The Compulsion of The Holy Spirit

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The Compulsion of the Spirit

A Roland Allen Reader

Edited by David Paton &
Charles H. Long
The Compulsion of the Spirit
“We have seen that the apostles, inspired by the
Holy Ghost, began to preach Christ as the
Saviour. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit,
not only were their minds illuminated to see that
the name of Jesus could be glorified and His
claims vindicated in no other way than by the
salvation of men in Him; they themselves were
filled with a desire for the salvation of men akin
to that desire which led Him to take upon Him
human flesh.”
Paton & Long, 63.
The Gift of the Spirit the Sole Test of Communion

“Moved by the Holy Spirit given to them, the

apostles went forth as missionaries. The Holy
Spirit filled them with a desire for the salvation
of men in Jesus Christ; He revealed to them the
need of men. As they came into contact with
different types and orders of men, so the Holy
Spirit filled them with desire for the salvation
of these and with the sense of their need. They
could not but preach.”
The Gift of the Spirit the Sole Test of Communion

“The mere fact that uncircumcised men

were admitted into the Church, by
whomsoever they might have been admitted
and wherever, that mere fact that
uncircumcised men were members of the
Church of Christ would involve the
acceptance of the principle that men could
be saved without the law…
The Gift of the Spirit the Sole Test of Communion

…The Church would be a body in which

circumcised and uncircumcised members
alike hoped for, and received, a like
salvation. Then, if some men could be
saved without the law, so could all. If the
heathen who knew not the law could be
saved by Christ in the Church, then the Jew
too could be saved by Christ without the
law, if he chose to abandon the law.
Paton & Long, 87.
Missionary Spirit

“The Spirit, the missionary Spirit, was

given to all. Whosoever received the Holy
Ghost received that, and, in some degree, if
only by approval and support of the
missionary efforts of others, expressed it.
Some in the church received special
direction to special work in a special way or
in particular places…
Missionary Spirit

…So St. Paul and Barnabas were called to

evangelize the West. So St. Peter was sent
to the circumcision, so Timothy was taken
from Lystra to help St. Paul. Simeon and
Niger and Manaen, and others like them,
received no such special call. Yet they did
not fail to manifest the missionary spirit
within them.
Paton & Long, 91.
Missionary Spirit

“The Spirit was given to all…The Judaizers protested

strongly against the form in which the gospel was
preached to the Greeks; they sent out their own
emissaries to attack, to undermine, and to destroy, so
far as they possibly could, the influence and teaching of
St. Paul; but their opposition was directed, not against
the conversion of the heathen, not against missionary
work as such, but only against a particular form of
teaching which they deemed to be dangerous. It was
universally agreed that the gospel must be preached to
all nations.” Paton & Long, 92.
Missionary Spirit
“The Spirit of desire for the salvation of the world may
be expressed in any form of Christian activity; but that
Spirit is not revealed to others with equal clearness by
every form of activity. In the Acts, as I have tried to
point out, St. Luke makes the revelation of the Spirit
clear to us by setting before us the acts of those men in
the early Church whose lives were devoted to what we,
today, call ‘missionary work’. If he had dwelt upon the
labours of those others who were not engaged in this
special missionary work the revelation would have been
less clear.” Paton & Long, 92.
Missionary Spirit

• “If we believe in the Holy Spirit as He is

revealed in the Acts, we must be
missionaries. We cannot accept the
teaching of the Acts, we cannot believe that
the one thing of importance to our souls is
to receive and to know the Spirit, without
feeling ourselves driven to missionary
Missionary Spirit

…We cannot believe the Holy Spirit reveals

our own need and the need of men without
beginning to feel that need of men for Christ
laid upon us as a serious call to action….
Missionary Spirit

…We cannot believe that the Holy Spirit is

given to us that those who so need Christ
may be by us brought to find the one way of
salvation for their souls and bodies in this
world and in the world to come, without
feeling impelled to action….
Missionary Spirit

…We cannot believe that men everywhere,

whatever their previous education or
ignorance, whatever their civilization or
barbarism, are capable of receiving Christ
and His salvation, without being moved to
take a world-wide view of our
Missionary Spirit

…We must embrace the world because

Christ embraces the world, and Christ has
come to us, and Christ in us embraces the
world. Activity world-wide in its direction
and intention and hope and object is
inevitable for us unless we are ready to deny
the Holy Spirit of Christ revealed in the
Acts.” Paton & Long, 93.

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