shower, clean,
fresh, tickle
2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npol./mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu eao caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
·I take a shower eve1f day JC npHHHMaio iiYIII Ka)K.n;1>1ii .n;eH1>,~
,to wash all the dust and dirt away! qT06b1 CMhITh BCIO n1>rn1> H rp.s131>.
·It tickles my nose! It tickles my toes! OH m:eKoqeT MOH Hoc, m:eKoqeT na.rr1>qHKH
J feel as clean and as fresh as a rose! Hor, H H qyBcTBYIO ce6H qHcToii H cse)Kett,
KaK po3a.
How often do you take a shower? /\
Do you like it? Why? KaK qacTo ThI npHHHMaeII11> ,lJ;YIII?
Te6e 3TO HpaBHTCH? IfoqeMy?
1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM.'
snail, rail
2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomaopeHue.
3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl./mU CBMOCmORmenbHO acnyx.
A big fat snail was ().llce crawling across a raiL Eonbllla51 )l(MpHa51 ynMTKa rromna qepe3
Abig fast train once was rolling along a rail. EonbIIIOii noe3JfKaTMJICH no penbcaM.
Hurry, hurry, stupid snail! ToporrMCb, rnyrraH YJIRTKa!
You still have time to cross the rail! Y re6H eme ecTb apeMH rreperromrM .~epe3
Does the snail have time to cross the rail? EcTb JIM y ynMTKM apeMH rreperromTM qepe3
1. npol./umaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM.'
How many balls do you need to make a CKOJibKO HY)l(HO KOMKOB CHera, qro6bI c.n.e-
snowman? naTh CHefOBMKa?
1. np04Uma(J BMecme C auKmopoM:
snail, rail
2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.
3. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, 8 38meM np04mU C8MOCmORmenbHO BCnyx.
A big fat snail was once crawling across a rail. nOJihIIIa.51 )IUipHa.51 ymnKa rroJI3Jia qepe3
A big fast train once was rolling along a rail. DOJibllIOH rroe3.n. KaTMJIC5I ITO peJibCaM.
Hurry, hurry, stupid snail! ToporrMch, rnyrra5I YJIMTKal
You still have time to cross the rail! Y Te65I eme ecTh BpeM5I rreperroJI3TM qepe3
Does the snail have time to cross the rail? EcTh JIM y yJIMTKM BpeM5I rreperroJI3TM qepe3
1. np04Uma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM."
How many balls do you need to make a CKOJihKO Hy)KHO KOMKOB cHera, qT061>1 c.ue-
snowman? JiaTh CHeroBMKa?
1. npol/UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM."
poor, swing,
bump your head
2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npo4mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
Poor Ted now feels so bad! Ee,DJUDKKa Te.n Terrepi, qyacTByeT cefo1 TaK
He was swinging in a tree, OH J<aqanc.s1 Ha .nepeae,
Fell and bumped his head! Ynan H y,napHJICH roJioaoii .
What a stupid lad! With an empty head. . qTO 3a myn@H hapeHI,! c rrycTOH roJIOBOH! '
He's a pain in the.neck for his mom and dad! OH- roJIOBHa.sI 60JI1> MaTepH H orn;a!
wicked witch,
troll, gnome
2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU C8MOCmORmenbHO BCflyX.
An old and ugly wicked witch Crnpa.s1 H ypo,nJIHBaH se,nbMa
Once was walking along the beach. 0.zJ;Ha)l()J;bI ryJI.s1Jia no ITJIH)l(y.
When she was taking her morning stroll Kor,na OHa coseprnana cso10 yrpeHHIOIO nporyJiey,
She met a big and scary troll. 0Ha BCTPeTirna 60Jib111oro H cTpa111Horo TpoJIJIH.
"What a beauty", said the troll. «qTO 3a Kpacamni;a, - CKa3an TpOJIJib. -
"I invite you to a ball!" 51 npHrna111a10 Te6.s1 Ha 6an!»
"No, I have to go home! «HeT, .s1 .IJ;OJI)l(Ha H.IJ;TH ,noMoif:,
I am married to a gnome!" 513aM~eM 3a rHOMOM».
"What a shame", replied the troll. «KaK o6H,nHo, - OTBeTHJI TpOJIJib. -
"It's sad that you can't be my girl!" )l{aJib, qm Thi He MO)l(e1111> 6bITb Moen .nesy111-
Was the witch young and beautiful? bbIJia JIII Be,IJ;bMa MOJIO)l;a II KpacIIsa?
1. npol/UmaiJ BMecme C OUKmOpOM:
We are friends!
2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.
3. npo1.Jmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.Jmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.
A white bear and a brown bear can be Eenhlif 11 6yp1>1ll: Me,nBe,n:1> MoryT ,n:py)l(ttTh -
friends - am I right? npaB,n:a?
A white hare and a grey hare live in the forest 3aa116eAAK113aa11 pycaK )J(HBYT B necy pa-
side by side. ,n:oM.
A white kitten and a red kitten eat together
from the same plate. Een1>1ll: H p1>I)J(Htt KOTeHoK e.n:n
White skinned, black skinned and yellow c 0,I(HOH rnpenKH.
skinned children - we are all brothers, we .lJ:eTH c 6enoll:, qepHoll: H )l(enmll: KO)l(ett -
are all friends! M1>1 Bee 6paT1>a, Bee ,n:py3MI!
Hapttcyll: o6opoTHa.
1. npo1.1uma(J BMecme C OUKmopoM:
2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.
The woodcutter ate a burger. ,l..ij>OBOCeK C'beJI 6yprep,
The woodpecker ate a worm. A ,JJ,UeJI qepm1Ka.
The woodcutter and the woodpecker ,l..(poBoceK c ,JJ,HTJIOM "
Once went out for a walk. KaK-TO pa3 rroIIIJIH rroryIDITb.
The woodcutter found an old shoe. ,l..(poBoceK HaIIIeJI crap1>1ii 6aIIIMaK,
·The woodpecker found a sock. A ,JJ,51TeJI HOCOK.
The woodcutter and the woodpecker ,l..(poBoceK II ,JJ,51TeJI
Once went hiking in the wood. KaK-TO pa3 IIOIIIJIH B IIOXO)J, B Jiec.
Since that time no one has seen them. c Tex rrop HIIKTO HX He BH)J,aJI.
·Now they are lost for good! Terrepb OHM IIOTepHHbl HaBcer,JJ,a!
What did they catch? What did they eat? llm OHM IIOMMaJIH? llTO OHM C'beJIH?
OCHOBHblE nPABlt1nA 4TEHV1rl ..................... ._............ . ......... 7
LESSON 1. Letter A a .. .. .......... . ........... . ..... . ...... .. . . .. . ........ 7
LESSON 2. Letter B b .. .... . . . ......... .... ... .. ... . .......... . .. . . . .. ... . 12
LESSON 3. Letter C c .... . ............. . .... . .. ·.... . ........... . . . ..... . .. 15
LESSON 4. Letter D d ....... . ............... .. ..... . ...... . ............... 18
LESSON 5. Letter Ee .... . ........... '. ....... . ..... . ................. . . . .. 21
LESSON 6. Letter F f ...... . ..... . .... . ........... ... ........... . .......... 24
LESSON 7. Letter G g ....... . ...... . ... .... . . .. .. .................. .. ..... 27
LESSON 8. Letter H h .. . ... . . .... . . ........ . ......... .. ..... . ... ... .. . .... 31
LESSON 9. Letter I i ...... . . . ......... . ............. . ........... . .......... 34
LESSON 10. Letter J j .... . ........... .. ......................... .. ........ 37
LESSON 11. Letter K k ............ , ..... . ............. . .. . ... . .... . . ....... 40
LESSON 12. Letter L I ...... . ... . .... .. ... . ...... . .. . ......... . ...... . ..... 43
LESSON 13. Letter M m . . ...... . ......... .... ........ ........... . ..... .. .... 45
LESSON 14. Letter N n . .... . ........... . ........................ . ......... 48
LESSON 15. Letter 0 o .................................................... 50
LESSON 16. Letter P p ............................................ . ....... 53
LESSON 17. Letter Q q ..... . ........... . .............. . ................... 56
LESSON 18. Letter R r .. . ... . ........ . .... . ...... . ............. .. .......... 58
LESSON 19. Letter S s ... ....... ..... . ......................... . . . .. . .. . ... 61
LESSON 20. Letter T t . ...... .......... . . .. ...................... . ......... 64
LESSON 21 . Letter U u ..... . .... . ................... . ...... . ............ . . 67
LESSON 22. Letter V v ... . :, . .. . .......... . ......................... . ....... 70
LESSON 23. Letter W w............. . ....... .. ....... . .... . .... .. .... . ..... 72
LESSON 24. Letter X x ..................................................... 74
LESSON 25. Letter Y y.................... . . . .......... . .. . ...... . ...... ... 76
LESSON 26. Letter Z z . .... . ................... . ................. . ......... 78
344082, r. POCTOB-Ha-.QoHy,
/ ' )>H3AaTenbCTBO nep. Xan-rypHHCKHH, 80
t~ eHHKC Ten.: (863) 261-89-50
PentoHanbHble npe.qcTae111TenbCTBa
Opnos tlMHTpHit CepreeBH'I
r. CaHKT-neTep6ypr, yn. CTpenb6HL1..1eHcKa5l, .Q. 15, K. 2
Ten.: 8-812-600-47-41, 8-952-248 -49 -38
E-mail: orlov@fx-spb.ru
, . , , , H3iJame.nbcmBo 344082, r. PocTos-Ha-.QoHy,
nep . XanTyp~HCK~~ . 80
• CsoespeMeHHyto AOCTaBKY KHll1r B nto6yto T04KY
CTpaHbl, 3A CYET 1113.QATEnbCTBA, aBTOTpaHC-
nopTOM 111 >KIA KOHTeVIHepaML-1.
+ PEAnbHblE L.J.EHbl.
+ HaAe>KHb1VI .QOXO.Q OT peanL113a4L11L11 KHL-1r Hawero
344082, r. PocTos-Ha-.QoHy, nep. XanTypL11HCKL11VI, 80
KoHTaKTHble Te11ect>0Hb1:
Ten.: (863) 261-89-53, 261-89-54, 261-89-55
261-89-56 , 261-89-57, cpaKC. 261-89-58